Emily Kramer is Marketing Advisor, Angel Investor & Co-Founder at MKT1, and in this episode we’re talking about how to build and organise your early stage SaaS marketing org.
Emily has built and scaled the marketing teams at Ticketfly, Asana, Carta, and Astro and in this episode she talks us through her framework for structuring your marketing team, including:
- The roles you should hire first
- Why you shouldn’t hire t-shaped marketers
- How marketing teams should prioritise and focus
- How much hierarchy you need in your marketing org
- The story of how Emily built and structured Asana’s marketing team
MKT1 >> https://www.mkt1.co/
High Growth Handbook by Elad Gil >> https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40536148-high-growth-handbook
Advance B2B >> www.advanceb2b.com
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