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Alloy Personal Training Business

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May 13, 2020 • 26min

COVID Reopening Update And Unforeseen Bright Spots

It’s been two weeks since we reopened our fitness facilities and adapting to the new normal. Rick takes us through an update on the business side of things and how we have ramped up our marketing to attract new clients since some other gyms and fitness facilities are yet to reopen.When you reopen your training facilities, you should be prepared to support people who may not be comfortable coming in yet. Running a hybrid system of virtual and onsite training will be good for your business. It is also a great opportunity to find good talent in the market right now. There are many coaches and managers coming from other fitness centers and others making a career change. It’s the best time to keep your funnel full in case you need to fill a position. Even if you haven’t reopened yet, you can still start working on the screening process and interviews for potential candidates. Listen in as we talk about these and other major lessons we have learned after reopening.Key TakeawaysRamping up your fitness marketing efforts after reopening to attract new clients (03:28)Running a hybrid system of virtual and onsite fitness classes to cater to clients who may not be comfortable coming to the gym (08:29)Expecting some hesitancy from coaches and team members about reopening and how to encourage them (09:55)Taking this opportunity to find good talent in the market and hiring them once you reopen (12:47)Keeping your funnel full with good candidates in case you need replacing or adding up some positions (15:22)Starting the screening process virtually to eliminate candidates who don’t fit with your brand (17:41)Additional Resources:www.AlloyPersonalTraining.comLearn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity---------You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!
May 6, 2020 • 39min

Reopening After COVID, What We've Learned So Far

Many businesses are still under lockdown across the country and are facing uncertainty on when they will be allowed to reopen and how they will go about it. Having reopened earlier than planned we talk about this experience from the perspectives of the owner, the coaches, and the clients.As the owner, you have to make sure you build trust. People need to be sure that you are taking every precaution necessary to keep them safe. If it involves taking them through the process, you have to do it. This should be your main message. You should then back it up by taking care of even the smallest details and maintaining high standards of cleanliness. Small group personal training helps in social distancing. This worked in our favor since we had already pivoted to this. Our clients are able to trust each other more because they are a small tight-knit group.We talk about why owners need to communicate effectively to the coaches while reopening and anticipating that they may have some hesitation to get back to work  for fear of their safety. Letting them participate in safety measures around the gym can help them feel safer.  Key TakeawaysBuilding trust and confidence after reopening by demonstrating you are taking all precautions to keep people safe (05:26)Enforcing social distancing with smaller group personal training (09:03)Going public with the efforts you are doing and let your clients know (16:14)How we dealt with our coaches during the lockdown and turning to virtual personal training (18:35)Understanding that your team may not be nervous about their safety after reopening (24:10)Communicating clearly with your team on why you need to get back to business (25:23) Taking personal responsibility for your business (34:24)Additional Resources:www.AlloyPersonalTraining.comLearn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity---------You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!
Apr 29, 2020 • 48min

How And Why To Transition Your Fitness Business To Small Group Personal Training

Covid-19 has brought a lot of disruption. One thing everyone in the fitness business should be prepared for is the changes that will come after the lockdown measures are lifted. The future of fitness is small group personal training. Having a business model that is based on a smaller number of people who are more controllable and more specific and who can social distance is the future. We take you through the transitioning process. Whether you are running one on one programs or bigger classes. The transition might be scary at first, but you’ll soon realize the benefits of small group training. You have to convince your clients and coaches why you are making the change. Building systems and programs to help with the transition makes it easier.If you manage to get your coaches on board with the new model, it will be easier to convince your clients. Coaches have personal relationships with clients and can easily convince them to try out the new small group training model.Tune in to find out how to go about the transition and all the benefits of small group training. Key TakeawaysWhy you need to transition your fitness business to small group personal training (04:02)Why is much more profitable to run a small class fitness business (5:00)Building systems and programs around small group training (12:35)Benefits of group training and why it is the best model going forwards (20:05)How to convince your coaches and clients to shift from your current model to small group training (23:39)Getting the coaches on board who will then convince the clients about the new model (36:18)Why small groups help you have accountability sessions with your clients to address any specific issues (42:18)How to make your small group training feel like personal training rather than team training (45:12)Additional Resources:www.AlloyPersonalTraining.comLearn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity---------You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!
Apr 22, 2020 • 38min

Body Language- Your Secret Weapon

80% of all communication is nonverbal. It doesn’t matter how great your words are, if you are not matching them with your body language, you are not communicating effectively. Improving our body language is something all of us, especially in the personal training business can greatly benefit from. We talk about different body parts such as the feet, legs hips, torso, and arms and how to use each of them from a coaching and sales perspective to improve communication. The legs are a big part of body language which we should never ignore. We also learn how to read the small nonverbal communication cues from our clients. Your arms and hands are the most important of all body parts as far as body language goes. Some of the things we do with them are subconscious but as a coach or a salesperson, you should learn how to use them to communicate better. Crossing your arms, hiding your hands behind your back, and definitely no pocketing. Tune in and learn how powerful body language is not only through the lens of fitness but in all aspects of communication. Key TakeawaysWhat are the two types of body language?  (5:06)Why your feet and legs are important in body language and how to use them effectively to communicate (5:39)What can you read from the hips and laps in a sales setting (15:30)Why the arms are the most important in nonverbal communication (19:27)Why you should never cross your arms or walk with your hands behind your back as a coach (21:28)How to look out for discomfort signs from your clients (29:08)Recognizing body language through the lens of fitness (31:16)Additional Resources:www.AlloyPersonalTraining.comLearn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity---------You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!
Apr 15, 2020 • 33min

The Enneagram Test For Your Business

Listen in as we talk about the Enneagram which is a great tool of communication. We talk about this test, what it entails, how to use it and how it gives you an idea about the different types of people on your team and how they communicate. There are nine different personality types on the Enneagram Test, we go through each of them in detail and how their personality affects their communication and how they relate with other team members. It is important to note that there are no wrong or negative personalities. The key is to understand your own type and how it may affect other people. Everybody has one dominant personality type and a secondary one. As a business owner, once you understand your individual team member’s dominant personality types and their secondary personality types, you can assign them the roles that suit them well. Tune in as we go through each of the nine personality types in great detail.Key TakeawaysWhat is the Enneagram Test and how to use it to improve communication in your team (2:06)The nine different personalities in the Enneagram Test (4:35)The advantages and downsides of a reformer  (4:48)Identifying your dominant personality and your secondary personality type and why it is important for coaches to have a caring interpersonal personality (7:53)Why an achiever personality type is good at sales and marketing (11:06)Why the challenger personality type makes a good team coach (24:28)Understanding the positives sides of every personality type and coaching to improve on the negative side (31:47)Additional Resources:www.AlloyPersonalTraining.comLearn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity---------You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!
Apr 8, 2020 • 27min

3 Things Every Fitness Professional CAN Do During The COVID Shutdown

The first thing we talk about is working on yourself. You achieve this by planning a routine and organizing your day just like you were going out to the office. Keeping your routine ensures you remain productive. Have some stuff scheduled throughout the day and even the week. This is the time to do those things you have always pushed aside due to lack of time.The second thing you need to do is to look at your business model and why you set up your business. Are you in the right trajectory? Do you need to change anything? Are you solving the problems you set out to solve? These questions will help you bring the motivation back and remind you why you are in the fitness business. The third thing we talk about is working with your team to improve some of the processes in the business and special projects. Having team accountability by everyone knowing what each team member is working on while at home is critical. Key TakeawaysHaving a daily routine even while working from home (4:31)Why having some personal challenges helps you become more productive (5:44)How to take a reflective look into your business model and why you do it (9:05)Taking advantage of this time to work on new revenue streams for your business (15:21)Connecting and interacting with people in your industry to learn new things (19:13)Team accountability while working virtually (19:44)Why now is an excellent time to upgrade your facility (23:06)Additional Resources:www.AlloyPersonalTraining.comLearn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity---------You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!
Apr 1, 2020 • 27min

Add Virtual Training To Your Personal Training Business

Listen in as we discuss how virtual/online training is a viable option to many gyms especially as many have been forced to close due to the current pandemic the world is grappling with. It is also a good opportunity to keep your membership engaged.We talk about choosing the best tools to help you run your online program as well as being creative with regards to equipment your clients may have in their homes.Virtual training is more than just fitness. It involves a lot of communication, emotional support and holding your clients accountable. You should thus consider it a premium service and don’t sell your services short.We talk about how virtual training can help you handle more clients due to automation. You also get to put out workouts several weeks in advance and adjust them as you get feedback from our clients and incorporating deeper personalization of your client’s programsKey TakeawaysKeeping your membership engaged through virtual training (1:55)Tools to help you run a virtual training session (8:01)Developing your program around what available equipment your client has at home (9.15)How to sell virtual training as a premium service (11.30)How virtual training helps you handle more clients and automate some things (16.46)Why virtual training is not just about fitness, it's a chance for life coaching as well (17:28)Virtual training allows for deeper personalization of client's programs (18:32)Additional Resources:www.AlloyPersonalTraining.comLearn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity---------You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!
Mar 25, 2020 • 23min

How To Lead During Chaotic Times

Leadership is important and leaders must do what they set out to do. This is amplified in a time of chaos like now. A leader must step up to the plate. We discuss this and much more in this episode. We look at it from three angles. Leading yourself, leading your team and leading your customers. To lead yourself, you must have your mind right. You must take good care of yourself and the best way to do this is through a routine. You need to control what you feed your brain as this will affect your decision makingSecondly, you must lead your team with confidence, not false bravado.  Your teams look up to you for confidence and guidance. This involves things like your body language, being emotionally available, how you present yourself and your facial expressions. All these subtle features are what your team looks at. Remember a team reflects its leader. If you are short of confidence, so will be your team. Your team is responsible for leading your customers. If you lead your team poorly, your team will lead your customers poorly. Being a leader doesn’t mean having all the answers but showing confidence in what you can control. Meeting regularly with your team during these uncertain times and reassuring them. Key TakeawaysLeaders must do what they set out to do (2:20)Leading yourself by taking care of what you feed your brain regularly (3:45)Keeping things in perspective during uncertain and chaotic times (6:58)Having a routine that involves reading positive materials and having core values (8:45)Being confident by how you show up, your body language and facial expressions (10:21)Being the best version of yourself, bring your A-game, then passing this to your team (14:06)Consistent communication with your team and your customers. You can’t over-communicate  (16:41)Get yourself in the right frame of mind to lead your team, be open and available, project confidence to them so that they can then project that to your customers (21:56)---------Additional Resources:Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity---------You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts! 
Mar 18, 2020 • 38min

3 "Must Do's" For Entrepreneurs

In this episode, we talk about the life of an entrepreneur and the things you must do to be and remain successful. There’s a whole new economy that has allowed numerous opportunities for entrepreneurship. Many people want to be entrepreneurs but do not understand the downsides and challenges there are.As an entrepreneur, you must make time for yourself. This means going away from your business and doing things that make you a better person. If you are an entrepreneur in the fitness world, you can even visit another gym to exercise. In your entrepreneurship journey, there will be times when you’ll feel overwhelmed with all the things that require your attention. Launching products, meetings, traveling, and tasks that take all your time. This is the best time to create time for exercising, whether you are a fitness entrepreneur or in another industry. The second issue we talk about is joining a community of like-minded people. Entrepreneurship with all its glamour can be a lonely endeavor. You feel alone and isolated some times, having a community where you can talk and bounce off your ideas is critical for your psychological well-being.The last thing we look at is diet and here we don’t mean the food we eat, but rather what we consume on a daily basis that goes to our brain. What we consume comes from the people we interact with, what we read and what conversations we have. These are the things that constitute your diet as an entrepreneur. Key Points of Discussion:Make time for yourself as an entrepreneur (5:26)Exercise and keeping your fitness helps your perspective as an entrepreneur (12:11)Exercise is like a performance enhancer for your business (15:03)As an entrepreneur, ignorance is bliss (15:27)it's critical for the psychological well-being and spiritual well-being of an entrepreneur to get into some kind of community with like-minded people. (21:28)Taking care of what you read and conversations you have as an entrepreneur (25:39)Having discipline as an entrepreneur on what you feed your brain and people you spend time with (26:36)Keeping of digital and doing purposeful tasks (34:02)---------Additional Resources:alloypersonaltraining.comLearn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity---------You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts! 
Mar 11, 2020 • 36min

How To Work With Landon Smith

In this episode, we talk about how to train and work right even when the job gets monotonous. Landon shares with us his journey from college and how he got into fitness. He tells us about his early days as a coach and how he learned from his mistakes. How he was open to feedback and how that helped overcome challenges.We delve deeper into professional behavior on and off the floor. How to relate to your clients in a friendly manner while still showing them respect without sounding too formal.  We then talk about fighting the imposter syndrome that often creeps in. You are well qualified for your job but still feel inadequate at times especially when you are dealing with people much older than you. This is not a bad thing as it forces you to work even harder and improve your skills.Finally, we talk about the perceived glass feeling we feel we have hit when we do the same job for a long time. Landon opines that self-reflection and self-evaluation is how to overcome this feeling. There is no ceiling to improving our skills. That way, when an opportunity arises we are well-prepared to handle it just as Landon has the amazing opportunity to expand Alloy to the Charlotte market. Stay tuned for more.Key TakeawaysHow to train and work right even when it gets monotonous 0:54Professional behavior at work: showing utmost respect 9:45Appropriate communication on and off the floor 10:21How to talk too older people than you in a friendly manner 10:50Fighting the feeling like you are not good enough, the imposter syndrome 11:25How to stay motivated while working in a monotonous system 15:44Having the mindset of looking at challenges as opportunities 16:51Constant self-reflection and self-evaluation in your professional career 32:20Additional Resources:www.AlloyPersonalTraining.comLearn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity---------You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

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