Today we have Stefan Chmelik on the show to talk about Sensate, a health device designed to reduce stress and support your nervous system.
Since birth, Stefan Chmelik was immersed in meditation teaching and natural medicine and started his journey into meditation before the age of 10. As a result, he is one of the most experienced and highly qualified whole-person healthcare practitioners of his generation and the UK’s leading integrated TCM expert.
Stefan’s mission is to help people find their way towards optimal health and happiness through technology as an aid to profound relaxation.
We talk about:
01:30 - Microdosing medicinal mushrooms
11:00 - The dysregulation of stress hormones
13:00 - Adrenal fatigue and taking a holistic approach in resolving it
15:30 - Obvious signs that your stress hormones are not normal
18:00 - Why data is essential in medical science and how you can empower yourself using it to make informed decisions
21:30 - Why breathing is important
25:00 - Nothing changes how we feel more quickly than how we breathe
26:30 - The difference when you are breathing through your nose or your mouth