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Aug 14, 2020 • 1h 35min

The Ultimate EMF Episode! Community Q&A Solo Show: 5G, Cell Towers, WiFi Hacks & More #298

EMFs are one of the greatest threats to public health in the modern world, and it’s the topic I’ve received the most questions about on Instagram and in The Life Stylist Podcast Facebook Group. So I decided to dedicate this whole episode to addressing your questions, the potential health issues related to EMFs, and what you can do to mitigate them.My passion for learning about EMF exposure and mitigation is two decades in the making, born in earnest after three years of radiation sickness caused by living directly under two cell towers in a Los Angeles apartment. Despite my many years of deep commitment to health and nutrition, my life became almost unbearable during this period due to the high EMF levels in my home.I honestly believe that EMF and non-native blue light exposure is as toxic and damaging as a junk food diet. But if you’re going to put all that effort and money into eating right — excluding GMO's, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, MSG, aspartame, other artificial sweeteners, toxic seed oils, trans fats, fried foods, fluoride, etc — and you're not addressing your energetic and light environment, you are missing the key to lasting health and vitality.If you enjoy this episode and want to feast on 5+ hours worth of video content all about EMF, make sure to register for The EMF Home Safety Masterclass, where you will learn in detail about every single source of EMF in your life—and how to fix it—one step at a time.Visit: to enroll now. The entire seven modules, six bonus videos, and 3 PDF downloads, is only $149. The content is offered on-demand, so you can study whenever you want, as often as you want, for as long as you want.10:42 — So what are EMF's? EMF stands for electromagnetic fields or frequencies.  EMF's that naturally occur in the environment—such as solar radiation from the sun and the earth's magnetic field—are universal and supportive of life, generally. The EMFs we're talking about here are known as non-native EMF, created by humans and human-made technology The various types of EMF include:  Radio frequencies or RF (smart meters, cell phones & towers, cordless phones, microwave ovens, bluetooth-enabled devices, X-rays, MRIs, computers, baby monitors, WiFi, aviation radar, motion sensors, radio transmitters, and wireless or “smart” appliances) Electric fields (wiring in buildings, power cables, computers, televisions, light fixtures, wall outlets, and various electronics, especially when plugged in) Magnetic fields (appliances with motors, hairdryers, electric toothbrushes, vibrating sex toys, automobiles, power lines, and faulty wiring in buildings) Dirty electricity (dimmer switches, fluorescent bulbs, faulty wiring, poorly designed or managed power grids, and some appliances and tech devices) Geopathic stress (this is a natural form of EMF that is created by the sun's magnetic field when it meets cracks in the surface of the earth, known as lay lines or fault lines, or underground veins of running water) Blue light (non-native blue light is light outside of the sun's natural spectrum of color, emitting a very narrow range of light, which is disruptive to our circadian biology) Light flicker (junk artificial light produced by LED and fluorescent bulbs, phones, and computers turns on and off too fast to visually interpret, but still damaging to your eyes and brain) Note: Although not technically EMF, I include non-native blue light and light flicker in my EMF mitigation strategy because they are an alien source of biological stress created by modern technology Some proven physical consequences of EMF exposure include: oxidative stress, endocrine (hormones) system disruption, immune system, mineral depletion  (especially magnesium), and the creation of free radicals Some common symptoms of EMF exposure include: sleep disturbances and insomnia, headache, depression and depressive symptoms, tiredness and fatigue, dysesthesia (a painful, often itchy sensation), lack of concentration, changes in memory, dizziness, irritability, loss of appetite and weight loss, restlessness and anxiety, nausea,  skin burning and tingling "Effects of electromagnetic fields exposure on the antioxidant defense system" "Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Organs and Tissues - Assessment of the Possible Health Effects of Ground Wave Emergency Network" The first thing to remember when learning about EMF is the power of thought. Fear and negativity put a strain on your nervous system, and living in a state of adrenalized paranoia are probably as bad as EMF exposure itself. So the key is to educate yourself and take reasonable steps to limit your EMF exposure little by little over time.  My advice is to use positive intentions and prayer whenever you find yourself falling into a fear trap around EMF exposure. When you see a cell tower, for example, use the inner affirmation: "I am an infinite being of consciousness. No harm can come to me. I am pure energy, temporarily using a body as a vehicle. I love myself, God loves me, I am safe, and I am protected."   23:19 — Chad asks: What's your favorite/best full-body EMF-protection clothing? Any cost-effective hacks for getting a safe sleep space? I signed up for Luke's EMF course when it comes out! It's already out! And you can find it at Avoid fear, meditate daily Get a home assessment by a building biologist like Brian Hoyer Lambs, No Choice, and Shield for EMF clothing Move away from high-density populations Use to find nearby cell towers Supplementing with Vital Reaction Hydrogen, 360 Health's C-60 (Carbon-60), and Magnesium Breakthrough are potent ways to reduce the cellular damage caused by EMFs For your brain do HBOT, Neurofeedback, and/or a Quicksilver Scientific Black Box heavy metals detox.  26:30 — Sheridan asks: Is there a low EMF iPad cover for a toddler? I'm pregnant with twins and my energy to entertain in this season is very low! Get the Defender Shield pregnancy belly blanket. Wear it as often as possible Use the Defender Shield pregnancy belly blanket to protect kids from RF once they're born, and for now, keep it over your belly as often as possible Use a Hara Pad or Defender Shield laptop pad whenever it's in your lap, but it’s better to use on a desk when possible Defender Shield also makes great iPad covers  29:46 — Cliff asks: What are your thoughts on low-EMF cooking? A gas stove is best. Remove your microwave oven, and if you can't remove it, at least unplug it. The only thing they're suitable for is storing your phone and devices, as microwaves are faraday cages—meaning they block radiation.  Don't use overhead fluorescent tube lights on stove hoods, as they are high EMF and usually cause additional dirty electricity. If you don't have a gas line into the house, replace your electric stove with a propane-fueled gas stove if you can afford it. Many rural homes run on propane, which is more expensive than natural gas, but unless you're heating a pool, it won't make much difference in monthly expenses. Toaster ovens are safe as long as you keep your distance while they're on. They emit a strong electric field, as do all space heaters.   31:18 — Jamie Asks: How do you rank the lesser of EMF evils for iPhone: iPhone on speakerphone holding in hand, iPhone with wired headset, or iPhone with bluetooth earbuds Here are your cell phone options from best to worst: No matter how you are using your phone, always keep it in a Defender Shield case, and once you've dialed or answered, close the case to block radiation coming from the front of the phone. If there is WiFi available, keep your phone on airplane mode, deactivating cellular service and Bluetooth. Then use WIFI to make calls. This way, you're not pinging local cell towers with your phone's antenna and radiating yourself with added RF from the Bluetooth. If you must use cell service, use Air Buds by Defender Shield. These are safer than regular wired headsets, as they do not carry EMF to your ears. Keep your phone as far away from you as possible while using it. Next best is using speakerphone with your phone away from your body, with the Defender Shield case closed. The second worst way to make calls is using wireless Bluetooth earbuds. This radiates your brain.  The very worst way to use your phone is by holding it to your head. I would personally never put Bluetooth or phone near my head unless it was an absolute emergency.  34:07 — Joe asks: How do you guys feel about EMF-blocking phone cases like Defender Shield? Phone cases like the one Defender Shield makes are exceptional, but keep in mind they only prevent radiation coming from the face of your phone, so it's still a good idea to keep your phone as far away from your body as possible while using it. Based on my research, Defender Shield makes the best case.  34:55 — Kristina asks: Is EMF like radiation to a certain extent where you could take things like modified citrus pectin or apple pectin to detox your intestines to the effects—of course also using Blushield as well—or is it completely different? The radiation from nuclear waste, radiated food products, X-rays, etc. is 'Ionizing Radiation’—the worst kind.  EMF radiation is 'Non-Ionizing Radiation.' So yes, activated charcoal, bentonite clay, apple pectin, and the various binders can bind radioactive isotopes in your GI tract and remove them.  Still, they will not affect radiation in the air, like the type we've discussed here.  36:44 — Joe asks: What does it feel like in your body to be around EMF? It depends on each person's nervous system response. People who've experienced a lot of trauma tend to have limbic system damage, which results in higher sensitivity.  Duration and proximity have a massive effect on how your body responds to exposure as well. When I'm exposed to high-level EMF—like in modern automobiles, near cell towers, or high powered WiFi—my symptoms include: ringing ears, brain fog, extreme fatigue/grogginess, and insomnia followed by morning headaches.  38:38 — Kelly asks: What do you do when it feels like there isn’t enough you can do to protect yourself and your family? It can be challenging to wade through science and use discernment when knowing who to trust in terms of recommendations. It's also much more challenging to reduce EMF in your home if the family is not on board.  The first thing to do is hire a building biologist like Brian Hoyer. The guesswork is draining. Plus, you might find that your home is not as bad as you had guessed. Of course, sometimes it's much worse. But at least you have a starting point. If your family can see and hear the EMF meters in action, it will likely get them on board more than they are. Seeing is believing, as they say. I would add a harmonizing device like Somavedic or Blushield to the house. No one even needs to know you installed it, and they will still benefit. They won't block EMF, but they help create a more harmonious energy field in the home.  Then, as always, do your best to keep WiFi off at night when people are sleeping.   48:38 — Sarah asks: I can't sleep on my metal coil mattress anymore without tossing and turning over the microwave of EMF conductive frequencies. I'm looking to get fancy bedding free of metal, but I'm sleeping on an air mattress until then. Anyone with similar bedding hacks? This makes perfect sense, as metal coils in mattresses do turn your entire bed into a massive EMF antenna. I did a solo show all about healthy mattresses in Episode 236. The organic or healthy mattress marketing is so confusing and competitive, much like the sauna industry. I still have a Casper and it's fine for me now as it's not incredibly toxic and is comfortable. The ChiliPAD makes sleep amazing. Rather than spend thousands on a super deluxe mattress, I would invest in Magetico Sleep Pads, which creates a natural, Earth-like magnetic field with incredible health benefits. I've been sleeping on one for ten years. They are not cheap, but you only buy them once in a lifetime.  Here are a few mattress brands I've looked into: Avocado mattresses have metal coils. Essentia is one of the best, but expensive. Saatva Zenhaven54:20 — Quinton asks: PSA: check your building & surroundings for cell towers. I just discovered this disaster of an EMF nightmare right above my apt. (Been living here five years) I've been there. It truly is a nightmare to discover you are living near a cell tower—a rude awakening. Use to locate towers near any US address before moving or working...
Aug 11, 2020 • 1h 38min

Unnatural: The Hidden Costs Of Wireless Technology & EMF Pollution W/ Jaymie Icke 297

Jaymie Icke is the founder of Ickonic Media Group, an alternative media channel producing films, series, podcasts, and more. He’s also the director of a new film called “Unnatural” that examines the connections between cancer and electromagnetic technology, as well as the increased use of social media and cell phones as they pertain to mental health. Our conversation centers on the worldwide effect of electrosmog, or EMF pollution, in the environment around the world, in addition to the political implications of telecommunications companies lacking safety testing for various infrastructures and technologies. We’ve talked about the health implications of EMFs before, but this is the first time we’ve zoomed in to look at the global effect of EMFs, socially and politically. Many of you will recognize the name Icke from our recent episode with Jaymie’s father, David Icke. Jaymie shares what it was like growing up with David Icke, if any of his dad’s theories were too out there for him, and if it was tough to see the ridicule his dad faced by the media and online trolls. We also discuss why they started Ickonic in the first place and what each of us can do to circumvent and prevent censorship, one of the greatest threats to our democracy, and the concerns around lack of privacy and surveillance that come along with 5G technology. We must choose awareness over fear, so take the information in so you can be more aware—but try to stay relaxed, have fun, and enjoy life.   12:17 — Growing up as the son of David Icke Having the attitude of questioning everything and believing what is right for you regardless of the authority Seeing the work David is doing in the world and working together closely The surreal experience of seeing your dad walk out into a crowd of 3000 people Viewing his childhood as a free education Enduring bullying or ridicule due to his fathers’ ideas What was tough at the moment became a gift The great thinkers who were ahead of their time but weren’t appreciated until their predictions were proven true The ideas of David Icke that were too out there How little we know about what there is to know about reality The common stories between separate ancient cultures   26:15 — The idea and inspiration behind creating the alternative content platform Ickonic If the mainstream media were doing their job, all the corruption in the world should have been exposed People wanting more substance from their media How the media has an allegiance to who pays them, creating a conflict of interest Finding a balance of production and credibility The looming threat of censorship The barrier of entry when it comes to quality   36:49 — All about “Unnatural” Exposing the dangerous technologies that we already use The decade-long explosion of radiation exposure and the lack of evidence pointing to its safety The evidence pointing to how unsafe exposure to EMF is for us The rising rate of cancers, brain tumors, and birth defects since cell phones became widespread EMF being listed as a type-2 carcinogen The mental health epidemic we are going to face The government conspiracy prioritizing profits over safety   54:20 — The danger of current technologies compared to what’s coming The difference between millimeter waves and microwaves Why no countries have done any research on the safety of these newer technologies The difficulties in proving the health problems ourselves How we can fight back   01:03:17 — The deeper motives behind mass surveillance Surveillance leads to massive profits The potential to misuse people’s data The potential future with brain implants and virtual reality The unhealthy relationship between humans and technology The monetary value of data The dangers to democracy caused by surveillance   01:14:28 — How people can mobilize and build awareness Petitioning to block 5G in your town Boycott the technology and realize your own power Educate yourself and become aware Watch “Unnatural” and ask questions   More about this episode. Watch it on YouTube.   JOIN MY NEW ONLINE EMF HOME SAFETY MASTERCLASS! Visit to join. Only $149! Are you aware of the dangers of EMF exposure in your home, but have no idea where to start when it comes to finding, and fixing them?  Are you concerned about your exposure to the current 3G, 4G, and 5G wireless networks now activated in most major cities? Have you attempted to test the levels yourself using EMF meters you found online and ended up confused and frustrated? EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) are one of the most toxic elements in our living and work environments. Due to the technical nature of accurately testing for them—and the training required to do so properly—many of us resign ourselves to the fact that we just have to accept them and the consequences they bring in order to use the modern technology we depend on. But you don’t have to. In this seven-part video documentary series, you will follow world-renowned building biologist Brian Hoyer as he tests an entire home, room by room, to determine the source and level of every known type of EMF. By the end of this series, you will not only be thoroughly educated on the various types and sources of EMF commonly found in homes but also of the many mitigation tools and techniques available thanks to the cutting-edge technologies. Visit to join. Only $149!   Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE - THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: BEEKEEPER'S NATURALS. Superfoods from the hive - amazing! Beekeeper’s Naturals brings you the highest quality products from the hive and nurture a greater awareness for saving our bees! That is why their all-natural health-boosting products are made with the purest ingredients from sustainable apiaries full of healthy bees. Each of their products has been rigorously tested to meet the highest potency standards. Use code “LIFESTYLIST” for 15% off at   AND...   JUST THRIVE. Imagine this: a probiotic that actually does what it is supposed to do! I’ve tried so many different supplements, and when you find the right one — the one that really works — it’s like winning the lottery. So I was psyched when I tried Just Thrive Probiotic, the first and only spore-based probiotics and antioxidants. Their products have been the subject of groundbreaking clinical studies and demonstrated incomparable effects on the gut, even healing leaky gut. It’s super simple and it just works. You can use code ‘luke15’ for 15% off at   AND…   JOOVV. I learned through this podcast just how important natural light is for your body and your health, and there’s a reason Joov is the #1 red light therapy brand in the world: their devices are sleek, powerful, FDA-cleared, and come in a variety of sizes to fit your lifestyle. It’s actually the single easiest health intervention I do and it has some of the biggest results. Plus, new research is showing that red light therapy is great for regulating womens’ hormone health, and I know it’s done great things for my testosterone levels. If you are ready to get your own Joovv device plus a FREE gift, head over to HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? You’ll really love Luke’s Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW.   Other ways to support:  SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals   Resources Ickonic on Instagram: Jaymie on Instagram:   Related Shows Episode 286: Universal Love Vs. Lockdown Lunacy: A Worldwide Wake-up Call W/ David Icke Episode 157: Tech Dream Or EMF Nightmare? How Your Cell Phone & Wifi Are Trying To Kill You (And How To Stop It) With Brian Hoyer Episode 269: EMF Solutions! How To Mitigate Cell Phone, Wifi, & Computer Radiation Dangers With Daniel Debaun Episode 198: Next Level EMF Protection: Harmonizing With Scalar Waves Feat. Mark Langdon Episode 191: The 5G EMF Apocalypse And Why Health Food Won’t Save You With Dr. Jack Kruse Episode 273: Solving The  Wuhan-5G  COVID-19 Mystery  W/ Dr. Thomas Cowan Episode 276: Plandemic Power Play: Challenging The Media & Big Pharma Virus Narrative
Aug 4, 2020 • 2h 31min

Why You Can't Beat Meat: The Ultimate Carnivore Diet Guide W/ Dr. Paul Saladino 296

There are a lot of diets out there — a LOT — and most of them inevitably disappear into obscurity after a few months or years because they are just coordinated marketing efforts capitalizing on a fad.  So, how do we truly find what kind of diet works best for our bodies, as individuals and a species? I like to look to our biology and our history for clues. That’s why I sat down with Dr. Paul Saladino, who is the leading authority on the science and application of the carnivore diet. He’s also the host of the popular Fundamental Health podcast and author of the best-selling book “The Carnivore Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Optimal Health by Returning to Our Ancestral Die.”  He’s used this diet to reverse auto-immune issues, chronic inflammation, and mental health issues in hundreds of patients, many of whom were told their conditions were untreatable. He’s a fantastic wealth of information and everything he shares in this episode — as outlandish or contradictory to “conventional wisdom” as some of it might sound — is backed up by science. I know this is going to be controversial for some people, but I urge you to listen and do a little research before you react.   09:22 — “The Carnivore Code” & what humans should be eating for optimal health Why we have to evaluate the relative value of plant and animal foods What are the most valuable foods for humans? What do we consider being healthy that is not very healthy? Debunking the myths around red meat   13:54 —  Moving from a plant-based diet to a predominately animal-based diet We don’t need to identify who we are by what we eat You have the freedom to make the diet choices that are best for your health The need for meat is written into our genes Food is the biggest lever for manipulating your health; food is medicine Understanding the root cause of health issues The psychological benefits of an all-meat diet   26:53 — Has there ever been a truly vegan population of humans on the planet in our history? There has not been a vegan population as far as we know We have also not had a fully carnivorous population, but many have been much closer There are nutrients found in animal foods that do not exist in plants—but the inverse is not true Why meat should have labels sharing their benefits   32:35 — Debunking myths around meat Why the “blue zones” hypothesis is shoddy science What gets left out of this research How longevity is based on genetics The religious bias in this research How companies seek to “chemically castrate” us by cutting off our access to testosterone-producing foods. The correlation between blue zones and abstinence from tobacco and alcohol Lower motility and sperm quality amongst vegans and vegetarians—even in blue zones   49:16 — Why plants suck for your health Animal foods are incorrectly and unjustly vilified based on crappy science Plants don’t want to be eaten, and they develop toxins to defend against that Eliminating the most toxic plants for optimal health There’s a broader spectrum of factors affecting humans than we are aware of and it’s important to consider that when looking at your health Why seeds are harmful to humans Polyphenols are not native to the human body… so why would those be good for us? Taking redundant plant molecules while ignoring the side effects Differentiating between molecular hormesis and environmental hormesis (also, what’s hormesis?) Why Paul doesn’t eat black pepper How you can get all of the benefits from plant-based foods without any of the side effects Why fruit is so much better for the human body than vegetables The top 10 most inflammatory or problematic plants   01:30:07 — Foods to avoid and foods to supplement on an all-meat diet Eliminating all polyunsaturated vegetable oils from your diet For or against omega-3’s and fish oil Getting enough Vitamin C Eating rare or medium-rare meat and raw organs   01:47:57 — Eating the animal “nose to tail” The values of eating animal organs Eating or using the entire animal nose-to-tail out of respect If you are not eating liver or heart, you are going to be riboflavin-deficient The peptides available in organs Getting organ benefits from supplements Adjusting your palate to the taste of organ meat Taking liver shooters   01:58:44 —The difference between land-raised animals and seafood Grass-fed beef liver vs. oysters The heavy metal density of seafood Comparing water quality to smog level The arguments against fish Fish should not be the mainstay of your diet   02:05:24 — The environmental impact of animal farms compared to vegetable farms Check out "Sacred Cow" The interest in regenerative agriculture Why the quality of soil is paramount Putting animals back on the same land as plants regenerates the soil Scaling regenerative farming Cows are carbon-negative, so how do they contribute to greenhouse gases? Soil carbon could be the single differentiator whether humans are on this planet in a thousand years   02:13:22 —Lightning Round Q&A If you have severe acid reflux, what meats are usually best? Which plant foods are least harmful should you run out of meat while traveling? What do you think of “high meat,” rotten, fermented meat? Does coffee do anything to your mouth’s microbiome while on a carnivore diet to make it too acidic? How do you lose weight on the carnivore diet? Would you do a podcast with Danny Roddy about Ray Peat’s work? Your thoughts on kombucha? What do you use for soap and moisturizer? Does carnivore resolve depression for everyone?   More about this episode. Watch it on YouTube.   Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE - THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: BLUBLOX. BLUblox offers a complete range of evidence-backed blue light blocking glasses to suit every need (and, as a rad bonus, you won’t look like a tool while you’re wearing them). Plus, they even do prescription and reading glasses now, as well as an epic send-your-own frame service, both using the same world-renowned blue light blocking lenses. I’ve also been digging their new REMedy Sleep Mask, which blocks out 100% of the light around you while you’re sleeping. And it’s not just great for better sleep — it can also be used for meditation, deep touch pressure therapy, air travel, and migraine relief! You can get all of this epicness and more by using the code LIFESTYLIST for 15% off at   AND...   MAGNESIUM BREAKTHROUGH. Magnesium is the body's master mineral, responsible for over 300 critical reactions in the human body. But there are two big problems: Magnesium has been largely missing from the U S soil since the 1950s, which explains why it's estimated that up to 80% of the population may be deficient, and most supplements contain only one or two forms of magnesium, while your body benefits from at least seven different forms of the mineral. The good news is that, when you do get all seven critical forms of magnesium, pretty much every function in your body gets upgraded — and all you need to do that is Magnesium Breakthrough from my buddies over at BiOptimizers. I've taken every magnesium on the market that I've ever heard of and I think Magnesium Breakthrough is by far the most complete magnesium product ever created. Go to and enter the code “luke10” to save 10% on your Magnesium Breakthrough.   AND…   SURTHRIVAL. As we age, many of us experience something called andropause, which is a steady decline in testosterone and other androgens that occurs around the age of 35-40. When you add in the xenoestrogens in our food, water, and personal care products, we have a serious hormone problem — a problem that eventually forces many people to look into hormone replacement therapy, a very aggressive form of regulating hormones from the pharmaceutical and medical industry. So, if you're looking for a natural alternative, you’re going to want Pine Pollen Pure Potency. It is absolutely the best natural male hormone replacement on the market (I use it at least twice a day!), and it’s a great supplement to help regulate anyone’s hormonal health. You can use the code “STYLE10” for 10% off Pine Pollen Pure Potency at HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? You’ll really love Luke’s Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW.   Other ways to support:  SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals   Resources Learn more: Read “The Carnivore Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Optimal Health by Returning to Our Ancestral Die.” Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Listen: You have been lied to about cows and the environment, with Robb Wolf and Diana Rogers. Want to learn about 5G and EMF, and how to fix it? Join the EMF Home Safety Masterclass. Over 5+ hours of content. Only $149. VISIT: or text EMFMASTERCLASS to 44222 on any US phone to register Related Shows Episode 245: Wild Fed: How To Become A Modern Day Hunter-gatherer With Daniel Vitalis *Vegan Trigger Warning Episode 292: Fake Food & Modern Medicine: Reclaim Your Health W/ Nature’s Wisdom Feat. Daniel Vitalis
Aug 2, 2020 • 1h 10min

Bonus Show: Luke As Guest On Delic Radio

Delic Radio is a podcast for the psychedelically curious. Host Jackee Stang talks to leading experts in psychedelic news, science, and culture. These are real conversations about real psychedelics.  I also had the pleasure of speaking at Meet Delic, the first of its kind Psychedelic Wellness Summit. They are bringing together the leading minds in wellness education and psychedelic sciences, and you’ll learn a little bit more about that in this episode, plus my own experiences with psychedelics, addiction, and the intersection of the two.   Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE -   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: EMF HOME ASSESSMENT MASTERCLASS. If you’ve been listening to the show for a while, you’ve heard me talk to some of the world’s foremost experts about the dangers of electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) in our homes and beyond. I think this is one of the greatest threats to not just human life but life on Earth. So, I’ve put together everything that I learned to protect my own house in this new video series. Join the waitlist at to get $100 off the EMF Home Assessment Masterclass.   HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? You’ll really love Luke’s Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW.   Other ways to support:  SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals   Resources Want to learn about 5G and EMF, and how to fix it? Join the EMF Home Safety Masterclass. Over 5+ hours of content. Only $149. VISIT: Listen to Delic Radio Instagram: @meetdelic
Jul 31, 2020 • 2h 15min

Solo Show: Sun worship, Colitis Cures, Blue Light Hacks, Heart Healing #295

It’s been a little while, but we’re back with another community Q&A episode! And oh boy did you all have a lot of questions. If this is your first Q&A episode, all of these questions come from The Life Stylist Podcast Facebook Group. This is an incredibly curious and smart group of people, so if I don’t answer your question on the show, someone in the group will definitely be able to help you out. We have a really wide range of questions today, so there’s a little something for everyone in this episode. And as always, I am not a medical professional and I do not claim to be. I don’t even play one on TV. I’ve just been doing a lot of research for over two decades and I want to share what I’ve learned.   12:55 — James asks: I’m looking for advice on healing from an abusive father Get out as soon as possible  Attend Al-Anon meetings Seek a trauma or family therapist Listen to as many free podcasts as you can about trauma, codependency, etc Learn more about The Hoffman Process, which I covered in episode 126 Episode 126: Breaking Free Of Negative Patterns With The Hoffman Process Feat. Tim Laurence Also check out the list of books below   20:10 — Listening to spiritual books over and over and over again has transformed my life. I’ve been doing it non-stop for over two decades. "Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender" by David R. Hawkins “The Ultimate David R Hawkins Library” “The Power Of Now” by Eckhart Tolle “A New Earth” by Eckhardt Tolle “There's A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem” by Dr Wayne Dyer “Sermon On The Mount” by Emmet Fox “Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions” by Alcoholics Anonymous “A Course in Miracles” by Helen Schucman “Infinite Self” by Stuart Wilde “The Journey Beyond Enlightenment” by Stuart Wilde “What God Said” by Neale Donald Walsh  “Loving What Is” By Byron Katie  Episode 142: The War Is Over: Making Peace With Your Mind With Byron Katie “The Biology Of Belief” By Dr Bruce Lipton Episode 200: Quantum Creation & Epigenetics: Genes Aren’t Your Destiny W/ Bruce Lipton “Evolve Your Brain” by Joe Dispenza  “You Are The Placebo” by Joe Dispenza  “Becoming Supernatural” by Joe Dispenza Episode 259: The Heart/Mind Connection & Supernatural Healing With Dr. Joe Dispenza “The Original Be Here Now Talks” by Ram Dass   29:05 — Michele asks: Any suggestions on how to bio-hack a broken heart during self-isolation? Feel it. Don't avoid it. DON’T BYPASS! Get love and support from friends Find ways to be of service Avoid self obsession Episode 142: The War Is Over: Making Peace With Your Mind With Byron Katie Breathwork classes KAP therapy with Dr. David Rabin or a similar professional Writing / journaling  Listen to or read some of the books mentioned in the prior question    45:30 — Jamie asks: If I take my Berkey filter up to a stream and filter the stream water into bottles, is it structured water to begin with and does it stay structured in the bottles? Test all spring water you drink: get my free, comprehensive water guide: The Ultimate Water Guide Or text “thewaterguide” to 44222 Episode 129: The Water Wars Trilogy: Unlocking The Mysteries Of Nature's Greatest Gift Part One   53:40 — Leela asks: Do you happen to know if and how biodynamic farming and permaculture intersect or differ? I’m getting ready to learn about permaculture but would love to understand biodynamic to see what fits my needs/values! Listen to the previous episode with Stephen Smith for all you need to know about biodynamic farming Episode 294: Higher Ground: Rediscovering The Ancient Wisdom of Cannabis & CBD W/ Stephen Smith Episode 231: The Mexico Show: Farm To Table, Wildlife Preserve Eco-resort W/ Alix Goldsmith Marcaccini   56:10 — Brynn asks: Trying to help a friend with some natural solutions to ulcerative colitis. He was on humira and he keeps having allergic reactions to that family of drugs. Any biohacks you guys know of that specifically help? I know stress triggers it... I was thinking of getting him a Biomat mini or belt... what else? Giving a blanket answer to this question is tough because it ignores everyone's bio-individuality. That said, a good guideline to follow would be, as a first step: give the problem some crutches to lean on. This means giving the inflammatory response a break for a moment so that your gut can soothe itself — at least for long enough to absorb the nutrients you're going to need to begin healing. Eliminating the most obvious food sensitivities like nuts, eggs, dairy, wheat, processed foods, nightshades, etc. Once that's dialed in, go a level up and consider removing high-histamine foods that could be perpetuating the inflammatory cycle. And then, once a little more stable, support detoxification by getting in a light daily sweat, and eating steamed foods that assist the liver, like dandelion, artichoke, beets, cruciferous vegetables, garlic, and gluten-free oats. And all the while, prioritize meditation, sunlight, and lymphatic drainage. A light rebounding session on a Bellicon, or even just doing some jumping jacks on some carpeting can be a big help. To dive deep into all matters colitis, and IBD, someone who'd been a well-kept secret here in LA for several years, but is now out of LA, and entering the online world in a bigger way, is a personal friend of mine, Jordan Kravitz. Jordan was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease in 2015, and after getting handed the pamphlets about all the drugs he'd need from the head of the IBD clinic here at Cedars-Sinai Hospital, Jordan laughed at him and told him to keep his drugs. He then went on an absolutely crazy journey to reverse Crohn's Disease, and today enjoys excellent digestive health, thanks to his unique approach to healing inflammatory gut issues of all kinds.  If you'd like to connect with him to learn more, or for one on one coaching, you can check out his website at, and use the contact page to get in touch. Or email him directly at jordan (at) Be sure to tell him I sent you!   01:02:05 — Well Beings Worldwide asks: Does anyone have recommendations for commercially available red tape? I can't seem to find anything good on Amazon or local stores or even Luke’s store. Lithographers tape   01:03:55 — Gina asks: Anyone have any recs for authentic kundalini yoga (full classes) videos? Ra Ma Institute:   01:08:05 — Kathyrn asks: I had a really clear message in my meditation just now - it was 'Clean your Brain’ Test for heavy metals with the Quicksilver Scientific Tri-Test The Black Box Detox by Quicksilver Scientific Rectal, stethoscope and/or IV ozone to clear systemic fungus  HBOT sessions Activated charcoal before bed Meditation and breathwork to move the stagnant energy Neurofeedback by Peak Brain (they also do remote treatments)   01:19:15 — Maria asks: Does the sun cause wrinkles? & Katerina asks: I have been trying to find a way to treat hyperpigmentation naturally. It's been three summers in a row that I have the same melasma “map” on my forehead and side of my face. I only use sunscreen if I stay in the sun longer than an hour. I wear hats but still, it has started to appear on the same spot. any advice? I haven’t had the sun cause wrinkles I use lots of essential oils on my face: Osea, Alitura Naturals, and Living Libations Do red light therapy Study the work of Dr. Ray eat: Avoid seed oils/omega 3’s  Liver spots get their brown colour from lipofuscin, a waste material that builds up in our cells as we age.  Lipofuscin has three constituents: Oestrogen + Iron + PUFAs = LipofuscinIn  In other words, the polyunsaturated fats (canola oil, soy oil, corn oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, fish oil, flax oil etc) we consume in our food (and rub into our skin in the form of moisturisers), the iron we eat from red meat and green vegetables, and the oestrogen our bodies produce naturally combine to form this brown, fatty waste product that clogs up our cells and, as we age, forms liver spots. Where does sunlight fit into this picture? Dr Peat explains that when we’re exposed to UV light, it can cause damage to unsaturated fatty acid molecules in our skin, producing free radicals.  Manage your iron intake. This is one of the most important pieces of the age spots puzzle.  One way of managing your iron levels is to give blood regularly; there’s evidence that this can even reduce your risk of heart attack and strokes. Donating blood can be especially helpful for men and post-menopausal women, because they do not lose any blood through menstruation.  Reduce your intake of PUFAs Increase your intake of vitamin E (a powerful antioxidant) Pay attention to your estrogen levels, for men and women Listen to what Nadine Artemis has to say about the sun Vitamin D app: Get Surthrival’s D3+K2 Daylight Concentrate (use code “lifestylist” for 10% off) Quicksilver Scientific also has a great D3+K2 combo Episode 6: The Great Sunshine Swindle with Nadine Artemis   01:55:10 — Mazena asks: Male pattern baldness. How to prevent, slow it down and stimulate hair growth? Any supplement, product, treatment recommendations would be much appreciated! This product works C360 HairGrowth Red light therapy on scalp Also check hormones and do what you can to balance them!   01:56:35 — Richard asks: Hey guys been trying out the whole vegan thing while on this quarantine it so far been good but I've noticed at times feeling lightheaded. Anybody have any tips? I know it could be a lot of things but I'm open to suggestions so I can pinpoint what's going on. I’ve heard this probably 100 times over the years Like most experimental, and extreme diets, they often work for a period of time, then the body falls out of balance.  There has never, ever been a 100% vegan human civilization in recorded history, which is why i call it experimental We don't yet know if it's safe. it would take 2-3 generations of 100% vegan people to breed 100% vegan kids, who then breed with 100% vegan people a few times over to see if its viable In my experience, being vegetarian or vegan is a form of fasting, or cleansing which can be amazing in the short term I prefer a balanced diet and to listen to my body and what it wants, since it is its own living organism, with its own innate intelligence  If you do decide to phase out of this diet, try starting with bone broth (no additional animals die to make bone broth) or pastured eggs or wild caught, sustainably sourced fish. or even just oysters.  To me, any diet that is deficient in critical nutrients and thus requires that you take supplements to fill the gap, is likely not a natural human diet because that would ot require supplements like b vitamins, vitamin a etc. Study the work of Dr. Weston Price for more info on the natural human diet and nutrient deficiencies  Check out next tuesday’s episode: Why You Can't Beat Meat: The Ultimate Carnivore Diet Guide W/ Dr. Paul Saladino Episode 245: Wild Fed: How To Become A Modern Day Hunter-Gatherer w/ Daniel Vitalis *Vegan Trigger Warning Episode 94: Why I'm Not a Vegan - Daniel Vitalis All that said, to me, what trumps diet is avoiding non-native EMF and blue light. circadian biology wins over nutrient biology in my book.  get into sync with nature, as nature is where creation’s wisdom lies   02:10:00 — Richard asks: Anyone have personal experience with improving eyesight naturally??? Currently a -2.00 and would like to not have to wear glasses or contacts anymore. I got the same issue from living near cell towers, and doing too much close up device and computer work. you can fix it! Listen to upcoming show with Jake Steiner called: Your Eyes Aren't Broken, And You Can Fix Them   More about this episode. Watch it on YouTube.   Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey //
Jul 28, 2020 • 1h 59min

Higher Ground: Rediscovering The Ancient Wisdom of Cannabis & CBD W/ Stephen Smith #294

Stephen Smith is a good friend of mine and the co-founder of Onda Wellness, a company that makes hemp- and cannabis-based products with uncompromising quality. And in this conversation, we look at the current state of cannabis, hemp, CBD, and THC—the whole industry. For those of you curious about all of the noise in the industry, this episode is going to answer every question you could ever possibly have and then some. We talk about biodynamic and regenerative farming practices (especially as they pertain to the hemp industry), and the huge opportunity we have right now to set the course for the hemp industry, actually empowering the people and farmers who produce it along the way—but if people like Stephen don’t capitalize on this opportunity now, the industry will follow the same commoditized industrial agricultural model that is already slowly killing us. Consider this the reintroduction of this ancient medicine with new, environmental, and climate-friendly practices. Sit back, relax, and enjoy some cannabis in whatever form suits you—legally, of course—and learn everything you could ever want to know about this incredible plant medicine with Stephen Smith. And if you want to get your own sustainable CBD products, you can use code LUKE15 for 15% off at   10:11 — From biodynamic farming, grape growing, to hemp farming Falling in love with the grape-growing region of Mendoza Seeing a high-level view of regenerative agriculture Becoming connected with the OG biodynamic farmers Seeing hemp as the next frontier and opportunity for non-commodity industrial farming What permaculture is The drawbacks of “monocropping” How farmers get the short end of the stick—and how to fix that   26:34 —How, when, and why the hemp plant was made illegal, as well as the various uses of hemp The pressures from the paper industry who felt threatened by hemp How the country used propaganda to associate cannabis or “marijuana” with immigrant latino populations How the controlled substance act made hemp illegal Being blown away by the many uses of hemp that aren’t being explored How we are just scratching the surface of what these plants can do The different classifications for the cannabis plant How cannabis is still the wild west of regulation and understanding Using cannabis as a mechanism for good   47:46 —The difference between growing cannabis and hemp naturally versus artificially The race to the top of high-THC cannabis Going old-school cannabis The risk of cross-pollination from neighboring farms   57:26 —The best and worst growing/processing practices The cost of growing indoors Why there’s a rush to cutting corners The importance of biodiversity for your crops Why “organic” doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good for you How biodiversity has the biggest impact on the environment Rewarding our farmers fairly Taking a pharmaceutical approach versus slow infusion   01:25:02 —The future potential of this plant medicine Geeking out on all the individual pieces of the process—the farmers, the oil, the soil, and more. FInding out how to get everything this plant can give The medicinal benefits of THC   01:29:27 —The way cannabis works with your body The three main issues to address: anxiety, inflammation, and sleep issues. The way cannabis reacts with our endocannabinoid system Addressing things that are universal for the human experience The effects of cannabis on deep sleep   More about this episode. Watch it on YouTube.   Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE - THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: OSEA stands for the elements of wellness: Ocean, Sun, Earth and Atmosphere, and their entire line is built on these four pillars. Founded and run by a family of women inspired by the sea, OSEA formulates botanical-powered products that have shown proven results for all skin concerns. Every product is sustainably packaged, non-toxic, cruelty-free, vegan and made with love in California. And if you’re in the LA area, stop by the OSEA Venice Skincare Studio for a facial that will bring forth your inner glow. You can go to for a $10 off your first purchase of $50 or more.   AND...   BLUBLOX. BLUblox offers a complete range of evidence-backed blue light blocking glasses to suit every need (and, as a rad bonus, you won’t look like a tool while you’re wearing them). Plus, they even do prescription and reading glasses now, as well as an epic send-your-own frame service, both using the same world-renowned blue light blocking lenses. I’ve also been digging their new REMedy Sleep Mask, which blocks out 100% of the light around you while you’re sleeping. And it’s not just great for better sleep — it can also be used for meditation, deep touch pressure therapy, air travel, and migraine relief! You can get all of this epicness and more by using the code LIFESTYLIST for 15% off at   AND…   LIFE CYKEL. If you listened to Episode 255 with Julian Mitchell, then you know that Life Cykel are total game changers in the mushroom world, growing some of the most powerful mushroom extracts available anywhere on the planet on coffee waste! My favorite thing they make is the Biohacking Pack, which includes: Lion's Mane for sleep and brain health, Reishi for just chilling out and immunity, Holy Shiitake for radiance and hair health, Turkey Tail for the ultimate gut health boost, and Cordyceps for when you want to do the wild thing or just need some energy. You can use code “Storey15” for 15% off at   HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? You’ll really love Luke’s Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW.   Other ways to support:  SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals   Resources Instagram: @onda.wellness Want to learn about 5G and EMF, and how to fix it? Join the EMF Home Safety Masterclass. Over 5+ hours of content. Only $149. VISIT:   Related Shows Episode 67: Marijuana Medicine W/ Brian Chaplin
Jul 21, 2020 • 3h 2min

Healing Humanity From Within: Racial Unity & Shamanism W/ Dr. Marie Mbouni #293

Beginning with a shamanic song that rocks me to my core every time I listen to it, the episode you’re about to participate in is more ceremony than interview. If you watch it on video, you will see the moment my heart cracks open — and it just gets better from there. Led by our guest Dr. Marie Mbouni, this is also one of the most meaningful and profound experiences I’ve been able to share on the show. As the social unrest unfolded over the last few months, I did a lot of soul searching and contemplation on the cultural pain body with which we are now squarely faced. It’s so clear that humanity is in dire need of healing; the powers that be seem hellbent on creating more racial and political division and many are taking the bait. The more I see, the more confident I am that the solution to all of this suffering is in discovering the truth about who we are — both as individuals and as one human race. We are spiritual beings having a brief life experience in bodies, and on the level of spirit, there is no separation between us.  The challenge is in helping those entrapped by the illusion of separation and the fear that that illusion creates. True, lasting change must take place in the quantum realm of energy before it can manifest here in the physical plane of matter. Luckily, there are few voices more capable of helping people understand our shared consciousness and the collective power we wield than Dr. Mbouni. With years of experience as both a Western doctor and a spiritual guide, she’s able to make Shamanic healing practices more accessible to a Western audience. And the more I learn about them, the more I realize this is a huge piece of what’s missing in our society. Without any further ado, please join us in this heart-opening and healing ceremony with Dr. Marie Mbouni. All of humanity is invited.   12:10 — Dr. Marie Mbouni’s takes us on a guided musical journey The drum wanted to come on the show “The Directions,” a traditional way of coming into a sacred space Drums can take you into an altered state of consciousness This is a ceremony for standing up for humanity   27:00 — Marie’s origin story: Eastern tradition meets Western medicine & the Iboga ceremony that changed her life Growing up in Cameroon, Africa The patriarchal-but-progressive paradigm in her community Being introduced to Shamanism at 14 through an iboga ceremony Watching the ceremonies heal her mother over the course of three months Pushing down her intuition and ability to channel so that she could belong Stepping outside of our limited dimensional awareness Tangible Vs. Experiential   44:30 — Why Marie quit her medical career after 20 years to follow her dharma as a healer and shaman Something changed in 2012 Starting the journey to accepting herself Why hiding her talents didn’t work Why we are hurting ourselves when we make choices based on other people’s perceived judgement You can’t stay in one spot   01:04:25 — Your purpose is to be you As you consciousness changes and your energy field opens, you start experiencing life differently The beauty of synchronicity Your spiritual purpose is to be who you are What happens when you commit to the ascension path The notion that you need to transcend the ego Spiritual bypassing   01:10:45 — Marie’s personal experience with the current racial tension & where we can go from here What’s the root cause? Where do we start addressing it? It’s not possible to fully understand that which is inhumane Positive actions that bring attention and work against injustice vs. negative actions that hurt the cause even if they have good intentions David Hawkins and the levels of consciousness "Transcending the Levels of Consciousness: The Stairway to Enlightenment" by David R. Hawkins “Power vs. Force” by David R. Hawkins Marie’s medicine is love How we can each do our own inner healing and shadow work to raise the collective consciousness of the world at large Why putting your focus on unconditional love is not spiritual bypassing The unfortunate paralysis happening right now Why unconditional love for self and other is the answer to all inner and collective human issues How to bravely face and acknowledge issues like inequality, racism, and abuse of power without being swept up in the futility of negative energy and anger How to bring about harmony and peace, without feeding into the illusion of separateness or denying others’ suffering   01:44:30 — Escaping the trap of self-identifying as our egoic self-perception of race, gender, age, and body How slavery happens Not being a victim of your own fear Marie’s take on political correctness and cancel culture An exploration of virtue signaling, approval seeking, and subconscious collective guilt Why Marie believes there’s no one right way to be a social activist Holding is harder than doing   02:07:30 — The role shamanism and plant medicine have in ushering in a new paradigm of human consciousness Marie’s surprising views on cultural appropriation These plants want to get out and they have their own way of doing it The potential risks of plant medicine use & how to practice prudence and discernment if you choose to participate in ceremony How Marie uses shamanic ceremonies and plant medicines to bring about planetary healing Sacred reciprocity + sacred activism Can you get too addicted to the plant medicine experience and the forward progress? The 3 phases of a plant medicine journey When you’re conscious of something, you can’t unknown it   More about this episode. Watch it on YouTube.   Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE - THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: JUST THRIVE. Imagine this: a probiotic that actually does what it is supposed to do! I’ve tried so many different supplements, and when you find the right one — the one that really works — it’s like winning the lottery. So I was psyched when I tried Just Thrive Probiotic, the first and only spore-based probiotics and antioxidants. Their products have been the subject of groundbreaking clinical studies and demonstrated incomparable effects on the gut, even healing leaky gut. It’s super simple and it just works. You can use code ‘luke15’ for 15% off at   AND...   BEEKEEPER'S NATURALS. Superfoods from the hive - amazing! Beekeeper’s Naturals brings you the highest quality products from the hive and nurture a greater awareness for saving our bees! That is why their all-natural health-boosting products are made with the purest ingredients from sustainable apiaries full of healthy bees. Each of their products has been rigorously tested to meet the highest potency standards. Use code “LIFESTYLIST” for 15% off at   AND…   SURTHRIVAL. Right now, more than ever, we need to remain healthy and strong. While governments, health agencies and medical professionals scramble to create policies and treatments for the masses, the wise amongst us are busy building the strongest, healthiest, and most adaptable versions of ourselves we can. Surthrival was built on the premise of self-healthcare, or the idea that ultimately we are each responsible for our own health, and never before has that become more clear. I'd recommend that you start with Surthrival Elk Antler formula for total body adaptation and anabolism. It’s truly a human makeover machine. You can use the code “STYLE10” for 10% off at HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? You’ll really love Luke’s Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW.   Other ways to support:  SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals   Resources Instagram: @mariembounimd Facebook: "Reclaiming Your Gifts" by Dr. Marie Mbouni Want to learn about 5G and EMF, and how to fix it? Join the EMF Home Safety Masterclass. Over 5+ hours of content. Only $149. VISIT:   Related Shows Episode 215: Bulletproof Upgrade Labs Biohacking All-stars Part One
Jul 14, 2020 • 3h 11min

Fake Food & Modern Medicine: Reclaim Your Health W/ Nature’s Wisdom Feat. Daniel Vitalis #292

Daniel Vitalis has been on the show a few times before, but every time he comes back, I learn something new — and boy oh boy is there a lot to learn in this episode. We discussed the first season of Daniel’s new TV show — “WildFed” — the last time he was on the show. But now it’s out, I’ve seen it, and it’s fantastic. This is a culinary adventure series where you follow Daniel to eight different, extreme locales to hunt, fish, and forage wild ingredients, turning them into delicious meals. It’s a lot of fun to watch, and there are also HUGE director’s cuts that offer in-depth, behind-the-scenes looks for each episode. And you can use code LUKE15 for 15% off WildFed Season 1 + Director's Cuts at! A true hero of the wild world, and one of the few modern-day hunter-gatherers we have left, Daniel is the perfect guide for anyone who’s interested in getting a little wilder. Even if you’re not interested in learning to hunt, fish, and forage, Daniel can still help you live a modern life while staying connected to nature in a visceral way. There are few people more thoughtful about the environment and their role in it than Daniel, but it’s something we could all stand to get a little (or a lot) better at.   11:45 — Mimicking the natural world in the modern-day Pretty much none of us live in the natural world, and that realization is why I dedicated myself to biohacking The natural world is more than the sum of its parts I’ll escape to space while Daniel stays here to clean up the planet   16:15 — Where is the food industry at in 2020? Episode 2: Daniel Vitalis: Farming and the Fall of Man Use the code STYLE10 for 10% off at What does “supplement” even mean today? The things that are now considered supplements but used to be considered food Daniel isn’t a great marketer, but he makes good shit What most air filters get wrong and why it’s so hard to find a good one   30:30 — Wild Foods vs. Domestic Foods Why nutritional content and variety is often lacking from grocery store food Everything you eat isn’t necessarily food (or at least meant to be food) Creating a (flawed) diet through domestication A wild blueberry vs. the blueberry you find in a store The dangerous anti-nutrients in some vegetables that most people think are healthy Daniel has probably eaten more species in the last 12 months than the average US citizen will eat in 10 years The difference between nutritional variety and aesthetic variety Some of the vegetables sold to you as different products in the supermarket are literally from the same plant, and most of us don’t know it The problem with eating the same foods over and over, year-round The benefits of eating with the seasons Why cloned produce is so whack   48:30 — The “Natural Human Diet” and the problem with the environment that we’ve created for ourselves Busting some historical food myths The historical eating and farming practices of some indigenous tribes Lichen (and other things you’d normally never think of as food) Why it’s hard for most of us to define the “natural humans diet” Why littering is part of human nature but litter itself is a byproduct of industrialization Alcohol’s role in our problematic environments and civilization The many, many, many societal problems that come as a byproduct of agriculture The physiological benefits of foraging vs. farming The very specific definition of “civilization”   01:09:03 — The societal problems that can be traced back domestication Universal Love Vs. Lockdown Lunacy: A Worldwide  Wake-up Call W/ David Icke There’s more than enough food for everyone, but not for everyone to be healthy and safe Will replacing our current problematic hierarchy with a different hierarchy actually improve anything?   01:20:00 — Have some of us ruined our bodies beyond repair through domesticated foods? I feel the best when I mostly just eat beef… but do I actually thrive on such a non-diverse diet? Are viruses every beneficial? Watch: “King Corn” (full documentary)   01:36:50 — Living WildFed Use code LUKE15 for 15% off WildFed Season 1 + Director's Cuts at I’m not much of a foodie, but what they make at the end of each episode always looks incredible We need to talk more about what we’ve done to ourselves through domestication Where do we really want our society to go? Treating the root cause vs. relieving symptoms You have more ownership over wild animals and foraged food than you might think   01:48:30 — Two critical elements that most people are missing in their diet What are vitamins K2 and D3? Where you can find them naturally Use the code STYLE10 for 10% off at What’s good for one person can be too much for another Chaga and reishi mushroom extraction methods + the benefits of both A few reasons why cancer is more prevalent today than it used to be   01:57:45 — Pine Pollen Extract: Why this is something you definitely want to know about The sexual potency of pine pollen extract, which can be used to increase your testosterone Use the code STYLE10 for 10% off Pine Pollen Gold Why I like it so much   02:24:25 — The amazing immune power of bovine colostrum I put this in my morning elixir every day As an added bonus, it tastes good There’s more scientific research into colostrum than just about any other supplement How much is too much?   02:35:08 — Why I love Daniel’s latest product: Taboo This is an aphrodisiac unlike any you’ve had before How it works Why it works for anyone, regardless of gender What it tastes like   02:38:20 — Elk Antler Tonic: what you need to know How Elk Antler tonic is made and why it’s such a powerful substance for the human body The first people who turned antlers into medicine Humans aren’t good at regrowing or regenerating things, but this helps   More about this episode. Watch it on YouTube.   Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE - THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: BLUBLOX. BLUblox offers a complete range of evidence-backed blue light blocking glasses to suit every need (and, as a rad bonus, you won’t look like a tool while you’re wearing them). Plus, they even do prescription and reading glasses now, as well as an epic send-your-own frame service, both using the same world-renowned blue light blocking lenses. I’ve also been digging their new REMedy Sleep Mask, which blocks out 100% of the light around you while you’re sleeping. And it’s not just great for better sleep — it can also be used for meditation, deep touch pressure therapy, air travel, and migraine relief! You can get all of this epicness and more by using the code LIFESTYLIST for 15% off at   AND...   JOOVV. I learned through this podcast just how important natural light is for your body and your health, and there’s a reason Joov is the #1 red light therapy brand in the world: their devices are sleek, powerful, FDA-cleared, and come in a variety of sizes to fit your lifestyle. It’s actually the single easiest health intervention I do and it has some of the biggest results. Plus, new research is showing that red light therapy is great for regulating womens’ hormone health, and I know it’s done great things for my testosterone levels. If you are ready to get your own Joovv device plus a FREE gift, head over to   AND…   BIOPTIMIZERS. Starting in the 80’s, supplement companies began pushing massive protein consumption. We all believed that “more protein = more muscle growth.” But I’m here to tell you that IT’S A BIG FAT LIE. It doesn’t matter if you’re consuming 30 or 300 grams of protein — if you don’t have a sufficient supply of enzymes to digest protein, your muscles will be starving for those vital building blocks. That’s why it’s crucial you take a high-quality enzyme. The one I trust (and use myself) is called MassZymes by BiOptimizers, a full-spectrum enzyme formula with more protease than any other commercially available. Plus, it contains all the other key enzymes you need for optimal digestion. And you can try it today, risk-free. Their 365-day FULL money-back guarantee is the gold standard in the industry. Use code “luke10” for 10% off (and see MassZymes dissolve a raw steak) at HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? You’ll really love Luke’s Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW.   Other ways to support:  SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals   Resources Use code LUKE15 for 15% off WildFed Season 1 + Director's Cuts at Use the code STYLE10 for 10% off at Daniel Instagram: @danielvitalis Daniel on Facebook: WildFed Instagram: @wild.fed WildFed on Facebook: Listen: WildFed Podcast   Related Shows Episode 2: Daniel Vitalis: Farming and the Fall of Man Episode 3: Dr. Jack Kruse: Surviving the City with Spiritual Science Episode 52: Breaking the Chains of Human Domestication with Daniel Vitalis Part One Episode 53: Breaking the Chains of Human Domestication with Daniel Vitalis Part Two Episode 75: Dr. Jack Kruse: The Toxic Lighting Crisis And How To Fix It, Part One Episode 76: Dr. Jack Kruse: The Toxic Lighting Crisis And How To Fix It, Part Two Episode 191: The 5G EMF Apocalypse And Why Health Food Won't Save You With Dr. Jack Kruse Episode 245: Wild Fed: How To Become A Modern Day Hunter-gatherer With Daniel Vitalis *Vegan Trigger Warning  
Jul 13, 2020 • 1h 31min

Luke as Guest on The Get Over Yourself Podcast

I was recently featured on The Get Over Yourself Podcast by Brad Kearns, a New York Times bestselling author, Guinness World Record holder in Speedgolf, 2020 #1 ranked USA Masters track & field age 55-59 high jumper, and former national champion and #3 world-ranked professional triathlete. It’s a fantastic show covering health, fitness, peak performance, personal growth, relationships, happiness, and longevity. Brad helps listeners slow down, take a deep breath, take a cold plunge, and get over the high-stress, tightly wound approach that often leads to disappointment and burnout. This is a wide-ranging and highly enlightening episode that will really get you thinking and perhaps even plotting your next step toward the life of your dreams!   We discuss: Brad introduces his lifestylist podcast guest. Luke’s background is varied. How did he become a lifestylist and what is that? Motivated by pain and suffering, he had a spiritual awakening at age 26. Luke went from being in the fashion industry to doing podcasts in health and wellness. It’s important to be aware of a lack of balance in your life. The electromagnetic field around us is dangerous. A lot of the obsessive behavior in Luke’s life comes from his past life in addiction. It is recommended that when you try to add new things like supplements, do it one thing at a time and see how it works for you. Because of his spiritual work, Luke has had access to memories from the past such as not being able to stand up for himself. Most of the time we are walking around reacting to things that are programmed behavior. It would be good to have no fear while you look for your true authentic self. Make plans, like a vision board, that will go into your subconscious right before sleeping. Should one share their goals with others or keep them secret? Intention is everything. Learn how to make gratitude a state of being. You achieve as much success as your subconscious mind believes you deserve. As the areas in life keep expanding, you fill up space with gratitude to fit that level of achievement. You need to acknowledge that you are not in control of the results of your labor.  John Gray works to educate people on relationships through both scientific and spiritual eyes. Generally speaking, females lower their stress by talking while males lower their stress by withdrawing. Life is all about human connection and love. Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE - THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: EMF HOME ASSESSMENT MASTERCLASS. If you’ve been listening to the show for a while, you’ve heard me talk to some of the world’s foremost experts about the dangers of electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) in our homes and beyond. I think this is one of the greatest threats to not just human life but life on Earth. So, I’ve put together everything that I learned to protect my own house in this new video series. Join the waitlist at to get $100 off the EMF Home Assessment Masterclass. HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? You’ll really love Luke’s Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW. Other ways to support:  SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals
Jul 7, 2020 • 3h 4min

Dissolving The Ego, Ketamine Therapy, & The Core Of Consciousness W/ Dr. Ted Achacoso #291

The cosmic MD, Dr. Ted Achacoso, is back!  Dr. Ted is the founding pioneer of the clinical practice of Health Optimization Medicine (HOMe) and one of the most inspiring human beings I’ve ever had the pleasure of speaking to. It’s rare to meet someone who can so gracefully pair being scientific, analytical, and intelligent with an expansive exploration of consciousness and spirituality, but when you do, you… well, you record a three-hour conversation and ask every question you can think of to explore the depth of human health and consciousness. From nootropics to making your own ayahuasca to the quantum field of consciousness, and a whole lot in between, it’s all in here. Dr. Ted is one of my favorite human beings in the world, and by the end of this episode, I can guarantee he’s going to be one of yours, too.   07:50 — #BlueTongueMagic: The wonders of Blue Cannatine Use code “Luke5” for 5% off Blue Cannatine What the four ingredients in Blue Cannatine do for your brain: Methylene Blue, caffeine, nicotine, and hempcanna Comparisons to the Limitless pill Why Dr. Ted originally created Blue Cannatine Luke’s CBD joint experiment The effect of recreational marijuana use on the brain   39:40 — A lightning round of Luke’s questions about drugs and supplements What’s up with kratom? Luke’s experience with using kratom to help with pain Ketamine-assisted therapy? How a night of microdosing Ketamine led to the end of one of Luke’s relationships Dr. Ted’s first experience with ketamine What ketamine does to your brain   01:02:35 — The root of all suffering and the secret to non-stop happiness Study: people would rather shock themselves than be alone with their thoughts Learning to witness yourself The difference between the brain and the mind What is the root of suffering? How can matter, your brain, give you subjective experience? Seeing past the illusion of self   01:31:05 — Bridging the gap between science and spirituality The paradigms of hard science and consciousness Taking the step from physics to neuroscience Donald Hoffman “The Case Against Reality: How Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes” by Donald D. Hoffman The quantum field of consciousness and how to access it and manifest change in your life What would happen if more people tried psychedelics? Taking on the role of the observer   01:51:35 — Ketamine journeys for meditation BrainTap The Heart/Mind Connection & Supernatural Healing With Dr. Joe Dispenza Disassociating on ketamine Dr. Ted’s slow journey with ketamine Who should definitely not try ketamine It’s not a recreational drug   02:07:10 — How Dr. Ted makes his own ayahuasca that doesn’t make you puke Why did Dr. Ted decide he wanted to make this? The experience that made Dr. Ted sure there was something more to explore with Mother Ayahuasca Why Luke’s considers his experiences to be more educational than recreational Having a different experience based on where the medicine was grown Where do you want to go from here? “The fall of the guru” phenomenon   More about this episode. Watch it on YouTube.   Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE - THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: OSEA stands for the elements of wellness: Ocean, Sun, Earth and Atmosphere, and their entire line is built on these four pillars. Founded and run by a family of women inspired by the sea, OSEA formulates botanical-powered products that have shown proven results for all skin concerns. Every product is sustainably packaged, non-toxic, cruelty-free, vegan and made with love in California. And if you’re in the LA area, stop by the OSEA Venice Skincare Studio for a facial that will bring forth your inner glow. You can go to for a $10 off your first purchase of $50 or more.   AND...   BEEKEEPER'S NATURALS. Superfoods from the hive - amazing! Beekeeper’s Naturals brings you the highest quality products from the hive and nurture a greater awareness for saving our bees! That is why their all-natural health-boosting products are made with the purest ingredients from sustainable apiaries full of healthy bees. Each of their products has been rigorously tested to meet the highest potency standards. Use code “LIFESTYLIST” for 15% off at   AND…   SURTHRIVAL. Right now, more than ever, we need to remain healthy and strong. While governments, health agencies and medical professionals scramble to create policies and treatments for the masses, the wise amongst us are busy building the strongest, healthiest, and most adaptable versions of ourselves we can. Surthrival was built on the premise of self-healthcare, or the idea that ultimately we are each responsible for our own health, and never before has that become more clear. I'd recommend that you start with Surthrival Elk Antler formula for total body adaptation and anabolism. You can use the code “STYLE10” for 10% off at HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? You’ll really love Luke’s Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW.   Other ways to support:  SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals   Resources Use code “Luke5” for 5% off Blue Cannatine Instagram: @troscriptions Facebook: Twitter: @healthopmed “Waking Up” by Sam Harris Dr. Jud Brewer: Shinzen Young: “Until The End Of Time Mind, Matter, And Our Search For Meaning In An Evolving Universe” By Brian Greene “The Case Against Reality: How Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes” by Donald D. Hoffman “10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works--A True Story” by Dan Harris Related Shows Episode 227: The Cosmic MD On LSD, Ayahuasca, & Nootropic Awakenings W/ Dr. Ted. Achacoso Episode 259: The Heart/Mind Connection & Supernatural Healing With Dr. Joe Dispenza

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