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Sapien's Playground - Medicine, Psychology, Truth Seeking and Fascinating Experiences

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Jul 15, 2022 • 1h 31min

(ENG) #39 - The Brain Health Episode - The Most Powerful Activities to Decelerate Cognitive Decline – With Dr. Tommy Wood, MD PhD

Hello everyone! This is episode number 39 with Dr. Tommy Wood, MD and PhD. To quote Dr. Wood from his website, he is a Research faculty member at the University of Washington (UW) in the Department of Pediatrics. His research focuses on ways to increase resilience of, and treat injury of, the developing brain. Dr. Tommy Wood has a bachelor's degree in biochemistry from the University of Cambridge, a medical degree from the University of Oxford, and a PhD in physiology and neuroscience from the University of Oslo. In addition to his role as a faculty member at UW, he serves as President of Physicians for Ancestral Health, and on the scientific advisory board of Hintsa Performance. Alongside his career in medicine and research, Dr. Wood invested time in developing easily-accessible methods with which to track human health, performance, and longevity. He has published extensively and spoken on multiple topics surrounding functional and ancestral approaches to health, including examining the root causes of multiple sclerosis and insulin resistance. He also is interested in using his experiences in coaching and competing in rowing, CrossFit, powerlifting, and ultra-endurance racing to inform Tommy’s day-to-day interaction with clients looking to achieve long-term health and performance. Our today’s conversation circles all around brain health. The episode starts by laying the foundation for what has to be taken into careful consideration when it comes to figuring out the balance between a flat-out obsessively stressful approach on the one extreme end and a don’t-care-about-anything-do-whatever-feels-good mentality on the other hand whenever thinking about any specific lifestyle intervention. Keeping that in mind, the main part circled mostly around the complicated question surrounding easily implementable steps for virtually everyone that are effective at preventing rapid cognitive decline especially in later stages in life. Certainly one of the most practically useful and informative episodes so far and I really appreciate Dr. Tommy Wood for agreeing to talk to me today! Stay tuned for a part two and enjoy the episode for now! Find out more about Dr. Tommy Wood on Instagram: His Website: Find him on Twitter: You can contact Dr. Tommy Wood at . Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Jul 6, 2022 • 10min

(GER) #38 - Essay #3 - Ein Beitrag zu grundlegenden Axiomen der Wissenschaft und warum kritisches Hinterfragen und freier wissenschaftlicher Diskurs unabdingbar sind.

Hallo zusammen!  Heute teile ich mal ein kleines Update zu einer Story, die mir letztens widerfahren ist, die ich auch in ganzer Ausführlichkeit dargelegt und analysiert hatte in einem vorherigen englischen Essay. Dieses deutschsprachige Essay widme ich einem brillianten Beitrag von einer Kommilitonin zu folgenden Geschehnissen. Ein anderer Kommilitone in meinem Medizinstudium empfand es als unerträglich und absolut unakzeptabel, dass ein Dozent vorsichtig die wissenschaftlich unabstreitbaren potenziell schädlichen Nebeneffekte vom langen Maskentragen hervorhob und dabei auf zwei ausgedruckte Papers verwies.  Das i - Tüpfelchen bei der ganzen Sache war, dass ich mich bereiterklärt hatte, auf Vorschlag des Dozenten wohlgemerkt, die beiden Papers sachlich und unvoreingenommen durchzulesen und in Form von zwei Präsentationen der Gruppe vorzustellen. Als Manifestation seiner Intoleranz gegenüber ihm widersprechenden Ansichten und Informationen entschied sich jener Kommilitone dazu, das Prodekanat in zwei (mittlerweile drei) E-Mails darüber zu informieren, mit dem Ziel, dass der Dozent aufhören solle zu unterrichten. Auch ich, so der Kommilitone, sei natürlich "fehl am Platze" was das Medizinstudium angeht, aber das soll nicht Teil dieser Diskussion sein. Ich lese nun einen Spitzenbeitrag in leicht modifizierter Form vor, welcher von einer Kommilitonin auf seine absurden, bösartigen und nicht haltbaren Behauptungen  verfasst wurde. Der Beitrag umfasst hauptsächlich eine argumentative Darlegung der Ansicht, dass es gewisse wissenschaftliche Prinzipien / Axiome gibt, an die es sich zu halten gilt, die wir als Mediziner und Wissenschaftler akzeptiert haben, um sicherzustellen, dass wissenschaftlicher Fortschritt als solcher überhaupt stattfinden kann, und im besten Falle noch in die richtige Richtung. Viel Spaß beim Zuhören! Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Jul 4, 2022 • 1h 56min

(ENG) #37 - Conceptualization of God, the Issues Surrounding Abortion, Free Will and Marxism and Authentic Education as an Antidote - with Steven J. Rummelsburg

Hello everyone! Thanks a lot for tuning in for another podcast episode on Sapien’s Playground. Today I had Steven Jonathan Rummelsburg as my special guest and it is hard to overstate how great of an honor it is to have him on the show in order to help me and all of us figure out better ways to look at the complicated world around us. Steven Jonathan Rummelsburg holds a degree in History from the University of California, Santa Barbara. A school teacher, he is also a writer and speaker on matters of faith, culture, and education. Mr. Rummelsburg is a member of the Teacher Advisory Board and writer of curriculum at the Sophia Institute for Teachers, a contributor to the Integrated Catholic Life, Crisis Magazine, The Civilized Reader, The Standard Bearers, Catholic Exchange, and a founding member of the Brinklings Literary Club. Following these areas of interest, our conversation focused on questions concerning religious matters and how authentic education, or the lack thereof, is to be viewed as a major contributor to the emergence of wide, diverse and peculiar sets of issues, some of which we managed to discuss in great detail. An attempt to conceptualize the existence of free will, questions surrounding the controversies around abortion, absolute and relative morality, the marxist doctrine and equality of outcome, as well the endeavor to articulate ways to conceptualize God were some of the highly interesting ideas that we managed to introduce. Please share this episode if you found it interesting and helpful and enjoy listening  to our conversation! Learn more about Steven Rummelsburg: CITY OF TRUTH! Steven’s Upcoming Newsletter: Steven is looking for Teachers:  Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Jun 21, 2022 • 1h 39min

(ENG) #36 – Potential Explanations for Autoimmune Disease ; Diving into Sports Nutrition and More with Dietetics Student Nicole Crendal

Welcome back to a new episode on Sapien’s Playground! Today I am very delighted to have as my guest Dietetics Student and Biochemistry enthusiast Nicole Crendal (@bio.chem.nikki on Instagram). We had an awesome exchange on a whole bunch of complicated issues, including the exploration of possible explanations for autoimmunity which Nikki became so interested in as a result of her own health journey. She was struggling with several conditions which she also elucidated in this episode while providing insight into the things she did that helped her to resolve the issues, dietary intervention in particular. Furthermore, we continued speaking about the potential future of dietetics and medicine, had a nice discussion about controversies in the realm of sports nutrition and closed with a ramble highlighting our fascination for the jaw-droppingly incomprehensible, yet beautiful complexity of the human body. Enjoy the episode and please share this around if you found it interesting and valuable. Follow Nikki on Instagram:  Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Jun 17, 2022 • 1h 3min

(ENG) #35 - All About The FOOD LIES Film with Brian Sanders - Motivation, Goals, Production, Challenges, Contents and More

Welcome back to Sapiens Plaground! I am more than delighted to welcome my friend Brian Sanders back to the show. We discussed as much as we managed to cover in this hour with regards to the Food Lies Film which he has been working on very diligently for more than 5 years now. Learn more about Brians story and our discussion regarding the five most important pillars of health in the first episode where I already had the pleasure to introduce myself and you guys to his remarkable work. Make sure to check out episode number 3 for that purpose. In this one, however, our main focus was to present a throrough and comprehensive introduction to and delineation of the contents of the film. At the same token we managed to get to the core of Brians motivation behind starting on this unbelievably difficult journey characterized by a not-trivial amount of challenges which we accurately presented in this episode, too. This episode can be considered as the ultimate Food-Lies-Guide that is supposed to provide you with a pre-taste of the project, called Food Lies which started out as an endeavor to debunk "What the Health" and ended up as a comprehensive and fascinating deep dive into a wide array of branches in the realm of nutrition summarized in a 6-part-series.  Enjoy our conversation and please make sure to share this around and check out Brians work! You can find Brian on instagram: He has a great youtube channel: Support the film production and learn more about food lies: Support Brian and become a member of the Sapien Tribe: Get your high-quality nose-to-tail nutrition delivered all across the US: Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Jun 16, 2022 • 22min

#34 - Bedtime Story (9) - Nutrition and Physical Degeneration - A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets by Weston A. Price - CHAPTER 7 - Isolated and modernized Melanesians

In  the section "Bedtime Story" I will read a chapter from a book for you which I personally found interesting and find worth sharing with you! Please excuse if I my misspronounce some words, since English is not my first language and I could potentially make mistakes in the pronounciation. Our first book will be "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration - A  Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects by Weston A. Price" and in Episode 9 of the series I immerse myself in Chapter 7 of this great piece of work.  Enjoy listening! Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (including a free PDF-version of this book): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Jun 8, 2022 • 2h 2min

(ENG) #33 - The Significance of Individualized Medicine and Why Pathological Obsession with Nutrition Will Do More Harm Than Good with Dr. Gil Carvalho, MD, PhD aka Nutrition Made Simple

Good day everyone and thanks for tuning in for another episode on Sapien’s Playground. I am very pleased to be talking to Dr. Gil Carvalho, MD and PhD today and diving as deep as we can manage into the field of individualized medicine.  Gil Carvalho, MD PhD is a physician, research scientist, science communicator, speaker and writer. In the aftermath of graduating from medical school in the University of Lisbon Gil decided to pursue a PhD in Biology from Caltech (California Institute of Technology) and was involved in numerous research areas, including genetics, neuroscience, longevity and more. Over the past few years Gil was heavily engaged in the development of his YouTube Channel called “Nutrition Made Simple” which I would highly recommend checking out for the purpose of attaining information to provide you with the tools necessary to conduct your own investigations in the realm of scientific research. Our conversation today covered mostly Gil’s journey towards becoming an expert at coneying the wisdom of lifestyle medicine to a broader audience via Social Media, YouTube in particular, as well as the important nuances that have to be taken into account speaking of individualized medicine as one of the central concepts and presuppositions which the entire clinical enterprise must be based upon. It was a really fun conversation and I am really looking forward to having Gil on the show next time together with Malcolm Kendrick in order have the discussion on lipids and atherosclerosis alluded to at the end of the podcast . Enjoy listening! Nutrition Made Simple (His YouTube Channel): Dr. Gil Carvalho on Facebook: Dr. Gil Carvalho on Twitter: Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (including a free PDF-version of this book): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
May 28, 2022 • 1h 2min

#32 - Bedtime Story (8) - Nutrition and Physical Degeneration - A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets by Weston A. Price - CHAPTER 6 - Primitive and Modernized North American Indians

In  the section "Bedtime Story" I will read a chapter from a book for you which I personally found interesting and find worth sharing with you! Please excuse if I my misspronounce some words, since English is not my first language and I could potentially make mistakes in the pronounciation. Our first book will be "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration - A  Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects by Weston A. Price" and in Episode 8 of the series I immerse myself in Chapter 6 of this great piece of work.  Enjoy listening! Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (including a free PDF-version of this book): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
May 19, 2022 • 1h 44min

(ENG) - #31 - Alec Zeck - The Ramifications of Value Imposition, Discovering Our Deepest Motives and Why We Should Be Guided by Exploration

Hello everyone!  I am very pleased and grateful to have the opportunity to talk today with Alec Zeck. Unfortunately, maybe not so much though, I suppose, we didn’t really manage to delve deep into his past and the sorts of transformations which he had undergone during the course of his life. Nonetheless, Alex is a really deep and critical thinker and by having this discussion with him my aim was to get at least a bit closer towards comprehending the motives and beliefs which seem to lie at the bottom of our actions as well as the actions of the people around us. We didn’t delve into any specifics as far as covid measures or anything related to that are concerned but rather attempted to get behind the ideologies that seem to guide some of the behavior that we have watched unfolding over the past years, and in addition to that highlight potential ramifications and dangers which are certainly associated with the idea of strict value imposition on other people at any cost and sometimes just for the sake of keeping the ideology alive. Luckily, apart from spilling out a stream of criticism we also discussed ways that might be useful in at least breaking down the solution of this problem into something like actionable little steps at the base of which has to be situated freedom of speech and one’s personal desire to listen, explore and to question as the fundamental spirit. I hope to be talking to Alec soon again, this was a fascinating conversation.  Enjoy listening! Remember to share if you found it valuable. Find Alec on Instagram: Alec Zeck's Organizations and all his Podcasts: A better place to find him is through his telegram channel: Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
May 9, 2022 • 2h 36min

(ENG) - #30 – What Causes Heart Disease? Part 2 – With Dr. Malcolm Kendrick – An Alternative Hypothesis of Atherosclerosis and Unresolved Questions

Welcome back! This is part 2 of a conversation I had with the passionate Heart Disease Researcher and Sceptic Dr. Malcolm Kendrick. He is a family physician from Scotland who very early on in his carreer developed an ever-persisting passion and desire to get behind the real pathopysiological mechanisms that underly Atherosclerosis and Heart disease.  Malcolm has authored several books like Doctoring Data or his most recent one – The Clot Thickens, he leads a blog on his website and has published and co-authored quite a significant number of scientific papers many of which were aimed at assessing the controversies and unresolved questions in regards to the pathophysiological processes which fundamentally underlie the biggest killer in the western world.  In the first part of our conversation we were mostly discussing all the facts and evidence pointing against the presumption of LDL, or Apo-B containing lipoproteins, being the number one driving causal factor behind plaque formation which is usually referred to as cardiovascular disease. Unfortunately, we didn’t quite manage to thoroughly discuss Dr. Kendrick’s hypothesis and explanations which he so beautifully lays out in his most recent book and which he established as a result of several decades of constant digging, reading, questioning and exploring for the mere sake of finding something, finding a model that would be incontrovertible, unambiguous and capable of withstanding any criticisms from the other side. A model that would be able to explain virtually every observation and risk factor as far as heart disease is concerned. Now, as far as today's episode goes, apart from deepening our understaing and appreciation of the flaws and shortcomings of the lipid-hypothesis as proposed and acccepted by mainstream medicine, we furthermore start digging deeper into the real pathophysiology behind cardiovascular disease manifesting itself as a heart attack, stroke, etc.   Enjoy the great conversation I had today with Dr. Malcolm Kendrick! Check out his blog on his website: The link to all the books he has written: Dr. Malcolm Kendrick on Twitter: Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.

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