Year in Review Test
-Most consistent themes from 2021 in 59 episodes
-Prioritize sleep
-Experiment; nutrition, exercise, performance enhancement devices
-What have we learned about our own health this year?
-We need be in charge of our own health; health leaders have proven ineffective. Our government cannot keep us healthy, it’s up to us.
-Stress and fear exacerbate our fight or flight response and depletes our immune system
-Fear and stress effects our decision making
-What can we do in order to establish a strong immune system?
-Basics; sleep, nutrition, exercise, supplementation,
-Extra efforts; boosting immune system through stress management, contract therapy, positive thought
-Can we/should we listen to the media?
-What benefit is there?
-How does the mainstream media make their money predominantly? Pharma. Btyb Pfizer
-2021 was a dozey, what can we expect about 2022.