How can you accurately assess neck pain patients and choose the most effective treatment to help resolve their pain and prevent recurrence? Find out in part 1 of this two part podcast series with Emeritus Professor Gwendolen Jull, and explore:
How to accurately assess patients movements, muscular control, strength, posture, and palpate the cervical spine to identify the source of neck symptoms and contributing factors.
Which questions and assessment tests will help you choose treatment that resolves symptoms, fully rehabilitates patients and helps to prevents future episodes of neck pain?
How to use clinical reasoning to target your rehab, and decide if your treatment should include neck strengthening, manual therapy, sensory motor control, postural or work position changes?
Download this podcast now to improve your assessment and treatment of neck pain.
The next podcast with Prof Gwen Jull, available soon, will build on the knowledge you gain from part 1, and provide you with additional neck pain treatment strategies.