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Ben Greenfield Life

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Aug 15, 2020 • 3h 30min

Hunting Down EMF In Your Office, Bedroom, Gym & Beyond: Is Your Home's "Dirty Electricity" Wrecking Your Sleep, Your Recovery, Your Health & More? The Official Ben Greenfield & Brian Hoyer Low-EMF Home How-To.       Sit back and prepare for a wild ride, because it's finally here: The official, fully updated, EMF-shielding "building biology" analysis of my biohacked home in the forest.       Are your sleep-enhancing devices potentially hurting your brain and sleep patterns due to the dirty electricity they emit during a night of sleep?     Is a "low-EMF" office really low EMF?     Do "healthy" saunas produce EMFs or dirty electricity?     Is it OK to use popular grounding or earthing devices?     Do any of those fancy EMF personal protection devices actually work?     How big a deal are cell phone towers or 5G panels, even if you don't live directly nearby one?           We'll tackle these questions and plenty more as you get to listen in (and watch, using the video here on this page) during an entire building biology analysis of the Greenfield home.           My guest on today's show, Brian Hoyer, first joined me on the show "The Intriguing Science Of Building Biology (Along With A Complete Analysis & Surprising Results From Ben Greenfield’s So-Called “Biohacked Home”)".           Brian’s dive into health started when he became a father wanting to provide the most optimal growing environment for his family. His desire for them to thrive—and his devotion to discover the truth—drove him to find the most insightful and effective cutting-edge methods for addressing what’s really going on in our bodies and environments. This led Brian to become a functional nutritional therapy practitioner, train with The Klinghardt Academy, and become a certified geobiologist trained by a pioneering naturopathic and environmental medicine clinic in Austria that’s been addressing EMFs and geopathic stress since 1983.           Brian and his wife, Lindsey, built an EMF shielded tiny house in the summer of 2017. Brian travels all over the country doing EMF assessments, speaking at conferences and on podcasts, and helping families install shielding solutions. After testing many homes for EMF around the country Brian founded Shielded Healing in 2017 with the goal of helping modern humanity recreate electromagnetic environments that more closely mimic our historic human habitats.         According to Brian, EMF testing and mitigation has been stuck in the same pattern for 20-30 years. The last 10-15 years professionals all around the world have been recommending the same solutions even as our exposure has increased 500-1000 times or more. The same fabrics, the same meters, the same recommendations, and saying pretty much the same things, despite the drastic increase in exposures and chronic illness.   Here's what you'll hear in the podcast: -The difference between a "building biologist" and an EMF shielding expert...7:00         -The protocol Brian follows when evaluating a home or office...11:00         -Living Room and Kitchen...31:45           -Boys' Bedrooms...1:09:50           -Master bedroom...1:51:45         -Smart Meter and Solar Panels...2:13:30         -Biohacking Room...2:31:15       -The Office...2:57:45       Closing Ceremony...3:30:00 for privacy information.
Aug 13, 2020 • 1h 23min

Q&A 416: How To Reverse Gray Hair (& Other Beauty Biohacks), The Adrenal Fatigue Myth, The Shocking Beer Exercise Results & Much More!     News Flashes – Follow Ben on Twitter for more…5:00           [5:40] Those who want to lose weight but don’t want to give up their beer will find this study quite compelling: alcohol (especially beer) seems to be OK if you’re doing HIIT training:          [9:05] Alcohol consumption following a workout doesn’t seem to affect the majority of the biological and physical benefits, but cortisol increased, and testosterone and muscle protein synthesis decreased, so long term muscular adaptations could be impaired if alcohol consumption during recovery is consistent: (Alcohol is a well known HGH acting at the GHRH level inhibitor/supressor and it also leads to IGF-1 decrease. Surprising it's not mentioned in the study.)              [13:00] Chalk another one up to the life-extending benefits of low-to-moderate alcohol consumption, at least in tiny cocktail swigging rodents         [20:45] Israeli firm says Medical marijuana best taken in ‘micro-doses’  (500mcg!) with no high           [23:45] An interesting idea: Use your old coffee grounds by drying them, mixing into foods, and then burn more fat by changing your gut biome? Read more         Listener Q&A:     How To Reverse Gray Hair...36:34       The Adrenal Fatigue Myth...55:30       How To Recover From COVID-19...1:07:35     Episode sponsors: Kion Coffee, Organifi, Seed Daily Synbiotic, Paleo Valley for privacy information.
Aug 8, 2020 • 59min

Why Your Pursuit Of A Better Body & The Perfect Diet Is Never Going To Make You Happy, How Christians Should Make Food Choices, The Ultimate Source Of Joy & Much More With Doug Wilson.

"You can sin with food in many ways -- by not sharing it, by eating way too much of it, by throwing it across the restaurant table... But you do not sin with food by bowing your head over it, saying grace with true gratitude in your heart, and tucking in." These words come from a book written by today's guest - Doug Wilson. His sharp-edged but humorous title Confessions of a Food Catholic addresses the unscriptural approach to food that many Christians have developed in recent years (by the way, a "food catholic" is somebody who accepts all eaters of all foods, even if he or she doesn't actually eat quinoa).     Specifically, the book addresses divisive threats to Christian table fellowship, the know-it-all pride of newfangled "health food" rules, and the dislocated moralism that makes "organic" and "natural" the signs of righteousness while disdaining the brethren who buy their beef at Stuffmart.       In today's podcast, Doug and I get into his approach to how Christianity mingles with food choices, and much more - including longevity and anti-aging, nutrition, diets fitness and the ultimate source of the joy and happiness so many of us turn to these type of activities to fulfill. We also discuss Doug's take on Joel Salatin, the true cost of food, and how we care for the planet.       Doug Wilson is an old family friend of mine, the minister of Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho, which is a member of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches (CREC) and church I attended all throughout my childhood and during college. After his stint in the submarine service of the U.S. Navy, he attended the University of Idaho, where he obtained an MA in philosophy.     As one of its founders, Doug has served on the board of Logos School, a classical and Christian school (K-12), since its inception. He is also a Senior Fellow of theology at New St. Andrews College, which I consider to be one of the better liberal arts institutions in the country.     He is the author of numerous books, including Reforming Marriage, The Case for Classical Christian Education, Letter from a Christian Citizen, and Blackthorn Winter. Doug is also the general editor for the Omnibus textbook series. His blog can be found at and his metric ton of grandkids can be found spread across the planet with rapidly increasing frequency. During this discussion, you'll discover: -What is a "food catholic?"...9:15         -How to identify what Doug calls "phood pharisees"...12:35         -How people use diets as a substitute for true righteousness...16:50         -How to use food to assist in the pursuit of holiness...22:15         -How food as an anti-aging tactic can enhance or detract from your spirituality...26:25         -Advice for social situations where you're offered food you personally find objectionable... 36:50         -How to view food with respect to the humane treatment of God's creation...41:50         -Balancing rigorous physical and spiritual disciplines...52:00         -The one thing fitness buffs need to hear the most...1:00:15 for privacy information.
Aug 6, 2020 • 2h 8min

Carnivore Diet Myths Debunked, Hard Questions About Meat Vs. Plants, Are Broccoli Sprouts Really Bad For You & Much More With Dr. Paul Saladino.       I recently got my hands on Dr. Paul Saladino's new book "The Carnivore Code".  Now, if you don't know who Paul is, then you must listen to my previous episodes with him, including: The Truth About The Carnivore Diet: Everything You Need To Know About Dangers, Benefits, Mistakes & Hacks For Eating Only Meat. Carnivore Diet, Cleaning Out Your Colon, Eating Brains, Hunting Zebras & Much More With Paul Saladino. The Toxicity Of Plants, Carnivore For Athletes, Does Meat Cause Acidity, The “Game Changers” Debate & Much More With Dr. Paul Saladino. Since I've interviewed Paul, he has published this new book, and after reading it, I had plenty of tough questions for him, including:       -How do we *know* the reason our stomachs became 1000x more acidic than a chimp is because of animal food consumption?       -Is the decline in height and health fully attributable to plant/agriculture, or could it be due to industrialization, crowded cities, etc?       -Why do you say present hunter gatherers no longer have access to large game?        -You say herbivores can detoxify plant toxins, but we can't. How do they do it?       -All the isothiocyanate studies are in vivo for human cells. How positive are you the results are replicated in vitro?       -You say hypothyroidism/crucifer intake is *reported* in Western culture. What's that mean, exactly? Anecdotes?       -When you list the "Bad News Gang", like cigarettes, alcohol, etc. couldn't you just as easily lump exercise, cold, heat, sunlight, etc. in with factors that turn on NRF2? If so, how do you personally describe your differentiation between good vs. bad NRF2 activators?       -The studies showing value for elimination of fruit/vegetable consumption are pretty short (10-12 weeks). Any longer term studies? And did these studies factor in how the produce was being prepared (e.g. presence of oils, organic vs. inorganic, etc.)?       -When you say high intake of isoflavones causes endocrine disruption, how much is high? Same thing with Chaga for liver cancer (pg 81). Isn't that a shit-ton of chaga?       -If polyphenols reduce intestinal enzyme production, couldn't other plant compounds, such as bitters/herbs/spices, along with adequate chewing, combat that by increasing enzyme production?       -You say resveratrol has repeatedly shown lack of value in human studies, but what about Sinclair's research? Hasn't he shown the opposite?       -I found it fascinating the claim that plant-based eaters still "crave" or are attracted to meat, but how is an ERP measured exactly?       -You say that carbohydrates that accompany plant fiber can spike insulin. That's painting with a pretty broad brush, isn't it? I think the lion's share of plants don't result in an appreciable insulin spike, do they?       -You say meat is not associated with cancer, but what about if active tumor growth already exists? Would you change anything if you had cancer?       -The study on telomere length being increased only by red meat was an observational study on 28 people. Any other studies looking directly at telomere or Horvath clock responses to plant vs. animal intake that are larger, more robust or non-observational?       -You say that fruits are seeds coated in natural candy, but can't we eat the fruit flesh and "leave the seeds behind?"       -What do you say about all the studies showing reduced risk of liver cancer, diabetes, etc. amongst regular coffee drinkers?       -You say unrendered fat is your preference. Any studies on rendered vs. unrendered fat health, nutrient quality, etc?       -You say oleosins from coconut/olive oil may cause a strong allergic reaction. How conclusive is that?       Whew! You'd think after all these questions, Paul would let me know I'm being a total pain in the butt, but instead, he graciously offered to do a solosode answering all these questions and highlighting many other up-to-date details on the carnivore diet.       In Paul's solosode, you'll discover: -An overview of the carnivore diet...6:45         -"Rabbit starvation" and the ideal ratio of protein to fat to shoot for...15:40         -How plants and agriculture have contributed to the decline in human height and health...27:45         -Why present hunter gatherers no longer have access to large game...35:45         -How our stomachs became 1000x more acidic than that of a chimp because of animal food consumption...39:45         -Why herbivores can detoxify plant toxins, but humans cannot...51:45         -Studies on the effects of isothiocyanates in humans...1:01:55         -The difference between environmental and molecular hormesis...1:06:53         -A high intake of isoflavones causes endocrine disruption, how much is "high"? Same thing with Chaga for liver cancer...1:22:40         -Why Resveratrol has limited value for humans...1:29:45         -How to measure Event Related Potentials (ERP)...1:37:00         -Whether plants do or do not spike insulin levels...1:40:20         -What changes in the diet to make if you have cancer...1:53:25       -The correlation between meat intake and telomere lengths...1:57:48       -Lightning round questions...2:05:10     -And much more!     Episode sponsors: Kion Lean, Organifi, CAR.O.L Bike, Pique Tea for privacy information.
Aug 1, 2020 • 1h 12min

Biohacking Your Brain With Precision Medicine, Genomics, Psychedelics, Advanced Nutritional Strategies & Much More!     Dr. Matt Dawson and Dr. Mike Mallin are the head honcho docs at Wild Health, with locations in Versailles, KY and Bend, OR. I first interviewed these guys in the episode "How To Use Precision Medicine To Enhance Athletic Performance, Defy Aging, Balance Hormones, Fix The Heart & Much More." then again in "Why Your DNA Is Worthless (& What You Need To Focus On Instead)", and in this episode, they're back to talk all things brain optimization, brain biohacking and a medical-based precision genomics approach to upgrading the brain.     Dr. Matt Dawson is a precision medicine physician in Lexington, KY, co-host of the Wild Health Podcast, and has been obsessed with performance optimization as long as he can remember. He received scholarships to play two sports in college even with “minimal talent” because of his voracious reading and implementation of any fitness or nutritional techniques that would give him an edge. Dr. Dawson continued that obsession in medical school, and as a physician, he has won national awards for education, innovation, and leadership. He has lectured in over 20 countries and trained thousands of other physicians through live lectures, online education, two textbooks, and an educational app. Dr. Dawson combines his training in genomics and functional medicine to give personalized, precise medical guidance. His obsession with performance optimization has morphed from, initially athletic, to now mental performance and longevity. Whether it's a professional athlete or a grandparent optimizing their mental clarity and mobility to keep up with their grandkids, Dr. Dawson is passionate about helping everyone perform at their absolute peak.     Dr. Mike Mallin is a physician in Bend, OR who is obsessed with health performance and precision medicine and is co-founder of the Wild Health Podcast. He completed medical school in South Carolina and trained in Emergency Medicine in Salt Lake City, UT where he competed in several ultramarathons and found his love for the mountains and performance. Mike currently practices in Bend, OR and Lexington, KY in his precision medicine clinics. He is also co-founder of the Ultrasound Podcast, an educational podcast that has taught thousands of physicians all over the world how to use ultrasound.     In this podcast, we discuss the September brain biohacking event coming up in Lexington, KY, September 26-28 (use code BEN for a discount).     During our discussion, you'll discover: -Matt and Mark's work on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic...10:30       -Tests that determine cognitive function...19:10       -The link between immune function and the brain...39:00       -Recommended brain optimization modalities and strategies...43:30       -How to and how not to use plant medicines for cognitive function and brain health...57:15       -Peptides, ketamine, synthetic substitutes for plant medicines...1:04:20       -About the event being held at the Kentucky Castle this September...1:06:00       -And much more! for privacy information.
Jul 30, 2020 • 1h 18min

Potent Breathwork Tactics From A Navy SEAL Commander, Staring Down Your Wolf, Operating Calmly Under Stress & More With Mark Divine.

What does it take to command a team of elite individuals? It requires a commitment to seven key principles: Courage, Trust, Respect, Growth, Excellence, Resiliency, and Alignment. All of these are present in an elite team which commits to them deeply in order to forge the character worthy of uncommon success. In his new book, Staring Down the Wolf: 7 Leadership Commitments That Forge Elite Teams, Retired Navy SEAL Commander, entrepreneur and New York Times bestselling author Mark Divine (founder of SEALFIT,, and Unbeatable Mind) who first joined me on the episode "Secrets Of The Navy Seals: How To Train, Eat & Think Like The World’s Toughest Fighters") reveals what makes the culture of an elite team, and how to get your own team to commit to serve at an elite level. Using principles he learned on the battlefield, training SEALs, and in his own entrepreneurial and growth company ventures, Mark knows what it is to lead elite teams, and how easily the team can fail by breaching these commitments.         Mark believes that elite teams challenge themselves to step up everyday to do the uncommon. Developing the principles yourself and aligning your team around these commitments will allow you to thrive in VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) environments, no matter your background or leadership experience.         Drawing from his twenty years leading SEALs, and twenty five years of success and failure in entrepreneurship and ten years coaching corporate clients, Mark has a very unique perspective that will allow you to unlock the tremendous power of your team. During our discussion, you'll discover: -What is a Kokoro event?...6:15       -The philosophy behind Kokoro events...19:50       -How box breathing is different from other forms of breath work...28:00       -Why zen and mindfulness is not more widely practiced in the extreme fitness community...46:30       -How social media has skewed the efficacy of the SEAL training programs and mentality...54:40       -Why slow is smooth, and smooth is fast...59:30         -Two phrases from Mark's book that stuck out to Ben...1:11:20     -Mark's fascination with wolves...1:17:20 -And much more...See for privacy information.
Jul 25, 2020 • 1h 13min

The Latest Research On Ketones & Ketosis For Performance & Recovery, Do Ketones Break A Fast, Using Ketones For 45 Days Of Crossfit Murph, Ketone Esters vs. Ketone Salts & More With Geoffrey Woo of HVMN.

It's time for a serious geek out on all things ketones, ketosis, ketone esters and more!         My guest on today's show, Geoffrey Woo, is co-founder and CEO of H.V.M.N. — Health via Modern Nutrition. He is also the host of the Health Via Modern Nutrition Podcast, a health & performance podcast that recently broke 4 million downloads. H.V.M.N. helped popularize ketones as a food group beyond fats, proteins, and carbohydrates and makes foods & supplements for metabolic performance and health.       H.V.M.N. fuels some of the world's top performers, athletes, and military service members. Geoff is an avid self-experimenter who’s done a 7 day water-only fast, inspired thousands under the COVID-19 lockdown to push themselves with positive challenges by completing the Crossfit Murph workout for 45 days in a row, and studies the optimization of human performance — at the individual scale, the team scale, the organization scale, and at the civilizational scale. He holds a BS with Honors and Distinction in Computer Science from Stanford University.     During our discussion, you'll discover: -How Geoffrey used ketones esters while doing a Crossfit "Murph" for 45 consecutive days...5:45       -Why ketogenesis is not a physiologically typical state...13:00       -The role ketones play when it comes to recovery...16:15       -Pros and cons of endogenous and exogenous ketosis...24:18       -The difference between ketone esters and salts...35:15       -The ketone ester developed by the DARPA program...38:45       -Gold standard usage for dosage and frequency of ketone esters...44:45       -Whether or not ketones break a fast...53:35       -How a process called lactalation enhances the expression of longevity genes...57:11       -Parallels between lactate and ketones...1:02:15       -Stacking sodium bicarbonate w/ ketone esters pre-workout...1:07:15       -Ketones used in place of alcohol in cocktails...1:10:15  See for privacy information.
Jul 23, 2020 • 1h 26min

Q&A 415: What Is Ben Greenfield's Current Daily Routine? 13 New Body Hacks, What To Do About Caffeine Sensitivities & Alternatives To Coffee & Much More. News Flashes…3:40 -13 Body Hacks, Evaluated: What Science Says About Shortcuts To Health And Wellness           -Flies aren’t little people I know… But it’s interesting that in sleep deprived flies, melatonin, NAD and alpha lipoic acid protect against the oxidation induced damage in the gut from sleep deprivation. Read about it here.             -What would make your high cholesterol a BAD THING? Four articles I read recently give us some clues.       What To Do About Caffeine Sensitivities & Alternatives To Coffee...38:25       What Is Ben Greenfield's Current Daily Routine?...57:05         Episode sponsors: Kion, Joovv, Four Sigmatic, Seed Daily Synbiotic  for privacy information.
Jul 18, 2020 • 1h 26min

Why Viruses Are Crucial To Life On This Planet, The Link Between Air Pollution, Glyphosate & Pandemics, Loss Of Biodiversity (& What We Can Do About It) & More With Dr. Zach Bush. Zach Bush, MD is a physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care.         He is an internationally recognized educator and thought leader on the microbiome as it relates to health, disease, and food systems. Dr. Zach founded *Seraphic Group and the non-profit Farmer’s Footprint to develop root-cause solutions for human and ecological health. His passion for education reaches across many disciplines, including topics such as the role of soil and water ecosystems in human genomics, immunity, and gut/brain health. His education has highlighted the need for a radical departure from chemical farming and pharmacy, and his ongoing efforts are providing a path for consumers, farmers, and mega-industries to work together for a healthy future for people and planet.       During this show, we get into the viral pandemic, the George Floyd crisis, how we can save our planet, your microbiome and how to treat it properly, and much, much more.       During our discussion, you'll discover: -Zach's thoughts on the global reaction to the coronavirus pandemic...7:30   -Whether or not we should fear viruses...10:00   -The importance of viruses to life as we know it...18:30   -How dramatic changes in the production of food in 1976 led to the current pandemic...26:25   -Why COVID-19 became a global pandemic...53:49   -An informed and rational response to the current COVID-19 pandemic...1:03:00   -How regenerative farming differs from organic farming...1:17:15   -What the Black Lives Matter movement can teach us about the earth's microbiome...1:23:00 -And much more!     Episode sponsors: Kion Serum, Butcher Box, Pique Tea, Lucy Nicotine Gum for privacy information.
Jul 16, 2020 • 50min

Joel Greene Podcast Part 2: How To Reshape Fat Cells, Enhance Repair During Sleep, Target Your "Circaseptan Rhythms", Build Young Muscle & Get Rid Of Old Muscle.  It's time for Part 2 of my monster podcast with Joel Greene. If you missed part 1 - in which we discuss rebooting your gut and sparking fat loss using some very unique biohacks and strategies - you can click here to listen to it now.       So who is Joel Greene, exactly? He had his 10,000 hours already in before I was even born. In the 1970’s he was interval training. In 1979 he was doing olympic lifts 3 hours every night. In the 80’s he began studying MCT’s. In 1990 he began studying the Keto diet. In the early 90’s he was doing what would be called intermittent fasting today. In the mid 90’s he experienced the rebound from chronic starvation. You read this today for this reason. In the late 90’s he went through his clean eating phase, his macro phase, his ancestral diet phase. By 2001 he had his first nutrition website publishing the cutting edge research. By 2006 he came to the end of all the above and discovered none of it worked over time under real life pressure. In 2007 he authored the first article to the health and fitness community based on the new science linking gut bacteria and obesity. in 2008 his website hit #2 in google for weight loss, with over 1,000 original groundbreaking articles that today represent many of the most widely copied ideas in nutrition. In 2009 he launched the worlds first diet system based on targeting the gut bacteria. In 2010 he was implementing signal activation of the AMPK pathway. The gurus only began speaking to AMPK in 2017. By 2013 he had the world's largest body of anecdotal outcomes for body composition targeting the gut bacteria. In 2013 he published the first article to the health and fitness community on the dangers of MCT oil supplementation. Today, at 53, on 1 workout a week, eating whatever, whenever, with no drugs, sarms, prohormones, or ergogenic aids ever, he is the world leader in hacking the body. He is the real deal. He has done it longer and always been far ahead. He looks it, he lives it. What the guru's say is impossible he was living every day before they were guru's.       He has hacked peak human... working out once per week... ...eating whatever, whenever, ...and does it all on fast food! He is the future of real world health and nutrition, today.         As creator of the VEEP Nutrition System, the worlds first commercially available program based on targeting gut communities to effect biomarkers, Joel also is a featured author, speaker, and guest in top tier publications like Muscle and Fitness, 24 Hour Fitness Digital Magazine, CBS Online, Superhuman Radio. His system has also been featured on the Dr. Phil Show where it has delivered astounding life changing results.           He is the future of real-world health and nutrition—today, and his new book was one of the most nitty-gritty deep dives into “rebooting your body” that I've ever read. The Immunity Code is simply a new paradigm and an entirely new way to think about caring for the body. The new goal is learning to control immunity, health, and aging using new science-based techniques (or hacks if you will), steer immunity for health, and to slow or even reverse aging. ​           This book will change everything you know about the body. Starting with simple, easy to-dos that build one on top of the other, the reader will emerge with a powerful understanding of how the body really works and how to control it over time, in the real world. Simply put, you will jump 10 years ahead of anything else on the shelf today.           During our discussion, you'll discover: -How to refill fat and reshape the extracellular matrix (ECM)...6:35       -How Hypoxia Inducible Factor (HIF-1) and breath work affect our sleep...15:15       -How to mitigate pexophagy...25:30   -Circaseptan vs. circadian rhythms...35:05     -Why NAD supplementation accelerates aging...39:50     -How to keep muscles young...43:30     -The "daisy cutter" diet protocol...46:00     -The molecule that may make the keto diet impractical...47:30     -And much more!     Episode sponsors: Kion, Organifi, Public Goods, Paleo Valley See for privacy information.

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