On this episode, I was recently a guest on Kieser's Healthy to 100 podcasts. I was a guest there for two episodes. I thought it would be great to publish it in our own podcast because I think you will thoroughly enjoy the things we talked about in this podcast. It's pretty much going to basic with freestyle, with swimming and we looked at what really matters, what's worth knowing, what's worth doing when it comes to freestyle. I hope you enjoy this episode.
00:36 Background 02:13 Peak Of Swimming Career 04:35 Swimming Sessions 05:57 Training Sessions 06:52 Consistency 07:44 Load Management 08:27 Technique 10:02Common Technique Problems 13:26 Head Position in Pool And In Openwater 14:36 Alignment 17:13 Ripping the Band-Aid Off 20:53 Catch And Pull 21:35 High Elbow Catch 24:50 Shoulder Pain 32:43 Lower Back Pain