Want a chance to take a LIVE class with me? Get tickets to FREE Muscle Intelligence Trainings on January 26th and February 4th, to 10x upgrade your effectiveness in the gym, and with your nutrition at muscleintelligence.com/tickets - seats are limited, so act now!
On today's episode, I discuss the key to improving all aspects of life... EFFECTIVENESS.
Not just effectiveness in the gym, but also with your nutrition, your scheduling, and your communication skills.
Maximizing effectiveness is the key to being EXCEPTIONAL in everything you do.
Improving effectiveness, combined with a few other skills and processes, will take you to new levels in life…
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- The #1 Simple Lever for Highly Effective Workouts, and More Success in Less Time
- How to Optimize the Six Pillars of a Lean, Healthy and Muscular Body
- My 5C’s Framework for Masculinity, Strong Relationships, & Magnetic Leadership
- The Top Four Things you Ultimately Can and SHOULD Control
- A System-by-System Approach to Building Resiliency
With most things in life the key is NOT to do more…
It's to do BETTER with the limited time you have! So spend your time wisely, check out today’s episode, and apply these tactics to become more effective immediately.
Get today's full episode guide for free at muscleintelligence.com/learn
Muscle Intelligence has opened the doors temporarily for new members ready to start in January 2023. We train Champions. If you’re interested, click here to see if you qualify.