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Sapien's Playground - Medicine, Psychology, Truth Seeking and Fascinating Experiences

Latest episodes

Feb 9, 2023 • 1h 24min

(РУС) - #59 - Анастасия про свою страсть в спорте - По пути, чтобы стать самой сильной женщиной в сфере калистеники

Здравствуйте всем!  Сегодня вы услышите, что такое настоящая страсть в спорте. Вы услышите человека, который горит тем, чем занимается и упорно движется по направлению к целям. Мне было искренне приятно поговорить сегодня с Анастасией, услышать её историю, исследовать причины, которые её вдохновили заниматься калистеникой и которые продолжает её вдохновлять. Мы побеседовали о женских атлетах в сфере калистеники, о диспицлине, о её питании, травмах и дальнейших целях.  Уверен, что вам будет полезно послушать! Подписывайтесь к Анастасии на Инстаграм: Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (including a free PDF-version of this book): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Jan 31, 2023 • 49min

#58 - Bedtime Story (12) - Nutrition and Physical Degeneration - A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets by Weston A. Price - CHAPTER 10 - Isolated and Modernized Australian Aborigines

In  the section "Bedtime Story" I will read a chapter from a book for you which I personally found interesting and find worth sharing with you! Please excuse if I my misspronounce some words, since English is not my first language and I could potentially make mistakes in the pronounciation. Our first book will be "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration - A  Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects by Weston A. Price" and in Episode 12 of the series I immerse myself in Chapter 10 of this great piece of work.  Enjoy listening! Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (including a free PDF-version of this book): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Jan 20, 2023 • 1h 31min

(ENG) #57 - Nick Capolino - Masculinity and Femininity, Family, Realtionships and Love, Discovering Our Deepest Values and Dealing With Suffering In Life

Dear all, welcome back to this episode on Sapien's Playground.  This episode is a special one, not just because I have my friend Nick Capolino on the show but because we get to delve into some crucial issues that concern every single one of us on a daily basis and on several layers of analysis. We had a fascinating discussion about the interplay and relationship between masculinity and femininity, the journey towards the discovery of our most profound core values, that certainly include the desire to build and maintain great relationships within the family. Neither last, not least, we gave some actionable advice on how to confront difficult situations in life, exchanged some thoughts on the proper way to conduct oneself in the face of suffering and came to conclusions that might be of interest and value to everyone who is listening!  Enjoy listening to my conversation with Nick!  Find Nick on Instagram: Nick is also on TikTok: Check out more on Nick's LinkTree: Find me on Instagram: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Jan 10, 2023 • 1h 49min

(ENG) #56 - Nicolas Verhoeven from Physionic - The Underlying Biochemistry of Type 2 Diabetes, NAFLD Fatty Liver Disease and Fatty Acid Consumption (SFAs, PUFAs, MUFAs)

Hello everyone and a happy new year! Welcome back to my podcast Sapien's Playground! I am really excited today to have Nicolas Verhoeven from Physionic on the show and to get really granular and technical while discussing the biochemical and physiological pathways that underly Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Fatty Liver Disease, as well as the effect of dietary fatty acid composition on insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular health.  Nick is a Doctorate Student in Molecular Medicine / Cell & Molecular Physiology and has been interested in Cell & Molecular Biology Research for over 6 years. Moreover, he owns a Master in Exercise Physiology and is a ACSM Certified Personal Trainer. You can find more information about him and his work on his webpage, as well as on his YouTube Channel which I would highly recommend checking out, if you are willing and ready to upgrade your level of understanding and nuance in the realm of science and the comprehension of scientific papers.  Enjoy listening to our conversation and share this, if you found it useful and interesting!  Nick's webpage: Physionic on YouTube: Physionic on Instagram: Find me on Instagram: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Dec 31, 2022 • 1h 18min

(ENG) #55 - NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL - My Conversation with Dr. Sean O'Mara - The Dangers of Excess Visceral Fat and Measures to Ameliorate Chronic Health Conditions

Dear all, I wish everyone a wonderful New Year's Eve and a powerful start into 2023! May this year encourage you to take greater responsibility for your health first and foremost, may you come to the realization that you are literally the only one who must take it into your own hands.  By that same token, I hope that this special episode I had with Dr. Sean O'Mara will be of some value in guiding you on your journey towards a healthier life. We discussed his work in depth and touched on some of the explanations on why particularly visceral adipose fat seems to be so ruthlessly associated with chronic disease of any kind, insulin resistance and heart disease being the most crucial ones nowadays.  Enjoy listening to this episode on Sapien's Playground where I continue to learn from the greatest, extract wisdom from those who are wiser than me. Accept your ignorance, open your mind to become amenable to growth and always assume that the person you are talking and listening to might tell you something you don't know yet.  I wish a blessed 2023 to you and your families!  Find Dr. Sean O'Mara on Insta: Dr. Sean O'Mara's Webpage: Find me on Instagram: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Dec 20, 2022 • 2h 28min

(GER) #54 Julia @Metabolic.Med.Student – Zwei Charité Medizinstudenten diskutieren über Medizinstudium, traditionelle Ernährung, Weston Price, Atherosklerose und Probleme in der Patientenversorgung

Liebe Freunde, liebe Zuhörer! Vielen Dank, dass ihr zu einer neuen Folge dazugeschaltet habt! Heute hatte ich die Freude, mich mit Julia über ein breites Spektrum an Themen zu unterhalten, Ernährung, Weston Price und unsere Erfahrungen aus dem Medizinstudium mit eingeschlossen. Julia ist ebenfalls Medizinstudentin an der Charité, jedoch schon im sogenannten Praktischen Jahr, also der letzte Schritt vor der Facharztausbildung. Es war äußerst spannend, uns darüber auszutauschen, wie ein wesentlicher Teil dessen, was im Medizinstudium beigebracht wird, nicht mit unseren Schlussfolgerungen übereinstimmt. Unter anderem gab es die Diskussionspunkte: Sonne, traditionelle Ernährung, Cholesterin, Versorgung von Diabetespatienten, Natur und Stress und noch viele weitere spannende Bereiche der Lifestyle-Medizin. Zwar ist die Folge etwas lang geraten, dafür ist sie voll mit wertvollen Infos, die für viele hoffentlich einen Mehrwert darstellen werden! Viel Freude beim Reinhören! Folgt Julia auf Instagram @Metabolic.Med.Student: Find me on Instagram: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Dec 7, 2022 • 1h 38min

(ENG) #53 - Gabor Erdosi - The Immunological Aspects of Insulin Resistance and Visceral Adipose Tisue

Dear listener, Welcome back to a new episode! I am delighted to have with me today Gabor Erdosi from Hungary, a food scientist with a master's in molecular biology and a particular interest in the development of chronic disease from a molecular and immunological perspective. His views on insulin resistance were particularly interesting not least because his unique explanations seemed coherent and evolutionarily consistent but also because Gabor was the first of the guests so far who was able to elaborate on the evolutionary origin and "function" of visceral adipose tissue.  Enjoy listening to the episode and make sure to share it around in case you have found it helpful! Find Gabor Erdosi on Twitter: He offers consultations on meterbolic:  Find me on Instagram: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Nov 28, 2022 • 1h 43min

(РУС) #52 - Денис Виталиев - Физкультура и калистеника для физичезкого и духовного развития

Привет всем и добро пожаловать на новый эпизод на подкасте Sapien's Playground. Сегодня у меня была замечательная возможность побеседовать с моим хорошем другом Денисом Виталиевым. Денис имеет 20-летний опыт работы в качестве тренера по тренировкам с собственным весом тела. Изначально он был гимнастом, но последнее десятилетие активно стал продвигать искусство акробатики и гимнастики работая тренером, устраивая расличные мироприятия в Берлине.  В этой эпизоде вы узнаете больше про жизнь Дениса, про его спортивную карьеру, как занятия спортом сделали из него более мудрого человека и как каждый из вас в силах использовать силовые упражнения в качестве невероятно мощного инструмента в процессе духовного развития. Спасибо вам за поддержку и желаю всем приятного прослушывания! Тренировки с Денисом: Денис Виталиев в Инстаграме: Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.  
Nov 13, 2022 • 1h 38min

(ENG) #51 - A Discussion with Katja Bui - Feminism, Liberalism and Conservatism

Hello everyone!  Today, I had the great pleasure to sit down in Berlin with a friend of mine, Katja Bui, originally from Ukraine, lived in Germany for the majority of the time and graduated from the same high school as I did. Katja has been interested in politics since mid-school an stood out in class due to her rather unpopular and conservative views on a wide array of sociopolitical questions. We had a great, very friendly and respectful discussion about fairly heated and controversial subjects, like the origins and development of the feminist movement, abortion, as well as liberalism and conservatism, their core propositions and ramifications on a broader political and societal level. You will hear us agree on some things and disagree on others, however, that is undoubtedly part of the discourse which ought to be encouraged in order for society to move forward. Our aim was definitely not to please everyone, our lack of endeavor to be politically correct is therefore an inevitable consequence of trying to to establish common ground and come closer to what is correct and true on as many levels of analysis as possible.  I genuinely hope, that you will appreciate this conversation and perhaps you also will be able to extract some value in the notions we discuss, the arguments we exchange and the opened questions we leave unanswered. Enjoy listening to this episode!  Follow Katja on Instagram: Check out her YouTube Channel: Katja has her own blog: Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.
Nov 1, 2022 • 1h 31min

(GER) #50 - Dr. Ralph G. Schoelhammer - Katastrophale deutsche Energiepolitik, Bauernaufstände auf der ganzen Welt und die Bedeutung von offenem Diskurs und Redefreiheit

Herzlich wilkommen zu einer ganz besonderen Episode, wo ich die große Freude und Ehre hatte, mir mit Dr. Ralph G. Schoelhammer einige wahnsinnig spannende, wichtige, aber auch kontroverse Themen vorzuknüpfen und sehr relevante Fragen zu klären, insbesondere auf Ebene der Energiepolitik, Sozioökonomie und Philosophie.  Nach seinem Doktorat in Politischer Theorie an der University of Kentucky ist Ralph seit 2015 an der Webster University Vienna tätig. Seine Forschung konzentriert sich hauptsächlich auf kulturelle Faktoren der Identitätsbildung und darauf, wie Identitäten den sozialen Zusammenhalt beeinflussen. Dr. Ralph Schoelhammer beteilige sich häufig an öffentlichen Debatten und hat Beiträge in allen großen österreichischen Zeitungen, aber auch in internationalen Publikationen wie der Jerusalem Post, dem Washington Examiner oder dem American Spectator veröffentlicht. Neben seiner akademischen Arbeit ist es Ralph eine besondere Freude und Ehre, sein Fachwissen über die aktuelle US-Politik und das Weltgeschehen für nationale und internationale Fernsehsender wie Sky News Australia und The Hill TV zur Verfügung zu stellen. Heute ging es insbesondere um die derzeitige Energiepolitik, die in ganz Europa, aber auch in den U.S. immer weiter durchgesetzt wird und die katastrophalen Folgen jener Politik, die sich auf sozialer Ebene durch Bauernaufstände und Trucker-Convoys in zahlreichen Ländern bemerkbar machen. Zudem unterstreichen wir die Bedeutung von offenem Diskurs und absoluter Redefreiheit als Voraussetzung dafür, um auf sozialer, politischer und ökomischer Ebene auch zukünftlich voranzukommen. Bitte teilt diesen Podcast, um diese wichtige Nachricht zu verbreiten! Ich hoffe, dass ihr dieses Gespräch ebenso aufschlussreich fandet wie ich. Über jegliches Feedback würde ich mich sehr freuen! Alle seine journalistischen Arbeiten sind auf seiner Website zu finden: Ebenefalls hat Dr. Schoelhammer einen eigenen Podcast: Folgt Dr. Ralph Schoelhammer auf Instagram: Ralph Schoelhammers Twitter Account: Find me on Insta: Find me on Twitter:  More free stuff (books, videos and PDFs): Sapiens Playground on YouTube: Listen to Sapiens Playground on Spotify: Listen on Apple Podcasts: You can text me at for podcast inquiries or any questions you have.

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