In this wide-ranging conversation, Brendan Lee chats with Daisy Christodoulou and Jeanette Breen about all things to do with education. On the 10th anniversary of the 7 Myths about Education, he asks Daisy if there are any changes or additions she would make. She also talks about why rubrics give us an illusion of a shared language and the positive impact that AI could have on teacher workload.
Jeanette Breen provides her story of why and how she has used Comparative Judgement at her school and the impact it has had.
Resources mentioned:
No More Marking Blog Article: Does spelling matter?
You can connect with Daisy:
Twitter: @daisychristo
You can connect with Jeanette:
Twitter: @jettybe3
You can connect with Brendan:
Twitter: @learnwithmrlee
Facebook: @learningwithmrlee