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Live Unrestricted - The Intuitive Eating & Food Freedom Podcast

Latest episodes

Apr 12, 2023 • 42min

My Biggest Mistakes With Binge Eating

In this episode, I'm opening up about my past with binge eating. For over 6 years, I jumped from one restrictive diet to another,  counting calories, cutting out carbs, following food rules, hoping to gain "control" of my eating. What started as an innocent desire to lose weight quickly spiralled into disordered eating, compulsive overeating, and an inability to control myself around "off-limit" foods. Night time was the worst for me. Every night, around 8 pm, when everything had settled down after dinner time and I found myself alone in the kitchen, it was like a switch went off in my head. The moment I started eating, I couldn't stop. I felt so powerless and out of control around food, so I spent a lot of time online reading different tips & strategies to overcome binge eating. What I didn't realize was that these things were making things worse , not better. So, in today's episode, I'm going to share 5 of the biggest mistakes I was making that kept me stuck with my binge eating behaviours, endless frustrated with myself for not being able to figure it out, and feeling like a failure for not having enough willpower. My hope is that, if you're struggling with binge eating, you can avoid these mistakes and get on the path to healing quickly and more effectively than I could. 📲 Follow me for daily tips & resources on instagram! ✨ Are you ready to stop feeling obsessed and out of control around food? Watch my FREE training How To Stop Feeling Obsessed With Food (Without Willpower or Giving Up The Foods You Love) to get started! 🤝 Ready to get support in healing your relationship with food and your body? Join my signature program, Food Freedom Academy 2.0, to have step-by-step guidance, accountability and support.
Apr 10, 2023 • 47min

"When does Intuitive Eating start to feel natural?" Coaching Over Coffee

JOIN THE FREE 7-DAY  INTUITIVE EATING CHALLENGE (APRIL 20-27, 2023) Today, we're addressing a listener question you might be having too "When does Intuitive Eating start to feel natural?" When you first begin your Intuitive Eating journey, it feels like driving a car for the first time. You're checking your rearview mirror, paying close attention to your blindspot, and extremely hyper-focused on the cars around you. As you get comfortable with driving, it becomes easier for you. Natural even. To the point that one day, you find yourself driving to work and didn't even have to think about where you're going or what you're doing. Driving starts to happen automatically. Becoming an Intuitive Eater feels like that. At first, you're hyper-aware of your eating habits. You're thinking more, asking yourself more questions. But over time, it becomes who you are. So when does that happen?  That's what you'll learn today. Speaking with Michele, you'll hear me uncover the blocks holding her back from achieving a more natural relationship with food, I coach her through her body image challenges, and give her actionable steps to improve both her body image and her mindset towards food. Apply for your very own Coaching Over Coffee Session :📲 Follow me for daily tips & resources on instagram! ✨ Are you ready to stop feeling obsessed and out of control around food? Watch my FREE training How To Stop Feeling Obsessed With Food (Without Willpower or Giving Up The Foods You Love) to get started! 🤝 Ready to get support in healing your relationship with food and your body? Join my signature program, Food Freedom Academy 2.0, to have step-by-step guidance, accountability and support.
Apr 5, 2023 • 50min

How To Stop Binge Eating w/ Michelle Shapiro, Functional RD.

Do you feel like no matter how hard you try to control yourself around food, your willpower always fails and you end up bingeing on everything in your kitchen pantry?If you struggle with:Not trusting yourself around certain foodsNot being able to stop eating, even when you're full Being "good" all day, but losing all control at night Constantly being "on and off" the wagon Then this episode is going to be extremely powerful for you. We are joined by Functional & Integrative  Registered Dietician, Michelle Shapiro. She is also the host of the Quiet the Diet Podcast,  and today we talked about binge eating in a way that you've likely never heard talked about before. In this conversation, you're going to learn why:Binge eating is actually a SMART response by your body What most people get wrong about binge eating An important step everything should take right after a binge Is intermittent fasting good for women?Can you want to lose weight AND heal your relationship with food?Where to start if you want to begin healing binge eating Connect with Michelle Shapiro:Quiet the Diet PodcastInstagramWebsite***Mentioned in this episode***:NEW - SIGN UP FOR THE FREE 7-DAY INTUITIVE EATING CHALLENGE!📲 Follow me for daily tips & resources on instagram! ✨ Are you ready to stop feeling obsessed and out of control around food? Watch my FREE training How To Stop Feeling Obsessed With Food (Without Willpower or Giving Up The Foods You Love) to get started! 🤝 Ready to get support in healing your relationship with food and your body? Join my signature program, Food Freedom Academy 2.0, to have step-by-step guidance, accountability and support.
Mar 29, 2023 • 42min

Eating Psychology: The Secret to Changing Eating Behaviours w/ Joanne Edinberg

***Pre-Enrolment for Food Freedom Academy is opening soon! Join the Waitlist to be notified as soon as spots open up :, we’re joined by Certified Eating Psychology Coach, Joanne Edinberg, to help you learn how to relax with food, increase your joy in all areas of life, and reduce stress so that you can start feeling your best in your body.Joanne helps health-conscious women transform from feeling stressed to feeling relaxed about food, weight and body image so they can focus their time and energy on what truly nourishes them. She coaches clients to find the inner wisdom to transform challenges with weight and body image into powerful opportunities for personal growth. She is on a mission to help women end the quest for the perfect diet and the perfect body. During this conversation, you will learn:What is Eating Psychology? And why does it matter in relation to our eating habits?How stress about what we’re eating negatively impacts our metabolism & digestionWhy obsession about what we’re eating is more harmful than the food itselfThe important factors that most people disregard that affect your health and how you feel about your body (beyond fitness and nutrition) Why allowing yourself to let go of control over food shouldn’t be seen as “letting yourself go” One simple practice to adopt before you sit down to eat to create a relaxed and peaceful eating experience to reduce overeating & food guilt Connect with Joanne :Website:📲 Follow me for daily tips & resources on instagram! ✨ Are you ready to stop feeling obsessed and out of control around food? Watch my FREE training How To Stop Feeling Obsessed With Food (Without Willpower or Giving Up The Foods You Love) to get started! 🤝 Ready to get support in healing your relationship with food and your body? Join my signature program, Food Freedom Academy 2.0, to have step-by-step guidance, accountability and support.
Mar 22, 2023 • 57min

Coaching Over Coffee: Why You're Still Stuck In The Diet Cycle

***Pre-Enrolment for Food Freedom Academy is opening soon! Join the Waitlist to be notified as soon as spots open up : this brand-new segment,  I will take you behind-the-scenes of what it's like for my clients to be coached by me inside the Food Freedom Academy. What you'll hear is real people, with real stories & struggles, on their journey to healing their relationship with food , improving their body image & learning how to become Intuitive Eaters. In this episode, we talk to Sarah, a lifelong dieter who started her first diet (Weight Watchers) at the age of 13. She is now 46, still struggling with the poor body image, low self-esteem, emotional eating and lack of control around food. What stared off as a conversation about emotional eating and how to make healthy choices with a busy schedule turned into a much deeper understanding of the real reason she is getting stuck in her food & body struggles. What you'll learn in this episode is:What most people don't know about emotional eatingThe truth behind sugar addiction How to silence your internal bully Why your identity controls your habits The difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivationWhy focusing on weight loss is bound to backfire 2 action step to start improving your self-esteem & relationship with food THIS WEEKApply for a Coaching Over Coffee Session :📲 Follow me for daily tips & resources on instagram! ✨ Are you ready to stop feeling obsessed and out of control around food? Watch my FREE training How To Stop Feeling Obsessed With Food (Without Willpower or Giving Up The Foods You Love) to get started! 🤝 Ready to get support in healing your relationship with food and your body? Join my signature program, Food Freedom Academy 2.0, to have step-by-step guidance, accountability and support.
Mar 15, 2023 • 34min

Sugar cravings, holistic psychology & mind-body connection w/ Dr.Meghan Klein Toups, PhD, LPC

Take the "Why Do I Overeat?" Quiz here: you feel disconnected from your body, feel shame for your sugar cravings or don’t have any productive coping mechanisms for the stressors in your life that don’t involve turning to food for comfort, this episode will be extremely powerful for you. We’re joined by Dr. Meghan Klein Toups - licensed professional counselor, holistic health coach & Reiki practitioner with over 15 years of experience in the field. Meghan specializes in the holistic treatment of anxiety in women and empaths and has a special interest in gut health related to mental health. She teaches abnormal psychology at Kennesaw State University and researches the ways in which cultural and societal pressures impact anxiety symptoms in mothers. In this episode, we talk about:What holistic psychology is, and why it may trump traditional therapy The importance and function of our vagus nerve to keep us healthy & happyPractices we can do to strengthen our mind-body connectionThe 1st step to creating change in our healthWhat it means to “externalize the internal”Signs & symptoms of nervous system dysregulationNatural ways of healing/self-careWhat sugar cravings really are, and how to use sugar cravings to learn information about yourselfIf you want to learn how to heal & create a healthier, happier version of yourself from a holistic viewpoint without dieting & giving up the foods you love, let’s jump in!Connect with MeganWebsite: www.meghantoups.comInstagram: @drmeghanktoups📲 Follow me for daily tips & resources on instagram! ✨ Are you ready to stop feeling obsessed and out of control around food? Watch my FREE training How To Stop Feeling Obsessed With Food (Without Willpower or Giving Up The Foods You Love) to get started! 🤝 Ready to get support in healing your relationship with food and your body? Join my signature program, Food Freedom Academy 2.0, to have step-by-step guidance, accountability and support.
Mar 8, 2023 • 51min

How To Feel Confident & Empowered In Pictures w/ Gabby Jockers (Part 2)

Food Freedom Academy Waitlist: you’re someone who dreads being in pictures, constantly thinking negative thoughts about your body all day long, and you want to embody more confidence & self-love so that you can show up as the most authentic version of yourself , this episode is for you.This is part 2 of our conversation with Mindful Boudoir Photographer and owner of Embodied Art Boudoir, Gabby Jockers. Gabby uses a unique approach to photography that integrates mindfulness, body image work and facets of Intuitive Eating as well, to help her clients get out of their heads and into their bodies so they can experience embodied expression, confidence, and self love.If you haven’t listened to part 1, be sure to go back and give it a listen HERE. In part 2 of our conversation, we discussed:The 3 crucial steps of Gabby’s shoot process to help her clients reclaim their power & confidenceThe 3 main reasons why women decide to do a boudoir shootWhat is a body image reset? And how to you know if you may need one How people-pleasing is connected to nutrition, diet and confidenceHow to instantly become more confident with this one trickThe 4 steps to confidently pose for picturesReady to reclaim your power & feel confident in your body? Happy listening!Connect with GabbyInstagram:  @embodiedartboudoir Facebook:📲 Follow me for daily tips & resources on instagram! ✨ Are you ready to stop feeling obsessed and out of control around food? Watch my FREE training How To Stop Feeling Obsessed With Food (Without Willpower or Giving Up The Foods You Love) to get started! 🤝 Ready to get support in healing your relationship with food and your body? Join my signature program, Food Freedom Academy 2.0, to have step-by-step guidance, accountability and support.
Mar 1, 2023 • 48min

6 Tips For Eating Intuitively & Food Freedom While Travelling

Food Freedom Academy Waitlist: travelling brings up food & body anxiety for you, this episode will help you learn how to go on vacation with food freedom, let go of rigid food & exercise rules, and enjoy your trip without guilt, shame or obsession over how you're eating or moving.When I was struggling with my relationship with food, the idea of going on a vacation didn't bring up emotions of excitement or joy, like it should for most people.  It brought up anxiety & fear. In the throes of my disordered eating, I couldn't properly enjoy myself because I was so consumed with trying to control my food & burn calories through exercise. Back home, I had structure, restrictions and rules to follow. I was able to keep my food anxiety in check as long as I stuck to my "safe foods", cooked at home and respected my self-imposed rules about what/when/how much I could eat. I worked out every single day, and felt guilty/anxious if I ever took a day off. As you can imagine, being sent into a whole new and uncontrollable environment was a nightmare to me. Things like knowing every single ingredient in my food, going out to restaurants MULTIPLE times a week (or even a day!) or not exercising for a full week tied my stomach in a knot. If I DID manage to push myself to travel, I was distracted during the entire trip. The places, the people, the new food, the experiences ... were are tainted by my obsession with rigid eating and exercising. Last week, I took my first REAL long vacation since the pandemic to New Orleans, Louisiana. I had such a blast visiting one of my good friends and fellow business owner. I explored, learned about the culture, tried the local food (LOTS of it) and took some much needed time off. Off from exercise. Off from work. Off from responsibilities. The week made me reflect on my past experiences with travelling, and how my history with disordered eating & dieting affected the way I felt while on vacation for many years. I feel so lucky and privileged to be able to travel without an ounce of anxiety around eating or exercise. If you're on your Intuitive Eating journey & experience fear at the idea of travel, I'm going to share 6 tips (spoiler : + a bonus tip at the end!) that I wish someone had told me years ago. 📲 Follow me for daily tips & resources on instagram! ✨ Are you ready to stop feeling obsessed and out of control around food? Watch my FREE training How To Stop Feeling Obsessed With Food (Without Willpower or Giving Up The Foods You Love) to get started! 🤝 Ready to get support in healing your relationship with food and your body? Join my signature program, Food Freedom Academy 2.0, to have step-by-step guidance, accountability and support.
Feb 22, 2023 • 16min

Mindfulness & Body Confidence w/ Photographer Gabby Jockers - Part 1

If you’ve struggled with your body image for the majority of your adult life, you avoid pictures or mirrors because you don’t like how you look or you hate getting dressed in the morning because of the negative thoughts you have about your body , then this  episode is for you, beautiful human. We’re joined by Mindful Boudoir Photographer and owner of Embodied Art Boudoir, Gabby Jockers. Gabby uses a unique approach to photography that integrates mindfulness, body image work and facets of Intuitive Eating as well, to help her clients get out of their heads and into their bodies so they can experience embodied expression, confidence, and self love.In this episode, you’ll learn how to start feeling more empowered in your body & the importance of mindfulness in photography.More specifically, in part 1 of our conversation, we discussed:The fears that hold women back from feeling confident in pictures and holds them back from showing up as their authentic selves Why body image issues is independent of size Why you need to heal your own fatphobia to accept your own bodyHow mindfulness can help you heal your relationship with your body What neuroplasticity is, and why you can rewire your brain & change your thoughtsHow to hack your brain and “manufacture” instant gratification Ready to reclaim your power & feel more confident in your body than you ever thought before? Let’s jump in!Connect with GabbyInstagram:  @embodiedartboudoir Facebook:📲 Follow me for daily tips & resources on instagram! ✨ Are you ready to stop feeling obsessed and out of control around food? Watch my FREE training How To Stop Feeling Obsessed With Food (Without Willpower or Giving Up The Foods You Love) to get started! 🤝 Ready to get support in healing your relationship with food and your body? Join my signature program, Food Freedom Academy 2.0, to have step-by-step guidance, accountability and support.
Feb 15, 2023 • 1h 2min

Overcoming Food & Exercise Guilt w/ Joelle Rabow Maletis

How often do you feel like you’re not doing enough, not perfect enough, or not trying hard enough with diet & exercise? We live in a culture that’s constantly striving for perfection and productivity, making us feel bad for enjoying a piece of cake, eating something just for the pure joy of it, or taking time off from exercise to give your body a break. As a result, we live in constant anxiety, shame or guilt - none of which is productive to creating a better life. Today, we are joined by Joelle Rabow Maletis, to talk about how to reduce the negative & obsessive thoughts that disable you from living a peaceful & balanced life. Joelle is a world renowned international speaker, psychotherapist and researcher specializing in Eating Disorders, PTSD and trauma. As an expert and retired professional athlete who has overcome adversities of her own, she strives to help others discover their hopes, dreams and abilities to thrive through adversity, trauma and mental challenges.She was featured on TED top 10 mental health videos, hired as an executive coach for Apple, google, netflix and zoom, along with a long list of amazing achievements in the mental health field. In this conversation, we talk about:What moderation actually means, and how to achieve it Why healing your relationship with food doesn’t start with a focus on food The biggest mistake that new intuitive eaters makeWhat the “outward-in” approach to healing is The biggest reason that emotional eating is such a hard habit to break An important mindset shift to make to enjoy & be consistent with exercise The ONE thing you can focus on for the next 7 days to start improving your lifeAnd much, much more!If you're tired of trying to strive for perfection, only to feel like a failure when you can't achieve those unrealistic standards set by other people, this episode is going to introduce you to a new, more compassionate and more balanced way of approaching food & exercise. Connect with Joelle Rabow MaletisIG: official.joelle.trauma.therapyWebsite:📲 Follow me for daily tips & resources on instagram! ✨ Are you ready to stop feeling obsessed and out of control around food? Watch my FREE training How To Stop Feeling Obsessed With Food (Without Willpower or Giving Up The Foods You Love) to get started! 🤝 Ready to get support in healing your relationship with food and your body? Join my signature program, Food Freedom Academy 2.0, to have step-by-step guidance, accountability and support.

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