What does it mean to be metabolically flexible, and how can we improve our metabolic flexibility? Cynthia Thurlow is a nurse practitioner, author of Intermittent Fasting Transformation, TedX speaker, and host of the Everyday Wellness Podcast. We talk about improving insulin sensitivity, how to fast around your cycle, how to fast if you're non-cycling, and more.
0:00: Introduction
2:08: Signs/symptoms that you may be insulin resistance
6:27: Sugar burner vs. fat burner
8:45: What we do in our 30s, 40s, and 60s affects our function in our 60s and beyond
10:45: First steps to take in improving your metabolic flexibility
19:20: Fasting for individuals <35 y/o
22:21: Fasting for individuals >35 y/o
24:10: Exercising in a fasted state
28:40: Importance of building muscle mass
31:35: How to find Cynthia Thurlow
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