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Aug 26, 2022 • 40min

How to Cultivate Lovingkindness with Sharon Salzberg

Sharon Salzberg is one of the worlds best know Buddhist teachers and a leader in meditation retreats worldwide since 1974. She teaches both intensive awareness practice (vipassana or insight meditation) and the profound cultivation of lovingkindness and compassion (the Brahma Viharas). She is a co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts and The Barre Center for Buddhist Studies. In this episode, Eric and Sharon discuss her book Real Happiness At Work: Meditations for Accomplishment, Achievement, and Peace. But wait, there’s more! The episode is not quite over!! We continue the conversation and you can access this exclusive content right in your podcast player feed. Head over to our Patreon page and pledge to donate just $10 a month. It’s that simple and we’ll give you good stuff as a thank you Sharon Salzberg and I Discuss How to Bring Lovingkindness to Your Life … Her book, Real Happiness At Work: Meditations for Accomplishment, Achievement, and Peace. Lovingkindess is the fundamental sense of connectedness to ourselves and each other Compassion is recognizing the universal vulnerability of ourselves and each other The fundamental teaching of “everyone wants to be happy“ Remembering that it’s never to late to make a change How the mind is naturally radiant and pure The “visitors” that obscure our mind The essential question of asking what we really need to be happy How mindfulness is about training to find “the place in the middle” Balancing repression and indulgence in our emotions Whether Buddhism teaches that desire is the core problem Making decisions from a “climate of wisdom” The four types of enemies (outer, inner, secret, and most secret) How to deal with these enemies The importance of setting intentions Watching our thoughts like an elderly person watches children in a park How the difference between happiness and misery depends on where we place our attention. Sharon Salzberg links: Sharon’s Website Twitter Facebook By purchasing products and/or services from our sponsors, you are helping to support The One You Feed and we greatly appreciate it. Thank you! If you enjoyed this conversation with Sharon Salzberg, check out these other episodes: Discovering Our Essence with A. H. Almaas Inner Freedom Through Mindfulness with Jack KornfieldSee for privacy information.
Aug 23, 2022 • 1h 1min

How to Embody Awareness with Martin Aylward

Martin Aylward has practiced meditation intensively since the age of 19, spending four years in Asian monasteries and with Himalayan hermits. He’s been teaching worldwide since 1999, leading retreats and courses in mindfulness, meditation, and inner freedom. Martin co-founded the Mindfulness Training Institute with Mark Coleman, which runs year-long professional mindfulness teacher training in Europe and the U.S. In this episode, Eric, Ginny, and Martin discuss his book, Awake Where You Are: The Art of Embodied Awareness. But wait, there’s more! The episode is not quite over!! We continue the conversation and you can access this exclusive content right in your podcast player feed. Head over to our Patreon page and pledge to donate just $10 a month. It’s that simple and we’ll give you good stuff as a thank you! Martin Aylward, Ginny, and I Discuss How to Embody Awareness and … His book, Awake Where You Are: The Art of Embodied Awareness The habits of “Grabby Mind”, “Resistant Mind”, and “Check Out Mind” The good news that can learn to meet our experience more kindly and more spaciously How aging can be humiliating or humbling depending on how much we try to hold on to our younger self-image The distinction between what is true vs. what is useful to focus on How to recognize and work with the deficient age gap The way our life experiences are stored in our bodies Sometimes meditation isn’t quite psychological enough. It can help dissolve inner states in the moment but further understanding is needed in order for them to really resolve Waking up, growing up, showing up, cleaning up No rehearsal, No replay Inhabiting this moment is the best way to prepare for the next moment Martin Aylward links: Martin’s Website Twitter Instagram By purchasing products and/or services from our sponsors, you are helping to support The One You Feed and we greatly appreciate it. Thank you! If you enjoyed this conversation with Martin Aylward, check out these other episodes: Mindfulness in Nature with Mark Coleman The Heart of Awareness with Dorothy HuntSee for privacy information.
Aug 19, 2022 • 51min

How to Lose Regret and Choose Fulfillment with Marshall Goldsmith

Marshall Goldsmith is the only two-time Thinkers 50 Award for #1 Leadership Thinker in the World. He has been ranked as the world’s #1 Executive Coach, a Top Ten Business Thinker for eight years, and was chosen as the inaugural winner of the Lifetime Award for Leadership by the Harvard Institute of Coaching. Marshall is the author or editor of 41 books, that have sold over 2.5 million copies, translated into 32 languages, and listed as bestsellers in 12 countries.  In this episode, Eric and Marshall discuss his book, The Earned Life: Lose Regret, Choose Fulfillment But wait, there’s more! The episode is not quite over!! We continue the conversation and you can access this exclusive content right in your podcast player feed. Head over to our Patreon page and pledge to donate just $10 a month. It’s that simple and we’ll give you good stuff as a thank you! Marshall Goldsmith and I Discuss How to Lose Regret, Choose Fulfillment, and … His book,  The Earned Life: Lose Regret, Choose Fulfillment The every breath paradigm in learning to lose regret Understanding the importance of asking for helping Some of the barriers that hold us back Differences between being comfortable and being fulfilled Problems that arise when we are too attached to outcomes The 3 A’s:  action, ambition, aspiration How both finding meaning and enjoying the process leads to happiness Obligations and how they relate to our values The practice of daily questions that takes 3 minutes Remembering that aking change is easier when you have support The value in asking”Did I do my best to….”questions as they force you to take responsibility How it’s more challenging to make the effort in our personal life than our professional life Marshall Goldsmith links: Marshall Goldsmith website Twitter Instagram Facebook By purchasing products and/or services from our sponsors, you are helping to support The One You Feed and we greatly appreciate it. Thank you! If you enjoyed this conversation with Marshall Goldsmith, check out these other episodes: Conscious Leadership with Eric Kaufmann Mimetic Desires in Everyday Life with Luke BurgisSee for privacy information.
Aug 16, 2022 • 51min

How to Become Whole Through the Bittersweet with Susan Cain

Susan Cain is an author who has appeared in The New York Times, The Atlantic, The Wall Street Journal, and many other publications. Her record-smashing TedTalk has been viewed over 30 million times and was named by Bill Gates as one of his all-time favorite talks. Susan is the author of the book, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking, which spent seven years on the New York Times Best Selling List and has been translated into 40 languages.. In this episode, Eric and Susan discuss her new book, Bittersweet: How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole. But wait, there’s more! The episode is not quite over!! We continue the conversation and you can access this exclusive content right in your podcast player feed. Head over to our Patreon page and pledge to donate just $10 a month. It’s that simple and we’ll give you good stuff as a thank you! Susan Cain and I Discuss How to Become Whole Through the Bittersweet and … Her book, Bittersweet: How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole Why some people really love sad music  How brokenness points in the direction of transcendence How to know if you tend towards a bittersweet state of mind Why do some people turn pain into something beautiful and in other cases people are broken by life’s difficulties The way of “even so” Union between souls when sorrow is shared Understanding the messiness and unpredictability of grief The mystery of bittersweet  The divine nature of longing How longing is different from craving Being open to great states of transition as gateways in our life Moving on vs. Moving forward Poignancy  What it means to turn in the direction of beauty Susan Cain links: Susan’s Website Twitter Instagram Facebook By purchasing products and/or services from our sponsors, you are helping to support The One You Feed and we greatly appreciate it. Thank you! If you enjoyed this conversation with Susan Cain, check out these other episodes: Life Transitions with Bruce Feiler The Longings of our Heart with Sue Monk KiddSee for privacy information.
Aug 12, 2022 • 60min

What's Next? Our Future Stories with David Christian

What does the future hold? And how do we make sure we're making the best decisions for ourselves? In today's episode with David Christian, you will discover answers to these questions and much more! "What are the skills involved in trying to think about the future? To construct future stories that are closer to the truth than other future stories? Because if we don't do that. We die." - David Christian David Christian is a distinguished Professor of History at Macquarie University and Director of the school's Big History Institute.  David co-founded the Big History Project with Bill Gates and has delivered keynotes at conferences around the world, including the Davos Economic Forum.  His Ted Talk has been viewed millions of times and he is the author of many books and articles. But wait, there’s more! The episode is not quite over!! We continue the conversation and you can access this exclusive content right in your podcast player feed. Head over to our Patreon page and pledge to donate just $10 a month. It’s that simple and we’ll give you good stuff as a thank you! Also From the Interview with David Christian... His book, Future Stories:  What's Next The questions leading him to write about the future How we are always thinking about and telling ourselves stories about the future Thinking about the philosophy and science of time The two metaphors of time being like a river and a map How time is an important concept for complex entities Punctuated equilibrium refers to trends from the past to predict changes in the future How time is experienced in 3 ways:  natural, psychological, and social time The best predictions of the future depend on finding the most powerful trends of the past The four possible scenarios for the future of humanity David Christian links: David's Website Twitter Ted Talk By purchasing products and/or services from our sponsors, you are helping to support The One You Feed and we greatly appreciate it. Thank you! If you enjoyed this conversation with David Christian, check out these other episodes: Big History of Everything with David Christian (2019) What We Know But Don't Believe with Steve Hagen  See for privacy information.
Aug 9, 2022 • 56min

How to Overcome Unconscious Bias with Jessica Nordell

Jessica Nordell is an award-winning author, science writer, and speaker known for blending rigorous science with compassionate humanity. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, and many others. She is the recipient of a Gracie Award from American Women in Radio and Television, was named a Best New Poet by Tracy K. Smith, and was a 2022 featured speaker at SXSW. In this episode, Eric and Jessica discuss her book, The End of Bias: A Beginning: The Science and Practice of Overcoming Unconscious Bias. But wait, there’s more! The episode is not quite over!! We continue tathe conversation and you can access this exclusive content right in your podcast player feed. Head over to our Patreon page and pledge to donate just $10 a month. It’s that simple and we’ll give you good stuff as a thank you! Jessica Nordell and I Discuss How to Overcome Unconscious Bias and… Her book, The End of Bias: A Beginning: The Science and Practice of Overcoming Unconscious Bias What bias is and how prevalent it is Her personal experience being on the receiving end of another person’s bias Homophily The implecations of prejudice being a habit and a result of conditioning How labels and categorizing plant seeds of bias Ways to lessen the impact of categories on our perspectives Why being “color blind” can be so harmful to people (despite the well-meaning approach) Taking on more and broader perspectives helps us better understand the world Seeing the groups we don’t belong to as just as complex as our own group The fundamental attribution error The role of empathy in dissolving biases Hyper-objects Jessica Nordell links: Jessica’s website Twitter Instagram By purchasing products and/or services from our sponsors, you are helping to support The One You Feed and we greatly appreciate it. Thank you! If you enjoyed this conversation with Jessica Nordell, check out these other episodes: The Element of Choice with Eric Johnson How to Change Anyone’s Mind with Jonah BergerSee for privacy information.
Aug 5, 2022 • 47min

The Challenges of Searching for Happiness with Josh Peck

Josh Peck is an actor, comedian, podcast host and author who began his career as an actor in the late 90s, originally rising to prominence for his role in the sitcom Drake and Josh. He has had a successful acting career ever since, appearing in films like The Wackness and 13. He is also the voice of Eddie in the Ice Age franchise. In this episode, Eric and Josh discuss his book, Happy People are Annoying But wait, there’s more! The episode is not quite over!! We continue tathe conversation and you can access this exclusive content right in your podcast player feed. Head over to our Patreon page and pledge to donate just $10 a month. It’s that simple and we’ll give you good stuff as a thank you! Josh Peck and I Discuss The Challenges of Searching for Happiness with Josh Peck and… His book, Happy People are Annoying How we can be self centered even when we don’t think highly of ourselves How any asset in excess can become a defect Learning to let go of the thing that feeds your ego His unhealthy relationship with food What doing drugs felt like to him Learning there was nothing from the outside world that would fix his inner self Entering the twelve step community How addiction creates suffering for the entire family unit Religion and spirituality is about reimagining ancient truth The challenge of learning to enjoy things fully,even if it doesn’t work out Asking what are you willing to let go of that stands between you and happiness Why he titled the book “Happy People are Annoying Josh Peck links: Twitter Instagram By purchasing products and/or services from our sponsors, you are helping to support The One You Feed and we greatly appreciate it. Thank you! If you enjoyed this conversation with Josh Peck, check out these other episodes: Discovering Spiritual Truths with Pete Holmes Paul Gilmartin on Mental Illness Happy HourSee for privacy information.
Aug 2, 2022 • 59min

Fierce Love with Sonya Curry

Sonya Curry is an entrepreneur, educator, founder of the Christian Montessori School of Lake Norman, as well as the co-host of the Raising Fame Podcast. She is the mother of Stephen, Sydel, and Seth Curry and often speaks of her experiences as a mother, educator, and Christian, sharing testimony about her faith in parenting and education.  In this episode, Eric and Sonya discuss her book, Fierce Love: A Memoir of Family, Faith, and Purpose. But wait, there’s more! The episode is not quite over!! We continue tathe conversation and you can access this exclusive content right in your podcast player feed. Head over to our Patreon page and pledge to donate just $10 a month. It’s that simple and we’ll give you good stuff as a thank you! Sonya Curry and I Discuss Fierce Love and… Her book, Fierce Love: A Memoir of Family, Faith, and Purpose The phase of her life when she was sure she didn’t want to get baptized in the Christian church How she had “everything” as the wife of an NBA player, and still wasn’t fulfilled What brought her to a relationship with God Looking at her life as a series of chapters The Montessori pillars she carries with her today that informs how she lives The subtle ways unhealthy comparison starts in us very early in life How she handles the rivalry that comes up between her sons from time to time She shares her story of having an abortion and why she did that largely for her daughter Her experience as an empty-nester The experience she had at a vegan meditation and yoga center That God delivers us through things, rather than out of them Sonya Curry links: Instagram By purchasing products and/or services from our sponsors, you are helping to support The One You Feed and we greatly appreciate it. Thank you! If you enjoyed this conversation with Sonya Curry, check out these other episodes: Faith, Identity, and Finding a Voice with Dante Stewart Courage and Survival with Lenuta Hellen NadoluSee for privacy information.
Jul 29, 2022 • 35min

Become 10% Happier Through Meditation with Dan Harris

Dan Harris is best known for his work on ABC News, Nightline and Good Morning America.  He is the author of the book, 10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works–A True Story In this episode, Eric and Dan discuss his original skepticism of meditation and the benefits he discovered from developing a regular meditation practice. But wait, there’s more! The episode is not quite over!! We continue tathe conversation and you can access this exclusive content right in your podcast player feed. Head over to our Patreon page and pledge to donate just $10 a month. It’s that simple and we’ll give you good stuff as a thank you! Dan Harris and I Discuss Learning to Be 10% Happier Through Meditation and … His book,  10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works–A True Story How the mind can be trained for compassion and happiness Exercising the brain just like the body The science of meditation How we all have an inner voice or narrator in our head The scientifically proven benefits of meditation Our tendency to focus on the bad things and ignore the good. Finding the line of when to push forward or back down The happiness set point theory. Motivation coming from happiness versus pain How a certain amount of stress is necessary Dealing with failure and setbacks His experience of discovering awareness in the present moment Meditation as a mechanism of learning mindfulness The practice of meditation is about remembering Dan Harris links: 10% Happier Website Dan’s Twitter Facebook By purchasing products and/or services from our sponsors, you are helping to support The One You Feed and we greatly appreciate it. Thank you! If you enjoyed this conversation with Dan Harris, check out these other episodes: Dan Harris and Oren Sofer on Mindful Communication Meditation for Anxious People with Lodro RinzlerSee for privacy information.
Jul 26, 2022 • 1h 10min

Rachel Krantz on Non-Monogomy and Spiritual Growth

Rachel Krantz is one of the three founding editors of Bustle, the recipient of the Peabody Award, the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights International Radio Award, The Investigative Reporters and Editors Radio Award, and The Edward R. Murrow Award for her work as an investigative reporter for YR Media. Rachel is also the host of Help Existing, a new interview podcast offering help with different aspects of existence. In this episode, Eric and Rachel discuss her book, Open: An Uncensored Memoir of Love, Liberation, and Non-Monogomy. But wait, there’s more! The episode is not quite over!! We continue tathe conversation and you can access this exclusive content right in your podcast player feed. Head over to our Patreon page and pledge to donate just $10 a month. It’s that simple and we’ll give you good stuff as a thank you! Rachel Krantz and I Discuss Non-Monogomy, Spiritual Growth and … Her book, Open: An Uncensored Memoir of Love, Liberation, and Non-Monogomy The difference between Non-Monogomy from Polyamory What made her want to try a polyamorous relationship The key insights her teacher, a Buddhist monk, helped her realize about her attachment tendencies What it means to have compassion with boundaries Her surprising experience with jealousy and how it encapsulates so many of the things that humans struggle with  When leaning into difficult emotions turns from being helpful to masochism The questions – What are the symptoms of the love you have in a relationship? How important rest is in the pace of life The difference between intuition and fear Asking will this decision cause more or less suffering? Defining gaslighting How she learned to love herself Rachel Krantz links: Rachel’s Website Instagram Twitter By purchasing products and/or services from our sponsors, you are helping to support The One You Feed and we greatly appreciate it. Thank you! If you enjoyed this conversation with Rachel Krantz, check out these other episodes: How to Set Boundaries with Nedra Tawwab Navigating Romantic Relationships with Dr. Sue JohnsonSee for privacy information.

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