Jason Ānanda Josephson Storm discusses conceptions of value after postmodernism. Is postmodernism a nihilistic relativism or an activist moralism? Critics have accused it of both. What values pervade the postmodern academic paradigm? How do value conceptions shift when the postmodern paradigm gets diffused in popular culture? Is the "is-ought distinction" actually valid? What would a positive value project look like, and what are its benefits? Finally, what comes next for metamodernism and Storm's work?
0:00 Introduction
0:52 Postmodernism: Relativist or Activist? Nihilist or Moralist?
9:11 Value vs. Critique
17:07 Politics and Academia
22:17 Postmodern Diffusions
31:04 Is vs. Ought: Who's Afraid of Normativity?
38:04 Systematic Metamodern Philosophy
43:08 Imagining a Positive Future: Ethics and Wisdom
55:55 How Can Academia Reincorporate Wisdom?
59:42:21 Towards a Paradigm Shift: The Future of Metamodernism
1:09:35 Paradigm Projects
1:14:49 What's Next?