What if avoiding conflict was the thing killing your relationship and sex life?
Are you being fake with your partner because you’re afraid to tell the truth?
And is it possible to end a relationship with peace of mind?
Relationship School founder Jayson Gaddis returns to discuss his new book Getting to Zero. Today he and I explore how conflict — especially avoiding conflict — is killing the relationships, trust, and sexual experiences we’re trying to protect.
You don't have to settle. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, executives, and entrepreneurs. The Daily Toolkit is available for immediate download.
Most men will let fear get the best of them. This book is not for most men.
This Book Will Make You Dangerous is a swift kick in the ass that will make you laugh out loud. It’s a practical guide to play for what we truly want, to get over ourselves, and have a ton of fun along the way.
This Book Will Make You Dangerous is now available at DangerousBookstore.com.