Naps: Kristen Holmes and Emily Capodilupo discuss the physical and mental benefits to napping, the concept of sleep debt and how naps help offset it, plus how to incorporate your activities & day strain into planning the timing and duration of your naps.
Your greatest recovery amplifier: Naps. Kristen Holmes and Emily Capodilupo break down the value of napping on rest days (4:11), how naps maximize the quality of your training (7:03) and improve cognitive functioning (8:15), what you can gain from 3 minutes of slow wave sleep (9:23), why a 30-minute nap is only good sometimes (10:53) and why you should avoid napping for too long (12:50), the benefits of napping in between workouts (14:28), the napachino (15:10), the best time to sleep during the day (17:40), using WHOOP to manage sleep debt (23:14), avoiding binge sleeping (24:48), and tips to nap better (28:11).