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Holistic Trauma Healing with Lindsey Lockett

Latest episodes

Apr 17, 2023 • 1h 39min

Episode 96: A Fun Chat About Psychedelics & Ghost Pipe Medicine with Andi Grace Rose

This is the second part of a two-part conversation about plants and mushrooms for mental health with herbalist and forager Andi Grace Rose. In this episode, we... share Andi's long-standing relationship with psychedelics, which she was introduced to in the music festival scene discuss both micro-dosing and macro-dosing suggest some resources people can look into if they want to know more about psychedelic medicine, its uses, its history, and contraindications discuss the lack of information about psychedelics in the Western pharmacopia talk about what an interesting time it is to be alive for the resurgence and potential legalization of psychedelic drugs discuss the Spirit Bear microdosing tincture Andi makes with psilocybin and lion's mane mushrooms share the benefits Andi has experienced with microdosing, including microdosing during pregnancy and breastfeeding — something there is NO information on talk about microdosing's effects on the emotions and increased emotional sensitivity that can cause anxiety when microdosing share Lindsey's recent experience with psychedelic support in feeling and processing the grief of her son moving out and transitioning out of the active mothering phase of her life talk about one of Lindsey's recent "bad trips" discuss the phenomenon of how psychedelic trips change how we approach life and stress without our actual circumstances changing at all briefly discuss the implications of taking psychedelics out of indigenous ceremonial use and into the mainstream talk about psychedelic's ability to help people lay down addictions to smoking and alcohol discuss our differences in how we have used psychedelics dive into our thoughts on seasonal affective "disorder" and capitalism share Andi's experiences in working harm reduction and trip-sitting for people talk about a favorite ephemeral plant medicine: ghost pipe Links: FREE Trauma Type Quiz & Guidebook⁠ Build Your Own Bundle for 20% off ALL Lindsey's workshops and courses Smoke & Forage on ⁠Facebook⁠ & ⁠Instagram⁠ ⁠Andi's Herbal Remedies⁠ ⁠Schedule a FREE 15-minute consultation with Andi⁠ ⁠Schedule a 1-hour mental health/micro-dosing call with Andi⁠ ⁠Plants & Mushrooms for Mental Health Class⁠ ⁠Unfurl Wellness on Facebook How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence by Michael Pollan How to Change Your Mind documentary series on Netflix Fantastic Fungi documentary on Netflix Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World: An Identification Guide by Paul Stamets
Mar 6, 2023 • 1h 1min

Episode 95: Plants & Mushrooms for Mental Health with Andi Grace Rose

In this episode with herbalist and forager Andi Grace Rose, we... discuss some commonly used plants for supporting the nervous system talk about the complexities and nuance of using allopathic medicine, herbal medicine, and/or a combination of both to support mental health discuss using plants and medicines alongside pharmaceuticals talk about self-experimentation without fear and with intuition, personal responsibility, and agency expand on the neuroplastic properties of mushrooms that pharmaceuticals just don't possess elaborate on why hitting the "easy button" of psychiatric medications may not be so easy after all discuss using psychedelics and SSRIs at the same time and serotonin syndrome expand on micro-dosing psilocybin talk about the incredible benefits for both brain and nervous system of lion's mane and other medicinal, non-psychedelic mushrooms discuss our shared insomnia experiences and how we've tried "all the things" Links: FREE Trauma Type Quiz & Guidebook NERVOUS SYSTEM 101 CLASS Smoke & Forage on Facebook & Instagram Andi's Herbal Remedies Schedule a FREE 15-minute consultation with Andi Schedule a 1-hour mental health/micro-dosing call with Andi Plants & Mushrooms for Mental Health Class Unfurl Wellness on Facebook
Feb 27, 2023 • 54min

Episode 94: Emotional Freedom Technique for ADHD with Theresa Lear Levine

In this episode with Becoming More Me Podcast host and EFT practitioner Theresa Lear Levine, we... discuss the many camps of belief around ADHD: from it being a superpower to it being a potential sign of brain inflammation and nervous system dysregulation share Theresa's experience of ADHD, what it feels like for her, how it's her superpower, her choice about medication, and how she personally uses EFT discuss how Theresa's experience of ADHD was totally fine for her all throughout school, but then really made things more difficult when she became a mother talk about why Theresa ultimately sees ADHD as her superpower share about how using EFT helps to get to emotional roots of ADHD-type behaviors such as procrastination and overwhelm discuss how Theresa can use EFT to help "get her there" when she's not in the mental state for certain things like meetings and work projects talk about self-criticism and self-doubt and the role of acceptance with ADHD expand upon the connection between ADHD and the nervous system talk about how emotional regulation can be challenging for the "ADHD brain" and how EFT tapping can help with emotional processing and regulation Links: Nervous System 101 — now available for purchase! Join the group program Nervous System Hygiene — 4 weeks of group calls starting on March 2, 2023! Visit Theresa's website Theresa's podcast: Becoming More Me The Private Sessions (over $6k of coaching for free!) Follow Theresa on Instagram
Feb 13, 2023 • 52min

Episode 93: DON'T Do These 15 Things When Your Nervous System Is Really Dysregulated (solo episode)

When your nervous system is really dysregulated, you need safety signals more than ever. Things that signal safety? Slowness, being satiated, co-regulation, sleep, a serene setting, setting boundaries, reaching out for support, and a sense of satisfaction in your life. The "things" in this episode are the opposite of those safety signals. NEW OFFERING! NERVOUS SYSTEM CPR: a toolbox of tools to help you regulate your nervous system FAST. This is a downloadable resource, so you can save it to your phone or tablet and literally have me in your pocket the next time you're having an "oh shit" nervous system moment... you know the ones I'm talking about. Stop panic-searching your IG saved reels for "that video I saved that one time"... Stop doom-searching YouTube looking for a guided meditation to stop a panic attack only to discover you're still panicking 3 minutes in... Stop exploding with anger on your partner or kids and learn how to discharge it instead... Stop avoiding triggers... Stop the shutdown of your nervous system and accompanying shame... NERVOUS SYSTEM CPR is my most accessible resource: just $55! Get instant and lifetime access here! Other offerings: NERVOUS SYSTEM 101 — the foundational workshop — is now available ANY TIME! You no longer have to wait for me to teach it live to access it. We have made it available for purchase all the time! Get NERVOUS SYSTEM 101 here. UNLEARNING THE GOOD GIRL ROLE — half day immersion — is coming up in March! I'll be hosting a half-day immersion with my friend and colleague, dance-movement therapist Chelsea Horton to teach on the Good Girl role, how it shows up in relationships, in business or at work, and in relationship to yourself and your body. This immersive experience is both informational and experiential. We will hold you in a safe, loving container as you unpack how GG programming has shown up in your life, unlearn it, and embody the Worthy Woman. Join the Good Girl Immersion waitlist here. THAWING THE FREEZE RESPONSE — the only workshop of its kind — is happening on Friday, February 24 at 10am CST on Zoom. In this workshop, I teach about nervous system immobilization (aka "freeze") and how to mobilize to get un-stuck. This workshop is both informational and experiential. Your ticket purchase includes access to the recording as well as my teaching slides. Save your spot here. 1:1 COACHING — apply to work with me here.
Jan 22, 2023 • 48min

Episode 92: Emotional Freedom Technique for the Nervous System with Theresa Lear Levine

In this episode with EFT practitioner and teacher Theresa Lear Levine, we... share how Theresa found EFT after struggling to figure out how to be more successful, recover from perfectionism, live with ADHD and high-functioning anxiety, and navigate "normal" life traumas like childhood, divorce, re-marriage, and more discuss EFT as a combination of modern psychology and ancient Chinese medicine  share how Theresa initially felt she didn't have "severe enough" trauma to benefit from EFT and how she changed her mind talk about the "borrowed benefits" of EFT, such as more energy and regulating the nervous system give the background of EFT tapping and share its efficacy for things like past trauma, bothersome memories, future worries, anxiety, physical symptoms, and more share the benefits of EFT specifically for the nervous system answer the question, "Is there anything EFT doesn't 'work' for?" discuss EFT as a possible tool for Lindsey's chronic psoas muscle pain and for our clients with health anxiety share how Theresa uses EFT to address past traumas, even the stuff from our past we think doesn't really matter that much talk about how to use EFT tapping to get off the "Hamster Wheel of Wellness" dabble in a little bit of conversation about EFT for ADHD Links: Visit Theresa's website Theresa's podcast: Becoming More Me The Private Sessions (over $6k of coaching for free!) Follow Theresa on Instagram Get my FREE Guide to Trauma Types Stalking Wild Psoas by Liz Koch Core Awareness by Liz Koch
Jan 16, 2023 • 1h 38min

Episode 91: Alarm in the Body & Anxiety in the Mind with The Anxiety MD, Russ Kennedy

In this episode, I'm chatting with The Anxiety MD, Russ Kennedy. Dr. Russ and I... talk about his upbringing and the toll it took on Russ' nervous system to be the child of a father with severe mental illness (bipolar and schizophrenia) discuss what anxiety is and what it isn't discuss being in a victim state and how those of us with anxiety unknowingly victimize ourselves share what A.L.A.R.M. really is expand on our shared experiences with awareness and the importance of awareness in anyone's healing journey talk about the difference between alarm in the body and anxiety in the mind share about where we somatically feel anxiety in our own bodies talk about Complex PTSD and some of our shared experiences in our nervous systems related to "the voice in the head" and the alarm sensations in our bodies share about Lindsey's core wound of feeling abandoned by her mother when her mom gave her the silent treatment Links: Follow The Anxiety MD on Instagram Russ' book: The Anxiety Rx Dr. Russ Kennedy's website
Jan 5, 2023 • 1h 5min

Episode 90: Protect Your Space — Social Media Boundaries (solo episode)

In this solo episode, I ... share about my personal experiences with cancel culture, accountability culture, online callouts, harassment, stalking, and bullying from 2020-2021 discuss the necessity of having boundaries with followers on social media, especially if you're an entrepreneur, healer, or teacher in the holistic + trauma-healing + nervous system + activism spaces talk about the regulation and dysregulation of the nervous system and what that looks like on social media talk about the game of Hot Potato we can play with our followers if we meet their dysregulation with our own dysregulation discuss the subject of "safety" and triggers on social media and how a false responsibility to create safety for our followers is keeping creators stuck share about my own Good Girl's subconscious reactions, fears, and hypervigilance and how that affected my ability to access and express my Authentic Voice explain why trying to appeal to the masses on social media will force you to dilute the potency of your Message, your Medicine, and your Magic Links: PROTECT YOUR SPACE WORKSHOP TICKETS ($77, includes replay + my teaching slides — email support@lindseylockett.com if you need financial assistance) Episode 56: On Integrity, the Cancel Mob, & Boundaries on Social Media with Lux ATL Episode 87: The Good Girl — an Archetype, a Nervous System State, & How to Break Free  Good Girl Workshop Waitlist: join if you want to be notified by email when this workshop is happening again!
Oct 15, 2022 • 53min

Episode 89: Slowness Signals Safety + 11 MORE Ways to Signal Safety to Your Nervous System (solo episode)

In this episode, I share 12 ways to signal safety to your nervous system and why these signals are so nourishing to our nervous systems discuss our current culture of urgency, hustling, and capitalism as the opposite of safety; it is a huge source of our individual and collective dysregulation share that slowing way down is how we give the middle finger to hustle culture talk about how the nervous system doesn't operate on our schedules or care about our convenience discuss conforming our lifestyles to support the body rather than demanding the body to conform to unsustainable lifestyles talk about the flight state and the emotions and unconscious behaviors of this state (which is the state for which slowness is the most beneficial) share ways to practice slowness with intention elaborate on the role of personal responsibility in structuring a life that is supportive to healing and regulating the nervous system Nervous System 101 Waitlist The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible by Charles Eisenstein The Long Descent: User's Guide to the End of the Industrial Age by John Michael Greer
Oct 12, 2022 • 1h 24min

Episode 88: Healing the Mother Wound with Michelle Roberton

In this episode with returning guest Michelle Roberton, we... share examples of how mother wounding shows up in our lives discuss Good Girl Programming as a "symptom" of mother wounding talk about how mothers pass on body image issues discuss the subtleties of mother wounding, even in people who would say they have a good relationship with their mothers discuss our responsibilities as adult women to recognize how our behaviors stem from mother wounding and what we can sovereignly do to heal talk about the powerful shift in our own mothering of our children when we work with and heal our mother wounds discuss the healing power of sharing with our own mothers talk about the necessary grief we must feel about not having the mothers we needed and deserved discuss how we as mothers may overcompensate or with our own children to "make up for" our lack of adequate mothering discuss how mother wounding affects our sexuality talk about  Work with Michelle Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving by Pete Walker
9 snips
Sep 9, 2022 • 41min

Episode 87: The Good Girl — an Archetype, a Nervous System State, & How to Break Free (solo episode)

In this episode, I... share ways to know if you're operating under "Good Girl Programming" discuss the perfectionsim, shame, inner criticism, and judgment that's underneath Good Girl Programming talk about recognizing the voice in our heads — the voice of our Inner Judge or Inner Critic share a real-life example of Good Girl Programming on social media discuss Good Girl Programming as the root of the Sisterhood Wound discuss the influences of religion, patriarchy, advertising, media, and culture in indoctrinating little girls to be sweet, complacent, and obedient talk about the nervous system state of the Good Girl and why unlearning this programming isn't a mindset issue Announcing... UNLEARNING THE GOOD GIRL ROLE: a rock-your-world workshop empowering you to stop being the people-pleasing “good girl”, embrace your fierceness, and break free from shame to embody your authentic self In this 3-hour live workshop, we will be covering… What the Good Girl Role looks like in relationship with Self and others, at work or in your business, and how you show up online What the Good Girl Role feels like in your body and what’s going on in your nervous system Why and how the Good Girl Role develops What is needed to unlearn this role and set yourself free WHEN: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 1pm CDT/11am PDT COST: $99 — replay included Save your spot by September 19!

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