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The Rich Roll Podcast

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Sep 28, 2020 • 2h 3min

Tom Scott on Why Meaningful Conversation Matters

At the root of our current political and cultural turmoil lies an unprecedented divisiveness. With all-or-nothing thinking fueled by tribalism, the result is a complete communication breakdown. And a predilection to convince rather than a willingness to listen and ultimately understand.Unhealthy and isolating, it's leaving us lonelier and angrier than ever.But more than anything, it's fracturing our humanity.So what do we do?Tom Scott says we need to talk about it.A graduate of Brown University with a Masters of Divinity from Yale, Tom is the founder of The Nantucket Project – an intimate ideas festival in the vein of TED — that brings together incredible leaders across a wide range of disciplines to talk story, with an eye on creating a better world.When the pandemic shuttered what would have been the 10th iteration of TNP, Tom decided to take his skills and curiosity on the road. Driven by a desire to engage with Americans first-hand, he enlisted his film crew on a slow route down the Mississippi River from Minneapolis to New Orleans, stopping in small towns daily to host get togethers with a wide variety of everyday people, chronicling difficult and at times painful discussions on politics, racism, and everything in between.What he discovered might surprise you.Returning for his second appearance on the podcast (catch RRP #360 if you missed it), today’s exchange with Tom begins with an honest acknowledgment of where culture currently sits. We discuss our fears and hopes for the future. And our shared concerns about the effects of quarantine on our kids and youth across the world.We shift gears to discuss The Neighborhood Project, an intentional conversation platform Tom and his team are creating for people to digitally gather, intentionally connect and share experience.Weaving clips into the edit lifted from his adventure down the Mississippi, Tom relates his effort to cultivate tactile, analog understanding between people who disagree. The wins. The losses. The glimmers of hope. And the challenges that remain.All told, Tom paints the picture of an imperfect America. But one that looks quite different from the highlight reel delivered by our respective social media feeds.Boots on the ground isn't twitter. And meaningful conversation matters. Therein lies promise.As someone I have known since 7th grade, my friendship with Tom runs deep. This conversation further cemented my admiration for this human.The visually inclined can watch our exchange on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.My aspiration is that you take this one on with a full heart and an open mind -- then find a way to better connect with your neighbor.Peace + Plants,Rich
Sep 21, 2020 • 2h 5min

We Are Water: Erin Brockovich On Pollutants, Politics & People Power

Over 40,000 chemicals currently find their way into a litany of consumer products. Although many are toxic, less than 1% have been tested for human safety. Nonetheless, great quantities can still be found in our drinking water.How is this possible? Shouldn’t clean water be a fundamental right? These questions are both fair and important. Unfortunately, trusted regulatory bodies like the EPA often fail to adequately protect us. Science is often manipulated by companies that put profit over public health. And thus, industry pollution continues unsupervised -- and the consumer protection laws we do have in place remain unenforced.To better understand this reality -- how we got here and where to go from here -- I sat down with one of the most famous names in environmental activism.Meet the the singular and eminent Erin Brockovich.Best known as the legal file clerk who battled PG&E over polluted water in the town of Hinckley, CA, Ms. Brockovich was instrumental in architecting a case that resulted in the largest settlement ever paid in a direct-action lawsuit in U.S. history.It’s a story that ended up on the big screen. Garnered Julia Roberts an Oscar for her portrayal of Erin under the direction of the great Steven Soderberg. And turned the name Erin Brockovich into not only a household name, but a verb.Today Erin delivers a master class on water, with one resounding takeaway: the problem is our's to solve.Simply put, we cannot rely on corporations or the government to protect us. An admittedly disheartening realization, it's also empowering -- a call to citizen activism to forge the better world we deserve.It's a theme Ms. Brockovich explores in her new book, Superman's Not Coming (and recently launched podcast of the same name), which both take a brutally honest look at how mismanagement, chemical spills, mishandling of toxic waste and sludge, and even fake studies have created the perfect storm in terms of damaging water systems in the United States. The result is making us sick. And destroying the environment along the way.This is a conversation about the outdated policies that perpetuate this pollution cycle, and the evil-overlord-level of deception that is happening in the corporations and government bodies we blindly trust.We discuss the regulatory landscape of clean water. How what most consider a human right has become politicized and weaponized. How to better educate yourself about your own water supply. And the actions to undertake in the event of an issue.In addition, we explore Erin’s upbringing. Her struggles with dyslexia. The experiences and mentors that fuel her perseverance. The case that brought her fame. And the vital work she has done since.Brimming with unexpected optimism, I think you will find Erin’s message a welcome break from the relentless apocalyptic doom presented by the 24-hour news cycle.A mighty, whip-smart and imposing force of nature, for many years I've deeply admired and respected Ms. Brockovich from afar. This conversation was an honor. And a powerful reminder of the indelible influence of the individual to create positive change and awaken a movement. The visually inclined can watch our exchange on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.My this one awaken you to action.Peace + Plants,Rich
Sep 17, 2020 • 2h 26min

Our Social Dilemma — Thoughts on Technology, Addiction, and the Illusion of Free Will

Welcome to another edition of Roll On—my bi-monthly deep dive into (semi) current events, topics of audience interest, and of course answers to your questions.Commanding co-host duties is my hype man Adam Skolnick, an activist and veteran journalist perhaps best known as David Goggins' Can't Hurt Me co-author. Adam has written about adventure sports, environmental issues and civil rights for outlets such as The New York Times, Outside, ESPN, BBC, and Men’s Health. He is also the author of One Breath, which chronicles the life and death of America's greatest freediver. He's also currently hard at work on a novel and just welcomed his newborn son into the world.Some of the many topics explored in today's conversation include: The new Netflix documentary, 'The Social Dilemma,' and the dangerous human impact of social media The mental health effects of the pandemic on teens Rich's exploration of barefoot running Ethan Hawke's new TED Talk, Give Yourself Permission To Be Creative 30 Day Single-Use Plastic Challenge Update The ÖTILLÖ Swimrun World Championship Tony Riddle's #3barepeaks challenge Maya Gabeira's big wave surfing world record  In addition, we answer the following listener questions: How do you balance climate consciousness with realistic needs? How do you know if you are living your purpose or should pursue a career change? How do we navigate professional relationships in the age of Zoom? Thank you to Mark from Germany, Josh from outside D.C., and Victoria from Ottawa for your questions. If you want your query discussed, drop it on our Facebook Page, or better yet leave a voicemail at (424) 235-4626.  The visually inclined can watch our exchange on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.Enjoy!Peace + Plants,Rich
Sep 14, 2020 • 2h 14min

Health is About the Little Things: Rangan Chatterjee, M.D. on How to Feel Better in Five Minutes

As 2020 continues to unfurl in a fashion beyond surreal, more and more are descending into the anguished abyss of distress. Awakening to acrid tangerine skies that have transformed sunny California into a Blade Runner dystopia, I myself vacillate between melancholia and a commitment to forge a better world.When the darkness descends, I find sanity in focusing only on those things I can control: my actions and reactions. Nonetheless, waves of anxiety -- and sometimes even despair -- continue to break on the shores of my consciousness. It is in these moments that I resort to a battery of simple but generally quite effective contrary actions. I spend time in nature. Double down on meditation and human connection. I eat better and move more. And I extend myself in service to others.To further explore the many practical and unexacting things we can all undertake during this stressful time to course-correct our emotional disposition, reframe our reality and sustainably serve our well-being, I'm joined by my friend Rangan Chatterjee, M.D. -- who today returns for a third spin on the RRP flywheel.One of the most influential doctors in the U.K., Rangan is a pioneer in the field of progressive, functional medicine. He is double board-certified in internal medicine and family medicine, holds an honors degree in immunology, and has appeared on seemingly every prominent media outlet from the BBC to The New York Times. In addition, Rangan prevails over the wildly popular Feel Better, Live More podcast. His TEDx talk, How To Make Diseases Disappear, has been viewed almost 3 million times. And he is the author of three #1 Sunday Times bestselling books. The focus of today's conversation is his latest well-being tome, Feel Better In 5.A close cousin to my podcast with Atomic Habits author James Clear (RRP #401), today's exchange is all about habit change and habit formation. It's about the power of bite-sized actions. And how, when undertaken regularly, short and simple practices can rapidly and completely change your health and life.We discuss the difference between breaking bad habits versus crowding them out with new, better habits.We explore the realities of food addiction. Our epidemic of emotional eating. And Rangan's personal theory on cause and solution.We talk generally about holistic health and lifestyle medicine, and why progressive wellness should be accessible to all -- now more than ever.Interspersed throughout, Rangan shares how he has helped patients relieve stress, find fulfillment, and engender peace in these chaotic times.But most importantly, we explore his very simple, almost effortless, methods for building a new and sustainable lifestyle to serve our long-term health.The visually inclined can watch it all go down on YouTube (courtesy of Zoom). And as always, the conversation streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.I always enjoy time spent with Rangan, even when it's remote. My hope is that you do as well -- and put his advice into action.Peace + Plants,Rich
Sep 7, 2020 • 2h 10min

Think Like A Monk: Jay Shetty On Purpose, Compassion & Happiness

Last week we went deep with an actual monk. Today we extend this exploration with a former monk -- a renounced renunciant who returned to relate the wisdom gleaned for the betterment of all.Meet Jay Shetty.If that name rings a bell, it's likely due to his social media omnipresence. With a global following in excess of 20 million people, Jay has a knack for creating what he calls viral wisdom -- snackable videos based on ancient tenets that have surpassed 7 billion views -- making him one of the most viewed people on the internet.A graduate of Cass Business school with an honors degree in Behavioral Science, Jay has been named one of Forbes magazine’s 30-under-30. He's been invited to keynote at companies like Google, Microsoft, and Facebook. He is the host of the popular On Purpose podcast. And the occasion for today’s conversation is Jay’s new book, Think Like A Monk --- a distillation of the timeless wisdom learned during his ascetic days on an ashram into practical tools we can all use to live a less anxious, more meaningful life.Today the man Russell Brand (RRP 448) calls 'a cat-eyed mystic' shares his story.This is a conversation about Jay's most unusual journey. His decision to shirk the predictable post-college path and instead move to India. The three-year exploration of austerity that indelibly changed his worldview. His decision to return home, fueled by a desire to make an impact. And the most remarkable path that followed.We discuss the insights he gleaned along the way -- and the many tools freely available to underscore our lives with greater meaning and purpose.Among many other subjects, we explore the plausibility of conscious capitalism. The double-edged sword of social media. And how to use commerce and attention for good. To spread love. Encourage laughter. And arouse souls from the waking dream that defines the lives of far too many.Note: This was taped pre-pandemic over 6 months ago, when the world was a very different place. Coronavirus delayed the original release of Jay’s book from Spring to Fall, so I agreed to hold on publishing this episode until now.You can watch it all go down (in my original home studio) on YouTube. And as always, the audio version streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.This conversation is more than just whimsical ramblings. Jay’s methods for mindfulness and self-actualization are evidence-based and platitude-free. Just perceptions and practical takeaways you can adopt right now that will positively reconfigure your reality.I sincerely hope you enjoy the exchange.Peace + Plants,Rich
Sep 3, 2020 • 1h 49min

Radhanath Swami On The Search For Light

As a reminder that we are spiritual beings inhabiting a material world -- wandering this rotating orb as it hurls across the multiverse — it's time to once again transcend the mortal coil to connect with all things ethereal.Our guide for today's celestial adventure is the candescent Radhanath Swami.A New York Times best-selling author, monk, philanthropist, activist and teacher, his Holiness Radhanath Swami is a man that radiates love, compassion and grace with a sweet and joyous disposition that has immeasurably impacted millions of souls across the world.Born Richard Slavin to middle-class parents in Chicago, he came of age amidst the strife and upheaval of the 1960s. A social activist, he slowly became disillusioned with the structural mandates of the western civilized way of life. So, still in his late teens, he left Chicago behind in search of greater meaning. After hitchhiking across the world, he felt called to India. There he met his spiritual teacher, catalyzing his transformation into the mystic he is today.Along the way, Radhanath Swami has founded multiple spiritual communities throughout the world, the most prominent of which is the Radha-Gopinath Ashram located in Mumbai, India. Under his inspiration and guidance, the project has grown to include hospitals, orphanages, a UN-awarded eco-friendly farm, schools, temples, emergency relief programs, and a food distribution program that feeds more than 300,000 children in India every single day. In addition, he teaches Eastern philosophy and spiritually throughout Europe, Asia, and America. His wisdom has reached over 100,000,000 views on social media in the last year. He has been featured as a guest speaker at Oxford, Cambridge, Princeton, Harvard, Columbia and Stanford, and at corporations such as HSBC, Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Intel and Oracle. Along the way he has met with many a world leader, including Barak Obama and former Prime ministers Tony Blair, David Cameron and Prime Minister Narendra Modi.Today he shares his story.This conversation is fueled by my concern for cultural cohesion -- a desire to help mend the vitriolic division and existential tension that is tearing us apart.Therefore, beyond exploring Radhanath Swami's story of origin, we spend the gravamen of our exchange examining what he calls 'the light'. It's about how to embody the space within ourselves that brims with compassion and empathy -- and why a committed spiritual practice is more important now than ever.I understand that some may recoil when it comes to topics spiritual. But this is not about religion. And it's not about dogma. Simply put, it's about why love is the answer.So look past the robe. Set aside preconceived opinions. Open your heart a crack. And be present to receive what this evolved human has to share. If you do, I think this powerful conversation will leave you feeling nourished, more hopeful and immensely more positive about our global predicament. Today's mind meld is viewable (via Zoom) on YouTube. And as always, the audio version streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.I hope you enjoy today's episode in the spirit in which it is offered -- with radiant love.Peace + Plants,Rich
Aug 31, 2020 • 2h 9min

Darin Olien is Down to Earth

Hot on the heels of Down To Earth -- the #1 hit Netflix series in which he co-stars alongside Zac Efron -- today my superfood hunting, brother-from-another-mother Darin Olien returns for his 4th appearance on the podcast to blow minds and drop wisdom on all things nutrition, hydration, ecological preservation, longevity, and living a high-vibration life.One of my most popular guests to date, Darin’s biography reads like a Hemingway adventure novel. Devoted to advancing human health, ecological preservation and sustainability, he's spent the better part of the last 20 years embedded in remote farming communities across the Himalayas, South Pacific, Latin America and Asia, scavenging for the most nutritionally potent plants, nuts, and seeds on the planet.His most recent obsession is Barùkas (aka the baru nut) -- an incredibly nutrient-rich superfood known to the indigenous tribes of the Brazilian Cerrado for millennia, yet virtually unheard of anywhere else. This discovery led to Darin to an epiphany: he could help preserve the Cerrado (which is a tropical savanna ecoregion three times the size of Texas) by employing its indigenous communities to harvest the native baru and importing them to North America. A win-win to preserve precious environmental resources, support indigenous communities, and simultaneously introduce North America to the healthiest nut on the planet.Everything Darin has learned over the decades is laid bare on the pages of Superlife, his New York Times bestselling primer on all things health and well-being. His app will put you on a 21-day lifestyle-changing diet and exercise program. And his recently launched podcast, The Darin Olien Show, is already killing the game.Down To Earth introduced to a broad, mainstream audience what I've always known about this incredible human:A man who truly walks his talk, Darin is the real deal.Picking up where we left off two years ago in RRP 382, Darin and I discuss all things Down To Earth. The show's origins. What it was like collaborating with a global superstar.May this conversation leave you understanding why Darin is the first person I turn to for advice not just on nutrition and fitness -- but on all manner of subjects related to living my best authentic life.For those new to me and Big D, we’ve logged about 6 hours of extraordinary back catalog conversation over the years. I highly suggest you visit those archived episodes, which you can find here: RRP 382, RRP 268, and RRP 153.The visually inclined can watch our exchange on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.It is with pride, love and gratitude that I share the wisdom of my friend and mentor with you today.Peace + Plants,Rich
Aug 24, 2020 • 2h 10min

The Crazy Benefits of Water-Only Fasting With Dr. Alan Goldhamer

When you hear the word ‘addiction’, our attention typically turns to mind-altering substances -- illicit drugs, alcohol, and prescription medications.Typically overlooked in this conversation? Food.But food addiction isn't just real, it just might be our biggest problem. In fact, the hyper-industrialized western world is firmly entrenched in an epidemic of dysfunctional eating, fueled by an outsized appetite for an ever-increasing array of highly processed foods that are scientifically designed -- with just the right amount of sugar, salt and fat -- to hijack our nervous system. Enslave us to compulsive habits that lead to illness. And ultimately render us wards of the pharmaceutical industry.So how does one effectively transition to a healthy diet sustained over time? According to Dr. Alan Goldhamer, a great place to start is by fasting. I'm not talking about a couple days of drinking juice. I'm talking about nothing but water for upwards of 40 days.Even with strict medical supervision it sounds like scary quackery. But over the last few decades, Dr. Goldhamer has successfully supervised over 20,000 patient fasts. Along the way, he has seen lives transformed wholesale. Unhealthy eating habit addictions broken. Medications ditched. And countless illnesses overcome.An iconoclastic pioneer in his field, Dr. Goldhamer is the founder of True North Health Center, one of the first (and largest) facilities in the world that specializes in medically supervised water-only fasting, along with medical and chiropractic services, psychotherapy and counseling, and more.Today he joins the podcast to walk us through all things fasting, food addiction, and the power of a whole plant diet to prevent and reverse the many chronic lifestyle ailments that unnecessarily impair millions of people across the world.We explore all things water fasting, from it's origins dating back thousands of years across many cultures and religious traditions to the protocol Dr. Goldhamer administers today.We discuss how fasting can create the foundation to transition to a sustainable, healthy whole food plant diet.And we explore why he advocates an 'SOS' (very low salt oil and sugar) version of that diet.But more than anything, this is a powerful discourse on our uncomfortable relationship with food. How most of us don’t realize we are killing ourselves with our fork and knife. How our food, and our food culture, is making us fat, sick, and frankly miserable. And how almost all of us, despite weight and health, use food as an emotional crutch. I'm well aware that Dr. Goldhamer is controversial in certain circles. His approach represents a radical departure from our traditional western medical paradigm. But he also makes a lot of sense. And his results speak for themselves (I have several personal friends who have undergone his protocol).Final Note: Under no circumstances should anyone undertake a water fast of any length without the medical supervision of a trained professional. In other words, please do not try this at home.The visually inclined can watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.My hope is that Dr. Goldhamer will inspire you to think more deeply about the body's profound ability to heal itself when treated properly. That food freedom is possible. And that none of us need fall prey to chronic food-borne illness.Peace + Plants,Rich
Aug 20, 2020 • 1h 52min

Prophets Walk Among Us — Thoughts On Beirut, Eradicating Single Use Plastic, Listener Q’s + More

Welcome to another edition of Roll On—my bi-monthly deep dive into (semi) current events, topics of audience interest, and of course answers to your questions.Once again serving up co-host duties is hype man Adam Skolnick, an activist and veteran journalist perhaps best known as David Goggins' Can't Hurt Me co-author. Adam has written about adventure sports, environmental issues and civil rights for outlets such as The New York Times, Outside, ESPN, BBC, and Men’s Health. He is also the author of One Breath, which chronicles the life and death of America's greatest freediver, and is currently hard at work on a novel.Some of the many topics explored in today's conversation include: Heart rate zones, aerobic training, functional strength & dynamic workouts The Beirut explosion, Rich's experiences in Beirut & how you can help  The politicization of USPS & compromised integrity of our forthcoming election Finding mentors in our every day lives Bureo Hat & Net Positiva -- products from recycled fishing nets The 30 Day No Single Use Plastic Challenge What is going on with QAnon LeBron James & Patrick Mahomes tackle voter suppression In addition, we answer the following listener questions: How is creative expression related to well-being? How does one move forward post-breakup? If there is a through-line of sobriety, diet, and endurance, what is the universal truth that threads them together? And my thoughts on Joe Rogan moving from LA to Texas, and the mass exodus of digital workers in this age of work from home.  Thank you to Camille from Illinois, Gabriel from Puerto Rico, Josh from North Carolina, and John for your questions. If you want your query discussed, drop it on our Facebook Page, or better yet leave a voicemail at (424) 235-4626.  This is one of my increasingly rare audio-only podcasts — you can find it streaming wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.Enjoy!Peace + Plants,Rich
Aug 17, 2020 • 2h 9min

Apolo Ohno on The Weight of Gold

Over the years, I’ve had the pleasure of conversing with many an Olympian, each with a uniquely impressive journey from obscurity to heights most can’t fathom.But what happens after the medal ceremony wraps, the klieg lights shutter, and the career comes to a close? When your entire life is centered on a moment now passed, how do you then shift overnight from podium to pedestrian? One would presume the many skills learned as an athlete -- mindset, focus, discipline, and teamwork -- would translate to seemless success in the civilian world. Ironically, that presumption would be misplaced. In truth, this transition is fraught, and has felled some the greatest competitors among us.We love to celebrate our Olympic heroes. We relish in the dissection of their habits, wrapt in what makes them tick; what makes them great; and what distinguishes the very best from everyone else -- all in service to that sliver of inspiration and applicability to our own lives.From private mental health struggles to debt, loss of identity and a lack of opportunities in retirement, the systems sending our athletes to the Olympics aren’t supporting them well in the long haul. And it’s gotta change.That change begins now, starting with the recently released HBO documentary, The Weight of Gold.Expanding upon a recurring theme of this podcast, the film presents a potent look at the mental health challenges our Olympians often face from their lived perspective. Executive produced and narrated by Michael Phelps, the world’s most athletically accomplished mental health advocate, it features a myriad of celebrated athletes, including today's guest.Meet Apolo Ohno, here to help untangle this dark thread that connects those who have stood in the spotlight.An eight-time Olympic medalist in short track speed skating, Apolo is the most decorated American Olympian at the Winter Olympics, and was inducted into the U.S. Olympic Hall of Fame in 2019. He is a Twelve-time U.S. champion, a three-time overall World Cup champion and in 2008 he was Overall World Championship gold medalist.Despite his post-athlete career successes, Apolo knows well the mental perils of elite athleticism. Raised by a single dad, Apolo took his dream all the way to the very top. When it was over he didn't just face what might come next. For the first time he had to discover who he was off the rink--and reimagine his life wholesale.This is a conversation about what it’s like to have a passion with a shelf life. The mental health repercussions of Olympic pursuit. And the pitfalls of prodigious success at a young age.More broadly, it's a dialog about why we sabotage ourselves, and how to break this bad habit.And it’s about deconstructing those preconditioned beliefs we all have about who we are and what we are capable of achieving.Today, one of history's all-time great Olympians provides a master class in mindset and intention: how to use it to our advantage, and what it takes to break the mold of what is possible. My hope is that this conversation will help you form a more holistic idea of who you are and what you seek to offer the world. I hope it encourages you to see the strength in vulnerability and the power in asking for help. But more than anything, I hope it breaks whatever illusion you have about what an Olympic athlete is and what an Olympic athlete is not.The visually inclined can watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.May you receive Apolo with an open heart.Peace + Plants,Rich

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