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Jan 25, 2019 • 1h 19min

Dare To Be You In A World That Values Conformity

Welcome to another edition Guru Corner featuring my favorite teacher on all things mystic and metaphysical, Guru Singh.Fusing Eastern mysticism with Western pragmatism, Guru Singh is a celebrated third-generation Sikh yogi and master spiritual teacher who has been studying and teaching Kundalini Yoga for more than 40 years. He is the author of several books, a powerful lecturer and behind-the-scenes guide to many a luminary, including Fortune 500 CEOs, athletes, and artists.A peer of rock legends like Janis Joplin and the Grateful Dead, Guru Singh is also a supremely talented musician who began his recording career on Warner Bros’ Reprise label in the 1960s. When he isn’t laying down tracks with people like Seal, he’s bringing down the house on the daily at Yoga West, his Los Angeles home base.Today's conversation focuses on the importance of cultivating your true self in a world that values conformity over individuality.Too many of us live disconnected lives. Lives led not mindfully, nor from a place of personal agency, but rather in reaction to external expectations and pressures. Personal expression is left repressed. The authentic voice is silenced. As a result, we suffer.No longer. It's time to sing your song. May this conversation with one of my very favorite people help you find the notes.Note: If you missed my previous conversations with Guru Singh, start with episode 267 and then enjoy episodes 332,368, 393 and 400.Final Note: You can watch our conversation on YouTube at and the show is also now available on Spotify.Let the master class resume.Peace + Plants,Rich
Jan 22, 2019 • 1h 55min

Kílian Jornet: Summiting The Mind Of The World’s Greatest Mountain Runner

Kílian Jornet, the most prolific mountain runner, discusses his achievements, challenges, and pursuit of adventure. He shares the impact of pregnancy on risk perception, decision-making during climbs, and changes in training approach. The benefits of cross-training for ultra runners are highlighted, along with embracing pain and finding pleasure in personal projects. The podcast also explores a day in the life of a mountain runner, mentors, reflections on life and risk-taking, and Jornet's new documentary and book promotions.
Jan 15, 2019 • 2h 11min

Addiction & Depression: Johann Hari On Lost Connections

Why are we seeing unprecedented rates of depressions? What's behind our current opioid epidemic? And what can be done about it?Journalist and author Johann Hari suggests that everything we think we know about addiction and depression is wrong.Johann has written for The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, and many other outlets. He was named ‘Newspaper Journalist of the Year' by Amnesty International UK and his TED Talk, aptly titled  “Everything You Think You Know About Addiction Is Wrong”, was viral hit, with over 25 million views.Pertinent to today's discussion, Johann is the author of Chasing The Scream*, which chronicles his 3-year investigation and research into the war on drugs and the nature of addiction. And his more recent book, Lost Connections* is a compelling deep dive into the nature of depression, its underlying causes and unexpected solutions.As many of you know, addiction and mental health are subjects of great personal importance. Better understanding that nature of these conditions is the motivating force behind this conversation, which is is everything I hoped it would be.This is an incredibly powerful, educational — and at times controversial — exploration into what drives these malignancies, why they are so difficult to overcome, and how a new approach can plot a more hopeful and solution-based course forward.Many see Johann’s ideas as radical. And although I don't entirely agree with everything Johann prescribes, there is great wisdom in much of his findings.If you suffer from addiction or depression, this is a must listen. If you don't, chances are someone you care for does. This conversation can provide the insight and tools for better understanding the struggle — because mental health truly impacts everyone.For the visually inclined, you can watch our entire conversation on YouTube at and the podcast is now available on Spotify.Peace + Plants,Rich
Jan 11, 2019 • 1h 19min

Winter Fitness & The Canon Of Consistency With Chris Hauth

Chris Hauth, one of the world’s most respected endurance and ultra-endurance coaches, discusses topics such as maintaining fitness engagement during the winter months, utilizing wearable technology for fitness goals, sharing personal experiences with wildfire evacuations, and the growing popularity of outdoor adventure challenges. They also explore alcohol-free craft brews, maintaining fitness and performance over time, the benefits of kettlebell training, and the importance of balancing and longevity in training for Kona.
Jan 8, 2019 • 2h 7min

Zach Bush, MD On The Science & Spirituality of Human And Planetary Transformation

In my humble opinion, Zach Bush, MD isn't just one of the most compelling medical minds currently working to improve our understanding of human and environmental health. He's a virtuoso healer. A master consciousness. And a gift to humanity.Today Dr. Bush returns to the podcast (his first appearance was RRP #353 in March of 2018) for a formidable and moving conversation that will leave you rethinking not only how you eat and live, but what it means to be a conscious consumer and engaged citizen of this precious planet we all share.A pioneer in the science of well-being, Dr. Bush is the founder and director of M Clinic, an integrative medicine center in Charlottesville, Virginia, and one of the only ‘triple board-certified’ physicians in the country, expert in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism, and Hospice/Palliative care.How we treat the planet impacts human biology. Intuitively, we understand this to be fact. But what distinguishes Dr. Bush from his medical peers is his rigorous application of science, strength of humanity, and the intelligence of nature to his commitment to transforming our world. A man with a deep understanding of the interdependence of macrocosm and microcosm, Dr. Bush's brilliance truly shines on subjects like soil degeneration and regeneration. The relationship between intensive farming practices and the rise of environmental degradation and chronic disease. And his vision for a more integrated and holistic approach to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.My initial conversation with Dr. Bush remains one of the most mind-blowing, impactful and popular discourses in the history of this show. Picking up where we left off, today's episode exceeds all expectations — another conversation for the ages that will permanently alter how you think about everything from health, nutrition, disease, medicine, agriculture and environmentalism to what it means to be a spiritual being in this human experience we collectively share.It’s 2019 people. It's time to stop screwing around. It's time to get educated. And it's time to once-and-for-all take control of our personal health and that of the planet we inhabit.I ask only that you listen keenly. Take notes. And no matter what, stick around to the very end. Zach concludes the podcast with what I can only describe as the most poignant and moving closing monologue in the history of this program – a bold statement I don't make lightly.If you thought last week's podcast with David Goggins was peak RRP, think again, Because today, the doctor is in.Final note: the podcast is now available on Spotify and viewable on YouTube at: + Plants,Rich
Jan 1, 2019 • 2h 25min

You Can’t Hurt David Goggins: Going Beyond Motivation & Why Mindset Is Everything

“You have to go to war with yourself before you can find peace”David GogginsI can think of no better guest to usher in 2019 than the mighty one himself.Incontrovertibly the most inspirational person I have ever met, today David Goggins returns for his second turn on the podcast — a conversation that will catapult you into the new year with the tools and hard truth you need to chase huge dreams, shatter personal limits and transform your life wholesale.Often referred to as the hardest man alive, David is the only member of the US Armed Forces to complete SEAL training (including three Hell Weeks), the U.S. Army Ranger School (where he graduated as Enlisted Honor Man) and Air Force Tactical Air Controller Training.But David is perhaps best known for his superhuman feats of strength and ultra-endurance.After several of his friends died in a 2005 helicopter crash while deployed in Afghanistan, David honored their memory by tackling the most difficult endurance challenges on Earth to raise funds and awareness for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, which provides college scholarships and grants to the children of fallen special ops soldiers.Hence began a most unexpected yet remarkably storied athletic career as one of the world's most accomplished endurance athletes. Highlights include:* 2005: ran 100 miles in under 24 hours on no training;* 2013: world record for most pullups in a 24 hour period (4,030);* 2007: 3rd place — Badwater 135 – a 135 mile ultramarathon across Death Valley widely considered to be the world’s most difficult foot race;* 2006: 2nd place — Ultraman World Championships, a double-ironman distance race widely considered to be the world's most difficult triathlon;* 2007: 1st place — 48-Hour National Championship endurance foot race, where he ran 203.5 miles, beating the previous record by 20 miles; and* 2007 – 2016 — additional top finishes at dozens of the world's most grueling endurance races, including The HURT 100, Leadville 100, Western States & more.But David’s greatest accomplishment isn't athletic. It's self-mastery.From day one, David has faced a concatenation of seemingly insurmountable obstacles – poverty, psychological and physical abuse, obesity, learning disabilities, asthma, sickle cell anemia, and even a congenital heart defect that often left him competing — and winning — on a mere fraction of his actual physical capabilities. It's a scenario that would have buried the best of us. And yet, against all odds, David conquered them all, and ultimately found a way out.It's the story of a man who transformed pain into obsession and, phoenix-like, rose from a state of utter desperation to take complete ownership of his life and total command of his mind to manifest a most extraordinary life.David's implausible journey is laid bare in his recently released memoir, Can't Hurt Me* — one of the most honest, powerful and impactful stories of hardship, redemption and personal perseverance I have ever read. Certain books instruct. Others inspire. But it's the rare read that holds the potential to reframe your sense of personal capability and completely change your life. This book does just that — a statement I don't make lightly. I highly suggest it.Enjoy,Rich
Dec 28, 2018 • 2h 37min

The Best of 2018: Part II

Welcome to the Best of 2018 — Part II: our way of taking a moment to reflect on the past twelve months by revisiting the year's most compelling podcast guests.It's been an honor to share my conversations with so many extraordinary people over the course of 2018. Second listens brought new insights — and more reminders that that these evergreen exchanges continue to inspire and inform.For long-time listeners, my intention is to launch you into 2019 with renewed vigor. If you're new to the show, my hope is that this anthology will stir you to peruse the back catalog and/or check out episodes you may have missed.Links to the full episodes excerpted in this anthology are enumerated below.Thank you for taking this journey with me. I appreciate you. I love you.To view the conversations (minus John McAvoy & Yuval Noah Harari, which were not filmed), click here:'s to an extraordinary 2019. Join me, and let's do this thing together.Peace + Plants,Rich
Dec 24, 2018 • 2h 23min

The Best of 2018: Part I

Welcome to the 6th annual Best of the RRP Anthology — our way of taking a moment to reflect on the year, express gratitude and give thanks for taking this journey with us.Over the last twelve months, I've had the honor of sharing meaningful conversations with a wide variety of extraordinary people. Second listens brought new insights — and more reminders that that these evergreen exchanges continue to inspire and inform.For long-time listeners, the next two episodes are intended to launch you into 2019 with renewed vigor and intention. Lean in to the wisdom. Leverage it to clarify your 2019 goals.If you're newer to the show, my hope is that this anthology will stir you to peruse the back catalog and/or check out episodes you may have missed.Links to the full episodes excerpted in this anthology are enumerated below.The video version of this episode (minus Mirna Valerio & Alex Hutchinson, which are audio only) is available on YouTube at's to an extraordinary 2019. Join me, and let's make it the best year ever — together.Peace + Plants,Rich
Dec 17, 2018 • 2h 18min

Dr. Dean & Anne Ornish: The Power of Lifestyle Medicine To Undo Disease & Live Better

Today we explore what it truly means to live healthy and well. It's obvious that diet and exercise play a crucial role in this equation. Of course, mental health is key. And we're waking up to the importance of meditation and mindfulness. But what about spirituality? What role do connection, relationships and love play in the wellness equation? And how important is purpose?In truth, attention to all such factors is crucial. Because they are indeed connected. Interdependent. And absolutely necessary to live your best life.Our guides for this discussion are Dean Ornish, MD & Anne Ornish — the world-renown, pioneering power couple of lifestyle medicine.An early advocate and practitioner of preventive medicine long before it was trendy, Dr. Ornish is an absolute legend in the plant-based nutrition movement for his groundbreaking work in the holistic prevention and reversal of chronic lifestyle diseases such as atherosclerosis, America's #1 killer.Perhaps best known as the doctor who assisted President Clinton post heart procedure, Dean was trained in internal medicine at the Baylor College of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, and the prestigious Massachusetts General Hospital. He is currently a Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco and the president and founder of the nonprofit Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito.The author of six best-selling books, Dean was recognized as a “Time 100 Innovator”; by Life magazine as “one of the 50 most influential members of his generation”; by People as “one of the most interesting people of the year”; and by Forbes as “one of the world’s seven most powerful teachers.Highly trained and experienced in lifestyle medicine, yoga therapy, mobile applications and web design, Anne Ornish is extraordinary in her own right. The creator behind Ornish Lifestyle Medicine's digital platform, Anne is the powerhouse behind a new paradigm for health care by way of a groundbreaking program that trains health care professionals to support healthy lifestyle progression, better clinical outcomes, larger cost savings, and better adherence than ever before documented.Together they have co-authored a fantastic new book entitled, Undo It!: How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases* — a comprehensive and scientifically proven plan to help you prevent and reverse everything from cancer and diabetes to heart disease, weight gain, and even the aging process itself. A must read, it bookstores everywhere January 8 and is currently available now for pre-order now*.Given Dean and Anne's background, it would be fair to suspect that today’s conversation would be monopolized by diet. Of course we cover nutrition, including the scientific, peer reviewed research supporting the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle and how it measures up against other popular diet and nutrition protocols. But this exchange is also about the myriad of other crucial (and often overlooked or under-appreciated) factors imperative to consider in our personal health, wellness and longevity equation.We discuss the destructive role of stress and anxiety on the immune system.Enjoy!Rich
Dec 10, 2018 • 2h 22min

How Dirt Diva Catra Corbett Was Reborn On The Run

If Ross Edgley is a real-life Aquaman, I nominate ultrarunner extraordinaire Catra Corbett as a real-life Wonder Woman.Definitely one of the planet's most colorful athletes, Catra's polychromatic goth-punk aesthetic is a perfect superhero costume match for her sparkling personality. Rocking wild rainbow hair, brightly colored running costumes and tattooed head-to-toe, you can spot the Dirt Diva's smile from a mile out, happily tearing up the trails with her trusty side-kick training partner TruMan — a goggle-adorned mini dachshund. TruMan's superpower? He loves running as much as she does.Yes, it's all a bit nutty. But don't be deceived — Catra is an absolute beast of an athlete. Over the course of her storied career she has competed in over 250 ultramarathons and is the first American woman to run over 100 miles or more on more than 100 occasions (137 to date).You might recall Catra from the book Born to Run as the “kaleidoscopically tattooed” woman who ran the 212-mile John Muir Trail from Yosemite to Mt. Whitney. When she reached the end, she didn't stop. Instead, she turned around and ran back — a 425-mile effort for which she holds the fastest known time (FKT), completing it in just over twelve days. Not enough? Catra also holds the FKT for the Muir Ramble – clocking 324 miles in just 7 days. Oh yeah, she also ran 144 trail miles around Lake Tahoe in 43 hours on just 50 minutes of sleep.Most recently, at age 53, Catra completed three back-to-back 200-mile races to become the oldest woman to win the triple crown of 200's (Bigfoot 200, Tahoe 200 & Moab 240). It's an astounding feat she completed in just 10 weeks. A mere eleven days later she celebrated her accomplishment by running another 100 miles at the Javelina Jundred — dressed as the The Mad Hatter. Vintage Dirt Diva.To top it off, she's a vegan — a lifestyle she adopted 15 years ago to which she attributes her high performance prowess, race consistency and longevity.Catra's resume speaks for itself. But most impressive are the obstacles she has faced and overcome to become the shining example of humanity and athleticism she is today.Twenty-four years ago, Catra was lost in a hopeless spiral of meth addiction, disordered eating, and sexual and emotional abuse. Ultimately busted for peddling crystal, she hits rock bottom in a jail cell that scares her straight. Upon release she commits to getting sober, moves back home with her mother, abandons her lower companions, her boyfriend, and the dark lifestyle that she came to depend on. Her only clean friend pushes her to train for a 10K with him, and surprisingly, she likes it – and decides to run her first marathon after that.Sobriety saved her life. Running gave her a new one altogether. Along the way she attempts suicide, loses loved ones, falls in love, has her heartbroken, meets lifelong friends and finally faces the past that led to her addiction — all of which is beautifully chronicled in her memoir, Reborn on the Run: My Journey from Addiction to Ultramarathons*.I sat down with Catra to learn the how and why behind her incredible journey from meth-addicted cosmetologist to world class, vegan ultrarunning phenom.We cover her goth netherworld days and how she transformed her life in recovery. We track her accomplishments and what compels her insatiable drive to push herself well into her 50's.Enjoy!Rich

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