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Sapien's Playground - Medicine, Psychology, Truth Seeking and Fascinating Experiences

Latest episodes

Oct 22, 2022 • 1h 23min

(ENG) #49 – Robb Wolf – “The Sacred Cow” – The Nutritional, Environmental and Ethical Case for Better Meat and Animal Products

Welcome back to a very special episode on Sapien’s Playground! For absolutely incomprehensible reasons I somehow managed to invite Robb Wolf on my podcast and it was not only a big honor but also an enlightening experience and a great pleasure to have him on the show and dive as deep as we could possibly manage in a little bit more than an hour into the ethical, environmental and nutritional concerns with respect to animal products, and meat in particular, which he together with Diana Rodgers so elegantly and comprehensively addressed and dissected in their most recent book and documentary “Sacred Cow”. It’s hard to overstate how much I learned in today’s conversation with special emphasis on the fact that it helped me apprehend even more thoroughly the uncannily incomprehensible complexity of the issue, as well as the appalling realization how much arrogance and lack of appreciation for our limitless ignorance is driving the whole environmentalist movements and many of the policies surrounding animal farming, ecosystems and agriculture in general. I am sure this is going to be a valuable resource for many of you! Share it around if you liked it and please enjoy listening! Read more about Robb Wolf here: The best resource to learn more about "Sacred Cow": He works together with Diana Rodgers, RD: Check out his company "LMNT" for electrolytes (Sodium, Potassium and Magnesium): Find Robb Wolf on Instagram: Find Robb Wolf on Twitter: Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Oct 14, 2022 • 42min

(ENG) #48 - Dr. Joel Kahn - Vegan Cardiologist on Exercise, Sleep, Protein, Healthy User Bias, Critical Thinking - What We All in the Health Space Can and Should Agreen Upon

Welcome back to Sapien's Playground! This is a conversation I had with vegan cardiologist Dr. Joel Kahn which might come as a surprise to many of you as I usually position myself as a big proponent of including liberal amounts of animal foods into one's diet. Nonetheless, as I am a very curious person, as I believe in the power of free speech and conversation and as the name of this podcast contains the terms "Sapien's" and "Playground" I truly believe that testing different hypotheses, endeavouring to approach difficult questions through contemplating various points of view, continuously questioning any given set of assumptions and doing all of that in an exploratory spirit using the revelatory power of truthful speech and untrammeled flow of various ideas and opinions is the right way forward. Having said all that, I really enjoyed the conversation I had with Dr. Kahn as we tried to lay out what we all should unambiguously agree on, particularly as far as diet fundamentals, protein intake, exercise and sleep are concerned. I appreciate the honest and ambitious endeavour of Dr. Kahn to search for the truth as he clearly is someone capable of and constantly is exercising critical thinking with regard to many controversial subjects.  Enjoy the conversation I had with Dr. Kahn!  Learn more about his work on his webpage: Find more about his work on Instagram: Listen to his podcast on Apple Podcasts: Listen to his podcast on Spotify: Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Oct 6, 2022 • 1h 10min

#47 - Bedtime Story (11) - Nutrition and Physical Degeneration - A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets by Weston A. Price - CHAPTER 9 - Isolated and Modernized African Tribes

In  the section "Bedtime Story" I will read a chapter from a book for you which I personally found interesting and find worth sharing with you! Please excuse if I my misspronounce some words, since English is not my first language and I could potentially make mistakes in the pronounciation. Our first book will be "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration - A  Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects by Weston A. Price" and in Episode 11 of the series I immerse myself in Chapter 9 of this great piece of work.  Enjoy listening! Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (including a free PDF-version of this book): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Oct 4, 2022 • 1h 37min

(ENG) #46 - Austin Haedicke - The Mindset of a Warrior: Training, Discipline, Sacrifice as Preconditions for Freedom and Growth

Welcome everyone to Sapien's Playground! I am very pleased to have Austin Haedicke, @savagezen, on my podcast today. He currently holds a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and has also trained within the SPEAR System.  In addition to being a licensed professional counselor in the State of Georgia (#LPC011834), Austin is also a certified nutrition coach with Precision Nutrition (PN1) and an Eagle Scout (2006). He has been practicing and researching a "carnivore" diet since February 2020 (screenshots | data).  In 2012 Austin earned his Master's Degree in Psychology at the University of West Georgia where he was also honored with the Mike Arons Award (named after the department's founder).  As we proceeded in our discussion on Austin's training journey, he told that he used to compete in indoor rock climbing, having amassed hundreds of outdoor pitch ascents,  bouldered V6+ and traditional climbed 5.10c.  Many moons ago Austin also competed in boxing and mixed martial arts. Now, he enjoys coaching  and assisting with law enforcement defensive tactics and civilian  self-defense / preparedness instruction.  He also has a few archived and not well maintained open source projects on GitLab.  Having been an athlete for almost a decade, having gone through multiple injuries, while certainly having also had the chance to celebrate a number of successes over the course of his training career in close combination with his acquired knowledge from his philosophical and psychological studies Austin came to realize a whole bunch of crucial lessons, many of which carry along profound wisdom. In that spirit, we discussed, among many other equally intriguing topics, the necessity for sacrifice and discipline as a precondition for real freedom and genuine growth, what we can learn from children as adults, the mindset of a real warrior, and more. Unfortunately we didn't have sufficient time to chat about Austin's views on diet and other controversial aspects of health, which is another great reason to look forward to having him back a second time!  I learned a lot from having this conversation and I am sure that you will find it equally enlightening. Enjoy listenting! Please share, like and leave a review if you found this helpful! Austin's LinkTree with all important links and information:  Follow Austin @savagezen on Instagram: Learn more on his website: Find me on Insta: More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Sep 24, 2022 • 1h 59min

(GER) #45 - Dr. Gerrit Keferstein @Performance.Doc - Optimale Arzt-Patienten Kommunikation, Atherosklerose und Autoimmunität

Willkommen zurück zu Sapien's Playground! Heute hatte ich erneut ein sehr spannendes Gespräch mit @perfomance.doc Dr. Gerrit Keferstein, welcher nun zum zweiten Mal auf meinem Podcast erscheinen durfte. Dr Keferstein ist Arzt in Hennef (Nähe Bonn) und hat mit seinem Team das MOJO-Institut gegründet, ist Spezialist für funktionelle Medizin und verfolgt einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz bei seiner Arbeit mit Sportlern und anderen Patienten mit diversen chronischen Erkrankungen. Wir haben im heutigen Gespräch ein besonderes Augenmerk gelegt auf richtige Kommunikation mit seinen Patienten als Arzt, insbesondere, wenn man das Ziel der langfristigen Umsetzung von Lifestyle-Interventionen verfolgt. Dieses Gebiet sollte ein Kernpunkt der Behandlung darstellen, wobei die psychologischen und kommunikativen Aspekte, so zentral sie auch sind, oftmals im Medizinstudium vernachlässigt werden.  Zum Ende hin diskutieren wir noch die Entsehung von Atherosklerose, sowie Ursachen und Behandlungsansätze bei Autoimmunerkrankungen.   Ich wünsche viel Spaß beim zuhören! Hauptmessage von Gerrit: Mehr Lebendigkeit ins Leben bringen, weniger Frust, Hass und Negativität. Die Webpage des MOJO Instituts: Mehr über Dr. Gerrit Keferstein: Folgt @performance.doc und dem Mojo-Institut auf Instagram: Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Sep 13, 2022 • 26min

#44 - Bedtime Story (10) - Nutrition and Physical Degeneration - A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets by Weston A. Price - CHAPTER 8 - Isolated and Modernized Polynesians

In  the section "Bedtime Story" I will read a chapter from a book for you which I personally found interesting and find worth sharing with you! Please excuse if I my misspronounce some words, since English is not my first language and I could potentially make mistakes in the pronounciation. Our first book will be "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration - A  Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects by Weston A. Price" and in Episode 10 of the series I immerse myself in Chapter 8 of this great piece of work.  Enjoy listening! Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (including a free PDF-version of this book): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts:
Sep 6, 2022 • 35min

(ENG) #43 - Essay #4 - Political Division Investigated by Maxim Pruchnewski

Hello everyone! Today it's me, Maxim Pruchnewski, recording an audio version of an essay I wrote very recently exploring and delineating the reasons and potentially tenable and tangible solutions for the fundamental problem of political division as such. I see it as a problem that keeps growing in severity and increasingly takes overhand of society, manifesting itself on a broad societal scale on virtually all levels.  Feel free to share this around because I wholeheartedly hope  that this will reach many people and make them at least look at this issue with a critical eye. There are things we absolutely have to apprehend, otherwise they are doomed to go haywire. This shall not further divide us and perpetuate the hatred, suffering and malevolence. Truth, honest speech and approaching people with a spirit of appreciation of their inherent individual sovereignty and dignity are the antidotes to this predicament. Much Peace and Love, Maxim Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Aug 16, 2022 • 1h 42min

(ENG) - #42 - Sergio DiPasquale - Reviewing His Recent Competition, How He Became an Endurance-Calisthenics Beast and Future Goals

Welcome back everybody to another conversation here on Sapien’s  Playground!  I had the great pleasure of speaking, for a second time now, with one my  greatest sources of inspiration, endurance calisthenics athlete, one of  the very strongest in this field, and a good friend of mine – Sergio  DiPasquale  @Sergio Di Pasquale AKA NewEra  .  I was particularly curious about his most recent competition in Italy  where he participated in the “True Endurance – Elite” category and  received the winner’s title by a huge margin. We chatted about his  training approach he used to optimally prepare himself for the battle,  Sergio shared the insights he gained and lessons he learned from the  event and also, we had a nice philosophical discussion regarding the  underlying foundational idea which the training process is grounded in  and which, in turn, manifests certain patterns of behavior, like the  desire to workout or to gather in a group of lik-minded individuals to  compete against each other. Please make sure to listen to the first conversation we had some time  go, not least because it was just as fascinating and insightful but also  to be better able to follow our conversation today, especially when we  start entering the religious/philosophical realm.  That all said, enjoy  listening to the episode with Sergio DiPasquale!    Follow Sergio on Instagram: Sergio's YouTube Channel: His Facebook-Account: Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Aug 11, 2022 • 1h 23min

(GER) #41 - Das Individuum und das Kollektiv, The Great Reset und Aufbauen einer besseren Zukunft mit Aron aka @DerFriedvolleKrieger

Herzlich willkommen zusammen zu einer weiteren Folge bei Sapien's Playground! Diese Episode wurde aufgenommen am 28.07.2022. Heute hatte ich die große Freude, mich mit Aron zusammenzusetzen und über die letzten zwei Jahre sowie die Zukunft zu philosophieren. Ihr kennt Aron womöglich unter dem Namen "Der Friedvolle Krieger" in den sozialen Medien, wo er überwiegend auf Instagram, YouTube und TikTok hochwertigen und höchstinteressanten Content produziert zu allerlei gesellschaftspolitischen, sozialen und sozioökonomischen Themen, die zurzeit sehr aktuell sind.  In unserem Gespräch ging es über genau solche Konzepte und wir diskutierten vielerlei kontroverse Ideen, wobei es uns jedes Mal wichtig war hervorzuheben, dass es dringenden Diskussions- und Gesprächsbedarf bei all diesen Themen gibt und, dass die Cancel Culture nicht nur potenziell viel mehr Schaden anrichtet, als wir vorausschauen können, sondern sich auch in jeder Hinsicht kontraproduktiv auf die weitere Entwicklung unserer Gesellschaft auswirkt. Wir untersuchten das Konzept des Individuums und seine Einbettung im Kollektiv mit Hinblick auf eine bessere Zukunft, welche sich aufbauen ließe, wenn man gemeinsam die richtigen Entscheidung treffe würde. Zudem blickten wir zurück auf die letzten zwei Corona Jahre und was sich davon mitnehmen lässt, was denn The Great Reset überhaupt bedeutet und welche Rolle wir alle in der Gesellschaft dabei spielen. Ich hatte große Freude, mit Aron über all diese Themen zu diskutieren und hoffe daher sehr, dass es auch für Euch etwas interessantes mitzunehmen gibt!  Viel Spaß beim Reinhören!  Schaut euch seinen YouTube Kanal an: Aron @DerFriedvolleKrieger auf Instagram: Sein Zweitkanal auf Instagram: Aron auf TikTok: Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Aug 2, 2022 • 1h 46min

(ENG) #40 - What Leads to Insulin Resistance and How You Can Fix It with Moritz Schäfer @MoMagnon

Welcome back, everyone, to Sapien's Playground.  Today I have the pleasure to be talking to Moritz Schäfer, or @MoMagnon on Instagram, who's a quite unusually knowledgeable certified nutrition coach from Germany who's truly interested in understanding how the body actually functions and how we can better create a sophisticated idea and understanding about the root causes and subsequent pathophysiologies of certain chronic diseases, particularly insulin resistance. It still seems to be a dark mystery where the doctors and scientists do not really have a rock solid conception of its pathophysiology, nor is anyone able to explain how lifestyle plays into the process without running into contradictions or other conflicting theories. So, essentially that's what we were trying to sort out with Moritz today. My aim was to provide one framework that you could apply when considering the causes of insulin resistance, when thinking about its development and, ultimately and hopefully, finding a way of rectifying the broken system. The conversation might have become quite technical at certain moments, especially when we were talking and taking a look at the Randall cycle. But hopefully this episode will be helpful to provide you with a basic understanding of what exactly doesn't work properly in the body when becoming insulin resistant and what precisely you could maybe try or even should do if your goal is to make your body healthier again. Because there are certain things which are undisputably going to help you to achieve this.  Enjoy listening!  MoMagnon's Webpage: Support Him on Patreon: Find Him on Instagram: Check Out His Book "The Stretchmark Secret": Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.

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