We are so happy to welcome back Martinus Evans, Founder of the Slow AF Run Club. Since our last conversation, Martinus' amazing journey and inspiring story have kept unfolding and progressing, and in today's episode, we speak about his new book, his online community, his different business avenues, and his perspectives on success right now.
Martinus has always been about taking things to the next level, and that is probably why running is such a strong and apt metaphor for his life. We get into his thoughts on “going through the fire,” reliance on self, making the right sacrifices, and also how he schedules his time; all of which listeners will find highly actionable and motivating.
Martinus unpacks his framework of values, goals, and habits, and how the synergy of these three components can truly drive you forward. If you want to catch it all from the one and only Martinus Evans, be sure to join us for this essential episode!
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