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The Daniel Yores Podcast

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May 16, 2024 • 1h 2min

#168: Carmie Hawkins - Ditch the Fat Loss Lies & Scams to Become a Badass (For You & Your Kids)

Carmie Hawkins (@carmhawk_getsfit) is a fitness and nutrition coach, and a badass mermaid goddess wife and mother of 2. After going through her own rocky road of a health and fitness journey Carmie has become a coach herself to speak to the women who are going through the same things she did. To help women become healthy, strong and confident and ultimately break the cycle of negativity for the next generation. Carmie has been through the ringer of crazy diets, unreasonable workout programs, pills & potions, MLM’s and all the rest - so she gets it. Her message to you is that there is another way, a better way. A more effective way to become the strongest, healthiest and happiest version of yourself that will last a lifetime and then some, by passing these habits along to your kids. We discussed her journey through fitness, and how she eventually arrived at the balanced place she’s at now and put herself in a position to give back. She gave a ton of insight into how these scams and predatory practices operate, and some really actionable tips that you can start to implement today to begin to break free. I’m grateful for people like Carmie. These experiences that she’s had are very real and far too common. I personally don’t have any experience with them so these words hold a ton more weight coming from someone who’s been through it. There is a better way, and there are lots of people willing and able to help. To get in touch with Carmie and stay tuned for some big things coming up, follow her on IG.The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify.  It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people. Website danielyores.comConnect with me on Instagram @danielyoresConnect with me on Twitter @danielyores Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss
May 7, 2024 • 36min

#167: 5 Practical Tactics to Shed Body Fat & Get Lean for Summer 2024

Summer is fast approaching and despite your best efforts to stay lean year round, I’m almost certain you’d like to get just a little leaner for summer. Last summer I did an episode about how to get shredded as fast as possible for summer. It wasn’t super practical, and I don’t advise doing it - but it does work. It’s episode 117 and you can listen to it here. This episode however is a much more practical approach. In this episode I share 5 strategies that I use for myself and for my clients that make a significant difference when trying to lose body fat, and are especially useful around summer time with the unique challenges and opportunities that often come up. Let me be extremely clear here: there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to get lean for summer. A little bit of vanity is ok. However, doing extreme things without knowing what you’re doing that are a possible detriment to your health and wellbeing is absolutely not advised. This should be obvious, but there is a fine line between tightening up a little bit, and doing things that are stupid to drop large amounts of fat in a short amount of time. The tips in this episode are simple to implement, and have a proven track record of being effective - without taking over your life. Let’s get you in your best shape ever this summer. The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.Download my FREE Protein Cheat Sheet here. Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify.  It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people. Website danielyores.comConnect with me on Instagram @danielyoresConnect with me on Twitter @danielyores Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss
Apr 30, 2024 • 1h 6min

#166: Troy Taylor - World Class Training Methods & Technology with Tonal’s Smart Home Gym

Troy Taylor (@strengthsciencetroy) is the Senior Director of Performance Innovation at Tonal. He is an internationally renowned human performance leader, having worked with world class  Olympic athletes in the UK, Canada and the USA. He now brings all of that knowledge and experience to Tonal, the world’s smartest home gym machine. People like Troy are always a rare treat to hear from. He’s worked with some of the biggest names on the biggest stages for the highest stakes, but out of the limelight. No interviews or media coverage can unveil what really goes into building world class athletes as well as someone like Troy, who was there doing the thing. Bringing all of that to the general population and regular lifters like you and I is immensely valuable. Troy and I discuss how he blends his experience with the reality of the fitness needs of every day people, and how this is all completely built into Tonal. It allows people to get great results with advanced training methods (which are possible due to the hardware technology of Tonal) without being overwhelming or needing to hire an Olympic level coach or training facility. I am not often impressed by “fitness technology”. Usually I find them gimmicky and a neat marketing ploy at best that doesn’t actually do anything new, unique, or useful. Tonal seems different. The innovative hardware and software combination that they’ve built seems to be very impressive and practical in a way that over time could fundamentally change the way gyms are built and everyone trains. In the meantime, if you’re someone who likes to workout from home but maybe doesn’t have space for a full home gym, or don’t want to fumble around with equipment and figuring out your workouts, I’d highly recommend checking out Tonal. For what it’s worth, I get nothing for saying that - I just genuinely think it’s very useful, practical and probably a great solution for a lot of people. Be sure to follow Troy on IG for more training knowledge and insights on how he uses his Tonal. The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify.  It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people. Website danielyores.comConnect with me on Instagram @danielyoresConnect with me on Twitter @danielyores Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss
Apr 23, 2024 • 54min

#165: Mobility Duo - Strength Training for Snowboarding & the True Benefits of Fitness

Mark & Sarah (@mobilityduo) are a husband and wife team who are health professionals, snowboarders, and lovers of all things outdoors. Mark is a physical therapist, snowboard instructor, and personal trainer and Sarah is a massage therapist, yoga teacher, and personal trainer. Putting their brains, hearts, talents and expertise together, they are Mobility Duo. They offer a number of courses and programs as well as individual coaching to help prevent injuries, assist with rehabilitation of injuries, and keep snowboarders and outdoor enthusiasts active until 70+!Since I picked up snowboarding 2 winters ago I’ve completely fallen in love with it. First of all, it’s awesome (although, I probably don’t look that cool doing it… yet!). Second, it’s a completely new physical challenge to figure out and overcome. If you’re a longtime listener of the podcast you know that I’ve struggled with injuries my entire life, so naturally as I took up snowboarding I automatically went into injury prevention mode. This is how I found Mark & Sarah. This episode is filled with practical tips to add to your training during the off-season or even in season to keep you riding better, more comfortably, and for longer. The same principals in this discussion really apply to any sport or physical activity you do. Naturally as things tend to around here, the conversation morphs into something bigger than fitness. Yes all of the training stuff is super important to keep you riding, playing and doing the things you love. But we all inherently know it’s about so much more than that. When you fully embrace this, everything starts to make more sense with training, and everything will become more effective. It was an absolute pleasure to have Mark & Sarah on the podcast, I learned a ton and I’m sure you will too. If you snowboard, or play any sports or outdoor activities you absolutely should be following them. And please check out their website for some of their programs just as Snoga (yoga for snowboarders), core workouts, knee and warmup programs, concussion foundations and more. The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify.  It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people. Website danielyores.comConnect with me on Instagram @danielyoresConnect with me on Twitter @danielyores Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss
Apr 16, 2024 • 39min

#164: Alex McBrairty - Tricks to Play on Yourself to Have a Great Day, Every Day

Alex McBrairty (@_ateamfit_) is a fitness psychologist, coach and writer. Having gone through his own fitness transformation journey that completely changed his life, he now coaches others to do the same. The nuts and bolts of fitness and nutrition are relatively straightforward. The tough part is always how to implement them in your life, and how to do so consistently. The psychological aspect of fitness is just as - if not more - important than the physical, and also more difficult. Alex and I spoke about some ways to motivate yourself and develop new habits. We also spoke about how to shift your mindset to make the best of a situation. Of course we all have bad days, but the goal is to have more good days more often. Some people really get bogged down on details that aren’t as important as you feel in your head and in your heart. If you improve this, everything else falls into place. There is a ton to learn in this episode, I’d suggest listening twice. To learn more about Alex and his coaching, visit and follow him on IG.The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify.  It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people. Website danielyores.comConnect with me on Instagram @danielyoresConnect with me on Twitter @danielyores Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss
Apr 9, 2024 • 46min

#163: Dr. Jonathan Mike - Learn How to Train Harder & Smarter for Bigger Gains

Dr. Jonathan Mike (@drjmike) has  PhD in Exercise Science, is a sports performance coach, author, and international speaker. He has been training for over 25 years. Over that time, he’s learned to blend the scientific principles of training with the real-world experience to become a world-class coach and educator. Jon is a highly sought after speaker so we are very lucky to have had him on the podcast and learn from him. The nuggets of information you’ll pick up in this episode will help you understand training better AND be able to apply it immediately. Training isn’t just science and books, but it’s also not just “bro science” - the best requires a blend of both. The good news is this is all very highly acceptable in today’s world, and you’d do well to seek out that information. We spoke about training principles and how to set up your workouts, tweak your exercises, and enhance your training while still keeping things fun. To keep up with Dr. Jon, follow him on IG, Youtube and Facebook. And check out his website here. The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify.  It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people. Website danielyores.comConnect with me on Instagram @danielyoresConnect with me on Twitter @danielyores Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss
Apr 2, 2024 • 34min

#162: Is Cardio Good for Fat Loss? (A Guide to Cardio Training)

People flocking to the cardio machines ahead of summer is as predictable as the sun rising tomorrow. As well as the classic “I’m gonna do 10-15 mins on the stairmaster to finish my workout, cause I’m cutting you know.” Does this work? Is it broscience, real science, somewhere in between? Is it a waste of time, or the best use of time possible? What is cardio, and does it even have anything to do with fat loss? How should you add cardio into your workout routine for the most benefits - in terms of health, performance, and fat loss? These are all super common questions, myths and suggestions that were covered in this episode. I’d highly encourage you to forward this to your gym buddies who are looking to shred down a bit for summer. Better yet, you should reach out to me for coaching to take the guesswork out of your training and nutrition, so you can actually get lean this summer (and stay that way). Cardio is great, everyone should do it… just understand why and how you do what you do. The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify.  It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people. Website danielyores.comConnect with me on Instagram @danielyoresConnect with me on Twitter @danielyores Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss
Mar 26, 2024 • 40min

#161: Spring 2024 Q&A - Summer Shred, Best Workout Splits, Snowboard Training & More

Welcome to the Spring 2024 Q&A episode. These questions come from people who asked on IG. Good mix of questions based on some recent events and things to come in the near future. This may be the best, worst solo episode yet… and you’ll understand when you watch it! Things covered in this episode: Wedding shred updatesPet peeves in the fitness industryTraining for a snowboard tripTips for getting lean for summer Low carb diets for weight lossWhen to use full body workoutsThe best workout splits Some minor announcements/updates/housekeeping Something for everyone, enjoy! The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify.  It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people.  Website danielyores.comConnect with me on Instagram @danielyoresConnect with me on Twitter @danielyores Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss
Mar 19, 2024 • 1h 4min

#160: Tanner Shuck - Real & Raw Fitness Tips to Get Jacked & Be Happy

Tanner Shuck (@tanner_shuck) is a coach, athlete, and one of the most real voices within the fitness industry. His direct approach to fitness and nutrition cuts through so much nonsense and delivers amazing results with a refreshingly simple and effective perspective. Tanner was a previous guest of the podcast back in episode 42 so it was time to run it back. Since that time Tanner has had massive growth on social media and is more deserving of it than anyone. His YouTube channel has some of the best fitness content I’ve seen. The message is always the same: train hard, get better at the basics, eat real foods, and be relentlessly consistent. This episode is full of tiny nuggets of extremely tactical advice on exactly how to do just that. It’s tough to stay away from the glitz and glam online - especially in a world full of enhanced people via PEDs and/or photoshop. So we need to bring things back to reality to set expectations right, without any fluff. Tanner is one of the best at that. This episode also took a turn touching on some mental health aspects which are always intertwined with everything we do. I didn’t expect this but I’m glad it happened. It’s important to discuss, bring to the forefront, and share about what works and what doesn’t. As always, take the messages, and apply them to your own life. To stay up to date on everything Tanner has going on, follow him on IG, subscribe to his YouTube channel, visit his website, and support by checking out the TrueStrength gear at Barbell Apparel. The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify.  It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people. Website danielyores.comConnect with me on Instagram @danielyoresConnect with me on Twitter @danielyores Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss
Mar 12, 2024 • 60min

#159: Sachin Latti - Running Across Canada… In Record Time

Sachin Latti ( is an endurance athlete advocating for those suffering in silence. Coming from a background in law enforcement, and having competed and excelled in bodybuilding and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, running is his next challenge - and his vehicle to give back and help others. I hear about people who do crazy things like run across Canada and think it’s awesome… Sach says “Game on”. That sounds like hyperbole, but he is training to beat the record for the fastest run across Canada in 2025. It’s not just the physical feat though, it’s everything it represents: resilience, consistency, grueling effort and dedication. But most of all, it’s who this is for: the veterans and first responders suffering in silence from PTSD and other mental health illnesses. Sach has been there himself, risen through it, and is now doing what he can to help everyone else. Sach has an incredible story and a wonderful message. We spoke about some of the ins and outs of actually training for such an event, and all of the widespread impact it will have. As well as tons of actionable tips that you can use today to improve your own life situation, no matter where you currently are. If you are in the Vancouver area, check out the Night to Inspire charity gala event on March 30th. Otherwise, follow Sach on IG, and check out his website to stay in the loop. The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify.  It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people. Website danielyores.comConnect with me on Instagram @danielyoresConnect with me on Twitter @danielyores Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss

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