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Sapien's Playground - Medicine, Psychology, Truth Seeking and Fascinating Experiences

Latest episodes

Nov 7, 2021 • 1h 51min

(GER) - Ep.10 - Deep Dive into Diabetes, Immunsystem, Immunsignatur und Impfungen - Gespräch mit "Performance.doc" Dr. Keferstein

Ich begrüße euch alle! Vielen Dank, dass ihr wieder zugeschaltet habt bei Sapien's Playground! Heute hatte ich ein sehr spannendes Gespräch mit @perfomance.doc Dr. Gerrit Keferstein. Dr Keferstein ist Arzt in Hennef (Nähe Bonn) und hat mit seinem Team das MOJO-Institut gegründet, ist Spezialist für funktionelle Medizin und verfolgt einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz bei seiner Arbeit mit Sportlern und anderen Patienten mit diversen chronischen Erkrankungen.  Wir haben sehr viel darüber gesprochen, was genau die Ursachen und Mechanismen dem Typ 2 Diabetes zugrunde liegen, und was man dagegen tun kann. Gerrit erzählt über das Immunsystem und was alles dazugehört. Auf seiner Webpage bietet er einen Kurs an zur Ausbildung zum Immuncoach, was sich Immunsignatur nennt. Mit diesem Programm lässt sich das Immunsystem in allen seinen Schichten stärken und der Körper somit resilienter werden gegenüber äußeren Stressoren und Krankheiten.  Ihr werdet außerdem sehr viel lernen über das Prinzip und die Wichtigkeit von Hormesis, aka wie akuter Stress, z.B. Sport, Kälte, Hitze, Fasten, uns stärker und gesünder macht. Zum Schluss besprechen wir zum einen die positiven Seiten von Impfungen, und zum anderen beleuchet Gerrit deutlich die Risiken, die im Zusammenhang mit der aktuellen Covid-19 Impfung zu berücksichtigen sind sowie die Absurdität der Maßnahmen hinsichtlich des Drucks, welcher auf Ungeimpfte ausgeübt wird.  Ich wünsche viel Spaß beim zuhören! Hauptmessage von Gerrit: Mehr Lebendigkeit ins Leben bringen, weniger Frust, Hass und Negativität.  Die Webpage des MOJO Instituts: Mehr über Dr. Gerrit Keferstein: Folgt @performance.doc auf Instagram: Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Oct 11, 2021 • 1h 42min

(GER) - Ep.9 - Arteriosklerose, Blutzuckerschwankungen, Gefahren von Kaffekonsum, Dogmatismus in der Ernährung und vieles mehr! - Im Gespräch mit FastenCoach Dave

Willkommen alle zusammen bei einer neuen Folge auf Sapien's Playground! Diese Episode spreche ich mit FastenCoach Dave über sehr viele ineressante Themen wie Arteriosklerose und der Zusammenhang mit LDL, Blutzuckerschwankungen, den zirkadianen Rhythmus, wir diskutieren die Gefahren von Kaffeekonsum und die Risiken vom Dogmatismus in der Ernährungsszene. Diese und viel mehr Themen wurde in der Folge angerissen. Viel Spaß beim Reinhören! Dave auf Instagram: Elektrolyte auffüllen: Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Sep 13, 2021 • 1h 56min

(ENG) Ep.8 - Omari Jinaki - Use Training and Mindset to Overcome Diffuclties in Life

"If you die before you die, then when you die you will not die...". Let this blow your mind for a second. The mindset of this man is incredible. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to speak with today's guest - Omari Jinaki, the Calisthenics Ambassador and the strongest man in Chicago and exchange and share wisdom, knowledge and experiences. This conversation went into quite a different direction than I expected, in a good sense though! We did talk about his calisthenics journey, his injuries, his take on good execution of exercises, etc. However, we discussed all these topics in the context of mindset and life which made this conversation so fascinating. I have certainly learned a lot from it and I hope you will enjoy listening to this episode! Appreciate you all! Check out Omari on Instagram: Omari Jinaki on Facebook: Write him on WhatsApp: +1 (267) 984-7153 Follow and support his work: Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Aug 17, 2021 • 1h 35min

(GER) - Ep.7 - Malik Abbas - Die größten Mythen in der Ernährung und warum Fleisch und Eier gesund sind!

Hallo zusammen und wilkommen zu einer weiteren Episode bei Sapien's Playground! Heute spreche ich mit Malik Abbas über viele Punkte, die hauptsächlich Ernährung betreffen. Wir gehen einigen großen Mythen nach und klären die Fragen, ob Fleisch nun schädlich ist und, ob Eier uns einen Herzinfarkt geben. Malik hat eine Ausbildung gemacht zum Sport- und Fitnesskaufmann und geht bald sein Studium in Ernährungswissenschaften an. Er hat sehr viel Wissen bezüglich Nährstoffen, Gesundheit und dem menschlichen Körper und ich mag vor allem seinen nuancierten Ansatz, bei dem er nicht in irgendwelche Dogmen oder Diet-Camps verfällt. Genießt die Episode und hoffentlich könnt ihr was hilfreiches mitnehmen! Folgt Malik auf Instagram: Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Jul 30, 2021 • 1h 39min

(ENG) - Ep.6 - Mary Ruddick - What our ancestors were eating, why the Blue Zones are a myth and how to increase healthspan.

I hope everyone is doing great and I also hope that everyone is super stoked for todays episode! My guest today is Mary Ruddick, the Weston Price of modern times, travelling the world and visiting all kinds of tribes in Africa, living a radical life and helping people all around the world to achieve optimal health and get some serious health conditions into remission. Mary herself suffered from a very serious condition many years ago which affected her whole body and which she talks about here on the podcast as well.  Get excited to hear her incredible story and how she was eventually able to heal herself! We also talk a lot about Blue Zones and all the myths surrounding them. She shares her experiences from living with the tribes in Africa and also why everyone should consider eating more animal producst and organ meats.  We had an awesome conversation and I am convinced that this episode will be valuable for all of you, so let's dive into it and enjoy listening! Follow Mary on Instagram: Check out her YouTube Channel: Contact Mary if you need help with your health: Check out the Heroe's Soups from Mary's company: Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Jul 5, 2021 • 12min

Bedtime Story (3) - Nutrition and Physical Degeneration - A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects by Weston A. Price - CHAPTER 1 - Why seek wisdom from primitive peoples?

In the section "Bedtime Story" I will read a chapter from a book for  you  which I personally found interesting and find worth sharing with  you! Please excuse if I my misspronounce some words, since English is not my first language and I could potentially make mistakes in the  pronounciation. Our first book will be "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration - A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects by Weston A. Price" and in the third episode I read Chapter 1 of this book.  Enjoy listening! Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Jul 1, 2021 • 1h 46min

(ENG) Ep.5 - Ruslan Saibov - Become superhuman through calisthenics and by training your mind!

What's going on everyone? Back again with another episode of Sapien's Playground, today with a very special guest who many of you guys might already know - Ruslan Saibov, the Muscle-Up-King, although, according to him, Push-Ups are his favourite exercise;) We started of talking about his life journey and how he came to calisthenics. The transformation of his mind and the insights he was sharing in this episode will absolutely blow your mind, I promise! Eventually, we dive deep talking about the importance of the mental side of things when it comes to training and life in general, and only in the end we touch on some training principles, tips for Muscle-Ups, etc., so make sure to listen until the end;)  Stay tuned everyone, since there will certainly be kind of a part 2 of this, which is going to be in Russian and thus more accessible to people in this space who are maybe Russian native speakers but do not understand English very well. Enjoy listening!!! Find Ruslan Saibov on Instagram: (Lots of free workouts!) Check out Saibov's YouTube Channel: (Awesome tutorials!) Saibov's Website: (Amazing programs!) Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Jun 27, 2021 • 14min

Bedtime Story (2) - Nutrition and Physical Degeneration - A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects by Weston A. Price - INTRODUCTION

In  the section "Bedtime Story" I will read a chapter from a book for  you which I personally found interesting and find worth sharing with  you! Please excuse if I my misspronounce some words, since English is not  my first language and I could potentially make mistakes in the  pronounciation. Our first book will be "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration - A  Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects by Weston A.  Price" and in the second episode I read the introduction of this book. Enjoy listening! Sapien's Playground auf Instagram: Sapien's Playground auf Youtube: More free stuff: (Find here a free PDF of the book!)
Jun 23, 2021 • 1h 8min

(GER) - Episode 4 - Folge deinem Herzen! Leben mit Bewusstsein, Intuition und Freiheit mit Jenny Le

Herzlich wilkommen zu dieser Episode, auf die ich mich sehr gefreut habe! Jenny ist ein toller Mensch, ich durfte von ihr schon viele Weisheiten lernen und auch in unserem Gespräche teilen wir sehr schöne Gedanken bezüglich verschiedenster Themen. Nicht nur ist Jenny's Geschichte äußerst inspirierend, ihre Einstellug zum Leben und ihr Umgang mit schwierigen Momenten ist etwas, was für viele Menschen als echte Inspiration dienen kann! Viel Spaß beim Anhören! Folgt Jenny auf Instagram: Jennyxxle auf Youtube: Zumba with Jenny Le auf Youtube: Sapien's Playground auf Instagram: Sapien's Playground auf Youtube: More free stuff:
Jun 9, 2021 • 1h 31min

(ENG) Episode 3 - About Food Lies with Brian Sanders from Peak Human - "What I've learned on my path towards optimal human health"

Hello, hello, everyone out there and thanks for everyone who is listening to the episode! today is a very special day for the Sapien's Playground as I am about to introduce my very first guest to you - it's Brian Sanders who you might know from Food Lies! Brian works on a film which is called "Food Lies", he owns a company where he sells noes-to-tail animal produvts all across the US, and he also tries to spread the word on his podcast, named "Peak Human". We covered so much today! We talked mainly about how to be optimally healthy as a human and discussed the 5 most important pillars in that regard, namely diet, exercise, sunlight, stress and sleep. This conversation was absolutely fascinating and I hope that hearing Brian's strory and listening to the advice we give here will be valuable for you in order to achieve better health!  Enjoy listening! Follow me on Youtube:                                                                                            and Instagram:                           You can find Brian on instagram: He has a great youtube channel: Support the film production and learn more about food lies: Support Brian and become a member of the Sapien Tribe: Get your high-quality nose-to-tail nutrition delivered all across the US: Find more free stuff here: Time Stamps:  0:03:23 - Podcast starts - Who is Brian? Brian's story to optimal health. 0:05:40 - What are your biggest takeaways after talking to so many people over the course of the years? 0:07:27 - What has changed in your thinking? 0:14:11 - What is your definition of nutrient density? 0:19:33 - Why is it crucial to consider human evolution? 0:21:10 - What were your experiences with visiting and living with indigenous tribes? 0:27:23 - You can't cheat nature! 0:30:55 - What is the Sapien Framework all about? 0:47:05 - The 5 pillars of health and the importance of movement. 0:54:30 - What is your favourite exercise? 0:55:26 - Why should we all probably be getting way more sunlight? 1:00:15 - What is different between acute and chronic stress and how should we deal with it? 1:06:20 - How can we get more quality sleep? 1:09:30 - Why we should all probably get dirty more often? 1:13:13 - My Devil's Advocate question for Brian. 1:18:10 - More about the Food-Lies-Film. 1:21:20 - My final question for Brian.  1:27:03 - Where people can find you?

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