Food is medicine, and most of what we know about nutrition is wrong. We all deserve to live the life we were meant to, illness-free. If you want to debunk the myths you’ve heard pushing plant-based diets like “eat the rainbow,” this episode is for you.
Judy Cho is board certified in holistic nutrition with a degree in psychology, and is also the author of Carnivore Cure. She takes a root-cause approach to chronic illness and helps guide her clients on their health journey with a meat-based elimination diet.
Judy’s story is one of healing. By eating meat-based she drastically changed her health. No more meds, no more depression.
In this episode, you’ll discover:
How eating a vegan diet can lead to eating disorders
How diet can cause or heal anxiety and depression
The meat-only elimination diet
Antioxidants in animal foods
How diet affects fertility
Food and mood journaling
The effect of seeds and spices on every cell in the body