Want a chance to take a LIVE class with me? Get tickets to FREE Muscle Intelligence Trainings on January 26th and February 4th, to 10x upgrade your effectiveness in the gym, and with your nutrition at muscleintelligence.com/tickets - seats are limited, so act now!
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In today's episode, I take a deep dive into the first three categories of my 16 Areas of Human Optimization framework.
I cover the effectiveness of training, mobility, and cardiovascular fitness and conditioning. I also dissect the high-impact habits, skills, and processes that you can use to show up at your energy best, cognitive best, and - ultimately - your mood best.
If you’re willing to invest a little bit of time and effort, and endure some temporary discomfort, this process will get you compounding benefits for the rest of your life.
In this episode, you'll learn:
- How to 10x Your Training Effectiveness
- The #1 Action Item to Completely Transform your Body in 90 Days
- My TOP Tools to Get Results AND Make them Sustainable
- Two Primary Approaches to Optimize EVERY Exercise
- A Simple Commitment to Put you Ahead of 97% of People
Get today's full episode guide for free at muscleintelligence.com/learn
Muscle Intelligence has opened the doors temporarily for new members ready to start in January 2023. We train Champions. If you’re interested, click here to see if you qualify.