Therapeutic massage can combat touch deprivation effects leading to self-consciousness and anxiety.
Feeling time-rich positively impacts well-being, similar to effects of unemployment.
Job crafting enhances satisfaction by aligning tasks with personal strengths and values.
Deep dives
The Impact of Touch Deprivation on Mental Health
Touch deprivation as a result of prolonged social distance can lead to self-consciousness, social anxiety, and depression. Therapeutic massage is recommended as part of a self-care routine to combat these effects, promoting well-being and relaxation.
Effectively Managing Work-Life Balance
The importance of time affluence is discussed, where having a subjective sense of free time positively impacts well-being. Research indicates that feeling time-famished can have negative effects similar to unemployment. Making active decisions to prioritize time can lead to increased happiness and better work-life balance.
The Power of Job Crafting for Job Satisfaction
Job crafting involves building more personally meaningful tasks within one's job, focusing on strengths and values to enhance job satisfaction. Even in less creative roles like janitorial staff, individuals find purpose and enjoyment through job crafting, impacting overall well-being and job fulfillment.
Utilizing Intention Setting for Mindfulness
Setting intentions regularly can enhance mindfulness by focusing on specific goals or actions, such as disconnecting from work during family time or striving for productive and positive interactions at work. Intention setting helps in maintaining emotional stability and fostering positive relationships.
Embracing Positive Emotions at Work
Contrary to common belief, individuals tend to be happier while at work compared to leisure activities when assessed in the moment. Setting intentions for work tasks, maintaining flow, and actively engaging in meaningful work can lead to increased contentment and satisfaction in the workplace.
Dan Harris was working seven days a week - and knew something had to give. He reluctantly left his ABC News job to concentrate on the Ten Percent Happier podcast.
To mark his career move, Dan and Dr Laurie Santos trade tips on how to find greater happiness in the workplace - from making better use of your time, to finding meaning in even the worst aspects of your job. Dan and Laurie also try out a meditation to help deal with those awful feelings of jealousy when a co-worker gets a raise or wins some praise from the boss.