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Nov 28, 2020 • 1h 1min

Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time (So Is Cardio & There’s a Better Way to Have The Body You Want).       Perhaps you've been lifting weights for a few years. But do you even look like you work out? Are you spending disproportionate amounts of hours exercising wasting your time? Many fitness “experts” defend weights and cardio like they are infallible, but where are the results? Why does almost nobody look even marginally athletic?         It's been quite some time since I interviewed Dr. John Jaquish in the episode "The Best 10 Minute A Day Workout – How To Massively Increase Bone Density And Muscle In Just 10 Minutes (& Biohack Extreme Fitness Levels)".     But he has just published a brand new book entitled Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time (So Is Cardio & There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want).       In it, he and and his guest co-author Henry Alkire tackle the questions above as they explore the science that supports the argument that traditional weight lifting is a "waste of time" and lay out a superior strength training approach that has been seen to put 20 pounds of muscle on drug-free, experienced lifters (i.e., not beginners) in six months. Fitness may be the most failed human endeavor, and you are about to see how exercise science has missed some obvious principles that when enacted will turn you into the superhuman you always wanted to be. John Jaquish, PhD. has spent years researching and developing improved approaches to health.       He is the inventor of the most effective bone density building medical technology which is now partnered with Tony Robbins and OsteoStrong for rapid clinic deployment. Inventor of X3, a technology that is proven to develop muscle much faster than conventional weight lifting, all with the lowest risk of joint injury, Dr. Jaquish methods are used in training the world's most elite athletes and associations such as the entire Miami Heat organization, various NFL and NBA players, as well as Olympians. During our discussion, you'll discover: -Why lifting weights is the wrong way to build muscle...6:21           -A workout using the VRT protocol...15:05         -Ways to maximize hyperplasia in the muscles during VRT...17:30         -Why you shouldn't worry about your muscle fiber type...29:15         -The questions an ideal exercise program should cover...31:45         -Why doing cardio for weight loss is a lie...41:30       -Selecting the best training bands...47:30       -Whether or not drugs are necessary to enhance training...53:45       -How the fitness industry has failed to make people truly fit...1:00:05 -And much more!See for privacy information.
Nov 26, 2020 • 1h 1min

This Doctor Has A "Stealth Strategy To Stop COVID Cold": A Breaking Interview With A Controversial Alternative Health Figure On Vitamin D, COVID-19, Sunshine, Vitamin K2, Magnesium & Much More!.   My guest on today's podcast is a multi-time, incredibly popular repeat guest, and hosts one of the most popular alternative health website on the internet. He is my brilliant and controversial friend Dr. Joseph Mercola.      Dr. Mercola has been a guest on many previous podcast episodes.     Dr. Mercola just released a special report at, and he has some very interesting ideas in that free report that we explore and unpack in today's podcast. During our discussion, you'll discover: -Beginning the day with Vitamin D...5:15       -The physiological benefits of Vitamin D...7:15         -Vitamin D as a steroid hormone...10:40         -Why Vitamin D deficiency is a growing problem...14:35         -The impact of Vitamin D on the immune system...23:30         -How Vitamin D regulates the innate immune system...30:10       -The connection between Vitamin D and antimicrobial peptides (AMPs)...34:15         -How a Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk for acquiring COVID-19...36:25       -Proper dosing of Vitamin D to avoid toxicity...44:10       -Dr. Mercola's recommendations to stop COVID cold...51:50 -New, interesting and novel things currently captivating Dr. Mercola's interest...56:15See for privacy information.
Nov 21, 2020 • 1h 12min

Everything You've Ever Wanted To Know About Fish Oil, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, EPA, DHA & Much More! After publishing my recent giant fish oil article "A Deep "Dive" Into The Fascinating World Of Fish Oil, The Right Fat Ratios In Your Diet, Plant Vs. Animal Based Oils & The Exact Fish Oil Ben Greenfield Uses Every Day.", I've been getting plenty of questions about fish oil lately, including: -Based on human clinical research, what are the actual proven benefits of fish oil? -What kind of dosages/types of fish oil were used in studies? -Are there concerns about rancidity/oxidation when taking fish oil? -What kind of amount and EPA/DHA ratio is ideal? -Are there people who shouldn't take fish oil? -Are there certain nutrients or supplements that should be taken with fish oil? -How can one test their omega fatty acid status? And much more. So I finally decided to get a couple of true, unbiased fish oil experts on my show. Dr. William S. Harris is my first guest. He is an internationally recognized expert on omega-3 fatty acids and how they can benefit patients with heart disease. He obtained his Ph.D. in Human Nutrition from the University of Minnesota and did post-doctoral fellowships in Clinical Nutrition and Lipid Metabolism with Dr. Bill Connor at the Oregon Health Sciences University. His interest in omega-3 fatty acids began with his postdoctoral work when he published his first study on the effects of salmon oil on serum lipids in humans (1980). Since that time he has been the recipient of five NIH grants for studies on the effects of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) on human health. He has more than 300 publications relating to fatty acids, including omega-3s, in medical literature and was an author on two American Heart Association scientific statements on fatty acids: “Fish Consumption, Fish Oil, Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease” (2002), and “Omega-6 Fatty Acids and Risk for Cardiovascular Disease” (2009) both published in the journal Circulation. Dr. Harris is a Professor in the Department of Medicine in the Sanford School of Medicine at the University of South Dakota and the President and CEO of OmegaQuant. Dr. Harris's daughter, Dr. Kristina Harris Jackson, PhD, RD is my second guest. Kristina received her PhD in Nutritional Sciences from Pennsylvania State University in 2013 and completed her training to become a Registered Dietitian in 2014. As a graduate student, she studied under Dr. Penny Kris-Etherton, an internationally-recognized expert in fats and nutrition. She worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Colorado-Denver under Dr. John Peters in the area of worksite wellness before returning to the omega-3 field. Kristina joined the family business OmegaQuant Analytics as a Research Associate in 2014, with a particular focus on omega-3s in maternal health, helping create the Prenatal DHA test and the Mother’s Milk DHA test. In 2020, she became Assistant Professor (non-tenure) in the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine. (2020-2022). She lives in Sioux Falls, South Dakota with her husband, two kids, one old dog, and four grandparents. During this discussion, you'll discover: -The 2 sources of Omega-3 fatty acids...8:35 Plant derived fatty acid ALA, alpha linolenic acid( 18 carbons); an acid in the omega-3 family – not the same thing as the fish derived omega-3 Fish derived EPA (20 carbons) and DHA (22 carbons) Cannot get much of the good stuff from ALA (seeds and nuts) Algal oil from micro algae (single cell organism, not kelp) that make EPA/DHA naturally; at the base of the marine food chain Omega-3 fatty acids are made by plants, not fish Some companies grow these algae in big ponds, harvest the omega-3 fatty acids and put in capsules Vegan derived EPA/DHA products has exactly the same molecules as EPA/DHA derived from fish, but does not come from fish, it comes from algae Process is expensive Aquaculture industry is driving the demand for algal oil 70~80% of fish oil produced is fed back to the fish Other sources of fish oil are genetically modified land plants Canela seed oil; Australia is at the forefront to put genes into oil producing land plants, like soy beans -What makes essential fatty acids so essential...15:45 Cell membranes, made up of fatty acids, surround every cell in the body For structural aspect of the cell Provides starting products for different signaling pathways, affects how cells communicate internally and externally Membrane fluidity; more carbon and double bonds makes cell membranes more flexible and fluid Cell membranes are comprised of dietary fats The body can’t make the essential omega-6 fatty acids (linoleic) and omega-3 fatty acids(ALA and EPA/DHA); these comes from the diet Trans-fats are also dietary fats Other fats, like saturated fats and monounsaturated fats, are affected by metabolism -Omega-3 fatty acids being oxidized once it enters the body is a misconception...19:36 Oxidation has different meanings to a biochemist and a food scientist: Oxygen molecules are added to the fatty acids by enzymes in order to be activated Lipid peroxidation destroys, produces unwanted by-products; does not happen inside the body because of the different anti-oxidants that protect against this type of oxidation Article: Oxidized fish oil does not influence established markers of oxidative stress in healthy human subjects: a randomised controlled trial  The body has ways of cleaning up things it doesn’t want -Ratio of omega fatty-acids in the body and what the ratios should be...25:32 Good ratio of EPA to DHA is when eaten in fish EPA taken alone increases EPA and decreases DHA a little bit; increased omega-3 index - the measure of EPA/DHA in red blood cells (RBC) Pure DHA taken alone increases both EPA and DHA in RBC DHA is the predominant omega-3 fatty acid in membranes 85% DHA to 15% EPA in RBC In fish oil, total dose (EPA+DHA) is the important thing A study found the ideal optimum fatty acid levels (EPA+DHA) to be 8~12% index Ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 -Ethyl Ester and Triglyceride forms of Omega-3 fatty acids...33:20 Different ways Omega-3 fatty acids are processed and concentrated Ethyl ester is the first highly concentrated form; first to be concentrated into a capsule Triglycerides form is the more natural form (how it would be present in the fish) Most fish oil supplements in the U.S., if it does not say it is in triglyceride form, is an ethyl ester No standardized way to know if it is triglycerides or ethyl ester Biggest difference as far as bioavailability goes is if supplements are taken with meals Ethyl esters, if taken without a meal might not be absorbed at all; absorbed well if taken with a meal, preferably a meal that contains fats Triglycerides are not affected by that meal component as ethyl esters All pharmaceutical brands of fish oil are ethyl esters More EPA and DHA molecules in a 1 gram capsule if in ethyl ester form Distinction only came up around 15 years ago when ethyl ester form of fatty acids was seen as not well absorbed by the body when taken on an empty stomach Taking ethyl ester form supplements without food might not get the desired omega-3 index result -What genes convert ALA or plant-based oil into EPA/DHA...45:15 Genetic conditions that affect omega-3 fatty acid levels FADS genes produce the enzymes that convert ALA to EPA and DHA Enzymes also convert linoleic acid to arachidonic acid (polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acid) Natural variations by populations in the kinds of mutations that are present in the FADS genes can affect levels, particularly of arachidonic acid Omega-3 EPA/DHA are not much affected by the FADS genes Major genetic effect driving omega-3 levels in the population is not known Is there a genetic effect on the absorption of omega-3 in the population? No study on why a certain population has a huge absorption response while in another population, there is hardly any response Nomenclature: Omega-3 ­– a fatty acid where the 1ˢᵗ double bond counting from the omega carbon is in the third position Omega-6 – a fatty acid where the 1ˢᵗ double bond counting from the omega carbon is in the sixth position Cannot be inter-converted Plants can convert omega-6’s into omega-3’s, animals cannot -Ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids...52:17 “Ratio of omega-6 to omega-3” is imprecise – it’s not clear what type omega-6 or omega-3 is referred to; for example, there are 7 omega-6 fatty acids in the blood It also presumes that ALA and EPA/DHA have the same biologic activity or they have the same value when they do not The same is also true on the omega-6 side To say “total omega-6 to total omega-3 ratio” would also be confusing; it does not say what type fatty acids are there; it does not tell anything about it's effect on health - some fatty acids are beneficial and some are not You can have very high levels of omega-6 and omega-3 in your blood, or you can have very low levels, and yet have the same ratio It also presumes that all omega-6’s are bad and all omega-3’s are good, which is not true Omega-3 fatty acids being good is not questionable What’s questionable is the goodness or badness of omega-6’s; linoleic acid is not made in the body and has to be eaten Studies have shown that high levels of linoleic acid in the blood always predict lower incidence of heart disease and diabetes, and conversely Focus on the omega-3 index is that EPA/DHA are what is missing in our diets; there are plenty of omega-6’s -Link between Omega-6 and inflammation and chronic disease...1:00:18 High consumption of oxidized PUFAs , primarily found in vegetable oils which are high in omega-6 fatty acids Omega-6 fatty acid that gives rise to eicosanoids in the inflammatory pathway is Arachidonic acid, a synthetic product of linoleic acid Eicosanoids is associated with increased incidence of inflammation and chronic diseases like arthritis, cancer, etc. Synthesis of arachidonic acid is very regulated; tissue levels remain the same regardless the amount of linoleic acid consumed, to a point (it eventually runs out if linoleic acid consumption is stopped) Higher levels of linoleic acid in the blood means you are eating more of it, which comes from vegetable oil; the only way to get high levels in your blood is to eat more For heart disease and diabetes, higher levels of linoleic acid is good for the heart and metabolism; less people develop these diseases if they have high levels of linoleic acid The best way to decrease the ratio is to increase your omega-3 side; by increasing EPA/DHA, EPA replaces, to some extent, the arachidonic acid Having more long-chain omega-3 in the membranes lowers omega-6, correcting the proportion -Contaminants in fish oil, cleanliness, sourcing, concerns about packaging, shelf life, heat exposure during the manufacturing process...1:06:13 Article: Children's daily exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls from dietary supplements containing fish oils Adding anti-oxidants makes a lot of sense Nitrogen blanketed environment during encapsulation Fish oil “gone rancid” does not necessarily mean the omega-3 fatty acids are gone, it just smells bad; the bad smell is caused by any of 6 molecules The best way to know the fish oil supplements are working for you is by testing -And much more! Resources from this episode: -OmegaQuant -Kion Omega (use code BGF20 to save 20%) -Articles: Oxidised fish oil does not influence established markers of oxidative stress in healthy human subjects: a randomised controlled trial Children's daily exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls from dietary supplements containing fish oils Fish Consumption, Fish Oil, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and Cardiovascular Disease Omega-6 Fatty Acids and Risk for Cardiovascular Disease Episode sponsors: -Kion Omega: If you're ready to upgrade your fish oil, head over to and grab Kion Omega. Use code BGF20 to save 20% off your first order. -Organifi Red Juice: Enjoy all the benefits of the 11 superfoods and their micronutrients that help increase resting metabolism, support cardiovascular health, and remove toxins to turn back the hands of time! Receive a 20% discount on your entire order when you use discount code BENG20. -Four Sigmatic: I’ve been using Four Sigmatic products for awhile now and I’m impressed by the efficacies of their mushroom products. I use them. I like them. I support the mission! Receive 15% off your Four Sigmatic purchase when you use discount code BENGREENFIELD. -Thrive Market: Organic brands you love, for less. Your favorite organic food and products. Fast and free shipping to your doorstep. Receive a gift card worth up to $20 when you begin a new membership. Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Dr. Harris or me? Leave your comments below and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Nov 19, 2020 • 54min

Q&A 420: Which Stimulants Are Safe To Take At Night, Maximizing Benefits Of Cold Thermogenesis, When To Do Blood Flow Restriction Training & More!

News Flashes  -Ireland's Supreme Court has ruled that bread sold by the fast food chain Subway contains so much sugar that it cannot be legally defined as bread...05:15         Cold water swimming may protect the brain from degenerative diseases like dementia, researchers from Cambridge University have discovered...09:05         Cool! Ketones actually increase conversion of fat to metabolically active tissue...13:50         Listener Q&A: When To Do Blood Flow Restriction Training...24:05     How To Reduce The Effects Of Radiation...31:45       Effects Of Nicotine On HRV...40:15       Stimulants That Won't Disrupt Sleep Or Keep You Up At Night...48:45 for privacy information.
Nov 14, 2020 • 1h 14min

The Future Of Health Care, Wearables, AI, Plant Medicine & More With Dr. David Rabin & Dr. Joseph Maroon.   Dr. David Rabin, MD, PhD, who first joined me for the episode "A Whole New Way To Deal With Stress, Trauma & PTSD In Just Seconds: The First Clinically Validated Wearable That Helps You De-Stress, Focus, Sleep, Stay Energized & Remain Calm.", is a neuroscientist, board-certified psychiatrist, health tech entrepreneur and inventor who has been studying the impact of chronic stress in humans for nearly 15 years, particularly non-invasive therapies for treatment-resistant illnesses like PTSD. He is the co-founder and chief innovation officer at Apollo Neuroscience and the co-founder and executive director of The Board of Medicine. In addition to his clinical psychiatry practice, Dr. Rabin is currently conducting research on the epigenetic regulation of trauma responses and recovery to elucidate the mechanism of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy and the neurobiology of belief. He received his MD in medicine and PhD in neuroscience from Albany Medical College and specialized in psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. He has been married to Kathryn Fantauzzi, CEO and co-founder of Apollo Neuroscience, since 2016. Together they live in Monterey, California.         Joining Dr. Rabin on this show is Dr. Joseph Maroon, Clinical Professor and Vice Chairman and Heindl Scholar in Neuroscience at Department of Neurosurgery at University of Pittsburgh. In addition to being a world-renowned "burnout expert", and completing eight Ironman triathlon events since turning 50, he is involved in development of minimally invasive surgical procedures for diseases of the brain, orbit and spine, the prevention and treatment of traumatic injuries to the central nervous system, innovative approaches to pituitary and other brain tumors, complimentary and alternative medicine approaches to inflammatory diseases associated with aging, the prevention and treatment of sports related injuries and is co-developer of ImPACT, a neurocognitive test that is now the standard of care for concussion management in the NFL, NHL, MLB, NASCAR and over 12,000 high schools and colleges in the United States. It is the only FDA approved test for concussion evaluation with 23 million athletes base line tested to date. Dr. Maroon is also the neurosurgical consultant for the Pittsburgh Steelers for 30 years and first neurosurgeon directly appointed in the NFL.         Over the last several years, Dr. Rabin has been amassing a dream team, which has become The Board of Medicine, a 501c3 nonprofit coalition led by some of the world’s leading experts across many diverse fields of AI, nutrition, psychedelics, and clinical medicine that supports evidence-based strategies for harm-reduction in medicine and public health. He believes that the future of healthcare in the 21st century is going to change substantially as a result of the current pandemic and, it is pretty clear that we are woefully underprepared for this as a healthcare system. The most significant change will be that most forms of non-urgent medical care will be delivered directly to patients/clients in their homes via telemedicine.       He is already seeing this shift in mental health to include ketamine-assisted tele-therapy and the integration of wearable technologies. As such, the future of healthcare is looking more and more digital and psychedelic with each passing day.         This podcast will focus on AI, psychedelics, and the convergence of Eastern and Western medical disciplines in the current and post-COVID times. During our discussion, you'll discover: -How Dr. Maroon lays claim to the title "burnout expert"...08:05         -The connection between burnout and adrenal fatigue...13:40           -A day in the life of an 80-year old peak performer...18:25         -Using hypothermia in conjunction with surgery...20:45         -What inspired Dr. Rabin to form the Board of Medicine...22:30       -The number needed to treat (NNT) vs. the number needed to harm (NNH)...28:30     -Whether the NNT is applied to plant medicines, herbs, CBD and the like...36:40         -How artificial intelligence is used for human optimization...41:30         -Psychedelics, plant medicine and the future of health care...52:30         -Concerns about psychedelics from the perspective of the neurosurgeon...1:00:30         -Neuroimaging to diagnose the executive network of the brain...1:06:13         -What David and Joe are most excited about for the future of health care...1:09:10       -And much more!See for privacy information.
Nov 12, 2020 • 1h 10min

How To Meditate In One Minute, Getting Over “Poser Syndrome”, Why Guys Like Porn, The 6 Phases Of Manhood & More With John Eldredge.

John Eldredge is a bestselling author, a counselor, and a teacher. He is also president of Ransomed Heart, a ministry devoted to helping people discover the heart of God, recover their own hearts in God’s love, and learn to live in God’s kingdom. John and his wife, Stasi, live near Colorado Springs, Colorado.     John has written several books in the realm of fatherhood, family and that I hold dear, including:   Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul, Fathered by God: Learning What Your Dad Could Never Teach You, Waking The Dead: The Secret to a Heart Fully Alive and Love & War: Find Your Way to Something Beautiful in Your Marriage .         Lately, I've also been taking a brief 1 to 10-minute “pause” during the day to connect with my breathe, myself and most importantly, God. The One Minute Pause app that I've been using is a simple way to reconnect with God in the midst of a busy day. John Eldredge is also the "voice" of this this app, which  invites you into the simple practice of releasing everything to God, restoring your union with God and inviting Him to into your heart. The length of time is perfect, and the music/breath pacing has been working very well for me. You can click here to give it a try! During this discussion, you'll discover: -How John became interested in meditation initially...7:05         -Benevolent detachment, and other simple practices for a world gone mad...12:00         -A deeper dive into John's meditation practice...14:23         -How our "addiction to efficiency" may be causing fear, anxiety, depression, etc...18:00         -The uniquely masculine question in the hearts of all boys and men...21:30         -Rites of passage, ceremonies celebrating manhood, and answering the big question all boys ask...25:00         -The "poser" and the false self...27:15         -How to overcome the poser syndrome...32:00           -How to get over the "father wound piece"...36:45         -Six stages of manhood...43:00           -Advice for couples to grow in grace together...1:01:45         -What it means for a woman to be "captivating"...1:09:45       -And much more!See for privacy information.
Nov 7, 2020 • 1h 36min

The Wizard Of Essential Oils Strikes Again: The Hidden & Magical World Of Little-Known Plant Extracts For Digestion, Relaxation, Libido, Immunity & Much More!     When it comes to essential oils, my guest on this podcast, Dr. Nick Berry, is a true wizard. He first joined me in the episode "Psychoactive Sleep Edibles, Essential Oil Wizardry, Cosmic Orgasms & More With Dr. Nick Berry", I have mentioned recently his amazing Kakanga root extract for energy and several of his unique dream sequence oil here, along with some extremely unique oils you've probably never heard of in my weekly roundup, and today's he's back for a fascinating podcast recorded at my home in Spokane, WA, where Nick arrived armed with an arsenal of intriguing and never-before-seen-essential oils we explore on today's show.      He is a licensed pharmacist and compassionate human being who stays on the cutting edge of holistic wellness and botanical medicine. Dr. Nick founded Essential Oil Wizardry in 2014, a humble-sized essential oil company that specializes in organic and wildcrafted essential oils, CO₂ extracts & floral absolutes.   They carry over 240 essential oil products, such as Wizard Alchemy Blends including Ceremonial Blends, Divine-Align Chakra Set, Exquisite Botanical Perfumes, Kava Products, Magick Misters as well as Therapeutic Formulas. Dr. Nick & his team of “Wizards” offer services such as product formulation for aligning brands and customized botanical perfumes / therapeutic formulas for individuals.     Professionally Dr. Nick hosts Essential Oil Wizardry playshops around the globe, invites rapid empowered evolution at his Transformational Botanical Retreats, and loves alchemizing in the lab, learning how to make more effective and potent lifestyle solutions.     Dr. Nick hobbies by celebrating with community, traveling around the world learning about medicine from different cultures, uplifting those around him and living a life of joy and abundance. During our discussion, you'll discover:         -Essential oils and an upgraded sauna experience...         -Enhanced meditation with essential oils...           -How essential oils are made and precautions to take when using them...           -Changing frequencies in smart phones, home objects, and essential oils...         -Best practices on storage of essential oils...         -The point in time Nick became immersed in essential oils...         -How to know whether an essential oil should be applied topically or ingested...         -The essential oils Ben and Nick think you'll like the most...         -"A Traveler's Dream"...See for privacy information.
Nov 5, 2020 • 1h 11min

The Official CBD FAQ: Everything You've Always Wanted To Know About CBD, Combining Psychedelics With Cannabinoids, Smokeable Ayahuasca, Microdosing With Plant Medicine & Much More!   I've covered the basics of one of my favorite compounds - CBD, in many past popular podcasts and articles.       But there are still many unanswered questions in the realm of CBD, including: -What is the difference between full spectrum vs. broad spectrum vs. CBD isolate and other forms of CBD? -What is the difference between extraction methods of CBD?  -How does one decide between vaping vs. edibles vs. oils vs. capsules vs. soft gels, etc. and what is the differences in absorption between all those options? -What can CBD be effectively stacked with, what are your best stacks and what can you can expect from different stacks? -Does CBD have a variability of effects depending on the time of day it is used, based on some kind of diurnal effect? -And much more... My guest on today's show is Adam Wenguer, who has grown to be a friend of mine after we met training at a gym in Miami, Florida. Adam grew up in Miami, in a Cuban Jewish household. He started Martial Arts at a young age and continues extensive Jiu Jitsu practice as a brown belt as well as training in Boxing and Muay Thai kickboxing. Adam attended the University of Florida in 2006.         After suffering a spine and leg injury in College, Adam was treated with pharmaceutical opioids which led to an intense but all too common addiction. On his path to recovery he became immersed in Zen Buddhism, Health & Wellness, and began his life long path into Spirituality. This eventually led Adam to graduate with a degree in Applied Physiology & Kinesiology as he sought to bring greater physical healing to others, as he had done for himself.         As a Strength/Conditioning and Health Coach at a well known 5 star wellness resort, he worked with wide array of professional athletes, company executives and individuals seeking optimal health. Many of his client were suffering from the same ailments: including sleep issues, anxiety, inflammatory disorders as well as a general emotional and spiritual disconnect. This led Adam to wanting to take a more holistic approach towards educating and treating his clients with the use of natural compounds such as CBD. In 2017, Adam founded Element Health which is now one of the leading suppliers of the highest quality Full Spectrum CBD products in the world.         Adam spends a majority of his time with his wife Kristen and their 3 dogs in their beach community of Surfside, FL. In his free time he continues to train and compete in Martial Arts. He is also heavily involved in the study of plant medicine and the shamanic approach to healing. Adam boar and deer hunts several times year to ethically provide his family and friends with the most nutritious protein available. Last, Adam finds the deepest joy and his true purpose by sharing the healing techniques of his intense journey with as many people as possible.         During our discussion, you'll discover: -How Adam became well-known in the realm of fitness and spirituality...7:05         -Varying spectrums of CBD...15:50         -How CBD interacts with different serotonin receptors...22:34         -Adam's morning plant medicine routine...27:20           -The 2 main extraction methods of CBD and what to look for as a consumer...38:10         -Preferred delivery mechanisms of CBD...44:45       -Compounds Adam stacks w/ CBD...50:30         -Fertility and the cannabinoid system...1:00:51         -Closing thoughts...1:07:30See for privacy information.
Oct 31, 2020 • 56min

Sound Medicine: How to Use the Ancient Science of Sound to Heal the Body and Mind.

I recently read "Sound Medicine: How to Use the Ancient Science of Sound to Heal the Body and Mind". From a leading neurologist, neuroscientist and practitioner of Ayurvedic medicine, comes a rigorous scientific investigation of the healing power of sound, showing readers how they can use it to improve their mental and physical wellbeing.       Why does a baby’s cry instantaneously flood a mother’s body with a myriad of stress hormones? How can a song on the radio stir up powerful emotions, from joy to anger, regret to desire? Why does sound itself evoke such primal and deeply felt emotions?       A vibration that travels through air, water and solids, sound is produced by all matter, and is a fundamental part of every species’ survival. But there is a hidden power within sound that has only just begun to be investigated. Sound Medicinetakes readers on a journey through the structure of the mouth, ears, and brain to understand how sound is translated from acoustic vibrations into meaningful neurological impulses. Renowned neurologist and Ayurvedic expert - and of course, my guest on today's podcast - Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary explains how different types of sound impact the human body and brain uniquely, and explores the physiological effects of sound vibration, from altering mood to healing disease.         Blending ancient wisdom with modern science, Dr. Chaudhary traces the history of sound therapy and the use of specific mantras from previously unknown texts—traced back to the Siddhas, a group of enlightened yogis who created a healing tradition that served as the precursor to Ayurvedic medicine—to explain the therapeutic application of sounds for a wide range of conditions. During this show, you'll get practical, step-by-step lessons for using music and mantras, whether you’re a beginner or searching for a more advanced practice, to improve your health in body, mind, and spirit.       Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary’s combined expertise in both modern neurology and the ancient science of health known as Ayurveda has uniquely positioned her as an expert able to pull from the broadest possible base to treat her clients. She is passionate about raising awareness for the need of a paradigm shift in contemporary medicine that focuses on patient empowerment and a health-based (rather than disease-based) medical system. Dr. Chaudhary is a regular guest on the Dr. Oz show, where her teachings about Ayurvedic medicine have been applauded by a national audience.       Dr. Chaudhary was the Director of Wellspring Health in Scripps Memorial Hospital for ten years, and remains a pioneer in the field of Integrative Medicine. Dr. Chaudhary has successfully developed a powerful system to manage chronic neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and migraine headaches, by incorporating fundamental changes in diet, behavior, and stress, in addition to the standard allopathic approach to these issues. This program has been so successful that many patients now use it not just for neurological issues but also for a wider range of health concerns, including weight issues and chronic disease.       Dr. Chaudhary is the author of The Prime and Sound Medicine and has appeared as a medical expert on numerous programs including The Dr. Oz Show and Home & Family. She is also a neuroscientist and has participated in over twenty clinical research studies in the areas of multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, ALS, and diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Her research includes groundbreaking work in stem cell therapies for diabetic peripheral neuropathy and drug development for the treatment of ALS. To learn more about Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary, please visit       During our discussion, you'll discover: -Kulreet's path to expertise in Ayurveda and sound healing...6:45         -How the skin can "hear" sound waves similar to how bones can...13:55         -Targeting cells or organs w/ specific hertz frequencies...18:49         -The biofield explained...29:40           -Frequencies produced by medications...37:15           -Biological mechanisms behind the 7 Chakras...43:00         -Kulreet's chakra mantras...48:30         -How to find physicians who practice sound healing...53:55See for privacy information.
Oct 29, 2020 • 1h 6min

Q&A 419: A New Way To "Spot Reduce" Fat, Are Plant Anti-Nutrients Really That Bad, The Dark Side Of Daylight Savings Time & Much More.

  News Flashes – Follow Ben on Twitter for more…     Very good read for those of you concerned about so-called “anti-nutrients” in food...5:45   Be Careful How You Prepare Your Food: Advanced Glycation End Products Shorten Lifespan! Read about it...22:45   Well, wow. Bodybuilding supplement promotes healthy aging and extends life span, at least in mice (and turns out the stuff is dirt cheap)...28:40   Spot reduction (AKA “regional fat loss”) appears possible - if you combined explosive resistance training for your “fat” muscle group followed by aerobic endurance training (e.g. jump squats + cycling) Read about it here...32:10   I could totally get behind this initiative to ditch Daylight Savings Time by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine...35:55             Listener Q&A: Breathing through the nose vs. through the mouth...48:10 Thomas from Copenhagen, Denmark asks: Many breathing experts, including James Nestor that appeared on your show, advise to exhale through the nose. However, you and your recent writing and other breathing experts advise to exhale through the mouth. Can you please dive into that difference, please?           Simple Detox Tips...1:00:15 Scott asks: I'm an auto technician at a dealership here in Massachusetts. I am routinely exposed to a number of toxins, including, but not limited to, brake dust, cleaning chemicals, carbon monoxide, and more recently, hydrocarbons in the form of gasoline due to a fuel pump recall. I have an N 99 carbon filter mask. I get fresh air whenever possible, and I workout regularly. I've been on point with nutrition. I'm willing to invest in the sauna at some point, but in the meantime, I'd like to know the best way to detoxify from these daily toxins, other than finding a new career.           Blood flow during sauna sessions...1:06:50 Sheldon asks: I just recently listened to your podcast with bodybuilder Milos Sarcev. He mentioned that he takes his essential amino acids, creatine dextrose, pre and during workout to gain muscle mass because of the increased blood flow to the muscles during a workout. My question is, do you get the same benefit by doing the same thing, pre and during a sauna sessions with the increased blood flow?        See for privacy information.

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