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Behavioral Grooves Podcast

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Feb 13, 2023 • 1h 29min

The Myth of the “Relationship Spark” with Logan Ury, featuring guest appearance by Christina Gravert, PhD [Republish]

First impressions matter but when it comes to dating, don't get blown away by the myth of the "relationship spark". Some people can instead be characterized as a "slow burn"; a person who you like more and more each time. We revisit an episode with dating coach, behavioral scientist and author of How Not To Die Alone, Logan Ury about how to date successfully. Logan Ury studied psychology at Harvard, was a TED Fellow, then became a behavioral scientist at Google, where she ran Google’s behavioral science team – which we now know as The Irrational Lab. She became a dating coach and is currently the Director of Relationship Science at the dating app Hinge, where she leads a research team dedicated to helping people find love. Her work has appeared in The New York Times and The Atlantic, among a variety of media outlets, including HBO and the BBC.  Aside from those cool things, we wanted to talk to her because she is the author of How To Not Die Alone. In our conversation with Logan, which was originally recorded in early 2021, we talk about the challenges people face in getting prepared for dating, making the most of their dating experiences, and maintaining great relationships once they’ve landed in one. She shared her insights into how to overcome some of the common hurdles and to make the most out of each phase of the dating life. We had an interesting discussion about why moving from ‘romanticizer’ or ‘maximizer’ to ‘satisficer’ can make a big difference in your relationships (and in life). We talk about the Monet Effect and how we need to work hard to overcome some of our biggest biases – like the fundamental attribution error and negativity bias. She was also kind enough to share a little bit about her communal living conditions and her recommendation that we all need more significant others – OSO’s – in these turbulent times. NOTE #1: The “F” word features prominently in our conversation since it’s in the title of one of her book’s chapters. NOTE #2: Christina Gravert joined for our Grooving Session as our first-ever Grooving Partner, and you’ll hear her in the introduction, as well. We’re pleased that our good friend was named by Forbes magazine as one of the top behavioral scientists you ought to know. Christina teaches Economics at the University of Copenhagen, is a co-founder of Impactually, a behavioral consultancy, she has been a guest on Behavioral Grooves (episode 16 on creating a Nudge-A-Thon), and was a speaker at Nudge.It North 2021.   © 2023 Behavioral Grooves   Links Logan Ury: “How to Not Die Alone”:  Ira Glass: Dan Ariely: Esther Perel: John Gottman, The Gottman Institute: Eli Finkel: Daniel Gilbert: Jane Ebert: Alain De Botton “School of Life”: Reiki: “Algorithms to Live By”: John Nash “A Beautiful Mind”: Nicole Prause: 36 Questions That Lead to Love: The School of Life books: Shelley Archambeau – Episode 204: Christina Gravert – Episode 16: Christina Gravert, “Online Dating Like a Game Theorist”: Christina Gravert – Impactually: “10 Behavioral Scientists You Should Know”:    Musical Links “Hamilton” soundtrack:  Chance the Rapper “Coloring Book”:  Bush “Glycerine”: 
Feb 6, 2023 • 58min

Why Resilience Is More Than Just Bouncing Back | Gabriella Rosen Kellerman MD

There are actually 5 drivers of resilience; optimism, self compassion, cognitive agility, self efficacy and emotional regulation. We dive deep into each of these components and how they play a part in being resilient, with our guest Gabriella Rosen Kellerman MD. Gabriella is a medical doctor and behavioral science researcher with training in psychiatry and fMRI research. She currently works as Chief Product Officer at BetterUp – a company focused on employee wellbeing. But today’s episode is dedicated to talking about her latest venture - co-writing a new book with none other than the “the father of positive psychology” Martin SeligmanPhD.  Their book, Tomorrowmind: Thriving at Work with Resilience, Creativity, and Connection―Now and in an Uncertain Future is a hopeful look at how to flourish in an uncertain world. By capitalizing on a Tomorrowmind, we can utilize the universal psychological skills for thriving in an uncertain future: resilience and cognitive agility; mattering and purpose; rapid rapport for social support; prospection; and creativity and innovation (PRISM). Join our insightful and thoughtful conversation with Gabriella to learn how we can adopt a tomorrowmind. And then stick around for our Grooving Session where Tim discusses the part of the interview that sent chills up his spine, and Kurt gets philosophical about what it means to be optimistic.   Topics  (3:24) Welcome and speed round questions. (5:58) What is a Tomorrowmind? (7:26) Why are creativity and prospection superpowers? (10:05) The phases of prospective thinking. (13:11) Why the right answer can be to ask a different question. (15:45) What is positivity resonance and why does it matter? (21:32) What are the consequences of time famine on connection? (23:17) A story of resilience - Aggie Dunn of Heinz. (26:55) What exactly does it mean to be resilient? (29:31) How does self compassion play a part in resilience? (31:53) The 5 building blocks of resilience. (34:40) Writing a book with Martin Seligman. (36:56) What music does Gabriella listen to at home? (39:40) Grooving Session with Tim and Kurt on Tomorrowmind.   Links  Tomorrowmind: Thriving at Work with Resilience, Creativity, and Connection―Now and in an Uncertain Future:  Episode 31, Leaving the Matrix: Annie Duke and Insights into how you can improve your thinking!  Episode 225, Behind NOISE and Beyond The Book: Linnea Gandhi Shares her New Course on Noise:  Episode 283, Is The Anus Really The Key To All Intelligent Life? | Henry Gee:  Growth After Trauma by Richard G. Tedeschi:  Episode 214, Observing the Non-Obvious: How to Spot Trends Around You with Rohit Bhargava:    Musical Links  Nickel creek “Reasons Why”:  Bach “Piano Concerto in D Minor”:  Pharrell Williams “Happy”:   
Jan 30, 2023 • 1h 6min

Why Human Connection Is The Key To Effective Branding | Matt Johnson

“Brands really matter, when and only when they matter to consumers. And this is fundamentally a question of human connection.” ~ Matt Johnson To get under the skin of how branding works, what makes it effective and how to build a successful brand, we talk with Matt Johnson PhD, who is an expert on the human side of business. Matt is a speaker, researcher, and writer specializing in the application of psychology and neuroscience to marketing. We discuss everything from the difference of brand strategy, brand personality and brand meaning, all the way to how brands can get involved in activism. “What determines if you're a great brand is if your values and your attributes and your characteristics resonate with your target market.” ~ Matt Johnson Our conversation doesn’t just appeal to marketers, however. In our usual lighthearted style, Kurt and Tim touch on Matt’s love of Arsenal, his appreciation for pumpkin spice lattes, and the music that helps him come up with creative ideas.  As a former guest on Behavioral Grooves, we are delighted to welcome Matt back to discuss branding and marketing. Matt’s recent book, “Branding that Means Business: How to Build Enduring Bonds between Brands, Consumers and Markets” which is co-written with Tessa Misiaszek, provides a really informative overview of the application of marketing in organizations. Listen in to this episode to get a flavor for the expertise that Matt brings to his field. Behavioral Grooves relies on the support of listeners. If you’d like to be part of the community of supporters of the show, please visit our Patreon page.  Topics  (5:27) Welcome and speed round questions. (11:48) Why branding is at a crossroads now. (15:30) What is the difference between brand strategy, brand personality and brand meaning? (18:45) Why are some brands better at connecting with people? (25:39) The intersection of neuroscience and marketing. (27:47) Why Matt thinks we should steer away from the word consumer. (30:20) How the communication landscape has changed branding. (34:21) Social identity in branding. (37:45) How brands can play a part in activism without becoming tribal. (45:51) Can brands break through the noise? (48:26) What music would Matt take to a desert island? (53:10) Grooving Session with Kurt and Tim discussing branding.   © 2023 Behavioral Grooves Links  Behavioral Grooves on LinkedIn: Behavioral Grooves Behavioral Grooves on Twitter: @behavioralgroov Behavioral Grooves on YouTube: Behavioral Grooves Behavioral Grooves on Instagram: @behavioralgrooves Behavioral Grooves on Facebook: Behavioral Grooves Send Behavioral Grooves an Email:  Support Behavioral Grooves on Patreon: Matt’s book, co-written with Tessa Misiaszek, “Branding that Means Business: How to Build Enduring Bonds between Brands, Consumers and Markets”:  Matt’s blog “Neuroscience Of”: Episode 177, Matt Johnson & Prince Ghuman on Mid-Liminal Marketing and the Ethics of Applied Neuroscience:  Episode 235, Make Choice Rewarding: Behavioral Insights in Marketing with Matthew Willcox:  Musical Links  The Beatles “Don’t Let Me Down”:  Pierre Boulez “Livres Pour Cordes”: 
Jan 23, 2023 • 1h 7min

Why The Best Choice Can Sometimes Be An Imperfect Choice | Michelle Segar PhD

Context heavily influences our behavior (regular listeners of the show know our “context matters” mantra well!). Sometimes, because of what life throws at us, we have to re-evaluate our options. The best choice isn’t always the perfect choice. For instance, in an ideal world, we might be planning a 5 mile run after work. But instead we need to collect our sick child from school early and have to settle for a 2 mile run on the treadmill in the basement, or some dancing in the kitchen while we unload the dishwasher. It’s the perfect, imperfect choice, or what our guest, Michelle Segar calls The Joy Choice. Michelle Segar PhD is an award-winning lifestyle coach and sustainable behavior change researcher at the University of Michigan. For nearly three decades, she has pioneered methods to create sustainable healthy behavior change that are being used to boost patient health, employee well-being, and gym membership retention. “My approach to creating sustainable change is fundamentally grounded in changing people's mindsets.” ~ Michelle Segar PhD In this episode, we are lucky enough to talk to Michelle about her new book, “The Joy Choice: How to Finally Achieve Lasting Changes in Eating and Exercise”. We discuss why Michelle steers away from habits as a way of framing behavior change, the role of the executive function, and of course, how music influences her life.   Topics (3:20) Welcome and speed round questions. (7:31) Why we all need to find The Joy Choice. (14:26) Why do we beat ourselves up about missing exercise and diet goals? (17:35) How our identity can motivate our behavior change. (20:22) The shortcomings of the habit loop. (25:10) The role of the executive function in our decision making. (30:45) To what degree do mindsets, belief systems and branding play? (35:58) How the TRAP and POP models help us with selecting The Joy Choice. (43:36) How Michelle finds joy in music. (48:02) Grooving Session with Kurt and Tim on The Joy Choice.   © 2023 Behavioral Grooves   Links Michelle Segar:  Michelle on LinkedIn: Michelle on Twitter: @MichelleSegar   “The Joy Choice: How to Finally Achieve Lasting Changes in Eating and Exercise”:  It’s Time to Unhabit and Think Critically About Whether Habit Formation Has Been Over Valued as a Behavior Change Strategy Within Health Promotion:  Episode 277, No Regrets? Really? Why Regrets Actually Bring Us Hope | Daniel H. Pink:   Episode 327, A Proven Way Expectations Can Unlock A More Positive Life | David Robson:  Episode 307, Groove Track | Mind Over Milkshakes: Why Expectations Matter A Lot: Zingermans in Ann Arbor, MI:  Musical Links  Earth, wind and fire “September”:   
Jan 16, 2023 • 24min

Top 2 Tips on How to Read a Book Quickly

Ever need to read a book in a hurry? How can you absorb the most relevant content in a short period of time? Join Kurt and Tim as they talk to their friend Christian Hunt of the Human Risk Podcast, for tips and tricks to read quickly and effectively. We’ve all been stuck with a last minute deadline that involves getting through a large amount of reading material. How do you approach it? As podcasters, we read a lot of content before interviewing the guests. So how do Kurt and Tim from Behavioral Grooves Podcast and Christian from the Human Risk Podcast tackle such a mammoth task. This is a special episode for Behavioral Grooves that was recorded a few months ago in Abbey Road studios when Kurt and Tim were in London, UK. Christian has joined us many times on the podcast so we enjoyed talking about a different topic on this episode.   Topics (4:15) What to look for when you open the book - Kurt.  (8:54) Christian on why it’s not always good to speed read the whole book. (12:19) What Tim’s “Kahneman Index” is exactly! (14:10) How speed reading a research paper is different from a book. (20:22) The top 2 tips on speed reading from Christian, Kurt and Tim.   Other Episodes You Will Enjoy Episode 86, Christian Hunt: Mitigating Human Risk and The Algorithmic Mind:  Episode 336, The Best Behavioral Science Books Of 2022 (According to Kurt and Tim!):  Episode 277, Daniel H. Pink - No Regrets? Really? Why Regrets Actually Bring Us Hope:
Jan 9, 2023 • 50min

How Behavioral Science Can Tackle Misinformation And Obesity | Evelyn Gosnell

Small changes can have big effects. Standing on a different set of scales can affect our weight loss journey and adding friction to the share button online can reduce the spread of misinformation. Find out from Irrational Lab’s Managing Director, Evelyn Gosnell how they are researching the behavioral insights that make a big difference in the world. Evelyn Gosnell is a frequent speaker in behavioral economics and consumer psychology. She is an expert in helping companies use the science of decision-making to better understand how real people think and behave, thereby creating better products and services for them. Evelyn and her team at Irrational Labs are using behavioral science to solve some of the big, wicked problems that plague us - from obesity to misinformation. In our discussion with Evelyn, we also touch on the application of behavioral science in organizations and why you don’t need a PhD to transform yourself into a Behavioral Product Manager. One of the best takeaways from the interview is the 3B Framework that anyone can use to unlock behavior change:  Define the behavior Reduce barriers  Increase benefits We really hope you enjoy our conversation with Evelyn. If you did, we'd really like you to consider supporting the production of Behavioral Grooves, through our Patreon page. Or if you’d like a cost free way of supporting the podcast, please write a review of the show on your podcast app. Thanks!   Topics (2:24) Welcome and speed round questions. (4:09) Using behavioral science to lose weight. (11:17) How Irrational Labs researched weight loss programs. (15:47) Reducing spread of misinformation on TikTok. (26:06) The 3B Framework to unlock behavior change in organizations. (34:47) How Evelyn’s childhood has influenced her relationship with music. (37:41) Grooving Session with Kurt and Tim discussing Evelyn’s interview.   © 2023 Behavioral Grooves   Links Evelyn Gosnell on LinkedIn: and Twitter:  Irrational Labs:  Burning Man:  Shapa: “Bringing Users Back to the Forefront: 3 Sustainable User Engagement Tips from Behavioral Science” by Evelyn Gosnell:  “How behavioral science reduced the spread of misinformation on TikTok”:  The 3B Framework to unlock behavior change:  “TytoCare Case Study: How Can We Encourage People to Complete Virtual Medical Visits?“:  “Move Over, Product Manager: Introducing the Behavioral Product Manager”:   Brain/Shift Journal Shopify: Behavioral Grooves Patreon:
Jan 2, 2023 • 23min

The 3 Steps To Getting Your Groove Back In The New Year

Finding your groove - ever wondered what that actually means? And why is this podcast really called Behavioral Grooves?! Kurt and Tim explain what it means to get in your groove and the 3 foundational steps that will help you get there. If you need to find your groove again in 2023, listen to this expert advice.   It’s a long running joke on the podcast, that when settling on the name “Behavioral Grooves” for the show it meant two different things to hosts Kurt and Tim. While getting “in the groove” has parallels to being in a state of flow or routine, musical Tim equates it to being absorbed in a melodic rhythm. While finding your groove in your work, and getting your musical “groove on” could be seen as two opposing interpretations of the phrase, Kurt and Tim expertly weave them together in this episode.    “Our life is made up of a playlist of many, many songs with many different keys and many different rhythms and many different tempos.” ~ Tim Houlihan, Episode 337   After identifying what finding your groove actually means, we discuss the three factors that help us get there: Mindset Rhythm Environment   In a refreshing exchange which veers away from our normal New Year episode on setting goals and forming new habits, Kurt and Tim will help you find your groove in 2023. How appropriate that the first Grooving Session of the year is on how to get your groove back!
Dec 26, 2022 • 52min

Make It Scale: How To Drive Behavior Change Initiatives | Neela Saldanha PhD

Scaling behavioral science initiatives from a small research study to a large population is a topic we have enjoyed delving into this year with John A. List in Episode 296. And we are delighted to be joined on this episode by Neela Saldanha PhD who focuses her work on developing the science around scaling policy interventions.   Neela is the Executive Director of the Yale Research Initiative on Innovation and Scale (Y-RISE) which focuses on researching complexities of scaling policy interventions and bringing together global experts to overcome the challenges of scaling. Her work history touches academia, non-profits and the private sector, as well as spanning the globe, including India and the US. We are grateful to Neela for giving us time to discuss her work on this episode. Our ongoing production of the Behavioral Grooves Podcast is gratefully aided by our Patreon members. If you have enjoyed listening to Behavioral Grooves in 2022, please consider donating to our work through the Behavioral Grooves Patreon page. We also love reading reviews of the podcast, which in turn, helps others find our content.   Topics (3:37) Welcome and speed round questions. (8:01) Neela’s work at Y-RISE. (12:12) The challenges of scaling research findings. (20:16) Applying behavioral science tools in the field of behavioral science. (23:40) The bottlenecks to applying behavioral science in organizations. (27:51) What are the WICKED problems that need to be solved? (38:00) Music Neela would take to a desert island. (40:33) Grooving Session with Kurt and Tim discussing Neela’s interview.   © 2022 Behavioral Grooves   Links Neela Saldanha:  Yale Research Initiative on Innovation and Scale (Y-RISE) at Yale University:  “Behavioral Science in the Wild (Behaviorally Informed Organizations)”: David Yokum PhD, Episode 282: Why Applying Behavioral Science to Public Policy Delivers Better Policy:  John A. List, Episode 296. Fail to Scale: Why Good Research Doesn’t Always Make Great Policy | John A. List:  John A. List’s book, “The Voltage Effect: How to Make Good Ideas Great and Great Ideas Scale”: Episode 289, Why Not All Nudges Work ”In The Wild” | Nina Mazar PhD & Dilip Soman PhD:  Diversifi:  Behavioral Grooves Patreon:   Musical Links Beethoveen’s 9th Symphony:  Beethoven’s 5th Symphony oboe solo:  R.D. Burdman Bollywood hits: 
Dec 19, 2022 • 24min

The Best Behavioral Science Books Of 2022 (According to Kurt and Tim!)

One of the ways we find our groove is through knowledge – sometimes new ideas, sometimes repeated ideas that are presented in new ways. Sometimes, it’s just reminders of old ideas that deserve a new look. And we love the fresh ideas that we’ve read about this year in the very notable Behavioral Science books of 2022. Kurt and Tim sit down, in this episode, to discuss the highlights of the books they’ve read in 2022. To save you some time, they have compiled a summary of why they liked each book, and what you can expect to get from reading it. We’d love to hear about your favorite books of the year. What stood out for you on your book shelf? Have any of your reads this year helped you find your groove? Share your thoughts with Behavioral Grooves on social media: Twitter: @behavioralgroov LinkedIn: Behavioral Grooves Instagram: @behavioralgrooves Facebook: Behavioral Grooves   Links Robert Livingston, “The Conversation: How Talking Honestly About Racism Can Transform Individuals and Organizations”:  David McRaney, “How Minds Change: The Surprising Science of Belief, Opinion, and Persuasion”: Henry Gee, “A (Very) Short History of Life on Earth: 4.6 Billion Years in 12 Pithy Chapters”: Annie Duke, “Quit: The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away”: Ayelet Fishbach, “Get It Done: Surprising Lessons from the Science of Motivation”: Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, “Don’t Trust Your Gut: Using Data to Get What You Really Want in Life”: John A. List, “The Voltage Effect: How to Make Good Ideas Great and Great Ideas Scale”: Daniel Pink, “The Power Of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward”: Jennifer Moss, “The Burnout Epidemic: The Rise of Chronic Stress and How We Can Fix It”: Jonathan Malesic, “The End of Burnout: Why Work Drains Us and How to Build Better Lives”: Max Bazerman, “Complicit: How We Enable the Unethical and How to Stop”: Dolly Chugh, “A More Just Future: Psychological Tools for Reckoning with Our Past and Driving Social Change “: Linda Babcock, “The No Club: Putting a Stop to Women’s Dead-End Work”:  Nina Mazar & Dilip Soman, “Behavioral Science in the Wild (Behaviorally Informed Organizations)”: Zoe Chance, “Influence Is Your Superpower: The Science of Winning Hearts, Sparking Change, and Making Good Things Happen”: Sam Tatam, “Evolutionary Ideas: Unlocking ancient innovation to solve tomorrow’s challenges“: Paul Bloom, “The Sweet Spot: The Pleasures of Suffering and the Search for Meaning”:    Episode 270, The Behavioral Science Books We Just Couldn’t Put Down in 2021 With Louise Ward:  Episode 194, The 10 Best Behavioral Science Books for 2020: 
Dec 15, 2022 • 42min

How the Right Journal Can Help You Reach Your Goals in 2023

Want to start a journaling habit but worried you won't stay motivated? Having the right journal, that is designed using behavioral insights to keep you engaged, is the key. In this unique Grooving Session, our very own Kurt Nelson takes the hot seat along with his Lantern Group business partner, Ben Granlund to talk about their highly anticipated new product - the Brain/Shift Journal. This new journal is seeped in behavioral insights that help you clearly define and then actually reach your goals. Previous Behavioral Grooves guest, Katy Milkman, has highlighted that a distinct time in the calendar, like the New Year, is a great time for a fresh start when you can embrace a new habit. And journaling is a popular daily practice that is known to enhance your wellbeing and focus your energy on reaching your goals. In this episode, you will learn: How the Brain/Shift journal came about. Who the journal is for. What you can expect to get out of using it. Whether you are new to journaling, or you have tried before but couldn't keep up the habit, the Brain/Shift journal can help you. It makes a perfect gift for yourself or someone you love at Christmas. Links Brain/Shift Journal Shopify: Brain/Shift Journal Amazon: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Musical Links Against Me "Black Me Out":  The Bouncing Souls "Up To Us":  Dave Hause "Without You":  Dire Straits "Money For Nothing":  The Proclaimers "I Would Walk 500 Miles": 

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