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The Rich Roll Podcast

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Nov 9, 2020 • 2h 13min

John Moffet On The Power of Olympic Aspirations

This is the story of an athletic prodigy. It’s also the story of heartbreak. And a hero that became a friend.Meet John Moffet.His journey begins at 11. To keep him out of trouble, John’s parents enroll him in swim lessons. Mere weeks later, it was clear he was special.Within a year, John was obliterating national age group records. By 16 he made his first Olympic Team, becoming the youngest male athlete on the entire U.S.A. squad. But America would boycott the 1980 Moscow Games, robbing John and so many athletes of the opportunity to share their gifts on the world’s largest stage.Four years later, John ascended the starting blocks at 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games as the world record holder and gold medal favorite in his specialty — the 100m breastroke. But a severe groin injury suffered in a preliminary heat would once again crush his dreams of Olympic glory. It’s a story well told in Bud Greenspan’s Olympic documentary 16 Days of Glory — a legendary filmmaker who would later become John’s mentor in his subsequent career as a storyteller. It’s a career that began humbly in the pioneering days of reality television and would ultimately lead to John taking home three 3 Emmys as an executive producer of The Amazing Race.John’s latest creative pursuit is Sports, Life, Balance —  a new podcast about the many timeless lessons learned through sport and their transformative application to all areas of life. Launching around Thanksgiving, be sure to check it out and subscribe — this one’s worth it.As a daydreaming adolescent swimmer, god-like photos of John ripped from the pages of Swimming World magazine adorned my bedroom wall. So it was utterly surreal when my path delivered me to Stanford. The opportunity for this bright-eyed, 17-year old freshman to call John my teammate was a dream come true.And such began a friendship we have maintained for the last thirty-five years.This is a conversation about what happens when desire meets deeds. It’s about determination and perseverance. The power of storytelling. The importance of reinvention. And the courage to blaze your own unique path.It’s also a rundown of Olympic trials and tribulations — and the conglomerate of raw and historic athleticism that was the hallmark of Stanford in the mid-1980s.Packed with life lessons acquired by dint of John’s extraordinary athletic and professional career, it’s a master class on how to keep pushing when it matters most. When it’s okay to let go. And why aspiration is the master of destination.To read more and listen click here. You can also watch our exchange on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. One of my oldest and dearest friends, I love John and everything he is about. So it’s a long-overdue honor to share his story with you today. May you see in him what I always have.Peace + Plants,Rich
Nov 2, 2020 • 2h 59min

Hakim Tafari Is The Journeyman Of Reinvention

Although Hakim Tafari defies categorization, a few things are clear. This guy has light. And his journey of personal transformation is nothing short of remarkable.Hakim is a unique and gentle soul of many trades and traits. But fundamentally, he is a seeker. A journeyman of reinvention. An ambassador of running culture & mindfulness. A master of many a martial art from Kung Fu to Tai Chi. An herbalist, massage therapist, a vegan. And an ardent student and practitioner of several spiritual traditions from Buddhism to Daoism.Hakim’s life didn’t come easy. Nor was it delivered overnight. Instead it’s the hard-wrought product of devotion to progressive growth. To being just a little bit better today than yesterday.Today he shares his story.Paved with solid life lessons, this conversation is one man’s hero’s journey.It’s about transformation.It’s about finding peace in failure. Creating a mindfulness-based lifestyle. The call to blaze a spiritual path. And the pangs of growth.But more than anything, this is a dialog about finding freedom — in mind, body, and soul.I’ve had the pleasure of conversing with a diversity of extraordinary humans. But every blue moon I luck into a mind-meld that elevates an exchange into a higher gear. This is one such experience — a connection marked with heart and truth. Vulnerability and authenticity.The visually inclined can watch our exchange on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Enjoy!Peace + Plants,Rich
Oct 29, 2020 • 1h 42min

Roll On: Keeping Your House Clean

Welcome to another edition of Roll On—my bi-monthly deep dive into (semi) current events, topics of audience interest, and of course answers to your questions.Commanding co-host duties as always is my hype man Adam Skolnick, an activist and veteran journalist perhaps best known as David Goggins’ Can’t Hurt Me co-author. Adam has written about adventure sports, environmental issues and civil rights for outlets such as The New York Times, Outside, ESPN, BBC, and Men’s Health. He is the author of One Breath and is currently hard at work on a novel.Some of the many topics explored in today’s conversation include:• The impending U.S. presidential election;• how the coast of Los Angeles was once a legal dumping ground for DDT, and the implications of this oceanic pollution;• the documentary ‘The Perfect Weapon’ and the rise of cyber warfare;• Nina Schick and her investigation into the world of Deepfakes;• thoughts on sustainability, stability, and the power of community;• and Rich's newest offering, 'Voicing Change’.In addition, we answer the following listener questions: How do you manage burnout? How do you live in alignment with your values? How do you navigate body dysmorphia and eating disorders as a man? Thank you to Randall from Nebraska, Robel from Montana, and Evan from Fullerton, CA for your questions. If you want your query discussed, drop it on our Facebook Page, or better yet leave a voicemail at (424) 235-4626. The visually inclined can watch our exchange on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Enjoy!Peace + Plants,Rich
Oct 26, 2020 • 1h 47min

Matthew McConaughey Wants You To Find Your Frequency

One of the world's most compelling public figures, today Matthew McConaughey graces the show to share his incredible life story -- a journey laced with timeless wisdom & lessons on authenticity, character, integrity and what it means to be true to one's self.Do I really need to introduce this guy?Dazed And Confused. Dallas Buyers Club. Wolf of Wall Street. Interstellar. True Detective. You've seen them. You love 'em. And you love him.But over yonder -- far afield of the epic screen characters -- resides a mystic cowboy poet. A family man and father prone to ponderings profound. A seeker ever questing for adventure off the beaten path. A Texan on a four-dimensional vision quest, pursuing life in accordance with a homespun code. His is an experience-earned philosophy. Truths both personal and universal that he shares in his utterly unique way. A way that can only be described as 100% McConaughey.Beyond the make believe, tactile Matthew is an active philanthropist through his Just Keep Livin’ Foundation. He's a professor at the University of Texas in his hometown of Austin, where he also serves up 'Minister of Culture' duties for the UT Athletic Department and the Austin FC Soccer Club, of which he is part owner.Matthew is also quite the writer. Inspired by a lifetime of journaling, his recently released Greenlights is a delightfully earnest self-mythologizing romp. It's also a surprisingly astute and philosophically profound love letter to life -- a beat generation inspired pastiche of journal entries. Hollywood nights. Teenage daydreams. Off-grid plots. Amazonian scraps. Monk-like retreats. And, of course, lessons learned -- all sprinkled with just the right amount of self-help fairy dust.I couldn’t put it down. And that doesn’t happen often.Don't let the hang-dog laconicism fool you. Matthew is a man with a world-class work ethic. Razor sharp focus. Bull-like tenacity. And full commitment to everything he does.A master of perseverance and resilience, Matthew is also one of the most spiritually attuned beings I have ever met.This conversation is an exploration of many things. It's about discernment. Making critical choices. Crafting your future with intention. And the importance of character.It’s about widening our aperture on life. How to effectively and consistently grow, learn and transform. And it's about how to hone intuition to connect (to coin Matthew’s phrase) “the autobahn between your mind and heart.”But overall, this conversation is about my favorite subject -- the hard-wrought journey to authenticity and self-actualization.The visually inclined can watch our exchange on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.I know Matthew is making the legacy media and podcast rounds. But I think (and hope) we took this to a few places others haven't. Either way, this one is super fun -- and chock-a-bloc with timeless life wisdom. It was an honor. I sincerely hope you dig it.Peace + Plants,Rich
Oct 19, 2020 • 2h 33min

Chris Burkard’s Crusade Against The Mundane

A treat for any and all with a bent for adventure and creative expression, today's guest is one of my very favorite visionaries of images still and moving.Meet Chris Burkard.A true artist in many forms, Chris is a photographer, filmmaker, world explorer, accomplished endurance athlete (last year he set the record for fastest man to circumnavigate Iceland by bike), dirtbag surfer extraordinaire, author, creative director, father, and man of faith. But first and foremost, Chris is a storyteller --best known for his photojournalistic, humanizing approach to the farthest expanses of the Earth and capturing stories that inspire humans to consider our relationship with nature, while promoting the preservation of wild places everywhere.Chances are you follow Chris on Instagram — stacked with breathtaking landscapes and tales of adventure, his feed is a unique portal into other worlds that magnetizes 3.6 million people daily.Well established as a leading creative and man of global influence by the ripe age of 32 (now 34), Chris’ visionary perspective has earned him opportunities to work on global, prominent campaigns with Fortune 500 clients and brands like Apple, The North Face, Patagonia, Microsoft, Burton, Capitol Records, Quiksilver, and REI to name but a few.He’s spoken on the main TED stage, designed product lines, and published a growing collection of gorgeous books including, California Surf Project, At Glacier’s End, Boy Who Spoke To The Earth (children’s book), Distance Shores, and and High Tide: A Surf Odyssey. Chris' lates offering is Unnar -- a short documentary that tells the story of Chirs’ friend Ellii, an Icelandic photographer, surfer, and kayaker whose perspective changed after surviving a near death experience. Premiering at the Tribeca Film Festival, Unnar is now freely viewable on Chris’ YouTube page. Don't miss it.Today Chris shares his story.I’ve been a huge fan and admirer of Chris for ages. This conversation was long in the making — and does not disappoint. It’s a conversation about being present in the moment. Making art out of suffering. Taking big risks. And what's behind his love affair with Iceland.It’s also a glimpse into the creative mind of a true artist, laced with potent life lessons that will leave you thinking more broadly about your own path.But most importantly, it is about crusading against the mundane — and living a wanderlust lifestyle.The visually inclined can watch our exchange on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.Chris is a very special human. We need more like him. I greatly appreciate his openness and perspective. And my hope is that this exchange will strengthen your reverence for the outdoors -- and inspire your own impulse for adventure.Peace + Plants,Rich
Oct 15, 2020 • 2h 6min

Roll On: Meditations On The Moderation Wars

Welcome to another edition of Roll On—my bi-monthly deep dive into (semi) current events, topics of audience interest, and of course answers to your questions.Commanding co-host duties as always is my hype man Adam Skolnick, an activist and veteran journalist perhaps best known as David Goggins' Can't Hurt Me co-author. Adam has written about adventure sports, environmental issues and civil rights for outlets such as The New York Times, Outside, ESPN, BBC, and Men’s Health. He is the author of One Breath and is currently hard at work on a novel.Some of the many topics explored in today's conversation include: Ag-gag laws, animal agriculture surveillance, and media weaponization; the documentary 'A Life On Our Planet' — the legacy of David Attenborough; The problem of moderating social media content veracity & the impending election impact; thoughts on climate consciousness and social entrepreneurship. In addition, we answer the following listener questions: How do you set healthy boundaries with alcohol? How do you navigate your social life alcohol-free? How do you break into endurance sports and create a more adventurous lifestyle? Thank you to Cameron from Oahu, John from London, and Greg from Colorado for your questions. If you want your query discussed, drop it on our Facebook Page, or better yet leave a voicemail at (424) 235-4626.  The visually inclined can watch our exchange on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Enjoy!Peace + Plants,Rich
Oct 12, 2020 • 2h 1min

Michael Muller On Swimming With Great Whites & Moving Towards Fear

Michael Muller is Hollywood's most in-demand photographer.But that title doesn't even begin to capture the breadth of his extraordinary, Hemingway-esque life.It's a path defined by his commitment to curiosity. An unquenchable thirst for adventure. Unbridled creativity.And an impulse to always, always move towards fear.Traveling to 60 countries before he even entered high school (a count that is currently at 200), Michael spent the greater part of his childhood living in Saudi Arabia. It was there that his passion for photography blossomed. The more he saw, the more he felt drawn to capturing his experiences in imagery.By his mid-teens that passion had already become a career, documenting the snowboarding & punk rock scenes across California. But he soon found himself behind the velvet rope in Los Angeles, documenting the next generation of silver screen superstars. But the ripe age of 22, Michael established himself as a leading Hollywood entertainment and fashion photographer. Today Michael is the top dog in his game — a guy who has photographed everyone who is anyone for every prominent media outlet from Vanity Fair to Esquire: Joaquin Phoenix, Brad Pitt, Jeff Bridges, Robert Downey, Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Hugh Jackman, Bruce Willis, Scarlett Johansson, Nirvana, Leonardo DiCaprio. You get the picture.The question isn’t who has he photographed, it’s who hasn’t he. That iconic photograph of Kobe Bryant bowing that graced the cover of TIME magazine in February? That’s Michael.That blockbuster movie poster or billboard you love? Chances are that’s Michael too -- the man behind countless studio campaigns from Marvel movies to Inherent Vice.But Michael’s truest passion — and a primary focus of today’s exchange — is sharks. Specifically, great whites. Documenting them on film. Understanding them. Educating others about them. And most importantly, preserving them.This conversation is about so many things.It’s of course a recap of Michael’s unbelievable life, which is more adventure novel than a resume.It’s about the nature of creativity. It’s about what drives him — his philosophies on work, passion, service — and the incredible power of the image to shape culture.It's about his relationship with fear. PTSD. And how swimming with sharks changed his relationship with himself and the natural environment we all share.It’s also keenly focused on preserving our oceans, specifically protecting our sharks, 100 million of which are killed every year. These apex predators are beyond vital to our ocean’s ecosystem, and without them, you’ll soon learn, our oceans will crumble.But more than anything, this conversation is about what the great whites represent: fear.It's about why the only way to overcome this debilitating emotion is to move towards it. To face it head-on.The visually inclined can watch our exchange on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.Charismatic and larger than life, Michael is unlike any previous guest I've hosted on this podcast. This conversation is one for the ages.Peace + Plants,Rich
Oct 8, 2020 • 1h 53min

Julie Piatt On Sacred Commerce & SriMu

Today the wise & ethereal Julie Piatt -- my wife and partner for the last 20+ years -- returns for her umpteenth appearance on the podcast.But this time we try something different.As longtime listeners know well, Julie is a being of many talents. Although widely lauded for her series of bestselling plant-based cookbooks, the one who goes by SriMati is also an artist, musician, yogi, healer, mother of four and serial entrepreneur.In addition, Julie hosts the For The Life of Me podcast. She reigns over Water Tiger, her online spiritual community. And she’s the ‘Mother Arc’ (her term for founder & CEO) of SriMu, her plant-based cheese brainchild start-up.Over the years, Julie been a recurring source of spiritual wisdom on the podcast, dropping many a pearl on everything from parenting and creativity to navigating conflict, managing relationships, dealing with financial hardship, and countless other subjects.Today's episode, however, is something new -- an exploration of Julie as entrepreneur.Channeling my inner Guy Raz, I give Julie the ‘How I Built This’ treatment — tracing her background growing up in Alaska through her career in fashion. Building a garment line. The pain of shuttering it. The pivot into home construction and interior design. And how all of these experiences inform the business and culture of SriMu, her most successful start-up to date.You can call me biased. I am. But that doesn’t change the fact that she is poised for world domination with what truly is the best, next evolution of cheese.The visually inclined can watch our exchange on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.Aside from the business bent, this conversation is centered on the power of meeting others — and yourself — in love.As humans, we self-identify with the stories we tell ourselves. We cling to illusions of safety and security. But this moment is challenging the firmness of the ground upon which we stand. Julie reminds us of the impermanence of everything.Embracing this vital truth will bring you greater peace. It will broaden your empathy for others. And help you identify the answers you seek.Hint: they have been inside you all along.Peace + Plants,Rich
Oct 5, 2020 • 2h 3min

Dr. Michael Gervais Is The Sensei of Human Performance

How do world-class athletes, artists and top business leaders organize their inner lives to expand the edges of their potential?What are the frameworks and key mental skills needed to excel in those intense, all or nothing make-it-or break it moments?How do change-makers find peace, grounding, and even joy in the most intensely stressful, critical moments of their lives and careers?There is no human more well-suited to fielding these questions than world-renown high performance psychologist Dr. Michael Gervais -- returning for his 4th appearance on the podcast.A globally recognized authority on optimal human performance, Dr. Gervais has spent the last twenty years working in the trenches of consequential, high-stakes environments, where there is no luxury for mistakes, hesitation, or failure to respond. His clientele includes the NFL’s Seattle Seahawks, countless Olympic medalists, MVPs from every major sport, world record holders, internationally acclaimed music artists, and corporate leaders.In addition, Dr. Gervais is the host of the popular Finding Mastery podcast. Alongside NFL coach Pete Carroll he founded Compete To Create, an online and live master class for the mind, and together they authored the recently released Audible Original also entitled Compete To Create -- a must-listen for anyone interested in raising the bar on their own potential.There's a reason he's been featured by NBC, ABC, FOX, CNN, ESPN, NFL Network, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Outside Magazine, WIRED, ESPN Magazine, the Harvard Business Review and more: Dr. Gervais is the sensei of human performance optimization.Unlike our previous episodes, today’s exchange is not about elite athletic performance. Nor is it about the demands of jumping out of a plane without a parachute. In fact, it's not really about sport at all.Instead, this is a conversation about how best to navigate the cataclysmic shit show we call 2020 -- and the years of political, pandemic and planetary turmoil likely to follow.It's about understanding trauma. Accepting pain. Working through it. And how suffering is integral to the human experience.It’s about the difference between purpose and vision. The role of sport in a world that's closed for business. And the importance of optimism in dark times.If you're new to the show, you're in for a treat. I adore this man. So prepare to fall in love.The visually inclined can watch our exchange on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.If you enjoy today's conversation, you might also dig Michael interviewing me in the most recent Finding Mastery episode (FM #244). And you can mine his three previous appearances on the RRP (episodes 120, 252, and 366).It’s hard being a human in 2020. Don’t underestimate the circumstances -- but know there is a light out there.Let's find it together.Peace + Plants,Rich
Oct 1, 2020 • 1h 59min

Roll On: A Planet Based Lifestyle

Welcome to another edition of Roll On—my bi-monthly deep dive into (semi) current events, topics of audience interest, and of course answers to your questions.Commanding co-host duties is my hype man Adam Skolnick, an activist and veteran journalist perhaps best known as David Goggins' Can't Hurt Me co-author. Adam has written about adventure sports, environmental issues and civil rights for outlets such as The New York Times, Outside, ESPN, BBC, and Men’s Health. He is the author of One Breath and is currently hard at work on a novel.Some of the many topics explored in today's conversation include: the documentary 'Kiss The Ground' -- underground econsystems; regenerative agriculture v. demand for meat; the documentary 'My Octopus Teacher' -- underwater ecosystems; New studies on the exponential growth of plastic waste; and thoughts on rugged individualism and commonwealth harm In addition, we answer the following listener questions: How do we grapple with the contradicting values of the American culture? How do you balance training needs and social responsibility in a pandemic? How do you help loved one's transition to a plant-based lifestyle? Thank you to Heidi from Northern California, Adam from Toronto, and Tristan from British Colombia for your questions. If you want your query discussed, drop it on our Facebook Page, or better yet leave a voicemail at (424) 235-4626.  The visually inclined can watch our exchange on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.Enjoy!Peace + Plants,Rich

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