Alex is big on TikTok under the handle @legaltechbro. He has quickly become one of the biggest influencers in the entire legaltech industry. How? 15 second video skits poking fun at the legal profession. It’s a counterintuitive strategy on its face, but it’s working in a big way. Alex lays out his journey and his playbook.
Conversation Highlights:
[00:10 - 01:36] Introduction to Alex Su
[01:40 - 03:11] Alex Su's personal brand and strategy for his channel @legaltechbro
[03:11 - 05:50] Going from a lawyer, to sales, to a content creator with a ton of influence
[05:51 - 07:12] The video that blew up
[07:12 - 09:41] Speak to the things you care about and that they care about
[09:43 - 11:26] Resonating authentically vs thought leadership
[11:33 - 13:49] Relating to friction, and layering in what a company does by focusing on the problem
[13:50 - 15:37] How does @legaltechbro fit into Alex's daily role at Ironclad
[15:37 - 18:02] How does making a TikTok turn into community dinners and connectivity in the buyer's journey?
[18:03 - 20:04] Connecting in a genuine human way on social
[21:03 - 24:50] What's the business value, budget, and the ROI? Answering the skeptic's questions.
[24:50 - 27:18] Considering content's effect on inbound marketing
[27:19 - 29:35] Exploring ideas, realizing when nobody is doing the idea it may be brilliant
[29:37 - 32:27] Where to begin? Select the right platform for your audience.
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Alex Su, @legaltechbro
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