98% of people fail to execute their new year's goals. Don't be one of those people. In this episode, you'll learn everything you need to design your goals, plan for difficulties, and connect your goals to a larger vision for your life.
Featured in this episode are Daniel Pink, a four-time New York Times bestselling author; Dr. Jeff Spencer, the legendary ‘coach of the stars’; Katy Milkman, Wharton professor of behavioral economics; and Donald Miller, CEO of StoryBrand.
Topics include:
- Regrets of action vs. regrets of inaction
- How our regrets change over time
- It’s better to try and fail than not try at all
- RIGHT goals
- Identifying goals worth pursuing
- Different stages of reaching your goals
- Preparing for obstacles
- Having emergency reserves
- Why you should write your eulogy
- The benefit of reading your eulogy every morning