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The Rich Roll Podcast

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Jan 31, 2022 • 2h 20min

Ultra Phenom Harvey Lewis On Finding Your ‘Why’, Nirvana Moments & Winning 300+ Mile Races

What’s stopping you from living the life of your dreams?For many, it’s finances. Family obligations. Demanding careers. You get the picture.But today’s guest truly believes you can have it all. Meet Harvey Lewis.For more than 25 years, this Cincinnati-based high school teacher & plant-based running phenomenon has been competing in ultramarathons with relentless consistency, racking up 23 wins across 76 races (and counting). A 5-time member of the USA National 24-hour Team, it’s a journey that has taken him to 101 countries across seven continents. Along the way, he’s toed the line at most of the world’s most prestigious races, including ten Badwater 135 appearances, winning what many consider the globe’s most challenging foot race on two occasions.In addition to an impressive slew of victories, Harvey is also known for plying his talents to celebrate civil rights history. In 2008, he celebrated Gandhi by retracing his famous 240-mile Salt March—and followed it up in 2009 by running from Selma to Montgomery in honor of MLK. Ever the teacher.Now 45, you’d suspect Harvey would be slowing down. Instead, he’s found an entirely new gear, collecting breakthrough performances that include not only a second Badwater victory but an absolutely breathtaking win at the 2021 Big Dog’s Backyard Ultra. For the uninitiated, this is a last-person standing format race that entails running a 4-mile loop every hour on the hour until no one’s left. Harvey clocked an astounding, world record-setting 354 miles over an 85 hour period.354 miles. On essentially no sleep.Today we cover it all.We discuss the hows and whys behind Harvey’s training and racing. His commitment to human-powered commuting. The daily run streak that remains unbroken since 2019. And the role his plant-based diet plays in all of it.Of course, we review his storied accomplishments—from the dirty details behind his backyard ultra breakthrough to becoming the fastest to run from Badwater Basin (the lowest point in North America) to the actual summit of Mt. Whitney (the highest point in the contiguous U.S.). We also talk about his FKT attempt on the Appalachian Trail, how it brought him closer to his father, who crewed the affair, and the documentary Like Harvey Like Son that tells the tale.In addition, we reconcile Harvey’s life as an elite ultramarathoner with the practicalities of his full-time occupation as a high school teacher—and how the two passions inform each other.But more than anything, this conversation is about the power of showing up with intention. Making room for the magic that comes with the rigorous, consistent, and patient pursuit of the thing you love. The importance of incremental improvement. And why the ability to push beyond the limits of what you perceive possible rests not in physical talents but instead in training your mindset.To read more, click here. You can also watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.Harvey is a beacon of infectious exuberance. He’s bursting with positivity and joy. He’s the teacher we all wish we had. And an example to us all.Peace + Plants,Rich
Jan 24, 2022 • 2h 12min

Jacqueline Novogratz On Cultivating Moral Imagination, Practicing Courage & Pursuing Work With No End

We all want to positively change the world. But where do you start?Today’s guest—a woman who has made an extraordinary impact on improving the lives of millions of people across the developing world—has dedicated the better part of her life to answering this question with actionable, sustainable solutions.Meet Jacqueline Novogratz.A former investment banker, Jacqueline walked away from Wall Street back in 1986 to co-found Rwanda’s first microfinance institution. Today she is the founder and CEO of Acumen,a novel, non-profit financial organization she conceived in 2001 that blends philanthropy with venture capital to invest in people, companies, and ideas solving the toughest issues of poverty. As a pioneer of impact investing, Acumen and its investments have brought critical services like healthcare, education, and clean energy to literally hundreds of millions of low-income people throughout the world.In addition to having four TED Talks under her belt, Jacqueline is also the New York Times bestselling author of The Blue Sweater: Bridging the Gap between Rich and Poor in an Interconnected World and her most recent book, Manifesto for a Moral Revolution, which delves into our pressing need to reimagine and rebuild new systems, and where to begin.Today she shares her powerful story.This is a deeply thoughtful conversation about what is actually required to change the world.It’s about the importance of cultivating moral imagination. Something called patient capital. And the humility and hard-edged hope necessary to tackle gigantic problems.It’s also a conversation about listening, immersion, asking questions, and the importance of transcending dualistic, non-binary thinking—skills critical to eradicating poverty, solving our planet’s biggest problems, and empowering those most in need.To read more, click here. You can also watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.As you will soon discover, Jacqueline is wise and deeply soulful. I aspire to this new friend’s level of service—an example for us all.Peace + Plants,Rich
Jan 20, 2022 • 2h 17min

Rip Esselstyn: In Plants We Trust

A cornerstone of this podcast is celebrating the power of a plant-based lifestyle. Today we do just that with one of the movement’s most influential founding fathers.That father is none other than the great Plantstrong pioneer himself, Rip Esselstyn—returning for his second appearance on the podcast for a continuing dissertation on all things plants.If you caught our first conversation in December of 2017 (RRP 336), you already know Rip and I go way back. As swimmers we crossed paths as teens, later as college rivals, then decades thereafter as plant-based athlete and advocate allies. From the outset of my journey, he’s been a steady source of inspiration, encouragement and wisdom. An incredible mentor. A lighthouse. A loyal friend.For those unfamiliar, Rip was a three-time NCAA All-American backstroker at the University of Texas. After graduation, he spent a decade as one of the premier triathletes in the world. He then joined the Austin Fire Department where he introduced his passion for a whole-food, plant-based diet to Austin’s Engine 2 Firehouse in order to rescue a firefighting brother’s health. To document his success he wrote the national bestselling book, The Engine 2 Diet, which shows the irrefutable connection between a plant-based diet and good health.Thus began an illustrious career as a multiple New York Times bestselling author, in demand public speaker, health advocate, and food entrepreneur—catapulting the fledgling plant-based movement into mainstream adoption.Not enough? At age 56, Rip broke the master’s world record in the 200-meter backstroke.Today we pick up where we left things in 2017. More Rip. More plants. More awesome.Given Rip’s OG status, it was only fitting that today’s exchange was conducted OG style. No fancy studio. No cameras. Just two guys and two mics seated at Rip’s breakfast table in Austin. An old school, back-in-the-day podcast.Of course, we discuss the many benefits of a whole food plant-based diet—the Planstrong lifestyle as he calls it.In addition, we review the exploding popularity of this movement. How to rewrite your relationship with food in the new year. Plant fueling strategies to perform athletically. And how to leverage the nascent power within to positively and sustainably change our lifestyles for the better.We also dissect his recent world record-setting swim. What the future of the plant-based movement looks like. And the story behind his brand new food company titled, of course, PLANTSTRONG.To read more, click here. You can also listen on YouTube, Apple Podcasts & Spotify.Stick around to the end, because things take a compelling turn towards the spiritual and esoteric—personally my favorite part of this conversation.As you will soon discover, Rip is a good dude. A loyal, solid friend. And sincerely passionate about helping people eat and live better.Peace + Plants,Rich
Jan 17, 2022 • 2h 5min

Doug Abrams On Why Hope Is The Antidote For Apathy

As we grapple with a global pandemic, experiential climate change, mass species extinction, and many other dire calamities—it can feel like the world has lost its moral center. But every solution begins with hope—the antidote to what ails us.Famed primatologist, climate activist, and global icon Jane Goodall has devoted her life to better understanding our natural world and preserving its majesty. As one can expect, the 87-year-old has some thoughts about our enduring climate crisis—thoughts that don’t revolve around cynicism, anger or pessimism—but instead are all about hope. A hope that is fierce. A hope underscored by action, empathy, and optimism.How can someone who has studied the climate crisis for the better part of her life maintain such a positive disposition in the face of humanity’s self-destructive trajectory? What does hope even mean? And why is it desperately incumbent upon all of us to cultivate hope as a strategy to best evolve as humans and a global community?Today’s guest Douglas Abrams wanted answers to these questions. Needed answers. So he sought out Jane and spent countless curious hours with her, culminating in the Book of Hope, a beautiful and intimate look into the heart and mind of a woman who has truly revolutionized how we view the world around us.Returning for his second appearance on the show, Douglas is a literary agent, editor, author, and former Stanford classmate.He initially joined the podcast back in February 2017 (RRP 274) to discuss the first in his Global Icon series of books, The Book of Joy—an instant New York Times bestseller that beautifully synthesizes a series of conversations between Douglas, The Dalai Lama and Bishop Desmond Tutu on the nature of human happiness and suffering.A continuation of our former conversation, today, we pivot from joy to focus on hope. Hope as an antidote to helplessness. Hope as our greatest strength. And hope as the foundation upon which all solutions emerge.It’s also a conversation about the importance of empathy. Meeting resistance with patience. Obstinate grace. And what it means to completely devote yourself to what’s right.But mostly, this is a discussion about what we can all learn from Jane Goodall’s example. Why it’s incumbent upon all of us to shoulder an urgent but hopeful responsibility for the future of our planet. And how to best lead by example.To read more, click here. You can also watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.Douglas is an impressive intellect and a charming, curious conversation partner. I always leave time spent with him better than before. My hope is that this exchange will impact you similarly.Peace + Plants,Rich
Jan 10, 2022 • 2h 5min

The Awakened Brain: Lisa Miller, PhD On The Neuroscience Of Spirituality

The many benefits to cultivating a spiritual practice are obvious to those with experience—but it’s a pursuit too long dismissed by skeptics and scientists. That is, until now.Recent research in neuroscience, genetics, and epidemiology now establish that humans are not only universally equipped with a capacity for (and inclination towards) spirituality, but that our brains, when so awakened, become more resilient and robust—and our lives more meaningful and content.Here today to discuss the emerging and fascinating ‘science of spirituality’ is the woman who helped pioneer it, Lisa Miller, PhD.A leading generational psychologist on the benefits of spirituality, Lisa is a graduate of Yale University and the University of Pennsylvania, where she earned her doctorate in psychology. She is currently a professor of psychology and education at Teachers College, Columbia University, and is the Founder and Director of the Spirituality Mind Body Institute,the first Ivy League graduate program and research institute in spirituality and psychology.Dr. Miller is widely published in leading academic journals, has appeared on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and Weekend Today as an expert, and her first book, The Spiritual Child was a New York Times bestseller. Her latest work (and the focus of today’s discussion) is The Awakened Brain, a groundbreaking exploration of the neuroscience of spirituality that sets a bold new paradigm for health, healing, and resilience.My exchange with Dr. Miller is centered on the intersection of hard science and spirituality—what neurology, neurobiology, genetics, epidemiology, and psychiatry can tell us about the mental health benefits of cultivating your own awakened brain.I think you will find her work fascinating, full of counterintuitive findings and practical advice on the many concrete ways to access your own innate spirituality—and more importantly, how this can be deployed to enhance things like grit, optimism, and resilience.In addition, we explore the many ways you can leverage the awakened brain to insulate yourself against addiction, trauma, and depression.Ultimately, this is a conversation about how to build a life of greater joy and enhanced personal fulfillment to better thrive and contribute to the greater well-being of all.To read more, click here. You can also watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.An intellectual delight from start to finish, I thoroughly enjoyed talking to Dr. Miller, and I sincerely hope you enjoy the listen.Peace + Plants,Rich
Jan 6, 2022 • 2h 34min

Coaches' Corner: Ritual Over Routine, Recalibration Over Resolution & Craft Over Competition

Goals are great. But far more important is who you become in the pursuit of said goals. Focus on the inside work. Process over results. Craft over competition. Ritual over routine. Recalibration over resolution. And watch your world change.After an extended break, the ever-so-popular Coaches’ Corner edition of the podcast is back with not one Olympian, not two Olympians, but three Olympians on deck.Packed with past podcast faves, today’s panel features endurance legend and Coach’s Corner OG Chris Hauth, swimmer Caroline Burckle, and track and field turned marathon superstar (and my Malibu Triathlon relay teammate!) Alexi Pappas.For those new to the pod, Chris is a sub-9 hour Ironman champion, a former Olympic Swimmer and professional triathlete, a veteran of many an ultra-endurance challenge, my ÖTILLÖ Swimrun World Championship teammate, and one of the world’s most respected endurance coaches.Caroline (aka Burks) is a former elite competitive swimmer & Olympic medalist with 23 All American titles, 2 NCAA individual victories & NCAA Female Swimmer of the Year accolades to her name. She is the co-founder of RISE, a mentor program that pairs Olympic athletes with young elite athletes for support and guidance.And finally, Alexi is a runner, award-winning writer, poet, actor, and filmmaker. In addition to setting the Greek national record in the 10,000 meters at the 2016 Olympics, Alexi has co-written, co-directed, and co-starred in three feature films and authored the bestselling memoir Bravey, a primer on self-actualization, surviving trauma, and pursuing disparate dreams.Today Chris, Caroline, & Alexi share sage advice on everything from endurance, training, goal setting, and more.But this is not your average kick in the pants “new year-new you” narrative. Instead, it’s a collective effort to voyage beyond the tired tropes and well-trodden bullet points. Courtesy of Olympic, experience-based wisdom, it’s about leveraging fitness to evolve, grow, and live according to your values.Not only will this conversation set you on a better path to actualizing your goals, but—more importantly—it will put you on a healthy and sustainable, long-term trajectory to becoming the better, more self-actualized you within.To read more, click here. You can also watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.Chris, Caroline, and Alexi are some of my favorite people. This trifecta is over the top. My hope is that their words inspire you to bust through analysis paralysis and any preconceived notions you have about who you are and what you’re capable of.Enjoy!Rich
Jan 3, 2022 • 1h 47min

Joe De Sena On True Resilience, Choosing Your Hard & Why Discomfort Is Oxygen

We all have big dreams. But are you willing to pay the price required to make them manifest?There’s a big difference between those who quit and those who commit.At the core of that difference is one’s ability to tolerate discomfort.Discomfort is the price we pay for resilience.And resilience is the foundation of growth.Few grasp and practice this truth better than Spartan Race founder and CEO Joe De Sena, returning to the podcast to usher us into the new year correct and jumpstart our new year’s ambitions into action.Joe last graced the studio in December of 2020 (RRP #567), a conversation that probed his absolutely fascinating backstory and left us with powerful insights on the limits we impose on personal possibility.Continuing in the spirited annual tradition we have here to launch the new year with an uncomfortable kick in the pants, I thought it fit (literally) to invite Joe back for a more focused elaboration on the truths, mindset tools and motivation to translate ambition into positive results.For those new to Joe, he’s the entrepreneurial mastermind behind Spartan—the obstacle course racing series that became a global phenomenon, and the evil genius behind Death Race—perhaps the most absurd sufferfest ever conceived.He’s also an absolute endurance freak. Example A: in a mere week, Joe completed the Vermont 100 mile run, Ironman Lake Placid, and the Badwater 135. In addition, he crushed 50 ultramarathons and 14 Ironman events in a single year (a certain kind of insanity that must be some kind of record). And he’s the kind of guy who, on a whim, once ran from New York City to Vermont.Joe’s most striking talent is his facility for motivating the best out of people—a skill committed to print in his new book, 10 Rules For Resilience, which is a guide to developing mental toughness.Today we deconstruct resilience in all its forms—why it’s crucial to growth and how to cultivate it.We also go deep on discipline, courage, and discomfort. The importance of personal values in adhering to your goals. How to navigate failure. And why your reaction to challenging situations defines you.And finally, we explore the importance of imbuing these principles into our parenting.Joe is a force of nature—a bullshit-free and 100% authentic lunatic. But his heart is huge. His experience-based message is powerful. And paired with practical tools fundamental to shattering stagnation.To read more click here. You can also watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.May his words propel you to craft your own challenge for this impending new year—something extraordinary.So let’s dive into it 2022 headfirst. Or, as Joe is fond of saying, fire, ready, aim.Peace + Plants,Rich
Dec 27, 2021 • 2h 3min

The Best Of 2021: Part Two

If there’s one thing we learned in 2021, it’s that conversation matters.Allow me to indulge this truth by introducing Part Two of my annual yearbook—a means to reflect upon the twelve months past by revisiting some of the year’s most compelling podcast guests.It’s been an honor to share my conversations with so many extraordinary people over the course of 2021. Second listens brought new insights—and more reminders that these evergreen exchanges continue to both inspire and inform.For long-time listeners, approach this episode as a refresher to launch you into 2022 with renewed vigor. For those new to the podcast, my hope is this anthology will stir you to peruse the back catalog and explore episodes you may have missed.Guests featured in this first of two total anthology episodes (hyperlinked to their respective episodes) are listed here: The Rich Roll Podcast: Best Of 2021: Part TwoCompiling this auditory yearbook is both a joy and a challenge. I have great fondness for all my guests. I take no comfort in leaving anyone out. Should you find one of your personal favorites missing, I get it—please don’t @ me!Special thanks to Blake Curtis, Jason Camiolo and Dan Drake for the behind-the-scenes heavy lifting required to pull this two-parter together.To read more click here. You can also watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.Thank you for taking this journey of growth alongside me. Here’s to an extraordinary 2022.Peace + Plants,Rich
Dec 23, 2021 • 1h 51min

The Best Of 2021: Part One

As the Earth embarks upon another miraculous arc around the sun, let us prepare by taking space to pause, breathe, and reflect.A blank slate represents potential energy. Let us infuse the 2022 tabula rasa with the energy of hope and inspiration to catalyze your new year ambitions into reality.This process requires taking inventory of the twelve months past. Where you were this time last year. Celebrate your victories. Deconstruct your setbacks. Imagine yourself this time next year. Set your intention for that experience. Establish specific time-bound goals and the stepping stones to get there. Create accountability for those benchmarks. And vision the better self laying dormant within, yearning to be more fully expressed.But first, we pause. Because it is in quiet that we gain clarity—a crucial first step on the trudge towards self-actualization.It is in this spirit that we indulge a tradition here at the podcast—our annual ‘Best Of’ series—wherein we reflect upon the previous 12 months with a 2-part compilation of clips excerpted from a handful of the year’s most compelling guests. Think of it as a refresher course for the avid fans. An anthology or digest for those newer to the podcast. A love letter to my guests. And most importantly, a way of thanking you, the audience, for taking this journey of growth alongside me.Guests featured in this first of two total anthology episodes (hyperlinked to their respective episodes) are listed here: The Rich Roll Podcast: Best Of 2021: Part OneCompiling this auditory yearbook is both a joy and a challenge. I have great fondness for all my guests. I take no comfort in leaving anyone out. Should you find one of your personal favorites missing, I get it—please don’t @ me!Special thanks to Blake Curtis, Jason Camiolo and Dan Drake for the behind-the-scenes heavy lifting required to pull this two-parter together.To read more click here. You can also watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.Here’s to an extraordinary 2022.Peace + Plants,Rich
Dec 20, 2021 • 1h 8min

Prophets Walk Among Us: Stories From Our Listeners

Every week, I send a show out into the ether. But it’s you, the audience, who has taken what is nothing more than an inert digital file comprised of ones and zeroes—and turned it into so much more.When I think back on the history of the show to date, it’s crystal clear what is truly important. And most beautiful.Community.No matter what your goal or aspiration—irrespective of how solitary you believe its pursuit—you simply cannot truly score on your own. Everyone needs a team. Everyone needs a support network. Everyone needs help. And that is what this show has become: a place to connect over a myriad of ideas with one collective goal—be and do better. Together. That’s what this podcast does—it is here to serve and support you, the listener, in your journey of transformation.It is with this sensibility that I asked you to share such stories, and how this podcast and its myriad of guests have inspired you, and what you learned, practiced, and shared with others along the way. My team and I have taken these powerful stories and compiled them into today’s very special episode, packed with empowering tales of perseverance through adversity, sobriety, new beginnings and new identities; successes, losses, tears, and triumphs; heartfelt stories of real-life epiphanies and transformations.To be clear, this episode is not a personal pat on the back. In no way do I take credit whatsoever for anybody’s journey. This is about celebrating our power to transform individually and as a collective. Any improvements you made to your life, well that’s on you entirely. Hats off and head bowed in reverence. I just love the stories. It helps me feel more connected to you. It helps dry the cement on this community bond I am trying to foster—a bond over just being better.Thank you for your courage; for taking the leap and walking this journey alongside me. Thank you for putting wind in my sails by tuning in week after week. And thank you for giving me hope in the good—the promise of a better more fulfilling, legacy-worthy purpose here on Earth in this short life.But most of all, thank you for letting me serve. Because it is in service that I find purpose, meaning, and a sense of deep satisfaction that positively infuses every aspect of my daily life experience.And finally, I want to thank each and every one of you who have taken the time to reach out and share with me your challenges, victories and struggles. I cannot overstate the extent to which your experiences humble me; hold me accountable for my own actions; inspire me to do and be better, and ennoble me to soldier on in the face of whatever obstacles I may face.To read more click here. You can also watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.I sincerely hope you enjoy this special conversation.Peace + Plants,Rich

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