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Jul 2, 2024 • 46min

How to nurture BODY LOVE & Neutrality for our young kids w/Dr. Morgan Francis

Dr. Morgan Francis, an expert in body image and neutrality, discusses promoting body positivity in kids, handling social media's impact on body image, signs of eating disorders, and encouraging a healthy relationship with food.
Jun 25, 2024 • 44min

The danger of social media and kids w/ Dr. Alison Yeung

Get your BEST YOUNGEST LIPS EVER with with code MAMAKNOWS for 15% off. There is so much information out there on the effects of social media it is hard to know where to start. If you are like me and want to make sure you are setting your kids (and yourself!) up for success with boundaries and conversations around social media with your kids, then this episode is for you! What are the effects you have seen from social media on kids? I am a data girl so give me all your data!  I want to delay when my child is involved with social media, but their friends are on it, my child feels left out, and so now I feel like the bad parent. Do you have words of advice?  What can I do now to prepare my kids for the future where social media is so prevalent? And for the parents who's kids are already in the thick of social media, what can they do right now for their kids? Most of my listeners and followers want to know when is the appropriate time to allow your child access to a smartphone or social media? How do you know when they are ready? Dr. Alison Yeung is a family physician from Ontario, Canada. Over the past decade, she has come to recognize that children are struggling in unprecedented ways. After recognizing the role that screens and social media are playing in their presentation, she began to dive into the research on this topic. Feeling that there is an undeniable association, she felt compelled to speak out. She has created an Instagram account to educate and empower parents to change the narrative, and has also worked with local schools to help implement cellphone policies by educating staff and parents. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Jun 18, 2024 • 42min

Preventing self sabotage and burnout as a busy mama w/ Dr. Carolyn Rubenstein

Dreamland BabyWe love our Dream Land Baby Pajamas for the kiddos, go the and enter code MAMAKNOWS at checkout to receive 30% off sitewide + free shipping!Career, parenting, being a spouse, showing up how you want to show up; it can be exhausting and lead to feeling burnt out. Sometimes I even wonder if I am helping or hurting myself when I am feeling burnt out. But how do I break the cycle? On this weeks episode Dr. Carolyn Rubenstein answers our questions on burn out and walks us thought how to avoid it in our own lives. What are the common things we do to self-sabotage and fuel our own burnout? Some of my burnout stems from imposter syndrome and doubting myself and my abilities. Do you have any tips for getting over these thoughts? How can I identify that I am starting to burnout before it gets too far? What can I do to intervene and what can I do to prevent burnout? I feel like I have been in a burnout phase and can't get out of it. I tried taking a break and time off, but it doesn't help and almost makes it worse. Why isn't this working? How can I actually recover from burnout? ​Carolyn Rubenstein, PhD, is a licensed psychologist based in Florida, where she runs her private practice. She focuses on treating anxiety, burnout, and self-sabotaging behaviors, including perfectionism. She is a mother of two and is passionate about helping other parents prevent and recover from burnout. Dr. Carolyn is the author of the "Beyond Burnout Workbook," the inaugural release in a series of clinically-supported tools aimed at burnout recovery. She regularly shares practical tips on how to navigate the complexities of being perfectly human on her Instagram: @carolynrubensteinphd. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jun 11, 2024 • 33min

Loss of career identity in motherhood w/Jess Galica

Feeling lost in your career after becoming a mother? Or feeling torn between the career you love and the love you have for being a mom? The balance is so hard and figuring out how to navigate and balance it all is exhausting. But you aren't alone and this week we dive into feeling lost in our careers after motherhood. How can motherhood influence our career trajectory? How can we overcome our fear of taking a risk especially when it comes to our career and livelihood and how can we overcome the feeling of guilt when it comes to wanting a career outside of and in addition to motherhood?  What advice do you have for someone who wants to do something different but doesn't know how or doesn't know what they want to do? Jessica (Jess) Galica is an Executive Coach helping leaders to achieve more success, fulfillment, and ease at work. She is the best-selling author of "Leap: Why It's Time to Let Go to Get Ahead In Your Career", inspired by her personal pivot leaving a successful corporate career to find greater fulfillment in work and life. Jess' thought leadership has been featured in the MIT Technology Review, Forbes, Business Insider, and Fast Company and she has been recognized as one of the Top Coaches in Boston. Last but certainly not least, Jess lives with her husband in Boston, where she is a present mom to her 3.5 year old daughter and 1 year old son.[Preferred Purchase Link] Purchase Leap: Why It’s Time to Let Go to Get Ahead in Your Career on Amazon: Jess on LinkedIn: Reclaim Your Career on Instagram: to the Newsletter: to the Reclaim Your Career podcastApple Podcasts: Spotify: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jun 4, 2024 • 48min

Honest Mom Chat w/Renee of @themomroompodcast

I think we can all agree that motherhood is not easy! There is so much advice out there and even the most well intentioned advice sometimes just isn't very helpful and can end up doing more harm than good. Sharing honest conversations around motherhood is usually helpful though and helps us all feel less alone!1. What do you have the hardest time with/struggle the most with in motherhood?2. What is one hill that you will die on about motherhood that you know is controversial and you'll get hate on?3. What is the most outlandish piece of parenting advice you have received?4. What did you initially say you were NEVER or ALWAYS going to do when it came to parenting that you have totally abandoned now and do the opposite? Renee's Bio:I’m an academic turned podcaster who decided it was time to stir sh*t up in the mom community. My hobbies include: being honest, making TikToks, and helping you live life unapologetically as an imperfect mom.Find her on socials: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
May 28, 2024 • 53min

Accessing your inner child & navigating parenting while healing yourself w/ Lavinia Brown

Did you know you may not remember some of your childhood trauma? It can be really difficult to heal from something we don't remember and how do we know if we are truly healed? We dive into these questions and more on this weeks episode! 1. Our last episode together was the most listened to episode on Mamaknows podcast. We talked about the importance of parenting our inner child and how our inner child wounds affect how we show up in our relationships. But what if we don't remember our childhood traumas? How are we supposed to heal our wounds if we don't know what they are?2. Once we do identify a childhood trauma we are working on parenting our inner child, but how do I avoid being dismissive versus actually healing the wound. For example, if we identify a moment where we felt unworthy, how do we affirm ourselves that we are worthy without being dismissive of that inner child's feelings?3. How do we know when a childhood trauma is healed or that we have made peace with it?4. How can we make sure we nurture our children as they are living their inner child?Check out Lavina's new signature holistic healing programme: Making Peace With Your Past.This is a self-led, self-paced, 3-step journey from reactivity, anxiety and rage to becoming the calm, conscious mama and connected partner you want to be. It contains over 6 hours of videos spread over 10 different modules and once purchased, it's available for life (so you can come back to it at any point in the future, either to remind yourself of how to manage a trigger, heal a painful memory or unpack a new layer of the mother imprint that may have surfaced, for example). The programme comes with two, live, group coaching support calls with me every month - also for life (so that I am always here for you whatever queries or fears come up and whatever support or insights you might need on your healing journey) as well as a private, members'-only FB group. Find Lavinia at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
May 21, 2024 • 37min

Building your child's self esteem w/Carol Kim

I want to raise my kids to be confident, kind kids. But growing up in today's world, it can be so difficult to help our kids maintain their sense of self esteem. Carol Kim dives into what we can to do raise our kids self esteem and avoid inadvertently negatively impacting their self esteem. 1. What are things I can do daily to help raise my kids self esteem?2. How can I encourage my child to not get their self esteem from others but from within instead?3. Can I still give my child compliments without encouraging them to seek for others' approval?4. What ways can I help reduce any shame they might feel, say after a meltdown, and build them back up?5. What are common ways we as parents inadvertently negatively impact our kids self esteem or confidence?Carol Kim is a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist specializing in child and play therapy. She has over a decade of clinical experience, and has practiced in the San Francisco Bay Area, Boston, and Utah.Carol is also a popular content creator, whose videos on parenting and mental health have benefited millions across the globe. You can find her content on major social networks under the handle @parenting.resilience. Prior to becoming a therapist and content creator, Carol was a broadcast journalist in Missouri and Oakland California, where her favorite part of the job was sharing the stories of underserved communities. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
May 14, 2024 • 42min

How to talk to kids about death (all ages) w/Sidu Arroyo-Boulter

You have just experienced a loss of a loved on or a family pet. How do you tell your kids about it? What do you tell your kids? Navigating these conversations is difficult, especially when you, yourself, are grieving too. Here from an expert in the area so you feel prepared when you need to have these conversations.What we cover in this episode:1. Talking about death is a difficult and hard subject especially with kids. What approach should we take when we talk to our kids about death? 2. Developmentally, when do children understand the concept of death? How does this affect how I talk to them about death and grief?3. A loved one or pet just died. Talk me through how you would tell your child and what you avoid in the conversation?4. How often should I check in with my child about the loss? Do I bring it up or do I let them bring it up?5. I am mourning the loss of our loved one toAbout Sidu:Sidu Arroyo-Boulter is a family psychotherapist in Texas, specializing in difficult family dynamics and parenting. Sidu is passionate about helping parents deepen their emotional understanding of themselves so that they can welcome their child into rest, acceptance, and belonging.Find Sidu on Instragram you love this episode? BUY ME A COFFEE for support!Find me on Instagram@balkanina@mamaknowspodcastFind me on TikTokBalkaninaSubscribe to my NewsletterPrivate Facebook Motherhood-Podcast CommunityMama Knows FBDisclaimer: This podcast does not provide any medical advice, it is for informational purposes only! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
May 7, 2024 • 40min

Mom Guilt vs. Mom Shame w/Michelle Tangeman

Guilt and shame are often feelings that come up when parenting. You aren't alone! These aren't feelings you need to be ashamed of or suffer alone in. Michelle helps us learn to shift of our perspective and minimize the shame and guilt that comes up during parenting. Questions:1. What is the difference between guilt and shame when it comes to parenting?2. What do you often see that parents feel most guilty about?3. How do we shift our perspective and make the mom guilt productive rather than a negative thing? 4. How can we minimize the shame we feel as a parent?Michelle Tangeman Bio:Before opening Michelle Tangeman Behavioral Health as a child and family therapist, I served as a Clinical Manager for STAR of CA where I oversaw a clinical team providing children’s behavioral treatment programs. I have extensive experience in individualized behavior intervention, Functional Behavior Assessments, school-based services, family-focused intervention, early start services, and social skills training and have provided these services to families across Ventura and Los Angeles counties. I have also completed the training as part of the Postpartum Support International’s Advanced Perinatal Mental Health Psychotherapy Training Program.When I’m not helping parents and families as a therapist, I’m a mother of two beautiful children. As a parent, I know how challenging it can be. Combining my personal experience as a parent along with my behavioral health background, I launched my online education company, Thriving Toddler. Through Thriving Toddler courses and free resources, I aim to help as many people as possible become the parents they want to be.I’m also a podcast host and the co-founder of the Parenting Understood podcast. My co-host and I are passionate about teaching parents about evidence-based interventions grounded in science to make a positive impact on the parent-child relationship.Website: you love this episode? BUY ME A COFFEE for support!Find me on Instagram@balkanina@mamaknowspodcastFind me on TikTokBalkaninaSubscribe to my NewsletterPrivate Facebook Motherhood-Podcast CommunityMama Knows FBDisclaimer: This podcast does not provide any medical advice, it is for informational purposes only! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Apr 30, 2024 • 49min

Organizing tasks and completing to do lists with ADHD w/ Brooke Schnittman

I struggle with being productive with my ADHD. Am I alone?Normal tips to be productive and organized just don't work for me and I am beginning to realize that I need to work with my ADHD instead of against it!In comes, Brooke Schnittman, who answers all my questions:1. As someone with adhd I want to better organize my day, but I struggle with traditional to do lists. Why aren’t these traditional ways working for me? What can I do instead to organize my to do list and life?2. Why are some tasks harder than others for people with adhd? For example: answering emails or texts can be so daunting even though it only takes minutes to answer. How can I make these tasks seem like less of a big deal?3. What is the ADHD disruption cycle and how can I overcome it?4. How things can I do routinely to better improve my attention, focus, and momentum?Brooke's book:  Activate Your ADHD Potential : for adults with ADHD who are looking to build momentum and stop overwhelm and underwhelm.InstagramWebsiteabout Brooke:Brooke Schnittman MA, PCC, BCC is an esteemed expert in the field of ADHD management and support, renowned for her unwavering dedication to empowering individuals with ADHD to overcome challenges and achieve their full potential.​Brooke's personal journey, being diagnosed with ADHD later in life and marrying into a family of ADHDers, has provided her with profound insight and empathy for her clients. In 2002, she embarked on her mission to make a positive impact in the lives of individuals with disabilities. She earned her Bachelor's in Elementary Education from Penn State University and her Master's Degree from New York University, specializing in Students With Disabilities.​With over two decades of experience, Brooke has worked closely with thousands of individuals with ADHD, utilizing her comprehensive knowledge and expertise to guide them toward success.______________________________Did you love this episode? BUY ME A COFFEE for support!Find me on Instagram@balkanina@mamaknowspodcastFind me on TikTokBalkaninaSubscribe to my NewsletterPrivate Facebook Motherhood-Podcast CommunityMama Knows FBDisclaimer: This podcast does not provide any medical advice, it is for informational purposes only! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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