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Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

Latest episodes

Dec 5, 2019 • 1h 5min

#292: Student Spotlight: How This “Post Webinar Nurture Sequence” Led To Over $11,000 EXTRA In Revenue with Karida Griffith Walker

Let’s be honest, your launch runway and your webinars are the most exciting part of your launch! And if we’re being really honest, the time between your last webinar and your cart closing day, you’re most likely exhausted, and all you want to do is curl up to a good Netflix binge session -- at least I do!And while it’s tempting to do just that, I find that this time (between your last webinar and your cart close date) is where getting scrappy and making a little post-webinar push can transform the outcome and revenue of your launch. One of my Digital Course Academy students, Karida Griffith Walker, decided to roll up her sleeves and get scrappy with her post-webinar nurture sequence -- despite having a cold and a household of stuffy noses!Her commitment to showing up for her audience members who were on the fence resulted in over $11,000 extra in revenue and 20 new students in her digital course. That’s 58% of her revenue for this specific launch!She even talks about having a coughing attack during one of her live Facebook videos, but that didn’t stop her from showing up. In this episode, Karida shares her post-webinar strategies and some seriously impressive numbers. Take a listen, get inspired, and start planning to use some of these post-webinar strategies for your next launch. Here’s a breakdown of what Karida and I chatted about… [06:15]Karida was a professional dancer and Radio City Rockette for almost 5 years. She then left to pursue her passion for tap dancing, which led her to teaching tap to others. [09:21] Karida got married and moved to Portland where she is raising her three kids. She wanted to combine her love of dancing and teaching and stumbled across Webinars That Convert. She knew that there was a need for tap dance teacher training, so she created her signature course The Tap Teacher Lounge. [14:04] In her course, Karida uses slides, audio, and direct to camera videos of her actually showing dance moves to teach her students. She then allows them to send in videos for her feedback! [18:21] In Karida's most recent launch, she had 204 people registered for her four webinars. She also did something really cool, she offered an "interested but can't attend" option for those who wanted to register. She had 105 people select this option. She had 15 people sign up during her webinars and 20 people sign up during her post-webinar efforts. Her 35 signups brought her $21,000 in revenue. [23:56] If you pay attention to how your audience behaves—how they respond, what they need, what they want—you can get so many profitable ideas on how to cater to them and truly show up in a way that makes them want to buy.  [24:35] After the webinar, Karida kept running Facebook lives where she tackled her customer's biggest objections and explained her tap curriculum and what her students would learn. She retargeted 240 people and spent $170 in ads -- that's it! This resulted in eight new purchases.  [40:28] Karida had a totally different mindset with this launch. She got scrappy, because she wants to have a six-figure business. She was committed to her process and kept pushing all the way through the launch with her six-figure mindset! [45:43] Karida touched on the importance of sending a sequence of post-webinar emails and why some people appreciate receiving them. Subscribe & Review in iTunesNow if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
Nov 27, 2019 • 50min

#291: Master Live Video: How to Shift Your Mindset And Build Your Confidence

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  Your mindset is key. Whether you’re looking to build a business or create a life you love -- it all comes back to your mindset. When it comes to building a successful online business, there’s no doubt that you’re going to have to get in front of the camera from time to time. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to love it!  In fact, most people feel extremely uncomfortable in front of the camera, whether it’s for a Facebook Live or a webinar, which is why I’m sharing some of my favorite strategies for boosting your confidence in front of the camera.  And you guys know that I haven’t always loved doing live videos. In fact, I can’t say I am jumping at the bit to do them now.  However, I’ve definitely used these exact strategies to boost my confidence and feel much more comfortable jumping on to do a live video. I want to challenge you to take these strategies and make them your own. Use them over and over to shift your mindset and boost your confidence so that whether you’re doing a Facebook Live, an Instagram Live, or a webinar, you feel like a pro and show up for your audience and boost your know, like, and trust factor.   Go ahead and take these strategies to start creating real impact for your audience and for your business! You’ll learn… The importance of creating a pre-live ritual.  How to shift your focus to what you’re offering your clients.  How you can use your audience's engagement to build your confidence and your content. Tips for prompting your audience with a cue. (Including the cues I use!) What steps to walk through to make sure you’re ready to do a live video or webinar. [10:38] Create your own pre-live ritual. Create a ritual that you commit to performing each time before you go live -- this will allow you to automate your live video process and help you to become more relaxed and confident going live! [14:29] You're going to have some messiness when you're first starting out and building confidence on live video. Committing to a ritual will help you feel more natural in front of the camera and rock your lives. [15:54] Set an alarm 10 minutes prior to going live and get in the zone. Make sure everything is ready and then just allow yourself to settle in. Quiet your mind, look over your notes and allow yourself to find a sense of calmness. [18:19] Your mindset will affect your energy for live videos. If you're distracted and don't take the time to get excited about your live video, your audience will know. Here's a tip for you: smile when you talk! [20:32] Focus on what you're bringing to your audience. When you're worried about how you look on camera you're making the video about you and not your audience. Remember that you are doing live videos to support and serve your audience. [29:26] Allow your audience’s engagement to build your confidence and your content. Treat every person like they are special, show up like a boss, and engage with them. However, don't worry about having a huge audience when you're live. Keep in mind that your video will live on and get views and shares. [30:50] Ask your audience questions that relate to their pain point. Also, prompt them to share one takeaway or action item they are going to implement.
Nov 22, 2019 • 55min

BONUS: Quadruple Your Marketing Budget Using Facebook & Instagram Ads with Rick Mulready

We all know that Facebook and Instagram ads can help get the word out about our products, help build our lists, and even sell products. Yet, many of you have unanswered questions. That's why today we are answering your 10 burning questions about Facebook and Instagram ads. Those who know me, know that I'm not an expert on this, but my Regis to my Kathy Lee, Rick Mulready is here today to answer all of those questions and more.This podcast is specifically for online experts or people who sell a course, product, or coaching. It’s for people who want to build their list and increase their sales, but haven't quite started using ads yet. It’s also for those who have started using ads, but maybe they aren’t working out as well as you thought they would.  [05:09] What objective do I choose to get people to register for my webinar? You have to choose between lead generation and conversion. Conversion is having people click on your ad and go to your webinar registration page. The thank you page is used as custom conversion tracking. In Facebook ads use the conversion objective not the lead generation objective.  [07:14] What's the most effective ad type? You have to test things out. Any ad can be effective. It's about testing to see what works for you. Using a Facebook Live as an ad is a great video option. Try an image, video, and carousel ad and see what works best.  [09:50] Should I target other Facebook pages or cold audiences? Warm audiences are people on our list or website visitors. Prioritize warm audiences first, and then create lookalike audiences to cold target.  [13:27] People often don't understand their target customer. You need a holistic understanding of your target customer to do well with ads. Once you know your target customer create sub segments. Don’t have one conversation for everyone.  [19:54] Why are ad costs rising? They are more advertisers than ever. More competition equals higher ad cost. It's also the holiday season. There's an election coming up.  [23:08] What's CBO or campaign budget optimization? This will be the default way to set budgets. Set the budget at the campaign level. The algorithm divides the budget by ad performance. You can still set minimums at ad set level.  [28:33] How do I know my ads are working? What's the cost per lead? You want at least 20% converting. Tools like Leadpages will tell you the conversion rate. Leads divided by landing page conversion. Focus on increasing rates and the consistency between the page and ad.  [35:25] What's the deal with video? Create ads with mobile in mind first. Create video for areas where people consume video. People who watch a certain percentage are engagement audiences.  [37:44] Why are my ads getting disapproved? This happens to everyone. Review ad policies and keep up with changes. Don't make promises or insinuate people are struggling with certain things. Speak to positivity and transformation.  [40:39] Do I need to run ads when I'm not launching? It's a better strategy to consistently run ads and build engagement and your list. Facebook rewards consistently running ads and that reduces the cost of your launch.  [43:23] Bonus tip: Mindset around testing. Keep testing until you figure it out and you will win.  Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I’d be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!Links mentioned in this episode: Entrepreneur Experience Rick Mulready The Art of Online Business with Rick Mulready Facebook and Instagram Ads 101 - Free Masterclass
Nov 21, 2019 • 49min

#290: 5 Powerful Ways To Set Your Affiliates Up For Success

In this week’s episode, I talk all about how to boost your affiliate marketing game (and revenue) by loving up on your affiliates!So when I'm talking about "loving up" on your affiliates, this means how you can help them to best deliver and succeed as your affiliate -- promoting your program or service.Affiliates broaden your audience reach and because they’ve already established the know, like, and trust factor with their audience, your conversion rate will be higher than if you were to just target these audiences in cold ads.This is why, in my most recent Digital Course Academy launch, I went above and beyond to give my affiliates a whole lot of love and attention, and let me tell you, it definitely paid off.Today I want to share the specific ways I made my affiliates, like Jenna Kutcher, Stu McLaren, Kajabi, and Jill and Josh Stanton, feel extra special and important so that you can do the same for your upcoming launch. In this episode, I’m going to share 5 simple and powerful strategies to love up on your affiliates so they, in turn, go above and beyond to sell your course or service. You’re going to walk away from this episode with so many exciting ideas for your next launch!Tune in to learn these 5 strategies (plus a bonus strategy!)... The top documents to create to keep your affiliates organized and in the know.  The power of using a Facebook group to inspire and connect with your affiliates.  Assigning one person on your team (or a VA) to give your affiliates extra care and attention.  Surveying your affiliates to improve your affiliate marketing strategy for your next launch.  The importance of starting out small.  [08:38] We love to organize all of the information and details that our affiliates need to know into an easy to access Google Doc. This helps us make sure everything is in order before we even welcome affiliates. Having a doc like this also minimizes confusion and eliminates redundant questions. [10:12] A sneak peek of all the things that we include in our Affiliate FAQ document -- from commissions to payment options and everything in between. [17:17] Create a private Facebook group just for your affiliates to communicate with them before you actually open the cart, and continue communication and relationship building while the cart is open. This helps build hype and keeps affiliates in the loop. [21:55] Consider assigning one person on your team to be your affiliate concierge. Assigning someone specific to the needs of your affiliates ensures that they are prioritized, heard, and treated with extra special care. [25:10] Survey your affiliate partners post-launch to help you improve for your next launch, but also to make sure that you are creating solid relationships with your affiliates to ensure that they actually want to come back the next time. Getting post-launch affiliate feedback is crucial, so don't skip this step! [27:57] Start out small. Take baby steps and be realistic about the number of affiliates you can manage. Having a couple of affiliates that are well taken care of is more important than having a bunch who don't sell because they don't feel special. [36:53] Show gratitude and appreciation to your affiliates for their hard work -- this is essential! Don't be afraid to send them a gift or give them a call to show that you're truly grateful. Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
Nov 14, 2019 • 44min

#289: The Entrepreneurs Morning Routine (Including Tips to Create Your Own)

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  There are three kinds of people in this world. Those who have morning routines, those who don’t, and those who want to tell everyone else what their morning routine should be. I definitely have one, and I love it. It’s a good mix of Scout, Peloton, and of course Hobie (when he’s home!). Here’s the thing… I am not here to tell you how you should do your morning. In fact, on today’s podcast I am giving you the inside scoop on the morning routines of some of my favorite people. When you listen, you’ll notice that no two are the same. Did I mention all of these people are very successful entrepreneurs with a lot on their plates? As entrepreneurs, we get to design our own lives. We get to call the shots with how we spend our days and what we work on. Having a morning routine is a great way to gain focus and clarity and make sure the work for the day is the right work.  I hope this episode inspires you to create a morning routine that works for you and your life and most importantly supports the big goals you want to achieve. You’ll hear from… [08:00] Jasmine Star needs slow mornings to facilitate creativity and productivity. She quietly does the things that her soul needs to optimize her creativity levels. She gives herself 45 minutes of utter decadence. She also gets two hours of unobstructed work time. [13:18] Jennifer Allwood has four kids. Need I say more? Her mornings consist of getting kids out the door for the first two hours. And she still manages to get quiet time for the first 35 to 45 minutes of the day. She goes out to her deck with coffee. She thinks about her intentions for the day and what will actually move the needle.  [17:50] James Wedmore makes sure his routine gets him excited to get up. He meditates for mental well being. For physical well being he uses an infrared sauna, the Peloton Tread, a Bellicon rebounder, and a BioCharger. Some days he just goes for a walk or swims in the ocean.  [22:20] Julie Solomon began morning routines a few years ago, but made them too rigid. Now she sees her routine in a new way and it serves her far greater than before. Her routine is intentionally set up for self-care in whatever way it looks like for each day.  [29:48] Stu McLaren starts with his five year old in his face asking if it’s time to get up yet. He doesn’t have a regimented routine in this season of life. His priorities are family time. His day starts and ends with his family. He takes his kids to school and gets his wife a cup of tea. He also takes his dog for a walk in the woods.  [32:56] Kate Northrup has a different routine everyday, because of her two young children. She feels like her morning is not entirely within her control. She wakes up with the baby or when she is done sleeping. She takes a moment of gratitude. She has a cup of warm lemon water. Then coffee. She fits in a quick workout with her husband in the garage.  
Nov 7, 2019 • 42min

#288: How to Create a Pre-Launch Facebook Live Content Strategy

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  There’s one important factor that can either make or break your launch and it has nothing to do with how much money you spend on ads, how huge your list is, or whether or not your sales page copy is on point.  One of the biggest predictors of launch success is how you show up for your audience in the 30 – 60 days before your launch. I don’t just mean writing a blog post or sending out an email every now and then. I mean putting on your planning hat and mapping out a series of Facebook Lives that both teach your audience something while also overcoming the common objections that come up when you go into launch mode.  This pre-launch Facebook Live strategy has been a game-changer for me and I know it’ll be just as effective for you whether you’re just getting started or you’re a more advanced marketer.  In this week’s podcast episode, I’m sharing all the behind-the-scenes details for my pre-launch Facebook Live strategy, including how to choose the topics you’ll go Live with, how often to go Live, and how to make sure that your Facebook Live viewers are primed and ready to register for your webinar and ultimately purchase your course. And by the way, I give you full permission to steal the strategy and make it your own.  Here’s the breakdown: [10:01] Once you know the topic of your course that you’ll be selling, you want to think about what you can present in your webinar that would be in alignment with and a perfect lead-in to that course. I break this down and share examples so the strategy will be super clear.   [11:24] One of the best ways I’ve found to nail down a topic that would pique my ICA’s interest is to create a list of their objections, challenges, limiting beliefs and mindset blocks and then I create my Facebook Live content to counter those by presenting a solution that will help them achieve their desires and goals. [13:42] To make it super actionable, I show you exactly how I take that list and turn each one into a Facebook Live topic. When you do this, you meet your customer right where they are and give them both momentum and traction — always a good thing!  [25:13] These pre-launch Facebook lives are great for list building when you’re strategic with your CTAs (call-to-action). I talk about the lead magnets that did really well in my most recent pre-launch period. [27:43] The key to any good strategy is to be open to tweaking and changing things up as you learn. I talk about the major tweak I’ll make with my next pre-launch content. Hint: I’ll be focusing much more on mindset.  [30:35] Students often tell me they’re afraid they sound like a broken record when they repeat certain things when presenting their content. I talk about how repetition is actually a good thing because there are certain things your potential customer may need to hear more than once to make a buying decision.   
Oct 31, 2019 • 49min

#287: How This Rocker Chick Combined a Membership and a Physical Product to Create the Perfect Experience

If you’ve been tuning in over the last few months I’ve been talking plenty about the power of membership sites, but today I’m sharing a whole new opportunity available to those of us who run a membership site to serve our audiences — adding a physical product to the mix!   Erin Mullins Sanderson, better known online as Fit Rocker Chick, had no idea what she was building when she first started her membership site. All she knew was that she had a message to share and an audience that wanted more of that confident rocker vibe she embodies. Erin’s story is super unique and something I think we can all learn from. She successfully launched a membership without even knowing what she’d offer, has grown that community to over 500 members, and has created a skincare line that her community went wild for.  She’s clearly a woman of many talents, but what I adore most about her isn’t that perfect skin or her rockstar vibes — it’s her ability to take imperfect action and to really LISTEN to what her audience wants. Today I want you to see how listening to your audience, thinking outside of the box, and doing something you’ve *always* wanted can amplify your audience experience AND help you boost your bottom line. Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll learn from my interview with Erin: [06:47] How Erin felt a void with her group and wanted to bring them together. She ran the idea of a membership site by her list and found 100 beta testers to help flesh out her plan or lack of plan.  [12:59] How Erin decided on what topics to cover each week in her membership.  [14:30] Erin shares how often she goes live in the community, the type of heavyweight guest expert she features and the other fun aspects of being a member of her group (You’ll love her playlist and setlist ideas!)   [17:03] How Erin’s members have become more courageous, started dreaming bigger, started new dream projects, became philanthropic, and left toxic relationships. These stories will inspire you!  [24:18] How often Erin opens up her membership experience and the tools she uses to run her membership site. [26:04] How the dream to create a skincare line came about.   [34:32] How Erin made her community a part of the skincare product line decision-making process from the beginning. She talks about how she then launched her new product directly to her community, and it sold out right away. Her second batch also sold out in 48 hours.   
Oct 24, 2019 • 56min

#286: How to Create a 7-Day Pop-Up Group to Boost Course Sales

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?!You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template. I was recently in Toronto at Stu McLaren’s Tribe event and had an opportunity to record an interview with Jill Stanton of Screw the Nine to Five. Jill and Josh Stanton are two of my favorite people. Josh is hilarious, and I love talking with Jill. You know, I have so many good things to say about Facebook groups, but today is about using short pop-up groups to promote your offers. Jill and Josh used this method to promote one of their products and to promote my Digital Course Academy. They also threw in a fun twist by making five day challenges where they give a short challenge each day along with challenge marching orders. They also offer a prize to people who make it all the way through. These groups are a great way to warm up your audience or introduce them to a person or product that you would like to promote. Jill shares all of the tactics that she used along with some smart ideas to give the audience what they want and need without being pushy or overselling. This method can be used to create custom content and engagement for the right audience at the right time. [07:31] You can create a timeline of four weeks, but for Jill and Josh, engagement started to drop off after a couple of weeks. They tested a two week group and the results were great. This is keeping people's attention for a shorter time and making a quick win.  [10:14] Look at your offer and choose a congruent topic. Don't overwhelm people with the how-tos. Your offer is the how. You need to help them see the what and the why. Empower them to take action.  [15:21] The what and why for Jill and Josh's Digital Course Academy pop-up promotion was Think Like an Expert - From Impostor Syndrome to Expert Status. They identified five core beliefs that were holding their audience back.  [19:09] They ran a challenge on their last pop-up. They ran ads and spent about $42,000 and generated $293,000. They spent $10,000 to get 1200 super targeted people in the group. The one prior to that, they spent $4500 and made $43,000.  [22:48] The challenges are short five minute videos that give a challenge and marching orders. The entire challenge has a prize incentive. Every day at 1:00 they would do a Facebook Live about the challenge of the day. No CTA but they are seeding the topic.  [29:54] Pay attention to the objections you get when you make offers. You want to help the audience overcome their limiting beliefs.  [31:04] Create content around the topic of your pop-up group and have your readers or listeners opt in. You're building your list and creating anticipation around an offer. People can opt in through messenger or email. [35:29] Moving people from the challenge to the offer includes seeding throughout the content. You can move into a webinar, a free video series, a Facebook Live, and the cart opens on day five. When the offer closes, the group is archived. People who did join the program still get your support.  Subscribe & Review in iTunesNow if you’re feeling extra loving, I’d be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!Links mentioned in this episode: Tribe Screw The Nine To Five The Screw The Nine To Five Podcast Screw the Nine to Five on Facebook Screw the Nine to Five on Instagram Screw the Nine to Five on YouTube
Oct 17, 2019 • 37min

#285: 5 Crucial Lessons Learned From Creating My First Membership Experience

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?!You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template. Some of you may remember me talking about my upcoming membership site, and how I was going to put it on hold for awhile. Well, I’ve found clarity, and Momentum will be launching in November. Tribe members and people who have listened to my episode with Stu McLaren know how valuable it is to be part of a membership site. Today’s episode is special, because I’m going to be talking about my own membership site, and I want to share with you some of the lessons that I’ve learned. Up until a few months ago, I had reached a point where I was really stuck in the process of creating Momentum. Since then, I have learned so much. I have had so much insight and clarity, that I wanted to share what I’ve learned and the big lessons with you. I think you'll get a lot of value from hearing about how we processed the information, how we went about putting things together, and if you do decide to create a membership site, you can walk away with these lessons already locked in. So, you my friend do not need to make the same mistakes that I made. Here are the five crucial lessons that I’ve learned so far. This episode is sponsored by gravy. If you have a subscription model business or offer payment plans like I do for my online courses, you've got to listen up. One of my biggest frustrations was lost money due to failed payment plans. In fact, it used to keep me up at night. I would worry about all the people that were on a payment plan, because if they didn't finish that payment plan I was screwed. That's when I decided I needed to do something about it, because I hated the worry. I started to work with gravy, and I promise you I never worry about payment plans anymore. Gravy sets up a system inside of your business where they contact your customers within hours of their failed payments, and they capture updated billing information and save the customer. Our failed payment recovery rate increased from 33% to over 80%.That's a whole lot of saved payments. If your revenue is currently at $250,000 or more, and you know you're losing money due to failed payment plans each month, I want to encourage you to check out Gravy.Subscribe & Review in iTunesAre you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I’d be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!Links mentioned in this episode: All About Membership Sites: Your Top 10 Burning Questions with Stu McLaren Gravy Tribe
Oct 10, 2019 • 1h 3min

#284: The Better Buzz Strategy to Boost Engagement in Your Facebook Group with Dana Malstaff

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?!You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template. If YOU have a community (free or paid) then you know ENGAGEMENT is the #1 metric for your success. Nobody wants to show up in a room full of crickets.My friend Dana Malstaff, founder of Boss Mom and community creator extraordinaire is the queen of creating next level group engagement. That’s why I just had to have her on the podcast this week.Dana’s Better Buzz Strategy has helped her create one of the most engaged communities I’ve ever heard of (70% monthly engagement with 40k members, say what?!).Here are the six types of posts you want to be sure to utilize: [29:49] The first type of buzz worthy post is a decision post. That answers a simple question to help you make a decision. Give three options, but don’t use a poll. It’s easy for people to engage, and the post stays alive. Then hop on a chat with your super engagers. You should be doing one of these a week. [34:47] Opinion posts where you ask people what their opinion is. What are your top podcasts or number one blog? The best ones give you information on who to collaborate with and help you gain knowledge and insight.  [37:37] Permission posts are where people tell a story or the hero’s journey. It creates a sense of belonging. Tell people they aren’t alone and create an appreciation loop. [41:24] Can’t help themselves post. Telling people you just landed a client and asking them to celebrate or drop a GIF. Post something interesting where people can’t help but celebrate with you.  [46:43] Ask is consistently telling people what you do. Let people know what you sell and what you want to be known for.  [49:04] Authority posts. The easiest way to get authority is to get featured on podcasts. Also link to the post and mention it on Facebook live.  Dana covers so much more in the episode. The first 20 minutes alone are pure gold, so tune in now and hop to it with applying these strategies in your communities! 

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