Eva PenzeyMoog shines a light on how digital products are being used to enable domestic violence, and what we can do to protect our most vulnerable users.
Highlights include:
⭐ What is domestic violence and how does it show up?
⭐ How is technology being weaponised by domestic abusers?
⭐ Why can’t our users be solely responsible for their own safety?
⭐ How can designers use archetypes to help safely shape their products?
⭐ How can leaders help their teams to design for safety safely?
Who is Eva PenzeyMoog?
Eva is the founder of The Inclusive Safety Project and the author of Design for Safety, a brand new book that shows us how we can prevent our work from being weaponised for interpersonal harm, and protect and empower our most vulnerable users.
Alongside her consulting practice, Eva is a Principal Designer at 8th Light, a leading Chicago-based software design and development agency.
Previously, Eva was volunteer domestic violence educator and rape crisis counsellor, spending time with survivors of sexual assault in emergency rooms, making sure they felt supported and understood their options, while advocating for their positive treatment by medical and law enforcement professionals.