Recognize shopping addiction as a coping mechanism for anxiety.
Visualize a future where personal goals are achieved, embracing self-worth.
Engage in activities that bring joy and reconnect with inner child to rediscover curiosity.
Deep dives
Taking control of shopping addiction
Hilary, a licensed alcohol and drug counselor in recovery, seeks advice on her recent shopping addiction. She recognizes the pattern of using shopping as a coping mechanism for anxiety but wants to regain control. The therapists recommend canceling credit cards, visualizing a future without addiction, embracing experiences that bring joy, joining support groups for shopping addiction, exploring dating options, and reflecting on past hardships to celebrate personal growth.
Addressing feelings of impostor syndrome
Hilary discusses her feelings of impostor syndrome, feeling unworthy and unsure about her achievements. The therapists encourage her to visualize a future where she has accomplished her goals and feel comfortable in that image. They also advise Hilary to engage in activities that bring her joy and challenge the negative belief that she doesn't deserve good things.
Reconnecting with an inner child
Hilary is encouraged to reconnect with her inner child and engage in activities that her younger self would have enjoyed. Suggestions include metal detecting, water skiing, roller skating, reading science fiction, taking a stargazing class, getting a motorcycle, and playing the drums. By embracing these long-neglected interests, Hilary can rediscover a sense of joy and curiosity.
Seeking support through addiction groups
The therapists advise Hilary to join addiction support groups specifically tailored to shopping addiction. By participating in in-person meetings and engaging with others who understand her struggle, she can find accountability and guidance on her recovery journey.
Building connections and exploring dating
The therapists suggest that Hilary consider entering the dating scene and exploring connections with others. They acknowledge her hesitations but emphasize the importance of connections and building intimate relationships. Additionally, they recommend embracing the discomfort of vulnerability and taking small steps towards nurturing social connections.
Acknowledging personal growth and achievements
Finally, Hilary is encouraged to reflect on her past self and recognize the immense personal growth and accomplishments she has achieved. The therapists highlight the importance of celebrating progress and embracing the positive changes she has made in her life.
Hey, Fellow Travelers. This week we’re in session with Hilary, who has been in recovery for nine years for alcohol and drug addiction after working through her traumatic childhood. Since then, she has become an addiction counselor, but recently she’s concerned that she has developed a shopping addiction and seeks our help to get things back on track.
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