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The Rich Roll Podcast

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Mar 17, 2022 • 2h 18min

Roll On: War In Ukraine, Floods In Oz, & Sober Wisdom

In today's episode, Rich Roll & Adam Skolnick discuss the global effects of the war in Ukraine & the devastating floods in Australia—plus endurance headlines, listener Q's & more.Topics discussed in today’s episode include: The launch of Voicing Change II and the Golden Ticket Sweepstakes—where 6 lucky winners will take home a score of prizes valued over $1,100; Heidi Zuckerman's newest art book Conversations With Artists Volume III; Jesse Itzler's shotgun attempt at Ultraman Arizona on no formal training; The Russian invasion of Ukraine, the towering bravery of the Ukrainian people, and the war's global impact; and The apocalyptic floods devastating Queensland and New South Wales, Australia's relationship with coal & climate change, and how you can help. As always, we close things out by taking a few listener questions. Today we answer: How do you talk about addiction and sobriety with your kids? What advice do you have for someone navigating recovery and treatment? How do you maintain a relationship when one partner drinks and the other doesn’t? To read more and to peruse the show notes, click here. You can also watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.To grab your copy of Voicing Change Vol. II, visit: + Plants,Rich
Mar 14, 2022 • 1h 51min

Extend Your Life: Peter Diamandis, MD On The Future of Health & Longevity Science

In this episode, Rich sits down with Peter Diamandis for a conversation about the science and philosophy of lifespan extension, education, AI, space exploration, and the importance of mindset.Named by Fortune as one of the “World’s 50 Greatest Leaders,” Peter is the founder and executive chairman of the XPRIZE Foundation and executive founder of Singularity University. He has degrees in molecular genetics and aerospace engineering from MIT and an M.D. from Harvard Medical School, and over the course of his career, has started over 20 companies in the areas of longevity, space travel, venture capitalism, and education.A multiple NYT bestseller, Peter’s latest book, which he co-authored with Tony Robbins, is entitled “Life Force”.To read more about Peter and to peruse the show notes, click here. You can also watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.Enjoy!Peace + Plants,Rich
Mar 7, 2022 • 2h 19min

Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman On Changing Your Biology With Behavior

How does behavior affect your biology? What does neuroscience say about hypnosis, breath work, and meditation? Are behavioral tools more powerful than pharmaceuticals in changing your state and focus?Today we dig into these big questions and more with neuroplasticity overlord Dr. Andrew Huberman, back for a second, highly anticipated return to the show.Given that Dr. Huberman’s first appearance on the podcast (RRP #533) has amassed over 10 million views on YouTube alone, chances are you’re already familiar with this tenured professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford University School of Medicine, where he runs The Huberman Lab, which studies neural regeneration, neuroplasticity, and brain states such as stress, focus, fear, and optimal performance.Subsequent to our first podcast in January of 2021, Andrew launched The Huberman Lab Podcast, which has quickly become a sensation. Within a year of launch, it has ascended to one of the top, most listened to podcasts in the world.Today we pick up where we last left off, diving deep into a wide array of fascinating topics brimming with actionable takeaways, including: the emerging field of mind-body neuroscience; the neuroscience of ADHD, focus, hypnosis, and processing trauma; how to leverage light, temperature, breath, and sleep to better control your biology; several behavioral tools for achieving optimal performance states; how to cultivate learning states and the power of something called gap effects; and many other fascinating topics To read more, click here. You can also watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.Andrew is a passionate man with an incredible facility for communicating complex scientific topics in a uniquely compelling and understanding way.For those keen on understanding how to better control your mind, neurochemistry, and all told biology—consider this episode appointment listening.SCIENCE!Peace + Plants,Rich
Mar 3, 2022 • 1h 44min

Mastering Mindset: A Deep Dive On Mental Toughness

It’s easy to look at top performers, elite athletes, and those crushing outrageous achievements—and conclude that their success boils down to sheer genetic luck, supreme talent, or unlimited resources.While success can be significantly influenced by those variables, all things being equal, the difference between those who manifest their aspirations and those who hold themselves back comes down to one distinct element: you guessed it, mindset.What are the consistent mindsets that allow high-performers to push the boundaries of their physical prowess? How do you create a positive mindset shift amidst a shitty situation? And how do you leverage mindset to achieve your goals?Throughout the last nine years, I’ve compiled a powerful arsenal of potent, life-altering ideas, perspectives and tools on how to cultivate, embrace, and apply a new and more personally meaningful approach to life. Today I present you with our fourth master class installment, which is a compilation of 11 incredible and unique perspectives on mindset and habit change taken from previous conversations—think of it the crème de la crème of the best and brightest ideas on personal transformation ever shared on this show.This deep dive anthology is chock full of big truths on fostering a mindset for success, leveraging gratitude to overcome obstacles, the importance of embracing pain, and why discomfort is the price of admission for a meaningful life.Guests featured in this episode (all hyperlinked to their respective episodes) include: Leah Goldstein Dr. Andrew Huberman Courtney Dauwalter David Goggins Mel Robbins James Clear Mirna Valerio James & Sunny Lawrence Susan David, Ph.D Peter Diamandis: Episode Coming 3/14/2022! Tommy Rivs Masterclass Series: Click here to listen to our first deep dive on the microbiome, here for our second on mental health, and here for our third on addiction & recovery.This is a powerful, and dare I say potentially life-changing gold mine of wisdom. My hope is that it serves as a guide on your journey towards fostering a mindset that will ultimately improve every aspect of your life, and gear you towards a more fulfilling, self-actualized way of moving through the world.To read more, click here. You can also watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.Enjoy!Peace + Plants,Rich
Feb 28, 2022 • 3h 11min

Simon Hill On Optimizing Plant-Based Nutrition For Health, Longevity & Athletic Performance

It’s one thing to go vegan. It’s another thing to go plant-based. But optimizing a plant-based diet for health, longevity and athletic prowess is another thing altogether. So today we dive deep into the finer specifics of fueling for peak well-being and performance.To help set us up for nutritional success, we reconvene with Simon Hill.Whereas our first conversation (RRP 638) was quite broad in scope, today’s nutrition science-intensive presents a more focused discussion on the tactics and practical details of optimizing a plant-predominant diet to conquer your athletic ambitions, live long and thrive.For those new to Simon, he plies his master’s degree in nutrition to help people make better diet and lifestyle choices. Outlets for said counsel include his popular Instagram feed (@plant_proof), the Plant Proof Podcast and blog of the same name. Simon is also the plant-based food contributor to Chris Hemsworth’s fitness app, Centr as well as the proprietor of Eden, hands down the best plant-based restaurant in Sydney, Australia.The culmination of Simon’s obsession with nutritional science is The Proof Is In The Plants,the ultimate evidence-based primer on the positive impact of a plant-based diet on human and planetary health—and an essential must-read for any and all interested in grounded nutrition science.If you enjoyed our initial exchange, you’re in for a treat because this one is even better—packed with actionable takeaways certain to upgrade every facet of your well-being.Today we pick up where we last left off, digging deeper into the latest and best nutrition science to deliver specific and practical advice on a variety of typical concerns while simultaneously course correcting common diet misunderstandings.We discuss the difference between caloric density versus nutritional density and turn our attention upon responsible supplementation, going deep on the role of specific nutrients, including iodine, calcium, iron, selenium, zinc, nitrates, lectins, and more.Of course, no discussion on plant-based nutrition would be complete without a discourse on protein. Today we evaluate its importance, how to meet our needs on plants, and the various hotly debated distinctions between animal and plant protein.Finally, we discuss what the latest scientific research indicates concerning the health implications of plant-based meat products, the best ways to transition to a more plant-forward diet, and specific fueling and supplementation strategies for building strength and athletic performance, among many other interesting topics.To read more, click here. You can also watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.I find Simon to be a highly credible authority with a very grounded and balanced perspective on a subject I think we would all agree can be at times quite emotionally charged. I appreciate the rigor he brings to this field, and this one is chock-a-block with important information and very actionable takeaways for anyone looking to level up their plate.Peace + Plants,Rich
Feb 21, 2022 • 1h 47min

Marianne Williamson: The Politics Of Love

Extreme political polarization. Weaponized misinformation. Media incentivized to divide. And growing inequality. Our democratic experiment has seen better days. How do we reimagine it for the betterment of all?Spiritual thought leader, activist, and political writer Marianne Williamson says it begins with love.You may know Marianne for her Presidential bid in 2020—the democratic candidate unafraid to ask the bigger questions about what matters most.But if that’s the sum total of your relationship with this human, prepare yourself for a force of nature that extends well beyond that singular life chapter.The author of 14 books (including four #1 New York Times bestsellers), Marianne has been a leader in spiritual and religiously progressive circles for over three decades. She is the founder of Project Angel Food, a non-profit that has delivered more than 14 million meals to ill and dying homebound patients since 1989. Marianne created the group to help people suffering from the ravages of HIV/AIDS. She has also worked on poverty, anti-hunger, and racial reconciliation issues throughout her career. In 2004, she co-founded The Peace Alliance and continues to support the creation of a U.S. Department of Peace.I first met Marianne at a fundraiser back in 2014 during her bid for Congress. Fascinated by her bold and unconventional presence on the Presidential stage—particularly her debate performances—I’ve followed her career closely for years and always admired her unique perspective on democratic principles and responsibility.Today’s conversation is about what’s required to solve our most urgent problems—from the perils of our entrenched government-media-industrial complex and the ills of corporate stranglehold on governance, to the legacy of 60’s activism, the role of spirituality in politics and the complex relationship between personal evolution and global change.To read more, click here. You can also watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.I really enjoyed spending a couple of very insightful hours with Marianne. I appreciate her voice, wisdom, and courage. May her words equally inspire you.Enjoy!Peace + Plants,Rich
Feb 17, 2022 • 2h 11min

Roll On: What Happened to the Olympics?

Marked by endless scandal and rampant corruption, the Olympics are in free fall.Today we explore how the world's most highly acclaimed brand has become corrosive, and what can be done to repair it. But fear not, we also celebrate a selection of inspiring athletic highlights from Beijing to Oahu, answer listener questions, share a few products that have caught our fancy, and more.As always, my co-host for today's rendition of 'Roll On' is ‘His Semi Deepness’ Mr. Adam Skolnick, an activist and veteran journalist known as David Goggins’ Can’t Hurt Me co-author. Adam writes about adventure sports, environmental issues, and civil rights for outlets such as The New York Times, Outside, ESPN, BBC, and Men’s Health. He is the author of One Breath and still uses the ‘new dad’ excuse to avoid working on his novel.Topics discussed in today's episode include: the politics behind the declining global interest in the Olympics; bribery & corruption within the International Olympic Committee; how a Florida town with no ice rink produced three Olympic speedskaters; the backlash levied upon teenage freeskier Eileen Gu; speedskater Nils van der Poel's manifesto on Z2 aerobic base training; how Erin Jackson became the first Black woman to win individual Winter Olympic gold;  Kelly Slater's Pipe Masters win days before turning 50; and the benefits of using "dumb phones" in limiting screen time & phone addiction; and more As always, we close things out by taking a few listener questions. Today we answer: How do you cultivate optimism and gratitude as a natural cynic? How do you stay true to your goals? What advice do you have for young people navigating their twenties? Thank you to Brett from NYC, Bill from Crested Butte, and Evan from Iowa for your questions. If you want your query discussed, drop it on our Facebook Page or, better yet, leave a voicemail at (424) 235-4626.The visually inclined can watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.Enjoy the show!Peace + Plants,Rich
Feb 14, 2022 • 2h 21min

Johann Hari On Why You Can’t Pay Attention (& How To Reclaim Your Focus)

We are living in a time of upgraded technology and downgraded humans.Our collective ability to resist distraction and sustain attention is in decline.Although will power plays a role, this problem is not entirely our fault—it’s the by-product of powerful forces incident to modern life.Disconnection from nature. Disrupted sleep. Toxic environments. Predatory tech.What exactly does a focus-less future augur? And what can be done to reclaim our ability to truly concentrate?Back for his second appearance on the show, our steward for these existential questions is journalist & multiple New York Times bestselling author Johann Hari, who, when confronted with his own deteriorating attention span, dove deep into the individual and systemic solutions to this dispiriting collective trend.Johann has written for the LA Times, Le Monde, and many other outlets, has two of the most-watched TED Talks, and has been profiled in essentially every prominent media outlet. His books include Chasing The Scream and Lost Connections,, which explores the roots of addiction, and was the subject of our first exchange back on episode #416. But today, he’s here to share big lessons from his latest book, Stolen Focus: Why You Can’t Pay Attention, which is a provoking journey into the forces robbing us of our attention and a look at how we might begin to reclaim our minds, and our lives.Today’s conversation focuses on the problematic impact of big tech, smartphone addiction and surveillance capitalism on our well-being and that of our children.We discuss the specific factors contributing to attention decline–from reduced sleep, environmental pollution, and something called the switch/cost effect, to chronic stress, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and disconnection from others and the natural world.Beyond the many problems, we, of course, also address solutions—both systemic and individualistic—such that we may recapture our focus and be the best version of ourselves.Johann is quite the entertaining storyteller, with humor that makes hard truths go down a little easier.To read more, click here. You can also watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.This is a hopeful conversation about how to build a life of greater joy, enhanced personal fulfillment, and focus. My wish is that it serves and enlightens.Enjoy!Peace + Plants,Rich
Feb 7, 2022 • 2h 9min

Oceanographer Sylvia Earle On Resilience, Hope & Mysteries Of The Deep

In the words of today’s guest, treat the natural world as if your life depends on it—because it truly does.Meet absolute living legend Sylvia Earle, Ph.D.A marine botanist, oceanographer, writer, lecturer, and one of the world’s top experts on ocean science and conservation, Sylvia is affectionately called “Her Deepness” by The New Yorker and the New York Times, and the “First Hero for the Planet” by Time magazine.Over the course of her 85 years, Sylvia has logged over 7,000 hours underwater, and not to mention, set a record in 1979 that still stands for the deepest untethered dive by a woman—1,250 feet. She was one of the very first National Geographic explorers-in-residence, served as the first female Chief Scientist at NOAA (The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), has authored more than 20 books, is a pioneer of submersible engineering, and established Mission Blue, an organization dedicated to protecting marine areas identified as critical to the health of the ocean, or as she calls them, “Hope Spots.”You may very well have seen her appearance in Seaspiracy or have caught word of her fascinating new book entitled Ocean: A Global Odyssey, the subject of today’s exchange.This conversation focuses on the majesty of our oceans, the tragedy of their decline at the hands of humankind, and the urgency that we must marshal for their preservation. But it’s also a conversation about hope. The power we all possess to create the change we need and desire.While I love all my guests, I have to admit I’ve never met anyone quite like Sylvia. What can be said other than to recognize the honor, the gift of spending an afternoon with her, soaking in her wisdom and experience.I have such tremendous respect and admiration for her work. Her example sets the tone for us all. And my hope is that this one inspires you into your own form of action and activism—because it really does all come down to us.To read more, click here. You can also watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.So here it is—me and Her Deepness, Slyvia Earle.Peace + Plants,Rich
Feb 3, 2022 • 2h 5min

Roll On: Rest, Reflection & Responsibility

After a seasonal sabbatical, ‘Roll On’ is back. And it’s time to hash out a bit of drama.After a two-month respite, Roll On returns with a discussion on ‘Moneyball-esque’ advances in sports science, the role of podcasting in the culture wars, the importance of taking a professional pause, how my sleep habits ended up as ‘news’, and so much more.As always, my magnanimous sidecar hype-beast and co-host Adam Skolnick joins me at the round table. Adam is an activist and veteran journalist known as David Goggins’ Can’t Hurt Me, co-author. He writes about adventure sports, environmental issues, and civil rights for outlets such as The New York Times, Outside, ESPN, BBC, and Men’s Health. He is the author of One Breath and is currently using the ‘new dad’ excuse to avoid working on his novel.More specifically, topics discussed in today’s episode include: how the RRP community raised almost $500K for charity: water Adam’s recent NYT article on Norwegian triathlon dominance; the Joe Rogan and Spotify controversy and what it teaches us; lessons learned from Rich’s month-long sabbatical; the Alan Watts collection on the Waking Up app;  why Station Eleven is the best show on TV; and media reactions to Rich’s ‘tent story’ on the Tim Ferriss show. As always, we close things out by taking a few listener questions. Today we answer: How do you optimize zone two training in non-impact workouts? Who do you draw inspiration from when feeling down? What do you do when your motivation for working out runs dry? Thank you to Rebecca from Santa Maria, Sam from Baton Rouge, and April from Santa Monica for your questions. If you want your query discussed, drop it on our Facebook Page or, better yet, leave a voicemail at (424) 235-4626.To read more click here. You can also watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.Enjoy the show!Peace + Plants,Rich

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