James Turner, partner at SNAP Copy, joined me on Ditching Hourly to explain the nuances and benefits of selling copywriting services by the credit, not by the hour or the word.
About James
James E. Turner is a marketing strategist and conversion copywriter. He’s a partner at SNAP Copy, offering conversion-optimized copy on demand using a unique, credit-based system. Through his personal consultancy, Turner Creative, he works with founders of indie B2B SMBs to better position their value, understand their audience, and optimize their messaging & marketing. The best way to get in touch with James is to sign up for his short, off-beat daily emails about creativity, productivity, business ownership, and giving yourself a break at One Creative Moment.
One Creative Moment - https://turnercreative.ck.page/one-creative-moment-signup
Turner Creative - https://turnercreative.ca
SNAP Copy - https://snapcopy.co
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/turnercreative/
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