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Sep 27, 2020 • 56min

Freedom From Addictions: Luke As Guest On The Chris Dufey Show (Bonus Rebroadcast)

Chris Dufey created The Chris Dufey Show to address the overwhelm that so many of us experience when we’re trying to achieve success and fulfillment, and provide a simple path forward for listeners. I was so grateful that he asked me to join him on the show to talk about my experiences with addiction and how the single greatest tool I used to overcome it was my mindset, and I wanted to share that episode here too. I always like to share this story because I know that addiction is a hell of a beast to wrestle with. It can steal years and decades from you, and it can feel hopeless to keep going up against it. But it’s not hopeless — you have the power to change your experience — and I hope this story reaches at least one person who really needs to hear it.   JOIN MY NEW ONLINE EMF HOME SAFETY MASTERCLASS! Visit to join. Only $149! Are you aware of the dangers of EMF exposure in your home, but have no idea where to start when it comes to finding, and fixing them?  Are you concerned about your exposure to the current 3G, 4G, and 5G wireless networks now activated in most major cities? Have you attempted to test the levels yourself using EMF meters you found online and ended up confused and frustrated? EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) are one of the most toxic elements in our living and work environments. Due to the technical nature of accurately testing for them—and the training required to do so properly—many of us resign ourselves to the fact that we just have to accept them and the consequences they bring in order to use the modern technology we depend on. But you don’t have to. In this seven-part video documentary series, you will follow world-renowned building biologist Brian Hoyer as he tests an entire home, room by room, to determine the source and level of every known type of EMF. By the end of this series, you will not only be thoroughly educated on the various types and sources of EMF commonly found in homes but also of the many mitigation tools and techniques available thanks to the cutting-edge technologies. Visit to join. Only $149!   Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE - HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? You’ll really love Luke’s Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW.   Other ways to support:  SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals   Resources Instagram: @chrisdufey
Sep 22, 2020 • 2h 20min

Spiritually Sassy: How To Dance W/ Your Shadow & Free Yourself From Suffering W/ Sah D'Simone #306

This one is for all of our spiritual seekers and finders.  Sah D’Simone is a friend, spiritual guide, meditation teacher, transformational speaker, and international best-selling author. He’s pioneering a spiritual, sassy, and heart-based healing movement in which joy and authenticity illuminate the path to enlightenment. And his new book, “Spiritually Sassy: 8 Radical Steps to Activate Your Innate Superpowers,” distills the art of living well in the modern world into attainable steps. Sah’s infectious enthusiasm for healing is a revolutionary synthesis of ancient tantric Buddhism, modern contemplative psychology, meditation, breathwork, and integrative nutrition—all delivered in his own radiant, approachable, and playful style. This is one of the most hilarious and uplifting chats we’ve had on the show, so lean back, relax, and soak in the sass.   08:40 — Sah guides us through meditation Deep breath in, deep breath out Listening to the silence Feeling the breath Resting your mind   21:27 — Coming out of the spiritual closet Being consistent in your change Making the choice to live with integrity Being radically you across the board When you’re not being yourself, you know Giving yourself permission to be yourself Having one good day at a time Thinking about what you can do right now   41:05 — Know your story to change your story We are unaware of the lives we live because we’re so distracted Go on a trip of regret The difference between guilt and regret Making a choice to do something different We are all good people at our core Making a radical change of perspective Showing compassion for all people   01:07:45 — Learning to forgive yourself or others The pain you’re causing by not forgiving others Losing sight of the beauty of the world Focusing on the present moment Forgiveness is the antidote to the spiritual path   01:15:47 — Spray spiritual bleach on the belief systems that have hurt you Everybody has the same problems Examine your belief systems How your beliefs put people in a box Realize the conditioning you have in the world   01:22:18 — Waking up to your inner wisdom Recognizing the potential inside of us Reaching the flow state How to master things quickly   01:29:18 — Naming your superpower How to find your secret sauce Finding the way to offer what’s in your heart The way you can affect others through your actions Discovering your creative genius   01:34:04 — Believing you are amazing How to live with integrity Seeing reality more clearly Making your external reality a reflection of your internal world   01:39:45 — Use what you have We are more resourceful than we believe we are Zooming out from a victim mindset Making a list of the 10 people in your life who could take you to the next level   01:43:02 — Stay slaying Looking at all of the areas in our lives Putting time towards areas where you are lacking Watering the seeds of your spiritual practice   01:46:02 — Dance, spiritual practice, and online hate Music connects people and moves them Cultivating presence Meditating in every area of your life Dealing with trolls online Handling hate with love   02:04:18 — Three teachers or teachings that have influenced Sah’s life Dalai Lama Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo Sharon Salzberg   More about this episode. Watch it on YouTube.   JOIN MY NEW ONLINE EMF HOME SAFETY MASTERCLASS! Visit to join. Only $149! Are you aware of the dangers of EMF exposure in your home, but have no idea where to start when it comes to finding, and fixing them?  Are you concerned about your exposure to the current 3G, 4G, and 5G wireless networks now activated in most major cities? Have you attempted to test the levels yourself using EMF meters you found online and ended up confused and frustrated? EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) are one of the most toxic elements in our living and work environments. Due to the technical nature of accurately testing for them—and the training required to do so properly—many of us resign ourselves to the fact that we just have to accept them and the consequences they bring in order to use the modern technology we depend on. But you don’t have to. In this seven-part video documentary series, you will follow world-renowned building biologist Brian Hoyer as he tests an entire home, room by room, to determine the source and level of every known type of EMF. By the end of this series, you will not only be thoroughly educated on the various types and sources of EMF commonly found in homes but also of the many mitigation tools and techniques available thanks to the cutting-edge technologies. Visit to join. Only $149!   Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE - THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: BEEKEEPER'S NATURALS. Superfoods from the hive - amazing! Beekeeper’s Naturals brings you the highest quality products from the hive and nurture a greater awareness for saving our bees! That is why their all-natural health-boosting products are made with the purest ingredients from sustainable apiaries full of healthy bees. Each of their products has been rigorously tested to meet the highest potency standards. Use code “LIFESTYLIST” for 15% off at   AND...   BLUBLOX. BLUblox offers a complete range of evidence-backed blue light blocking glasses to suit every need (and, as a rad bonus, you won’t look like a tool while you’re wearing them). Plus, they even do prescription and reading glasses now, as well as an epic send-your-own frame service, both using the same world-renowned blue light blocking lenses. I’ve also been digging their new REMedy Sleep Mask, which blocks out 100% of the light around you while you’re sleeping. And it’s not just great for better sleep — it can also be used for meditation, deep touch pressure therapy, air travel, and migraine relief! You can get all of this epicness and more by using the code LIFESTYLIST for 15% off at   AND…   CACAO BLISS. Back in the day, I used to have to take about 50 ingredients to make an elixir or a smoothie. I had to mix them together, make a big mess, and it took up a bunch of space in the cabinet. But Cacao Bliss has changed the game. Now I have amazing ceremony-grade organic ingredients like raw cacao, turmeric, black pepper, MCT powder, cinnamon, monk fruit, coconut nectar, lacuma, mesquite, and Himilayan salt all in one. So this is the ultimate superfood elixir, but it really tastes like chocolate milk. It's just absolutely fantastic. Try it yourself by using code “LUKE15” for 15% off at HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? You’ll really love Luke’s Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW.   Other ways to support:  SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals   Resources Instagram: @sahdsimone Read “Spiritually Sassy: 8 Radical Steps to Activate Your Innate Superpowers”   Related Shows Episode 109: Sah D'Simone: Light + Shadow: Radical Self-love And Acceptance
Sep 18, 2020 • 1h 31min

Community Q&A : Spiritual Surrender, Healing Lyme & ADD, Vision Support, Colon Cleansing, & More #305

Welcome to another Community Q&A show! All these questions were taken from The Life Stylist Podcast Facebook Group, which I highly encourage you to join so you can submit your questions and likely have them answered on a future episode just like this. Before we get into it, I always like to remind you that this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. It's always best to check with a professional before making changes to your diet or lifestyle. What I will be sharing today is a combination of my two decades in the health and wellness field based on my subjective experience and knowledge at this time. 08:06 — Brinn asks: Hi friends! Any tips on staying grounded spiritually during this ridiculous time? I’m a new mom and I find myself worrying about different things that could happen to my daughter as a result of whatever the heck is going on right now (i.e. forced vaccinations, lack of human connection, a masked society, etc) Limit doom porn exposure, especially the news, whether that’s mainstream or alternative. Meditate. I like to use the Joe Dispenza meditation tracks. NuCalm BrainTap Apollo Stress Relief Wearable Device The Rasha Kundalini yoga: RA MA TV, Nine Treasures Yoga Breathwork - Wim Hof Method Mobile App Get outdoors, get sun, especially at dusk and dawn. Avoid blue light at night to keep your neurotransmitters balanced. Focus on gut health for the same reason. Make quality sleep a top priority. Use the ChiliPad or OOLER and track your sleep with the Oura Ring. 22:38 — Samantha asks: Hello smart people. I’ve been diagnosed with long term Lyme and am looking for ways or products to help me detox without ingesting supplements (already doing that). Any suggestions? Thanks! Use energy medicine: The AmpCoil - I talk about this in episodes 98 and 173. If you can’t afford one, find a practitioner or healer in your area. Dr. Rashid Buttar’s clinic in North Carolina Dr. Frank Shallenberger in Reno, Nevada The Rasha in Reno or find a practitioner who uses one 30:46 — Carly asks: Luke referenced eye drops that he used to help his vision when he was having problems with it and I can’t recall what they were. Does anyone know? I’m in need! I was doing some peptide drops from Russia but I found something way better! I fill up an eyedropper with Quinton sea mineral solution. The isotonic version, NOT the hypertonic. This seawater solution is collected from plankton blooms deep in the ocean and purified. It has all the trace elements and minerals essential to all life on earth. Future podcast guest Robert Slovak taught me this trick. He’s a water genius, and we do a deep dive into Quinton minerals. They are also incredible for fertility and many other applications. 38:54 — Erin asks: Does anyone have good info or resources for children with ADD? The most effective natural treatment I’m aware of is neurofeedback. I’ve done a lot of this at Peak Brain Institute in west LA, and you can learn about it on episode 30 with Dr. Andrew Hill. Peak Brain does remote training, and there are other practitioners all over the world.  This modality has been a huge part of my brain healing, including a week-long training I did at 40 Years of Zen, Dave Asprey’s clinic. Neurofeedback is a non-invasive way to retrain your brain to manage brainwaves. You teach your brain to behave the way you want it. Great for PTSD, ADD, ADHD, focus, memory, high performance, and more. 43:05 — Penelope asks: I had a B12 shot at the pharmacy yesterday and usually I feel great after. I feel like they gave me the flu shot instead. The receipt says b12 but this feels really crappy. Has anyone else experienced such a thing? I’ve never had an adverse reaction to injectable nutrients. Bodies are sensitive though, not only to physical molecules but also to energy, and the world is insane at the moment. Could be anything. I wouldn’t blame it on the B12. 45:18 — Maggie asks: Does anyone remember the books Luke often mentions about the concept of "surrender?”  The #1 book on surrender is “Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender” by Dr. David R. Hawkins. It’s about learning how to fully experience all emotions without fighting them. The other is called “The Surrender Experiment” by Michael Singer. Amazing book! It’s more of a life story about how surrendering to everything and anything led him on an incredibly successful life mission. I also did a solo show from a live gig at Aspen Shakti on episode 115, where I talked in great detail about my 24-year journey into deep surrender. 58:32 — Elisa asks: What is the best at-home colon cleanse? I’ve been a fan of Gravity Colonics for 20+ years. They are the most thorough, gentle, and natural.  You can get something called a Colema board online at There is also a colonic clinic/retreat spot on the big island called Angel Farms, which I went to 20 years ago to detox drugs. It was incredible! Do that, then just do maintenance at home.  01:05:45 — Stefania asks: Hi! I feel like this group may have the guidance I am looking for. I am deciding on an apartment that has power lines running close behind the bedroom windows and balcony area. Is this dangerous/EMF producing? There are three big power lines close to the windows. Your best bet is to have a building biologist test them. Sometimes they’re really bad, other times not so much. You can test the magnetic field yourself with a tri field meter to get an idea. I have some about 20 feet away from my house and they’re not that bad.  Take the EMF Masterclass to learn all the tricks. 01:09:41 — Tana asks: Does anyone have natural remedies for ringing in the ear? I wish! Everyone, please let me know if you hear of anything. The only solution I have found is to 100% ignore it. 01:12:53 — Caleb asks: Has anyone here supplemented with shilajit as a mineral supplement? Seems really interesting and I am curious to try it for my mineral supplementation. I’ve been on shilajit for 10 years or so just about every day PristineHydro makes a great powered version Shilajit Powder with Triphala: Shilajit Powder is composed of 84 Organic Plant-Based Minerals, Fulvic, Humic, and Ulmic acids, blended with Triphala, which is one of the most popular herbal remedies in the health food industry that promotes bowel movement. The reason Triphala is added to Shilajit is quite simple since a very common problem for so many individuals is constipation and bowel irregularity. I bought a few kilos of the tar a few years ago from a private source in Siberia, and it lasted me forever. It is said to be a great source of minerals, and even more so fulvic acid. If you want minerals, get some of the Quinton sea mineral solution I mentioned earlier as well. It’s not about how many minerals you eat, but rather what you assimilate.  I prefer plant-based minerals over synthetic, but for magnesium, you can’t beat Magnesium Breakthrough, which has 7 different forms. It’s incredible. 01:17:03 — Bret asks: For those of you not on city water, do you prefer well water or rainwater harvesting? for such reasons as drinking, overall health, bathing (skin, hair), etc? This is a huge topic and could be a whole solo show I would have both types of water tested before considering drinking. Rainwater is full of acids and chemtrails. Well water could have any number of metals or other contaminants. For bathing I would say anything is better than city/tap water, but for drinking, this requires a solid strategy. Listen to the 6 hours I did on water starting on episode 129 with Daniel Vitalis. Download the Ultimate Water Guide at ...or TEXT thewaterguide TO 44222 01:20:41 —Macy asks: Hey gang! Did we ever get to the bottom of a low EMF air purifier? Did a quick group search but looking for some quick clarity. I live in Denver and due to the fires we currently sit at #5 worst air quality in the WORLD! Also, any advice on maintaining good respiratory health is greatly appreciated. The whole household is feeling super blah. Listen to episode 260 where I discuss air filtration. I’ve been working on the air purifier thing for years. It’s so hard to weed through the BS. I have a couple of Austin Air HEPA filters downstairs for big particles. In the bedroom, I only use the Air Doctor which I love! Easy to clean, has an auto mode, and even a blue light button. It filters mold, bacteria, viruses, and more. As for EMF, as long as it doesn’t have Bluetooth or wifi it’s not an issue. I keep mine across the room, way farther than a magnetic or electric field could ever reach. No matter what it is, never keep anything plugged into power near you, especially while sleeping   More about this episode. Watch it on YouTube.   JOIN MY NEW ONLINE EMF HOME SAFETY MASTERCLASS! Visit to join. Only $149! Are you aware of the dangers of EMF exposure in your home, but have no idea where to start when it comes to finding, and fixing them?  Are you concerned about your exposure to the current 3G, 4G, and 5G wireless networks now activated in most major cities? Have you attempted to test the levels yourself using EMF meters you found online and ended up confused and frustrated? EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) are one of the most toxic elements in our living and work environments. Due to the technical nature of accurately testing for them—and the training required to do so properly—many of us resign ourselves to the fact that we just have to accept them and the consequences they bring in order to use the modern technology we depend on. But you don’t have to. In this seven-part video documentary series, you will follow world-renowned building biologist Brian Hoyer as he tests an entire home, room by room, to determine the source and level of every known type of EMF. By the end of this series, you will not only be thoroughly educated on the various types and sources of EMF commonly found in homes but also of the many mitigation tools and techniques available thanks to the cutting-edge technologies. Visit to join. Only $149!   Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE - THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: JOOVV. I learned through this podcast just how important natural light is for your body and your health, and there’s a reason Joovv is the #1 red light therapy brand in the world: their devices are sleek, powerful, FDA-cleared, and come in a variety of sizes to fit your lifestyle. It’s actually the single easiest health intervention I do and it has some of the biggest results. Plus, new research is showing that red light therapy is great for regulating womens’ hormone health, and I know it’s done great things for my testosterone levels. If you are ready to get your own Joovv device plus a FREE gift, head over to   AND...   SURTHRIVAL. Right now, more than ever, we need to remain healthy and strong. While governments, health agencies and medical professionals scramble to create policies and treatments for the masses, the wise amongst us are busy building the strongest, healthiest, and most adaptable versions of ourselves we can. Surthrival was built on the premise of self-healthcare, or the idea that ultimately we are each responsible for our own health, and never before has that become more clear. I'd recommend that you start with Surthrival Elk Antler formula for total body adaptation and anabolism. Then check out the Colostrum and Vitamin D3+K2 combo for incredible immune fortification. You can use the code “STYLE10” for 10% off at   AND…   JUST THRIVE. Imagine this: a probiotic that actually does what it is supposed to do! I’ve tried so many different supplements, and when you find the right one — the one that really works — it’s like winning the lottery. So I was psyched when I tried Just Thrive Probiotic, the first and only spore-based probiotics and antioxidants. Their products have been the subject of groundbreaking clinical studies and demonstrated incomparable effects on the gut, even healing leaky gut. It’s super simple and it just works. You can use code ‘luke15’ for 15% off at HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? You’ll really love Luke’s Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW.   Other ways to support:  SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals   Resources Want to ask a Q? Come join The Life Stylist Podcast Facebook Group Instagram: @lukestorey Want to learn about 5G and EMF, and how to fix it? Join the EMF Home Safety Masterclass. Over 5+ hours of content. Only $149. VISIT:
Sep 15, 2020 • 3h 6min

Don't Fear the Virus: Your Body's Immunity Blueprint & Humanity's Awakening w/ Dr. Zach Bush #304

We’ve had dozens of requests for Dr. Zach Bush to come onto the show over the years, and I’m pumped to finally have an opportunity to sit down with him — and the resulting conversation is nothing short of mind-blowing. This is straight up one of the best conversations I’ve had in my life, not to mention on the podcast. Dr. Zach Bush is an internationally recognized educator and thought leader on the microbiome as it relates to health, disease, and food systems. He founded *Seraphic Group and the nonprofit Farmer’s Footprint to develop root-cause solutions for human and ecological health. He sees that there is a dramatic need for a radical departure from chemical farming and pharmacy, and his ongoing efforts are providing a path for consumers, farmers, and mega-industries to work together for a healthy future for people and the planet.  So, really, there’s never been a better time to sit down with Dr. Bush — because our society and planet clearly need some help right now. To support the work of Dr. Zach Bush, the most powerful step you can take right now is connecting with and supporting his non-profit organization, Farmer’s Footprint. They’ve also recently launched a crowdfunding tool where you can support the acceleration of soil health through the adoption of regenerative agriculture practices by harnessing the power of giving within your own community. Watch the film and learn more here.   14:00 — What’s new and positive in Dr. Bush’s life right now Leaning into surrender Why do we look outward to validate who and what we are? When your identity is threatened, you have an opportunity to find deeper meaning   16:40 — Terrain Theory vs. Germ Theory What terrain theory is This has been an argument for a long time in the medical community Is it always a bad thing to become ill? Why “HIV causes AIDS” is inaccurate and an oversimplification of the reality So what IS a virus and why have they been vilified? The nature of viruses The viruses that built us   43:35 — The Roundup / glyphosate problem Why Dr. Bush is exposing the dangers of Roundup (glyphosate) and has made it one of his core missions Why being an organic farm isn’t good enough when other people in your area are using harmful chemicals The effect on animals The problem with antibiotics in our water and food supply What glyphosate does to our bodies The multinational corporations conspiring to ruin our ecology and health for profit Why would Bayer buy Monsanto? Why you, literally, might not want to smell the roses (or golf course) The generational effects of these environmental poisons   01:14:00 — The systemic problems that drive misinformation campaigns and encourage the general population’s ignorance Why there is no talk from the medical establishment on immune function and a healthy lifestyle when it comes to combating viruses and other disease Consciousness requires perspective What Dr. Bush has learned about humanity from hospice care The problem with vilifying biology Has the COV!D-19 virus been isolated and proven to exist? How accurate is the current testing? Mass misdiagnosis of deaths How pollution contributed to the positive numbers   01:47:30 — A deeper look at the environmental factors affecting global health in 2020 A deeper look at what happened in Wuhan Poison or infection? Environmental factors for respiratory deaths Why staying inside is increasing the mortality rate The waste and inefficiencies of the healthcare industry Health is cheap — being sick is expensive Integrity is on the rise Do masks actually help?   02:37:30 — Why you should avoid all wheat products that aren’t organic Making access to healthy food a human right   02:44:00 — How ION*Biome helps heal the gut from glyphosate exposure, including for pets Use code LUKE1KS for 15% off ION*Biome Rebuilding the biochemistry of a healthy gut Bringing an intelligent relationship back to your body’s ecosystem   More about this episode. Watch it on YouTube.   JOIN MY NEW ONLINE EMF HOME SAFETY MASTERCLASS! Visit to join. Only $149! Are you aware of the dangers of EMF exposure in your home, but have no idea where to start when it comes to finding, and fixing them?  Are you concerned about your exposure to the current 3G, 4G, and 5G wireless networks now activated in most major cities? Have you attempted to test the levels yourself using EMF meters you found online and ended up confused and frustrated? EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) are one of the most toxic elements in our living and work environments. Due to the technical nature of accurately testing for them—and the training required to do so properly—many of us resign ourselves to the fact that we just have to accept them and the consequences they bring in order to use the modern technology we depend on. But you don’t have to. In this seven-part video documentary series, you will follow world-renowned building biologist Brian Hoyer as he tests an entire home, room by room, to determine the source and level of every known type of EMF. By the end of this series, you will not only be thoroughly educated on the various types and sources of EMF commonly found in homes but also of the many mitigation tools and techniques available thanks to the cutting-edge technologies. Visit to join. Only $149!   Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE - THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: EMF HOME ASSESSMENT MASTERCLASS. If you’ve been listening to the show for a while, you’ve heard me talk to some of the world’s foremost experts about the dangers of electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) in our homes and beyond. I think this is one of the greatest threats to not just human life but life on Earth. So, I’ve put together everything that I learned to protect my own house in this new video series. Join the waitlist at to get $100 off the EMF Home Assessment Masterclass.   AND...   SOVEREIGNTY. Just when I think I’ve discovered every herb and supplement in the known universe, another two come along and get my attention: Purpose and Dream from I’ve been taking them daily for a while now and they’re making a huge difference. Purpose is great for daytime alertness and focus, while Dream is meant for nighttime relaxation and restful sleep. And these guys stand behind their herbal products so much that they offer a Your Favorite Money Back Guarantee. So, if you don’t like their products, they will give you your money back and buy you your favorite supplement. You can find Purpose and Dream at   AND…   SURTHRIVAL. Surthrival just created the most comprehensive CBD product on the market: CBD3. A lot of the CBD on the market, like that stuff you see at gas station counters, is just crap. They source questionable ingredients and the products flat-out don’t work. But CBD3’s unique tri-hemp blend is more bioavailable than other products on the market, requires a lower dose to be effective, and doesn't degrade in your stomach when you swallow it because of its liposomal delivery system. It also comes in three strengths, and there’s even a pet version. Plus, it’s tested to ensure it’s 0% THC. If you want the healthiest, most efficient, and most economical CBD available, use the code “STYLE10” for 10% off CBD3 at HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? You’ll really love Luke’s Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW.   Other ways to support:  SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals Resources Support Farmer’s Footprint Use code LUKE1KS for 15% off ION*Biome Instagram: @zachbushmd Facebook: Twitter: @drzachbush “The Coronation” - essay by Charles Eisenstein “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda Viktor Schauberger Related Shows Episode 279: Censor This Podcast! The Non-Tinfoil Guide To COV!d-19, 5G, & The EMF Crisis Episode 297: Unnatural: The Hidden Costs Of Wireless Technology & EMF Pollution W/ Jaymie Icke 297 Episode 298: The Ultimate EMF Episode! Community Q&A Solo Show: 5G, Cell Towers, WiFi Hacks & More #298 Episode 299: Shot In The Dark: Blowing The Whistle On The Vacc!ne Industry + COV!D w/ Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Sep 8, 2020 • 2h 13min

Performance Medicine: Adrenals, Circadian Rhythm, Peptides, NAD, Ketamine w/ Dr. Craig Koniver #303

Today’s episode combines some much-needed Inspiration with tactical information for next-level living. Healing the adrenals, optimizing your circadian rhythm, biohacking your body and mind with peptides and NAD+ IV, the potential uses of ketamine therapy — there’s some crazy stuff here, but this is the future of medicine. And our guest is one of the world’s foremost experts in Performance Medicine. Dr. Craig Koniver has been practicing Performance Medicine through his practice Koniver Wellness for nearly two decades, helping clients like Navy SEALs, world-class professional athletes, and Fortune 100 executives optimize their health and performance through time-tested, nutrient- and science-driven protocols that are the cutting-edge of medicine. I’ve been working with Dr. Koniver personally and it’s no exaggeration to say that he changed my life. I’ve wanted to have him on the show for a while now and I’m stoked that I can finally share his wealth of knowledge and insight with all of you. We NEED more doctors like this. If you’re interested in trying out the peptide protocols or working with Dr. Koniver, you can use the code “Luke10” for 10% off anything at   12:55 — What the hell is Performance Medicine? Optimization Vs. the standard allopathic model Why Dr. Koniver was never satisfied with the allopathic or functional medicine models Going beyond just feeling well The difference between living for a long time and having a long life worth living   18:00 — Decoding circadian rhythms and sleep cycles We’re all hardwired for a certain cortisol rhythm The role of light in shaping our rhythm Why you want to go outside as early as possible every day, even for just a little bit The one change you can make in your routine to see the biggest difference in your sleep That groggy feeling when you sleep in too late Sleeping at the “wrong time”   27:15 — How to restore adrenals (and how they actually work) The liquid fruit and Hydrocortisone protocol that Luke has been using What are the clinical markers for adrenal fatigue? How your adrenals respond to stress, good or bad, real or simulated The lie we’ve been told about multitasking   37:50 — Does taking hormones or supplementing with other things that your body makes deregulate your body’s natural production? Yes, so these have to be used tactically We have to be particularly mindful of hydrocortisone Dosage guidelines to avoid suppressing the adrenals   43:45 — How Dr. Koniver has been using Ketamine to help improve his clients’ emotional and spiritual well-being How the architecture of our nervous system is shaped during the first five years of our life The role of Glutamate in our body How ketamine can start to change your perception of self Breaking dysfunctional patterns from your past How professionally-guided ketamine therapy is being used to heal emotional trauma and depression Why Dr. Koniver and others have referred to ketamine as a “magic molecule” Ketamine prescription products that might be coming soon The cosmic MD on LSD, Ayahuasca, & Nootropic Awakenings w/ Dr Ted Achacoso #227   59:50 — The time Luke accidentally fell into a K-hole Transcending the ego (but in a kinda scary way) Observing yourself Feeling like he’s stuck in another dimension or maybe dead The trend of using ketamine to “turn off” your consciousness   01:12:05 — Biohacking performance with oxytocin (AKA “the love hormone”) Why oxytocin pairs so well with ketamine How it can help in relationships Why you don’t really need to worry about throwing off your body’s natural production of oxytocin    01:16:45 — Dr. Craig Koniver’s work with Sovereignty Check out the herbs and supplements at My two favorite Sovereignty supplements: Purpose and Dream Why I use Purpose before every podcast recording (including this one) Why fermented herbs are more bioavailable than the traditional formulas The best supplements for sleep   01:22:30 — The best supplements for sleep Dream from Use code “Luke10” for 10% off SLEEP Peptide Protocol You shouldn’t use the sleep peptide protocol every night   01:30:38 — What are peptides and how do they work in a clinical environment? A peptide is a short chain of amino acids Why they first became popular for anti-aging and high-performance athletes How peptides are administered How Dr. Koniver is combining peptides in a novel way It doesn’t work for everyone, but nothing does The potential risks of buying peptides that you don’t know much about The peptide that’s almost too effective at giving an erection Emerging discoveries in the world of peptides   01:40:30 — Everything you need to know about NAD NAD = Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide NAD is found in all living cells Why we need NAD and its role in our metabolism The various ways to supplement with NAD. Why he prefers straight NAD to the NAD precursors available on the market How NAD helps addicts get clean The relationship between metabolic function and addiction   More about this episode. Watch it on YouTube.   JOIN MY NEW ONLINE EMF HOME SAFETY MASTERCLASS! Visit to join. Only $149! Are you aware of the dangers of EMF exposure in your home, but have no idea where to start when it comes to finding, and fixing them?  Are you concerned about your exposure to the current 3G, 4G, and 5G wireless networks now activated in most major cities? Have you attempted to test the levels yourself using EMF meters you found online and ended up confused and frustrated? EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) are one of the most toxic elements in our living and work environments. Due to the technical nature of accurately testing for them—and the training required to do so properly—many of us resign ourselves to the fact that we just have to accept them and the consequences they bring in order to use the modern technology we depend on. But you don’t have to. In this seven-part video documentary series, you will follow world-renowned building biologist Brian Hoyer as he tests an entire home, room by room, to determine the source and level of every known type of EMF. By the end of this series, you will not only be thoroughly educated on the various types and sources of EMF commonly found in homes but also of the many mitigation tools and techniques available thanks to the cutting-edge technologies. Visit to join. Only $149!   Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE - THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: CACAO BLISS. Back in the day, I used to have to take about 50 ingredients to make an elixir or a smoothie. I had to mix them together, make a big mess, and it took up a bunch of space in the cabinet. But Cacao Bliss has changed the game. Now I have amazing ceremony-grade organic ingredients like raw cacao, turmeric, black pepper, MCT powder, cinnamon, monk fruit, coconut nectar, lacuma, mesquite, and Himilayan salt all in one. So this is the ultimate superfood elixir, but it really tastes like chocolate milk. It's just absolutely fantastic. Try it yourself by using code “LUKE15” for 15% off at   AND...   MAGNESIUM BREAKTHROUGH. Magnesium is the body's master mineral, responsible for over 300 critical reactions in the human body. But there are two big problems: Magnesium has been largely missing from the U S soil since the 1950s, which explains why it's estimated that up to 80% of the population may be deficient, and most supplements contain only one or two forms of magnesium, while your body benefits from at least seven different forms of the mineral. The good news is that, when you do get all seven critical forms of magnesium, pretty much every function in your body gets upgraded — and all you need to do that is Magnesium Breakthrough from my buddies over at BiOptimizers. I've taken every magnesium on the market that I've ever heard of and I think Magnesium Breakthrough is by far the most complete magnesium product ever created. Go to and enter the code “luke10” to save 10% on your Magnesium Breakthrough.   AND…   LIFE CYKEL. If you listened to Episode 255 with Julian Mitchell, then you know that Life Cykel are total game changers in the mushroom world, growing some of the most powerful mushroom extracts available anywhere on the planet on coffee waste! My favorite thing they make is the Biohacking Pack, which includes: Lion's Mane for sleep and brain health, Reishi for just chilling out and immunity, Holy Shiitake for radiance and hair health, Turkey Tail for the ultimate gut health boost, and Cordyceps for when you want to do the wild thing or just need some energy. You can use code “Storey15” for 15% off at HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? You’ll really love Luke’s Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW.   Other ways to support:  SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals   Resources Want to try a peptide protocol or NAD+ IV? You can use the code “Luke10” for 10% off anything at Get the best quality herbs and supplements at Instagram: @koniverwellness   Related Shows Episode 227: The cosmic MD on LSD, Ayahuasca, & Nootropic Awakenings w/ Dr Ted Achacoso
Sep 6, 2020 • 1h 27min

Hacking Jet Lag: Luke As Guest On The Smarter Tech Podcast: Bonus Show

After I had Nick Penault on the show back in episode 279, he invited me onto the Smarter Tech Podcast to talk all about hacking travel and jet lag, as well as how to optimize your recovery after travelling.   Topics Discussed: How Luke naturally became a travel hacker, and how he was able to figure out how to greatly minimize how much he suffers from jet lag What to do a few days before your trip What to do when you get to the airport — and why minimizing external stimuli will help you maximize your energy What to do while you’re on the plane What to do after you’ve reached your final destination The right way to use light therapy and blue-blocking glasses to quickly reset your circadian rhythm   JOIN MY NEW ONLINE EMF HOME SAFETY MASTERCLASS! Visit to join. Only $149! Are you aware of the dangers of EMF exposure in your home, but have no idea where to start when it comes to finding, and fixing them?  Are you concerned about your exposure to the current 3G, 4G, and 5G wireless networks now activated in most major cities? Have you attempted to test the levels yourself using EMF meters you found online and ended up confused and frustrated? EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) are one of the most toxic elements in our living and work environments. Due to the technical nature of accurately testing for them—and the training required to do so properly—many of us resign ourselves to the fact that we just have to accept them and the consequences they bring in order to use the modern technology we depend on. But you don’t have to. In this seven-part video documentary series, you will follow world-renowned building biologist Brian Hoyer as he tests an entire home, room by room, to determine the source and level of every known type of EMF. By the end of this series, you will not only be thoroughly educated on the various types and sources of EMF commonly found in homes but also of the many mitigation tools and techniques available thanks to the cutting-edge technologies. Visit to join. Only $149!   Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE - HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? You’ll really love Luke’s Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW.   Other ways to support:  SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals   Resources Smarter Tech Podcast Dr. Jack Kruse 005 // Pawel Wypychowski – An Engineer’s Perspective on EMF Radiation Dangers, Part 1 Light Therapy Lamp by Verilux Near Infrared Red Light Therapy by Joovv Oxyhealth Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber by Conarium Wellness Pulse Oximeter Evclo: Rosita Real Foods Molecular Hydrogen h2 Tablets Vital Reaction 7% Inhaler Chaga mushrooms Oceans Alive Raw Phytoplankton Liposomal Glutathione by Quick Silver Scientific Liposomal Vitamin C USA Global Entry Program Official Website of Dr. Joe Dispenza NuCalm Peracitam Modafinil Blue Cannatine The Energy Blue Print NanoVi Cellular Repair Technology — LUKE STOREY Daniel Vitalis TrueDark Blue Blocking Sunglasses EMF Proof Boxer Briefs By Lambs EMF Protection Hoodie & Baby Onesie, by No Choice — LUKE STOREY KTC Lab (manufacturer of Luke’s EMF-blocking pants) Brian Hoyer from Shielded Healing Belly Band by Belly Armor Dr. Gaétan Chevalier from The Earthing Institute Incandescent Edison Light Bulbs — LUKE STOREY
Sep 1, 2020 • 2h 28min

Old Soul, Present Mission: Healing Past Life Trauma W/ Psychic Ainslie MacLeod #302

Ainslie MacLeod is a truly inspiring and awakened personality. He’s an internationally-acclaimed past-life psychic, spiritual teacher, and the award-winning author of “The Old Soul's Guidebook.” He specializes in exploring past lives to reveal your life’s purpose, and as you’ll hear in this episode, his ability to read and understand someone is uncanny. Ainslie first discovered his gift when he ran into his dead uncle at a bookstore, and from there he learned to hone his ability to communicate with spirit guides and use their teachings to help and enlighten others. It’s a pretty wild story, but what’s even more wild is that this isn’t just some inherent gift that only a few special have — anyone can develop these spiritual abilities with enough time. Ainslie teaches us all about spirit guides, including the fact that all spirit guides were once human, how spirit guides evolved from other life forms, and how you can know whether a spirit guide is benevolent or a misguided, lost soul with bad intentions. He also does an impromptu reading on me to determine my soul type, and he read me like a book. Get ready to dive into the deep end of the spiritual pool.   07:33 —How Ainslie discovered his gift People are born with gifts, they just have to learn to use them Seeing his dead uncle The long road to developing his talent Anyone can do it if they put in the time The view from the other side Spirit guides speak in metaphors so that we can understand them Realizations that transcend rationality Anything becomes easier when you’ve done it for years   21:45 — Spirit guides and the cycle of reincarnation All spirit guides have passed through human lives The spirit world is endlessly compassionate The purpose of life is to take us to the place of understanding love How our behavior affects our reincarnation   30:23 — Explaining the intrinsic bond of soul families Coming into the world with a soul family Becoming an Old Soul Sharing your experiences with your soul family Leaving your life at specific points   40:21 — When the soul enters a child’s body Souls being determined years before birth The moment a soul enters the body How children reference their past lives The personality of a leader’s soul entering a baby’s body The things kids say that hint at their past lives We come into this world with a chosen personality Enter the world with past-life amnesia to protect us from trauma   50:28 — Accessing your past lives through psychedelics There are many valid ways to open up to the other side Considering what we are hoping to get from it We are not meant to be isolated Connecting to something ancient opens up everything   57:41 — Luke’s past lives Here to teach Deeply sensitive personality Leadership qualities Learned resilience from past lives Feeling like an outsider Not being told what to do Fear of entrapment   01:13:20 — The vulnerability of opening your chakra Fear of the perceived loss of freedom Discovering freedom of soul How difficult relationships seal up our chakra Noticing the patterns in our relationships   01:19:25 — The ten levels of a souls’ experience A way of defining the elements of a souls’ lifetime Living multiple lifetimes at each of the ten levels Different focuses at different levels Older souls have a greater altruism Old souls joining young families Up to old souls to help one another   01:31:47 — How race relates to past lives How consciousness can be seen as a sign of privilege We all have a role in creating a fair and equal world Being spiritual is not enough on its own if you aren’t helping people How young souls focus on superficial differences The growth of a soul requires experiencing different cultures Separating the past life from the present Being ashamed of your race Using self-love and empowerment to affect change   01:51:34 — Being held back before reaching the cosmic plane Karma wants to balance your past lives Karma is not about punishment There is always growth from every lifetime The way spirits protect you from past lives’ behaviors   02:00:39 — How to evaluate the nature of a spirit Spirit guides only have your best interest in mind It is possible to get messages from other entities on the other side If a message isn’t helpful, cut off contact and send it on its way   02:04:44 — Extraterrestrials that communicate with us Souls permeate the entire universe Ainslie’s spirit guides don’t speak to him about extraterrestrials The ability to connect spiritually is not based on geographic location Thinking of the astral plane as “home”   02:13:25 — Three teachers that influenced Ainslie’s work "Many Lives, Many Masters" by Brian L. Weiss Raymond Moody Nelson Mandela   More about this episode. Watch it on YouTube.   JOIN MY NEW ONLINE EMF HOME SAFETY MASTERCLASS! Visit to join. Only $149! Are you aware of the dangers of EMF exposure in your home, but have no idea where to start when it comes to finding, and fixing them?  Are you concerned about your exposure to the current 3G, 4G, and 5G wireless networks now activated in most major cities? Have you attempted to test the levels yourself using EMF meters you found online and ended up confused and frustrated? EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) are one of the most toxic elements in our living and work environments. Due to the technical nature of accurately testing for them—and the training required to do so properly—many of us resign ourselves to the fact that we just have to accept them and the consequences they bring in order to use the modern technology we depend on. But you don’t have to. In this seven-part video documentary series, you will follow world-renowned building biologist Brian Hoyer as he tests an entire home, room by room, to determine the source and level of every known type of EMF. By the end of this series, you will not only be thoroughly educated on the various types and sources of EMF commonly found in homes but also of the many mitigation tools and techniques available thanks to the cutting-edge technologies. Visit to join. Only $149!   Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE - THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: BLUBLOX. BLUblox offers a complete range of evidence-backed blue light blocking glasses to suit every need (and, as a rad bonus, you won’t look like a tool while you’re wearing them). Plus, they even do prescription and reading glasses now, as well as an epic send-your-own frame service, both using the same world-renowned blue light blocking lenses. I’ve also been digging their new REMedy Sleep Mask, which blocks out 100% of the light around you while you’re sleeping. And it’s not just great for better sleep — it can also be used for meditation, deep touch pressure therapy, air travel, and migraine relief! You can get all of this epicness and more by using the code LIFESTYLIST for 15% off at   AND...   JUST THRIVE. Imagine this: a probiotic that actually does what it is supposed to do! I’ve tried so many different supplements, and when you find the right one — the one that really works — it’s like winning the lottery. So I was psyched when I tried Just Thrive Probiotic, the first and only spore-based probiotics and antioxidants. Their products have been the subject of groundbreaking clinical studies and demonstrated incomparable effects on the gut, even healing leaky gut. It’s super simple and it just works. You can use code ‘luke15’ for 15% off at   AND…   BEEKEEPER'S NATURALS. Superfoods from the hive - amazing! Beekeeper’s Naturals brings you the highest quality products from the hive and nurture a greater awareness for saving our bees! That is why their all-natural health-boosting products are made with the purest ingredients from sustainable apiaries full of healthy bees. Each of their products has been rigorously tested to meet the highest potency standards. Use code “LIFESTYLIST” for 15% off at HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? You’ll really love Luke’s Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW.   Other ways to support:  SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals   Resources Read: “The Old Soul's Guidebook” Instagram: @ainslie_macleod   Related Shows Episode 275: Come Together: Alyson Charles & The Art Of Shamanic Love
Aug 28, 2020 • 1h 4min

Microdosing, Detox, Iron Toxicity, Sleeping Cold, Hydrogen Water, And More! Community Q&A Solo Show #301

It’s time for another Community Q&A show! As a reminder, all of these questions are pulled from The Life Stylist Podcast Facebook Group. Hop in, search for us, and find an amazing community of like-minded people. Before we begin, let me remind you that I am not a medical doctor, so please check with a professional before undergoing any alternative or experimental therapy. I am just sharing with you everything I’ve learned over my own journey and doing 300 episodes of this podcast.   08:08 — Cindy asks: I’m wanting to do some mushroom micro dosing and realize the source and quality is very important. Does anyone know of a reputable place where I could purchase this online? Microdosing is where you take generally 1/10 or 2/10 of a gram of mushrooms for cognitive benefit Much research is currently underway to prove the benefits. There is also a lot of legislative action moving toward legalization As of now, psilocybin mushrooms are illegal almost everywhere The best thing you can do is ask around, as many people grow them at home these days. Check out online forums, or seek out like minded people in your community that are into plant medicines, etc., such as breathwork classes, sound baths, etc. There are even psilocybin mushrooms kits that you can buy online, but to my knowledge it's quite complex in terms of growing them Check out’s online course about how to grow mushrooms yourself When you do find them, consider adding lions mane and a small dose of niacin at the same time, which is the formula made popular by Paul Stamets Watch the film Fantastic Fungi to learn more   14:43 — Maya asks: What would you recommend for low iron? Not interested in iron supplements for various reasons. Thanks for your wisdom and input! The iron issue is very complex because traditional medicine has a very antiquated view on iron level recommendations Research Morely Robbins, and consider doing his Root Cause Protocol and read his iron toxicity posts. He’s been on a ton of podcasts as well, and will hopefully be on this show soon. I would study the work Ray Peatand about the common misconceptions of low iron Depending on which type of doctor has determined you need more iron, the only way I’m aware of to naturally get more of it is to eat red meat, on the rare side You can also take beef liver capsules, which I’ll talk about shortly   17:08 — Mark asks: Does your OOLER or chiliPAD ever create wet spots on your sheets? I have had the chiliPAD and OOLER for a few years and have never had this issue. If that is the case, you might have a leak. They have excellent customer service, so definitely reach out to them for assistance.  I did a mini-documentary video on these products here I’m a massive fan of these devices, and literally could not live without them. I even travel with my chiliPAD on road trips, and even when I fly to hot cumulates. Nothing has improved my sleep like the Chili Technology products   20:46 — Michelle asks: Do you eat liver? If so, which types? Beef, chicken? How often? I get grass-fed raw liver from a farm in Bakersfield called Covenant Farms, where I order 1/4 steers. Another great source is When I have the time and energy, I cut it into little cubes, then freeze it. This way I can pop them down like pills periodically throughout the week. Make sure your source is grass-fed and grass-finished. Never eat any factory farm animal foods if you can avoid it.  If raw liver is not your jam, you can take desiccated organ meet capsules from Ancestral Supplements Beef liver is one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet and is rich in so many vital vitamins and minerals. There is a reason why predatory animals eat the organs of prey first, then the muscle meat. Here are the nutrients found in a 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of beef liver: Vitamin B12: 3,460% of the RDI. Vitamin B12 helps the formation of red blood cells and DNA. It is also involved in healthy brain function. Vitamin A: 860–1,100% of the RDI. Vitamin A is important for normal vision, immune function, and reproduction. It also helps organs like the heart and kidneys function properly. Riboflavin (B2): 210–260% of the RDI. Riboflavin is important for cellular development and function. It also helps turn food into energy . Folate (B9): 65% of the RDI. Folate is an essential nutrient that plays a role in cell growth and the formation of DNA  Iron: 80% of the RDI, or 35% for women of menstruating age. Iron is another essential nutrient that helps carry oxygen around the body.  The iron in the liver is heme iron, the kind most easily absorbed by the body. Copper: 1,620% of the RDI. Copper acts like a key to activate a number of enzymes, which then help regulate energy production, iron metabolism, and brain function. Choline: Liver provides all of the Adequate Intake (AI) for women and nearly all of it for men (AI is used because there is insufficient evidence to set an RDI). Choline is important for brain development and liver function.   27:54 — Erin asks: Hydrogen water - yay or nay? It seems the human research on it is pretty sparse, so any anecdotal experiences would be welcome! Hydrogen like the tablets made by Vital Reaction are one of my daily go-to supplements. I’ve also used the Vital Reaction hydrogen inhaler for years, also on a daily basis. It’s great for mental clarity. Another great product is the Hydro Shot, which is a line of canned hydrogen drinks, some of which contain CBD, amino acids, and other complementary nutrients that enhance the potency of the hydrogen. There is a grip of human research courtesy of The Molecular Hydrogen Research Institute. Listen to Ep #112 featuring Tyler W. Lebaron, one of the world’s top experts on hydrogen. I use it constantly, especially on flights due to its powerful antioxidant capacity.  It also protects against EMF exposure, due to its ability to reduce oxidative stress and scavenge free-radicals. Dr Mercola has explained this in many interviews.  It’s also a potent anti-inflammatory. If I could only use five supplements for the rest of my life, this would be on the list. I’m recording a show with Robert Slovak next week in Mexico, and we’ll cover Hydrogen in depth, so stay tuned for that.    32:14 — Ditte asks: From your IG posts and stories, it looks like that you don't do that much IV vitamin therapy. Is that correct? If so, why? I love nutrient IV’s, although I don’t always post my treatments on IG. It’s hard to use your phone with a drip in your arm. I did once record an entire podcast with an IV in my arm though, which you can hear on episode #181 featuring Lily Kunin, focused on IV’s.  You get much better absorption doing IV’s as compared to swallowing pills. Something like 20% vs. 90% bioavailability.  I get them often at Next Health in LA They are great before and after travel, and anytime you need an immunity boost. You can get many different recipes or mixes, although most clinics will still use the term “Myers Cocktail,” which is the old-school combination of vitamins and minerals. I’m also a fan of IV NAD treatments for energy, or ATP production specifically.  In an upcoming episode with Dr. Craig Koniver, we talk about IV’s and NAD in depth.    36:30 — Laurie asks: Any suggestions for muscle soreness and back pain? Doctors are prescribing naproxen or Advil 600. There has to be a better way. I have been working on my back pain for many years, and here are but a few of the things that have helped: Egoscue Network Spinal Analysis, or NSA (listen to the show I did with the creator Donny Epstein) FRC or Functional Range Conditioning by Dr Andreo Spina is amazing for joint health and mobility, which is the source of much back pain. I’ll do a show and treatment with him as soon as I can get into Canada. The Biomat and Therasage heating pads are great for pain relief. Dr. Matt Cook in San Jose is doing amazing work on pain using stem cells, peptides, and all sorts of cutting edge modalities. He’ll also be on the show soon to discuss his strategies.  Kundalini Yoga - I’ve done a few shows on this with Guru Jagat, Guru Singh, and Tej Khalsa Katonah Yoga (Episode #89 with Abbie Galvin) Stem cell treatment (Episode #133 with Dr. Harry Adelson) Ice baths are my #1 hack for pain and inflammation. I do them daily, sometimes twice. As for pain meds, I would avoid them at all costs. Instead, one could use Kratom, which comes in a very potent extract or regular powder and capsules. Be mindful not to get high or addicted. However, as a former opiate addict, I have not had issues with dependency. I use it with caution. Check out the film ‘A Leaf Of Faith’ to learn all about Kratom. It’s an incredible natural pain killer.  There are tons of Kratom sites online, so make sure you buy from one that lab tests for mold, heavy metals, etc. Sacred seems to be legit.   48:21 — Avery asks: Could someone give me a detailed detox protocol? It's for a family friend. She is having a lot of gut issues, along with 5 stomach ulcers. I'm looking for a protocol that involves supplementation as well as a diet that goes along with it. Please keep the ulcers in mind when recommending just in case you are aware if any part of the protocol could negatively impact the ulcers. I’ve been detoxing toxins, drugs, and heavy metals from my system for two decades. The best programs I’ve found are: The Black Box by Quicksilver Scientific. It's the most simple to use, and a great one to start with. Study the work of Dr. Chris Shade (Episode #210), who’s one of the world’s leading experts on detox. Another detox master is Dr. Dan Pompa, who was on Episode #121. He’s got a great cellular detox program as well.  Both of them are my go-to doctors when it comes to detox For a more hardcore approach, you can do the L. Ron Hubbard niacin/sauna 30-day protocol, which you can learn about by watching Dr. George Yu’s video lectures.  There is also a Facebook Group led by Bret Bouer, who also does coaching. This is what I did to remove the lead and mercury from my body. It worked, but it was a commitment.   51:58 — Priscilla asks: Okay people as we are moving into Fall and with everything that has been going on, what are you stocking up on? I keep hearing selenium, vit c, zinc, magnesium, and monolaurin etc. All of those are great immune supporters. I would add infrared saunas, ice baths, get enough sun, and focus on quality sleep. Avoiding the mainstream media is also great for your immune system. For solid information around the so-called pandem!c visit, where you will find more fact-based information on the situation. Also look forward to the upcoming episode with Dr Zach Bush #304, wherein he pretty much destroys the official COV!D narrative.    51:58 —Stiff asks: Can anyone recommend an audio hypnotherapy/reprogramming meditation along the lines of what Bruce Lipton and Joe Dispenza talks about? Try Hemi-Sync audio programs. NuCalm if you can afford it (Episode #265 w/ Jim Poole). There are many cheap or free binaural beats apps as well, but they are not as effective over time. The Joe Dispenza meditation MP3’s on his site are fantastic and I use them daily. He explains how they work in Episode #259. Hire a hypnotherapist and record the sessions for later self-hypnosis   More about this episode. Watch it on YouTube.   JOIN MY NEW ONLINE EMF HOME SAFETY MASTERCLASS! Visit to join. Only $149! Are you aware of the dangers of EMF exposure in your home, but have no idea where to start when it comes to finding, and fixing them?  Are you concerned about your exposure to the current 3G, 4G, and 5G wireless networks now activated in most major cities? Have you attempted to test the levels yourself using EMF meters you found online and ended up confused and frustrated? EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) are one of the most toxic elements in our living and work environments. Due to the technical nature of accurately testing for them—and the training required to do so properly—many of us resign ourselves to the fact that we just have to accept them and the consequences they bring in order to use the modern technology we depend on. But you don’t have to. In this seven-part video documentary series, you will follow world-renowned building biologist Brian Hoyer as he tests an entire home, room by room, to determine the source and level of every known type of EMF. By the end of this series, you will not only be thoroughly educated on the various types and sources of EMF commonly found in homes but also of the many mitigation tools and techniques available thanks to the cutting-edge technologies. Visit
Aug 25, 2020 • 2h 30min

C-60: The Miracle Molecule for Biohacking Pets, Hair Loss, EMF, & Cancer W/ Ian Mitchell #300

Ian Mitchell is an absolutely brilliant researcher and quite the mad scientist, but he’s also very spiritually minded—one of those rare humans who combines spiritual and scientific wisdom into one kick-ass package. Ian is a leading researcher of Carbon 60 and holds many new patents in the space. He is working toward bringing quantum medicine to the forefront and using nano-particles and many other modalities to enhance peoples and pets lifespans and, more importantly, their health spans. This is a monster of an episode where we talk about some of the most cutting-edge health breakthroughs of our time—and of the very near future. If you want to try some of the innovations mentioned in this episode, you can use code LUKE05 for 5% off at You’re especially going to want to check out the anti-inflammatory for dogs, women, and men. These are a game changer.   10:20 —Why Ian is considered a “mad scientist” and his background with C60 The things Ian works on are very different from traditional scientists Working on whatever is going to move humanity as a whole Studying chemistry and jazz performance Getting his fingers wet and dabbling in different things   13:52 —Running clinical trials on C60 Beginning to patent C60 Taking it personally since 2012 Starting with the end in mind Adding supplements while eliminating inefficiencies The Hindu agni ceremony   19:47 —The benefits of C60 on the body The net positive effect of C60 is mitochondrial function The C60 bonding with lipids, oils, etc. C60 raising rats’ lifespan  by 90% The synergy of C60 and CoQ10 with PQQ Anti-inflammation and reducing oxidative stress The EMF shielding side-effect of C60   34:30 —Reducing radiation and blue light exposure for optimal health Luke’s story of EMF sickness Our biology goes into opposition to where our future is headed How frequencies affect our bodies and go completely untested Things you can do to reduce EMF stress There is transference of information between photons 2.4GHz or 5GHz signals on your WiFi router Why bluetooth headphones aren’t a great idea for you   47:24 —Taking C60 with olive oil and other ingredients Any downsides to consuming lots of olive oil? The beneficials of polyphenols Lipophorin, serapeptidis, and more in C60.   50:40 —Nootropics stacks and the effects of nicotine in small and large doses CBD, Nicotine, caffeine, and methylene blue as a nootropics combo Researching nootropic stacks The power of nicotine in small doses How nicotine becomes poisonous and even lethal in large doses The biological effect of CBD and THC Kratom and CBD   01:17:37 —The serapeptes enzyme and the benefits of it Dissolving scar tissue How it works in your body Bolstering while removing damage L-carnosine and CoQ10 and the huge benefits to your brain   01:25:48 —Cutting out the BS from the real deal when it comes to C60 Such a small difference between 99.5% and 99.99% biologically Thinking about the process Some companies selling just amorphous carbon Getting the pricing down to an approachable level The different ways to make the molecule   01:52:00 —Biohacking animals Starting on deuterium-depleted water Deuterium testing Massive energy levels on C60 Finding ways to give animals the benefits of C60 EMF and the effects on bees, and the “cosmic trigger” of that   01:58:51 —Is COV!D alive? The people affected being nodes on a mesh network Taking over the mitochondria Communicating via pulses of light Assessing the consciousness of smaller or larger scale beings We are part of a much larger system The wave of pandemics Pulling the thread on crazy ideas   02:05:45 —Preventing hair loss Understanding the mechanism and regrowing his hair Letting your hair do its job: growing hair Irrigating the cells with microperforations Dave Asprey’s “Super Secret Ninja Hair Formula” Red light and PRP therapy   02:15:58 —Three teachers or teachings that Ian recommends Meditation and biofeedback therapy Dr. Morguelan Energy for Success “The Razor’s Edge” by W. Somerset Maugham John Gray on relationship advice   More about this episode. Watch it on YouTube.   JOIN MY NEW ONLINE EMF HOME SAFETY MASTERCLASS! Visit to join. Only $149! Are you aware of the dangers of EMF exposure in your home, but have no idea where to start when it comes to finding, and fixing them?  Are you concerned about your exposure to the current 3G, 4G, and 5G wireless networks now activated in most major cities? Have you attempted to test the levels yourself using EMF meters you found online and ended up confused and frustrated? EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) are one of the most toxic elements in our living and work environments. Due to the technical nature of accurately testing for them—and the training required to do so properly—many of us resign ourselves to the fact that we just have to accept them and the consequences they bring in order to use the modern technology we depend on. But you don’t have to. In this seven-part video documentary series, you will follow world-renowned building biologist Brian Hoyer as he tests an entire home, room by room, to determine the source and level of every known type of EMF. By the end of this series, you will not only be thoroughly educated on the various types and sources of EMF commonly found in homes but also of the many mitigation tools and techniques available thanks to the cutting-edge technologies. Visit to join. Only $149!   Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE - THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: LIFE CYKEL. If you listened to Episode 255 with Julian Mitchell, then you know that Life Cykel are total game changers in the mushroom world, growing some of the most powerful mushroom extracts available anywhere on the planet on coffee waste! My favorite thing they make is the Biohacking Pack, which includes: Lion's Mane for sleep and brain health, Reishi for just chilling out and immunity, Holy Shiitake for radiance and hair health, Turkey Tail for the ultimate gut health boost, and Cordyceps for when you want to do the wild thing or just need some energy. You can use code “Storey15” for 15% off at   AND...   SOVEREIGNTY. Just when I think I’ve discovered every herb and supplement in the known universe, another two come along and get my attention: Purpose and Dream from I’ve been taking them daily for a while now and they’re making a huge difference. Purpose is great for daytime alertness and focus, while Dream is meant for nighttime relaxation and restful sleep. And these guys stand behind their herbal products so much that they offer a Your Favorite Money Back Guarantee. So, if you don’t like their products, they will give you your money back and buy you your favorite supplement. You can find Purpose and Dream at   AND…   OSEA stands for the elements of wellness: Ocean, Sun, Earth and Atmosphere, and their entire line is built on these four pillars. Founded and run by a family of women inspired by the sea, OSEA formulates botanical-powered products that have shown proven results for all skin concerns. Every product is sustainably packaged, non-toxic, cruelty-free, vegan and made with love in California. And if you’re in the LA area, stop by the OSEA Venice Skincare Studio for a facial that will bring forth your inner glow. You can go to for a $10 off your first purchase of $50 or more. HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? You’ll really love Luke’s Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW.   Other ways to support:  SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals   Resources and use code LUKE05 for 5% off at checkout   Related Shows Episode 298: The Ultimate EMF Episode! Community Q&A Solo Show: 5G, Cell Towers, WiFi Hacks & More Episode 175: God Save The Bees: Nature's Best Medicine With Carly Stein Episode 239: Higher Powered: Autobiography Of A Sex And Love Yogi W/ John Gray
Aug 18, 2020 • 1h 52min

Shot In The Dark: Blowing The Whistle On The Vacc!ne Industry + COV!D w/ Robert F. Kennedy Jr. #299

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. needs no introduction, but you might not know just how much he is doing to improve the world. He serves as President of Waterkeeper Alliance and the Founder, Chairman of the Board, and Chief Legal Counsel for Children's Health Defense. He was named one of Time magazine’s Heroes for the Planet for his success helping Riverkeeper lead the fight to restore the Hudson. And on top of that, he was instrumental in the landmark victory against Monsanto in 2018, as well as in the DuPont Case that inspired the movie "Dark Waters.”  It’s really meaningful getting the chance to talk to one of the activists who I most admire, someone who is standing up against huge corporations and corruption to protect regular people and the environment, and he’s someone we really need to hear from during the current health crisis. I know this is a confusing and distressing time for a lot of people who are just trying to keep their families safe from both any possible diseases and the damaging effects of government overreach, but this episode only deals in cold hard facts.   09:45 — Why Kennedy Jr. was motivated to make a career out of legally protecting the environment, especially water, and people from corruption and negligence Growing up in the water every day Working with a group of fisherman whose livelihoods were being destroyed by pollution How a law from the 1800s that had never been enforced helped create Riverkeeper and protect American waterways   18:15 — Why he supports vacc!ne awareness and safety testing How long Kennedy Jr. has been censored online The relationship between mercury and vacc!nes Being forced to confront the difference between what regulatory agencies and pharmaceutical agencies said about safety and what the peer-reviewed science said about safety What happened when Kennedy Jr. started asking questions Getting the runaround about “good mercury” What changed in 1989 Autism Hiding science from the American people His first experience with censorship Social media’s draconian censorship How the search engines are rigged Bias in the fact checking   49:40 — The shocking breakdown of Big Pharma’s vacc!ne revenue and corruption Weaponizing the “anti-vaxxer” label “You cannot make a vacc!ne safely:” Big Pharma’s admission that led to legislation protecting them An explosion of chronic diseases The absurd surge in Big Pharma profits Hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths   01:12:55 — Why Kennedy Jr’s vacc!ne work with President Trump fizzled out When Kennedy Jr. was called to meet with the Trump admin How Big Pharma put an end to the initiative Good science will kill the industry “I’ve been fighting for 40 years to get mercury out of fish — nobody calls me anti-fish.”   01:26:05 — If flu vacc!nes are not effective, how could a COV!D-19 vacc!ne possibly be? The “pathogenic priming” phenomenon What you’ll start hearing from Fauci and Big Pharma as a vacc!ne gets closer The ridiculously small number of injuries related to vacc!nes that are reported Being raised to be skeptical of the powerful   More about this episode. Watch it on YouTube.   JOIN MY NEW ONLINE EMF HOME SAFETY MASTERCLASS! Visit to join. Only $149! Are you aware of the dangers of EMF exposure in your home, but have no idea where to start when it comes to finding, and fixing them?  Are you concerned about your exposure to the current 3G, 4G, and 5G wireless networks now activated in most major cities? Have you attempted to test the levels yourself using EMF meters you found online and ended up confused and frustrated? EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) are one of the most toxic elements in our living and work environments. Due to the technical nature of accurately testing for them—and the training required to do so properly—many of us resign ourselves to the fact that we just have to accept them and the consequences they bring in order to use the modern technology we depend on. But you don’t have to. In this seven-part video documentary series, you will follow world-renowned building biologist Brian Hoyer as he tests an entire home, room by room, to determine the source and level of every known type of EMF. By the end of this series, you will not only be thoroughly educated on the various types and sources of EMF commonly found in homes but also of the many mitigation tools and techniques available thanks to the cutting-edge technologies. Visit to join. Only $149!   Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE - THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: SOVEREIGNTY. Just when I think I’ve discovered every herb and supplement in the known universe, another two come along and get my attention: Purpose and Dream from I’ve been taking them daily for a while now and they’re making a huge difference. Purpose is great for daytime alertness and focus, while Dream is meant for nighttime relaxation and restful sleep. And these guys stand behind their herbal products so much that they offer a Your Favorite Money Back Guarantee. So, if you don’t like their products, they will give you your money back and buy you your favorite supplement. You can find Purpose and Dream at   AND...   CACAO BLISS. Back in the day, I used to have to take about 50 ingredients to make an elixir or a smoothie. I had to mix them together, make a big mess, and it took up a bunch of space in the cabinet. But Cacao Bliss has changed the game. Now I have amazing ceremony-grade organic ingredients like raw cacao, turmeric, black pepper, MCT powder, cinnamon, monk fruit, coconut nectar, lacuma, mesquite, and Himilayan salt all in one. So this is the ultimate superfood elixir, but it really tastes like chocolate milk. It's just absolutely fantastic. Try it yourself by using code “LUKE15” for 15% off at   AND…   LIFE CYKEL. If you listened to Episode 255 with Julian Mitchell, then you know that Life Cykel are total game changers in the mushroom world, growing some of the most powerful mushroom extracts available anywhere on the planet on coffee waste! My favorite thing they make is the Biohacking Pack, which includes: Lion's Mane for sleep and brain health, Reishi for just chilling out and immunity, Holy Shiitake for radiance and hair health, Turkey Tail for the ultimate gut health boost, and Cordyceps for when you want to do the wild thing or just need some energy. You can use code “Storey15” for 15% off at HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? You’ll really love Luke’s Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW.   Other ways to support:  SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals   Resources Twitter: Instagram:   Related Shows Episode 279: Censor This Podcast! The Non-Tinfoil Guide To COV!d-19, 5G, & The EMF Crisis Episode 297: Unnatural: The Hidden Costs Of Wireless Technology & EMF Pollution W/ Jaymie Icke 297 Episode 298: The Ultimate EMF Episode! Community Q&A Solo Show: 5G, Cell Towers, WiFi Hacks & More #298

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