Kaylee Edmondson is Senior Director of Demand Gen at Chili Piper and in this episode we’re talking about the future of demand gen.
Essentially this episode is lifting the lid on where the marketing playbook is going as Kaylee shares her thoughts on how B2B SaaS companies should be gearing up for the future, including:
- What demand gen is and where it sits in the marketing funnel
- The major issues with the old demand gen playbook
- Why the future of demand gen sits in the dark funnel
- The playbooks SaaS marketing teams should be running
- How to get senior buy in for that kind of playbook
- How the Chili Piper team does marketing and measures success
- The skills marketers will need in the future
Claim your free SaaS marketing assessment from Advance B2B >> www.advanceb2b.com/tgh
Chili Piper >> https://www.chilipiper.com
Obviously Awesome by April Dunford >> https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/45166937-obviously-awesome
Advance B2B >> www.advanceb2b.com
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