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Huberman Lab

Dr. Elissa Epel: Control Stress for Healthy Eating, Metabolism & Aging

Apr 3, 2023

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Quick takeaways

  • Stress impacts mood, eating behavior, mental health, physical health, and aging; stress intervention tools can help cease unhealthy rumination patterns.
  • Managing stress through mindfulness techniques can minimize its negative effects on aging process and behavioral choices.

Deep dives

The Impact of Stress on Aging and Behavioral Choices

Stress, both acute and chronic, can have a profound impact on our biology and psychology. It can affect our cell aging process and influence our behavioral choices, particularly in relation to food. Stress can change our telomeres, which are important for our cell's genetic machinery. It can also lead to stress-related eating and cravings for comfort foods high in fat, sugar, and salt. However, managing stress and adopting interventions like meditation, breathwork, and specific dietary changes can help minimize the negative effects of stress on our aging process and behavioral choices.

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