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Your Brain's Coach

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May 18, 2022 โ€ข 17min

Protein and Longevity? Eat more!

TUNE IN TO LEARN:This episode is for you if you are also into longevity diet and lifestyle. These are the things to consider before trying to restrict protein or calories for the purpose of living longer. The judge is still far out in the future for us to have a final answer about what's good for longevity but before you start restricting - Google calorie-restriction society, to see where constant restriction might lead you, do you wanna go there? Live like that?MY UPCOMING WORKSHOPS (Many dates are available):๐Ÿ‘‰"Cancel Brain Fog and ADHD: tap into your productivity and genius, focus and grow your career!"๐Ÿ‘‰"Productivity Hacks for Digital Nomads: travel the world and grow your business."๐Ÿ‘‰"Productivity for High Performers: founders, business owners, remote teams."Schedule our call HERE.Produced by Angela Shurina,CERTIFIED NUTRITIONIST,  BRAIN PERFORMANCE COACHNutrition + Neuroscience + Behavior ChangeI help you use nutrition as a tool to unlock your brain genius and unlimited energy level๐Ÿ”ฅIG: @1000yearyoungMy OPTIMAL BRAIN and BODY supplement stack from Thorne with your personal 15% discount (applied at checkout).Text Me Your Thoughts and IdeasSupport the show Brought to you by Angela Shurina EXECUTIVE HEALTH AND OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE COACH Change in days - not in years! ๐Ÿš€JOIN Coaching Your Best ' Habits Newsletter
May 17, 2022 โ€ข 15min

Don't take melatonin - start Sun exposure practice! Serotonin, light exposure, melatonin and feeling like you are enough.

TUNE IN TO LEARN:How light exposure changes your happiness levels and satisfaction with your achievements and life - it puts a smile on your face for no reason ๐Ÿ˜Š How light makes melatonin and why "indoor" people have problems sleeping;Tech solution for when you can't get outside.MY UPCOMING WORKSHOPS (Many dates are available):๐Ÿ‘‰"Cancel Brain Fog and ADHD: tap into your productivity and genius, focus and grow your career!"๐Ÿ‘‰"Productivity Hacks for Digital Nomads: travel the world and grow your business."๐Ÿ‘‰"Productivity for High Performers: founders, business owners, remote teams."Schedule our call HERE.Produced by Angela Shurina,CERTIFIED NUTRITIONIST,  BRAIN PERFORMANCE COACHNutrition + Neuroscience + Behavior ChangeI help you use nutrition as a tool to unlock your brain genius and unlimited energy level๐Ÿ”ฅIG: @1000yearyoungMy OPTIMAL BRAIN and BODY supplement stack from Thorne with your personal 15% discount (applied at checkout).Text Me Your Thoughts and IdeasSupport the show Brought to you by Angela Shurina EXECUTIVE HEALTH AND OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE COACH Change in days - not in years! ๐Ÿš€JOIN Coaching Your Best ' Habits Newsletter
May 16, 2022 โ€ข 26min

7 food no-diet SKILLS for healthy, fit body and productive, happy brain!

TUNE IN TO LEARN:Eating better is a skill. Its made of many small sub-skills. When you learn about core eating skills for a healthy body and mind I want you to understand one thing - they are not meant to be mastered in a day, just like any skills it'll take weeks, and months, and sometimes years. So if you can't see yourself doing them now all that well - that's exactly how it should be - before we are good at anything we need to be bad at it for some time.MY UPCOMING WORKSHOPS (Many dates are available):๐Ÿ‘‰"Cancel Brain Fog and ADHD: tap into your productivity and genius, focus and grow your career!"๐Ÿ‘‰"Productivity Hacks for Digital Nomads: travel the world and grow your business."๐Ÿ‘‰"Productivity for High Performers: founders, business owners, remote teams."Schedule our call HERE.Produced by Angela Shurina,CERTIFIED NUTRITIONIST,  BRAIN PERFORMANCE COACHNutrition + Neuroscience + Behavior ChangeI help you use nutrition as a tool to unlock your brain genius and unlimited energy level๐Ÿ”ฅIG: @1000yearyoungMy OPTIMAL BRAIN and BODY supplement stack from Thorne with your personal 15% discount (applied at checkout).Text Me Your Thoughts and IdeasSupport the show Brought to you by Angela Shurina EXECUTIVE HEALTH AND OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE COACH Change in days - not in years! ๐Ÿš€JOIN Coaching Your Best ' Habits Newsletter
May 13, 2022 โ€ข 24min

Happy feelings and great sleep, confidence boost - it's all about serotonin. Fasting might kill it, protein is essential but not enough.

TUNE IN TO LEARN:How to boost your confidence, your sleep, let go of anxiety and "never enough" brain setting - it's all about serotonin and here are 3 major practices that are essential for optimal levels!MY UPCOMING WORKSHOPS (Many dates are available):๐Ÿ‘‰"Cancel Brain Fog and ADHD: tap into your productivity and genius, focus and grow your career!"๐Ÿ‘‰"Productivity Hacks for Digital Nomads: travel the world and grow your business."๐Ÿ‘‰"Productivity for High Performers: founders, business owners, remote teams."Schedule our call HERE.Produced by Angela Shurina,CERTIFIED NUTRITIONIST,  BRAIN PERFORMANCE COACHNutrition + Neuroscience + Behavior ChangeI help you use nutrition as a tool to unlock your brain genius and unlimited energy level๐Ÿ”ฅIG: @1000yearyoungMy OPTIMAL BRAIN and BODY supplement stack from Thorne with your personal 15% discount (applied at checkout).Text Me Your Thoughts and IdeasSupport the show Brought to you by Angela Shurina EXECUTIVE HEALTH AND OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE COACH Change in days - not in years! ๐Ÿš€JOIN Coaching Your Best ' Habits Newsletter
May 12, 2022 โ€ข 15min

Feeling BLAH after breakfast? Like falling back asleep? Here's a breakfast that'll keep you going! Neuroscience-based.

TUNE IN TO LEARN:Foods to eat and foods to avoid to feel a productivity upgrade after breakfast!A lot of people fast in the morning because they don't know how to eat breakfast that doesn't make them sleepy!MY UPCOMING WORKSHOPS (Many dates are available):๐Ÿ‘‰"Cancel Brain Fog and ADHD: tap into your productivity and genius, focus and grow your career!"๐Ÿ‘‰"Productivity Hacks for Digital Nomads: travel the world and grow your business."๐Ÿ‘‰"Productivity for High Performers: founders, business owners, remote teams."Schedule our call HERE.Produced by Angela Shurina,CERTIFIED NUTRITIONIST,  BRAIN PERFORMANCE COACHNutrition + Neuroscience + Behavior ChangeI help you use nutrition as a tool to unlock your brain genius and unlimited energy level๐Ÿ”ฅIG: @1000yearyoungMy OPTIMAL BRAIN and BODY supplement stack from Thorne with your personal 15% discount (applied at checkout).Text Me Your Thoughts and IdeasSupport the show Brought to you by Angela Shurina EXECUTIVE HEALTH AND OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE COACH Change in days - not in years! ๐Ÿš€JOIN Coaching Your Best ' Habits Newsletter
May 11, 2022 โ€ข 15min

Brain Fog and Protein: why it's important and how to eat protein if you are struggling with brain-foggy mornings.

TUNE IN TO LEARN:Unable to focus in the morning?Takes a while to get going?Need your coffee to start your brain working? Need your sugar?Tried eating protein instead?Why protein is essential to prevent brain fog and what the best eating practice is.MY UPCOMING WORKSHOPS (Many dates are available):๐Ÿ‘‰"Cancel Brain Fog and ADHD: tap into your productivity and genius, focus and grow your career!"๐Ÿ‘‰"Productivity Hacks for Digital Nomads: travel the world and grow your business."๐Ÿ‘‰"Productivity for High Performers: founders, business owners, remote teams."Schedule our call HERE.Produced by Angela Shurina,CERTIFIED NUTRITIONIST,  BRAIN PERFORMANCE COACHNutrition + Neuroscience + Behavior ChangeI help you use nutrition as a tool to unlock your brain genius and unlimited energy level๐Ÿ”ฅIG: @1000yearyoungMy OPTIMAL BRAIN and BODY supplement stack from Thorne with your personal 15% discount (applied at checkout).Text Me Your Thoughts and IdeasSupport the show Brought to you by Angela Shurina EXECUTIVE HEALTH AND OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE COACH Change in days - not in years! ๐Ÿš€JOIN Coaching Your Best ' Habits Newsletter
May 10, 2022 โ€ข 18min

Brain Productivity Coach Travels: my simple nutrition and lifestyle routines for optimal sleep, great energy and fitness while on the road in Mexico ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฝ

TUNE IN TO LEARN:This is what I do when traveling:โœ…Balanced nutrition on the road made easy - no fridge or cooking required, available globally;Sleep hacks with pillow cases and what I missed the most;Fitness on the road.MY UPCOMING WORKSHOPS (Many dates are available):๐Ÿ‘‰"Cancel Brain Fog and ADHD: tap into your productivity and genius, focus and grow your career!"๐Ÿ‘‰"Productivity Hacks for Digital Nomads: travel the world and grow your business."๐Ÿ‘‰"Productivity for High Performers: founders, business owners, remote teams."Schedule our call HERE.Produced by Angela Shurina,CERTIFIED NUTRITIONIST,  BRAIN PERFORMANCE COACHNutrition + Neuroscience + Behavior ChangeI help you use nutrition as a tool to unlock your brain genius and unlimited energy level๐Ÿ”ฅIG: @1000yearyoungMy OPTIMAL BRAIN and BODY supplement stack from Thorne with your personal 15% discount (applied at checkout).Text Me Your Thoughts and IdeasSupport the show Brought to you by Angela Shurina EXECUTIVE HEALTH AND OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE COACH Change in days - not in years! ๐Ÿš€JOIN Coaching Your Best ' Habits Newsletter
May 9, 2022 โ€ข 26min

Essential building blocks of productivity. Best foods to lose weight.

TUNE IN TO LEARN:What productivity is about - spoiler, not about getting things off your to-do lists and how to build up your productivity reserves and skills so each day you feel more and more accomplished no matter what happens in your life.๐Ÿ‘‰Healthy news you can use - best simple foods to use for your fat loss program (and the worst ones);Why we can never be sure that our nutrition is optimal and how to troubleshoot this.MY UPCOMING WORKSHOPS (Many dates are available):๐Ÿ‘‰"Cancel Brain Fog and ADHD: tap into your productivity and genius, focus and grow your career!"๐Ÿ‘‰"Productivity Hacks for Digital Nomads: travel the world and grow your business."๐Ÿ‘‰"Productivity for High Performers: founders, business owners, remote teams."Schedule our call HERE.Produced by Angela Shurina,CERTIFIED NUTRITIONIST,  BRAIN PERFORMANCE COACHNutrition + Neuroscience + Behavior ChangeI help you use nutrition as a tool to unlock your brain genius and unlimited energy level๐Ÿ”ฅIG: @1000yearyoungMy OPTIMAL BRAIN and BODY supplement stack from Thorne with your personal 15% discount (applied at checkout).Text Me Your Thoughts and IdeasSupport the show Brought to you by Angela Shurina EXECUTIVE HEALTH AND OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE COACH Change in days - not in years! ๐Ÿš€JOIN Coaching Your Best ' Habits Newsletter
May 5, 2022 โ€ข 22min

๐ŸŸ Omega 3: happier, smarter, less foggy and anxious brain - eat THAT much.

TUNE IN TO LEARN:What world-known experts on health, longevity and brain performance have to say about Omega 3s - what kind, how much, best sources;How omega 3s eaten in the right amount of the right quality make even smokers live as long as non-smokers on junky diets;Omega 3s are your ๐Ÿง  brain's most essential nutrient - how do you know if you eat enough? - testing for Omega 3 index.Will it help with fat loss? Most probably! At the very least - it's gonna make you feel much happier about any weight you are in!๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐ŸŸDr. Rhonda Patrick: Micronutrients for Health & Longevity - on Hubermanlab PodcastSchedule our call HERE.Produced by Angela Shurina,CERTIFIED NUTRITIONIST,  BRAIN PERFORMANCE COACHNutrition + Neuroscience + Behavior ChangeI help you use nutrition as a tool to unlock your brain genius and unlimited energy level๐Ÿ”ฅIG: @1000yearyoungMy OPTIMAL BRAIN and BODY supplement stack from Thorne with your personal 15% discount (applied at checkout).Text Me Your Thoughts and IdeasSupport the show Brought to you by Angela Shurina EXECUTIVE HEALTH AND OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE COACH Change in days - not in years! ๐Ÿš€JOIN Coaching Your Best ' Habits Newsletter
May 4, 2022 โ€ข 21min

๐Ÿ”ฅFat for Confidence: eat this every day to get out there not afraid to propose the wildest ideas! Also no dandruff, healthy sex hormones and no hair loss depend on it!

TUNE IN TO LEARN:All kinds of foods get a bad reputation these days, especially animal foods that provide essential nutrients in the form we can use for the body and brain health.All this vegan stuff sounds so uplifted - until your hormones and mood get all over the place, you lose your hair and sex drive and confidence with it.Here's your confident breakfast! Don't skip it if you want to conquer new frontiers!Schedule our call HERE.Produced by Angela Shurina,CERTIFIED NUTRITIONIST,  BRAIN PERFORMANCE COACHNutrition + Neuroscience + Behavior ChangeI help you use nutrition as a tool to unlock your brain genius and unlimited energy level๐Ÿ”ฅIG: @1000yearyoungMy OPTIMAL BRAIN and BODY supplement stack from Thorne with your personal 15% discount (applied at checkout).Text Me Your Thoughts and IdeasSupport the show Brought to you by Angela Shurina EXECUTIVE HEALTH AND OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE COACH Change in days - not in years! ๐Ÿš€JOIN Coaching Your Best ' Habits Newsletter

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