Podcast highlights created and posted by Ethan Lee-Tyson on Snipd
3 Blue Collar Side Hustle Ideas From A $40M Founder

The value is in the duck calls

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Anthony Vicino on wanting to control the hard things he chooses to do
014 - Anthony Vicino | From $80k in Debt to Millionaire in 3 Years

Choose your struggle

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Sarah Moore on her unlikely path from troubled teen to Harvard Business School and why you should “be that one person for one person”
How I Bought A Multi-Million Dollar Egg Carton Business For $0

Be that one person for one person

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Why Thierry Henry struggled to find his identity after retiring
Thierry Henry on looking for approval from his father, being saved by his kids, embracing his emotions

Thierry Henry on struggling with retirement

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How a near-fatal car crash changed Charlie Davies’ perspective
Thierry Henry on looking for approval from his father, being saved by his kids, embracing his emotions

When Charlie Davies realized he was more than an athlete

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The day Thierry Henry felt like a human being for the very first time in his life
Thierry Henry on looking for approval from his father, being saved by his kids, embracing his emotions

Thierry Henry on feeling like a stranger in his own home

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Dr K on why boredom and “reaching the end of thought” can help you find your purpose
#628 - Dr K Healthy Gamer - Why Are We All So Addicted To Our Screens?

Finding purpose

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Unconventional advice about how workouts can complement lifestyle
#160 - Michael Blevins - A Conversation Not About Fitness

Aligning workouts with temperament and lifestyle

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David Perell on crafting your unique path and finding what only you can do
#404: David Perell – Surrender To Your True Nature

Find what only you can do

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Colin and Samir on the value of longform content
ICYMI... HIBT Lab! Colin and Samir: Colin Rosenblum and Samir Chaudry

People follow people

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  • When you spend time with someone for a longer period, you build a deeper connection compared to short interactions on TikTok
  • YouTube prioritizes creators and viewers come for longer periods, allowing creators to build a career
  • TikTok focuses more on algorithm-driven content, while YouTube emphasizes building relationships with creators
Colin and Samir discuss with Ali Abdaal: how it’s become more lucrative to talk about your job than to do your job
How Ali Abdaal makes $5,741,266.32 a year on YouTube

Creating content about work has become more lucrative than doing it

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Podcasts don’t have native distribution, YouTube can help with discovery
Crypto, Events Spaces, and Trust in Media | Jason Yanowitz, Blockworks

Why podcast growth is hard

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