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Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

Latest episodes

Oct 3, 2019 • 1h 45min

#283: A Week in the Life (7 Days Behind-the-Scenes with Amy)

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  I know it might sound cliché, but I made a promise this year to be more vulnerable. To show you more of the “real” me.  So for this week’s podcast episode, I’m doing something a little different and sharing a twice daily check-in for a full 7 days. I hope that this lets you in on a few things. For one, I want you to know what a 7-figure course creator does in a week. You’ll hear it all; what I focus on, what I struggle with, and how I handle all of it. I can’t promise it’ll be quite as engrossing as The Bachelor but if you’re anything like me, seeing into other people’s worlds is always a treat. If you’ve ever wondered how I set up my week and spend my days, you’ll love this #nofilter episode where I share it all, including:  Honest conversations Hobie and I have had recently that have been a little tough  The new piece of exercise equipment I’m obsessed with  The challenge the whole team is doing to be more intentional about what we do in a day, how we use our time, create morning rituals, and make extra time for what matters most Why I started having a weekly date with my mom <3   What it’s like going from a team of 3 to 10 full-time employees (and the essential books every single new hire gets)  How the team operates for maximum efficiency (and how I really feel about meetings) The inside scoop on my weight loss journey  Here’s where you’ll find some of the highlights:  [02:07] Sunday evening… weekly preview using the Full Focus Planner. This is about what the upcoming week will look like and what did and didn’t work from the previous week. Be intentional about how you structure your day.  [07:32] Monday morning check-in. Morning walk with Scout and fiction audiobook. I also prepared for my FB Live session tomorrow. Phone call with team member. Recorded podcast ads. Hobie’s love language is quality time, so I have coffee with him from 8:30 to 9:00. [13:33] Now I’m going to work on the quiz and then a team kick-off call. This is a one hour call with the entire team about what it looks like to launch digital course academy. Theme: We are master troubleshooters.  [30:36] I do video on Tuesdays. Instagram story about launch. Facebook Live as part of DCA prelaunch. I also have a DCA affiliate Facebook Live. I don’t workout on video day. I do get a blow out.  [41:38] Wednesday is podcast batching day. I’m doing 3 podcasts today, and some interviews as I grow my team. I also share my hiring process and the book bundle that I send to new hires. [01:10:41] Thursday evening. I’m back from acupuncture. When I make mistakes that create stress, I know it’s time to fix the system.  [01:15:44] Friday… Call at 7:00 am with weight-loss coach. Today, I’m recording the outcome videos for the DCA quiz. Then I fly to Portland, Oregon. [01:25:50] On Saturday I met with my friend Mike Pacchione to work on presentation content.  I hope you enjoyed the week with me.   
Sep 26, 2019 • 39min

#282: 10 Ways to Repurpose ONE Single Piece of Content

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?!You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template. You are going to love this episode. I give a step-by-step strategy on how to take one single piece of content and repurpose it 10 different ways. We all know how time-consuming content creation can be. After all that work, we hit publish and put it out in the world, but then it just sits there in that one location. Why not leverage all of that hard work by packaging the content up in different shapes and sizes and publishing it on different platforms? This makes your efforts more efficient and allows your ideal audience to consume your content in a variety of different ways. This is so smart. Repurposing your content should be part of your content creation process. Promise me that you won't let another week go by where you create content and only put it out one time and in one location.  [07:49] Sit down and record your podcast audio. Make a video recording for extra mileage. Works best for interviews. Publish your audio wherever you normally publish your podcast.  [11:10] Transcribe the podcast audio. Link to the transcript from your website show notes on it's own page that opens in a new window. This is great for SEO!  [12:45] Show notes are the second way to repurpose your content.  [14:26] Take snippets from the outline, transcripts, or show notes and craft an email that will notify subscribers about your new podcast episode. This is a great way to share weekly content and send weekly emails.  [16:57] Pull out really good quotes or stats that can be turned into graphics.  [17:41] Now that you have the show notes, email copy, and great quotes and stats, pull from those to create great social media posts. If you share the post on multiple platforms, tweak it so the language matches the platform.  [18:48] Select a really juicy audio clip and use Wavve to turn it into a video highlight to promote your episode on social media.  [19:46] Take the content you created and format it into an article on Anyone can post, and if you elect to have it reviewed by Medium curators, they will share it if they think it will benefit their audience. Or guest post on other blogs or online publication.  [20:51] Create a freebie. Take the content and make a checklist, worksheet, or guide. You can use it to build your list or to promote your content or both.  [24:34] It's all about video. This can be really valuable when you make the effort. Take your transcript and highlight sections that you could do a quick video about.  [27:58] Bonus twist. Pay attention to what resonates with your audience. That can become a new piece of content.  This episode is sponsored by my Free Masterclass all about list building. If you've struggled with list building or you are not actively growing your email list, this class is for you. You know, everything in your business is easier when you have an email list. If you want to know what it takes to create a list building foundation from scratch, this step-by-step masterclass is for you. Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I’d be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!Links mentioned in this episode: Model Meals Free List Building Masterclass Canva Wavve Amy Porterfield on Instagram Amy Porterfield on Facebook Medium Episode 281 How to Plan Your First (or Next) Photoshoot
Sep 19, 2019 • 52min

#281: How to Plan Your First (or Next) Photoshoot

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?!You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template. I've never loved having my picture taken.But eventually, I learned to at least get comfortable with it.It's so important that people see the real you. That your audience can connect with you and see you. Plus, you can use professional photos in soooo many places beyond just social media.Today, I'm taking the guesswork out of planning your next photo shoot and sharing my top tips on how to show up feeling good, even if you feel nervous about having your photo taken.I also created an extensive photoshoot guide that you can use to plan your first or next photoshoot like a total pro. Click here to download it now!You’ll need these images for social media, guest posts, ads, sales pages, webinars, and more. When you know how to plan and organize a photoshoot, you'll not only end up with a bunch of amazing images to use, but you'll also save time and money by not having to hunt all over the place for your next image.  [10:06] I want you to show up for yourself, even when it's way out of your comfort zone -- and I'll explain how to do that.  [12:27] I talk about why it's important to start an inspiration collection of photos you love that would be a good fit for your personality and brand. Put together a fun playlist to make the photoshoot process more relaxing and fun.  [14:33] How to find a photographer whose work you like, and you feel good about working with. Ask for recommendations.  [18:13] I tell you how to put together a photoshoot inquiry communication that you can email to potential photographers and get a price quote. Everything to include is also in the Photoshoot Planning Guide. [27:14] I'll help you to decide where to do your photoshoot. Hint: Your house with natural light is the best option.  [31:42] I talk about how to find and nail a good pose that fits your personality. This can be very awkward but I've got tips for you to help the process be as painless as possible.  [34:12] I get into all the day-of photoshoot details. We'll talk hair and makeup and how to let those first 15 minutes of awkwardness be what they are and pass by so you can create some beautiful photos.  [40:01] I'll talk about what to do when you get your photos back from your photographer. If they're good and you like who took your photos, I want you to book them to come back and do another photoshoot in the months to come. 
Sep 12, 2019 • 60min

#280: How to Do a "Course Call" to Validate Your Digital Course Idea with Jamie Trull

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?!You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template. One of the best ways to know if anyone wants to spend time and money on your digital course is to ask them. One of the best ways to ask them is to have a course validation call with your potential customer avatar. These calls are so valuable, because they not only tell you if your course will be in demand, but they tell you exactly what needs to be in the course, the best ways to set it up, and how to market it.These calls can be intimidating and people are often reluctant to have them, but the information gleaned is so valuable. Course validation calls are a game changer. In my The Digital Course Academy, I teach you the exact questions to ask in these calls and how to find your ideal customer avatar ICA to have the calls with. This is important, because you want to make sure you have the call with someone who really is your ICA. Today’s show has a fun twist, instead of me telling you how to make a course call, I actually make one and let you listen in. It’s true that I already have a course, so this is somewhat of a mock call. But the rest is real. I have a real conversation with Jaime Trull about whether she would be a good candidate for the Digital Course Academy. It’s also true that I have never met Jaime before. I do know that she has an online business where she serves female CEOs and entrepreneurs in accounting, bookkeeping, and financials. She is a certified CPA, and she is thinking about creating a digital course. You have two goals during the call. Goal #1 is to uncover insights, fears, concerns, challenges, wants, and needs of your ICA. Goal #2 is to determine if your idea is on the right track. During the call, I actually learned some things that I wasn’t expecting. I also ended up giving Jaime a challenge, so this won’t be the last time you hear from her. This episode is brought to you by: The Digital Course Academy sign up now or get on the waiting list. To find out if a digital course is right for you be sure and get The Three Behind the Scenes Secrets to Digital Course Success.Subscribe & Review in iTunesAre you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I’d be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
Sep 9, 2019 • 38min

How Making Wreaths As a Hobby Turned into a Profitable Digital Course with Lauren Kilgore

I’m so excited to share this digital course success story with you today.  Lauren Kilgore, a wreath maker extraordinaire and accidental Etsy marketing superstar, turned her part-time hobby into $35k in revenue. Unbelievable, right?! Here’s the reason I’m sharing this with you today. We are all good at something that we could teach others how to do.  For Lauren, it was selling her crafts on Etsy.  If there is something you’re good at, something that people consistently come to you asking for help with, guess what? You might just be able to create a course around it.  You don’t need to have it all figured out. Lauren is proof of that. Tune in to this special bonus episode and find out exactly how a part-time wreath making mama went from making a bit of extra cash with a fun hobby to getting 93 students into her digital course and over five figures in revenue. Ready to create your own Digital Course success story? Learn how to build, launch and grow a thriving Digital Course business without hiring a big team, the constant overwhelm or the momentum crushing question, "What the heck do I do next?" Click here to save your seat in my free masterclass, The 3 Behind-the-Scenes Secrets to Digital Course Success!  
Sep 5, 2019 • 39min

#279: Should I Create a Digital Course?

Today I want to help you answer a very important question.  And that question is… should you create a digital course? More than likely, my answer to you will be yes.   Now I know what you’re thinking. What in the world would I create a course on? The market is saturated. There are so many people selling courses online. But I promise that no one is teaching what YOU would teach the way that YOU would teach it.  So here’s what I want you to do: Step 1: Listen to this episode and learn about the five main types of profitable digital courses. Step 2: Take my free quiz and find out which of those types is best for you (or if you should hold off on creating your course for now!). My team and I put a lot of work (and love) into creating this quiz and I hope it helps you get the clarity you need to take the next step forward.  Already took the quiz and want to learn more about each course type? Here are the highlights: [08:59] The Workshop Course. This is a two hourish training that promises instant clarity and results.  [15:43] A Starter Course. A jumping-off point to get your students started in your area of expertise.  [19:41] The Spotlight Course. Dives deep into one main area, you’ll help your students produce very specific results in just one area.  [22:36] A Signature Course. A complete comprehensive system, the Mack Daddy of all courses. It’s specific and detailed and includes your entire framework from start to finish. [29:03] The Certification Course. This is as in-depth as it gets. You are teaching others your methodology and process in such a detailed way that they’ll be able to teach it to others.  Take the Quiz Now!
Aug 29, 2019 • 1h 1min

#278: Case Study: How an Accidental Course Creator Generated Over $200K with Just One Launch

Would you believe me if I told you that one of my star students generated well over 6 figures on her very first launch? Would you believe me if I also told you that student was an elementary school teacher? How about a mother of five?  Well, friend, I’m here to tell you that Jamie Sears did just that. It all started when Jamie’s hubby listened to a podcast episode about courses and nudged his wife to have a go at creating one.  Jamie resisted at first. At that point, she didn’t even have a solid course idea. What really lights me up about this story is that Jamie didn’t let uncertainty or lack of clarity stop her from taking action. She saw the possibilities a course would offer and she moved forward one step at a time.  Tune and and learn all about… [05:16] The grassroots origins of how Jamie created online resources for her students, and other teachers started asking her for help [07:02] There were so many questions that Jamie felt like she should make a course about writing. Her husband recommended that she join the Digital Course Academy.  [09:38] Jamie went where her students hung out, listened to their questions, and did Facebook Lives when her audience was still small. She kept showing up.  [13:30] Jamie not only got huge results in Digital Course Academy, but she followed the framework and made it her own as she progressed. [15:20] Jamie’s wall of post-its and what her kids helped her see about her course [17:58] How Jamie grew her list by 7000 new subscribers during her launch (without spending a ton on ads) [24:39] Jamie’s mind-blowing pricing and results [27:15] How Jamie got testimonials before her launch was even through [51:01] Don't try to do what everyone else does just go to where your people are already at. 
Aug 27, 2019 • 1h 3min

Everything is Figureoutable with Marie Forleo

Marie Forleo has been an inspiration, a friend, and a mentor to me ever since I left corporate and started into the world of online business. When it comes to business she's seen it all, from humble beginnings offering life coaching for free to being on stage with Oprah (yes, that Oprah). Needless to say, she has accomplished a lot. Marie feels strongly (and I agree!) that we need more brilliant, creative humans to believe in themselves so that they can go out and make a difference in the world. That was the inspiration that pushed her to write her brand new book, Everything Is Figureoutable. I recently sat down with Marie to talk about the book and I picked out topics that I thought would be especially helpful for you to hear. Marie held nothing back and shared some gems that I know you're going to love. This episode will have you feeling like everything really is figureoutable. Here’s a sneak peek of what we covered: How Marie finally decided to write her book (and why she waited, even after being courted by publishers) Listening to that little voice in your head (Marie tells how her mom was the first to teach her about this inner guidance system!) Marie's quick test to determine whether you're acting out of fear or intuition How your beliefs are shaping you (a great model that I've been following for the last year, but Marie takes it even deeper) Calling out your excuses (she explains how a slight change in semantics can be a game-changer in your life and business) What to do when fear creeps in (and you know it will!)  Getting clarity on what you actually want (believe it or not, most people are not crystal clear on what they want to create, but there IS a way to get clear) Avoiding the pitfalls of perfectionism (learn about the severity of the destructiveness of perfectionism)   You’ve gotta get your hands on Marie’s book, Everything is Figureoutable. Pre-order it now and get the 5-day coaching experience that Marie's offering to all pre-orderers.  
Aug 22, 2019 • 28min

#277: 3 BIG Decisions I Wish I Had Made Sooner (and Why You Should Make Them Now)

Mistakes are a part of life, but in my book the fewer things you have to learn the hard way, the better. When it comes to sharing my blunders while building an online business, I’m an open book. This is the stuff that I WISH someone would’ve shared with me when I was just getting started.  There are a lot of mistakes that I’ve made that I’m grateful for. Mistakes that helped me learn pivotal lessons that I wouldn’t trade for the world. But lately, I’ve been reflecting on some of the big decisions that I’m making now that I wish I would have made sooner.  Wanna know the 3 decisions I wish I’d made sooner in my business? I’m digging into the details on this week’s podcast episode… here are the highlights: [02:15] The first decision that I waited to make until I was making good money was to hire someone to help me manage it. Plus, I’ll tell you how Hobie and I picked an advisor to help us. [07:00] I waited way too long to grow my team to match the big vision I have.  [13:45] Think about accountability and organizing how your team moves towards your goals. [15:32] I share how I had a false belief that I needed to make tons of money before I set clear boundaries or rituals in my life that would allow me to take off. Boundaries protect yourself, your sanity, and your mindset. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
Aug 15, 2019 • 46min

#276: How to Overcome the Most Common Objections When Selling Online

I’ll never forget my first webinar. But not for the reasons you might be thinking. There I was, confident and ready to rock it, when suddenly the objections started pouring in. I felt defeated and disappointed. I want to save you the pain I experienced on that webinar with today’s episode. Believe it or not, it’s absolutely not necessary to let objections get the better of you. They’re not scary when you know how to handle them.When you know what’s holding people back from saying heck yes to your offer, you can address their hesitation head on. You don’t have to tiptoe around it — instead, you can have a conversation. Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll learn from this episode:  [05:11] The best place to address objections (hint: it’s not necessarily on your webinar or sales page) [07:32] What to do on the front end of your offer so that common objections never even make an appearance. [11:20] The truth about money objections  [17:11] The key differences between features and benefits [19:09] How to find “tiger” time. [26:35] Marie Forleo’s “I have to talk to my spouse or business partner” script. [29:35] How to get to the root mindset of "I'm not good at xyz."  Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I’d be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you! Links mentioned in this episode: Course Creation Starter Kit Digital Course Academy Waiting List Brian Tracy #235: How To Identify Your Ideal Customer Avatar

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