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The Whole View with Stacy Toth

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May 24, 2019 • 54min

Episode 353: Beach Body Yo-Yo

(0:41) Welcome Hello listeners! Welcome to Memorial Day weekend! We have the bathing suit show for you this week! Stacy and Sarah are both seeing a ton of ads popping up, pushing summer six-pack shame Stacy is seeing a lot of people speak up about pushing back against this pressure This is a guaranteed soap box show with lots of tangents, but trust that there will be tons of science as well Stacy has witnessed the clap-back against certain influencers within Instagram Celebrities calling out other celebrities for endorsing products that are actually destructive towards your health This week Stacy and Sarah will be talking about feelings, bodies, health, all the things that summer gives us the feels for But first, a big thank you and shout out to this week's episode sponsor, Joov You know Stacy and Sarah both personally use and love their products If you are interested in learning more about their products and how Stacy and Sarah use their Joov, be sure to visit Sarah sees the beach body marketing as nothing more than predatory marketing It gets people on the yo-yo When we buy into this marketing, we end up in a cycle of poor self-worth We then put ourselves on a restrictive diet and we lose the weight we think we are supposed to lose for summer so that we can fit what society tells us we are supposed to look like And then we maintain that for a couple of months, but when fall comes we fall into a weight gain period through the holidays There are so many people this is true for We end up having this cyclical weight loss and weight gain This yo-yo dieting is actually more harmful to our health than just staying overweight Going back and forth and cycling is way more harmful than loving our bodies, focusing on health, nutrients, activity, sleep, and managing stress Wherever you are feeling uncomfortable (as it pertains to your summer experiences), Stacy and Sarah hope to help you find ways to recalibrate your thinking Ultimately the yo-yo mindest isn't just unhealthy physically, but it is also very unhealthy mentally and it puts us in a cycle of shame and negativity Years ago Stacy wrote a post about disordered eatingand when/why/how to take a look at your eating choices to avoid disordered eating behaviors People need to be careful about even yo-yoing within the Paleo template with challenges It is so hard on your body and is so hard on your emotions This will really take a toll on how you are able to enjoy your summer Stacy shared how her body shame from when she was young impacted her summers, and how her mindset shifted when she had kids She realized that she didn't want that shame mindset to impact her children and her experiences with them When you let go of these "ideals" the healthier you are mentally and the healthier you are physically because you aren't hiding during the summer - you are getting out there, living and being active It is so important to push outside of our comfort zone, know that it is going to be uncomfortable at first, but it will be so worth it (11:01) The Physical Impact of Yo-Yo Dieting Sarah wants to get into the physical side of this Why to let go of the mentality of having to look a certain way in order to have fun in the summer so that you can get away from yo-yo dieting When we are losing weight, we lose both body fat and lean muscle mass It is very challenging to design a plan to preserve muscle mass through fat loss It is not impossible, but most of the go-to ways for weight loss lead to muscle loss With most strategies, you are going to lose about a pound of muscle per pound of fat lost This is a typical body composition change while you are losing weight, especially through rapid weight loss strategies Ex: keto, low carb, severe calorie restriction, carb cycling The only way to avoid this is to eat a lot of protein and to carefully factor in the lifestyle pieces (like weight training, lots of sleep, and stress management) How much muscle you have on your body, versus how much fat you have on your body, is a better predictor of health If you have a lot of fat on your body, but you have a lot of muscle on your body as well, you don't have an increased risk of chronic health problems compared to someone who is "skinny fat" When we lose weight, especially rapidly, we are losing that important muscle mass And then when we fall off the wagon and gain that weight back it is easier to put fat back on rather than muscle There is a lot of science looking at people who have gone through multiple weight loss cycles (aka the yo-yo) and these studies show that these people over time keep increasing their body fat percentages This causes a greater increase in risk for type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease It would have been healthier to just stay at the starting (higher) weight than to yo-yo It is really important to emphasize that there are ways to lose weight in healthy ways However, the equation boils down to focusing on the health part versus the weight part Avoid the mentality of having to look a certain way so that we sacrifice health in order to be a certain weight This is exactly what yo-yo dieting is Even at the 10/15 pound cycle level, it is gradually shifting body composition over the cycles towards one that increases the risk of chronic disease It is sacrificing health for weight Stacy is so in love with everything that Sarah said wants her to physically drop the mic The news article Stacy and Sarah discuss The graphs Stacy mentioned: Stacy shared her experience with losing a massive amount of weight multiple times and what happened when she went back to her "normal life" and how this impacted her over time More info on the study that produced the graph: 13 of the 14 Biggest Loser contestants regained the weight they lost 4 of them are heavier now than they were before the competition And nearly all of the contestants have slower metabolisms than before the competition and burn fewer calories than expected It makes it so much harder to not gain weight when your metabolism and hormones are all out of whack from having this huge loss and then regain The other thing to consider with weight loss is that you are releasing hormones that are stored in your body fat every time you lose weight Some of these can be negative as well So every time you lose weight you are putting yourself in a detox cycle with every yo-yo Let's say together as a community of friends that it is silly to subscribe to the idea that you have to look a certain way to enjoy your summer Sarah notes that the reason she included this graph in this week's show notes is because we have learned a lot from the Bigger Loser contestants in terms of why weight loss maintenance is so hard The science shows that pretty much every diet can help you lose weight It isn't actually hard to lose weight - it is hard to keep it off Statistics for years have shown that approximately 80% of people will gain the weight back over a five year period after a substantial weight loss The Biggest Loser contestants showed that this is because losing the weight so quickly tanked their metabolism Their metabolism never recovered This is likely because of the loss of lean body mass Our muscles burn a lot more calories than other parts of our body Our brains burn about 25% of our calories and our muscles burn most of the rest If we are losing muscle mass that directly impacts our basal metabolic rate The other impact here is on thyroid function Our thyroid hormones are directly controlling our metabolism There are now a variety of studies showing that rapid weight loss can reduce thyroid function There was a study published in 2017 showing that very low carb and ketogenic diets can actually cause hyperthyroidism This then requires thyroid hormone replacement Rapid weight loss has a pretty big effect on metabolism If your metabolism takes a small dip every single time you are losing weight because of the impact of thyroid function and loss of lean mass and it doesn't fully recover as you gain weight, your metabolism is slowly going down This means that you need fewer calories to lose your weight You end up chasing your deficits because you need a bigger and bigger caloric deficit in order to successfully lose weight every cycle To compound this, there is this additional effect on ghrelin Ghrelin is our hormone hunger that is the highest right before we eat It is the hormone that is responsible for us feeling hungry It is a really important hormone that feeds into a number of systems within our body There are studies that show that people who lose weight double their baseline ghrelin So when you lose weight quickly you reduce your basal metabolic rate and you increase your ghrelin so that you are hungrier You are basically creating a situation where you are setting yourself up to fail If the only focus is that you must be ripped/thin, and the focus is not on health, these are the consequences (26:33) Thinness vs. Health Sarah feels that there are a lot of myths around weight loss The focus is still on "how to trick your body" and "how to become a fat burning machine" These taglines are the wrong focus Most of us are probably healthier heavier than we think we need/want to be because having a little bit of extra stored energy is important for hormone regulation There are so many ways of measuring health that have nothing to do with the number on the scale or what size clothes we wear, and these measures are far more important Looking at hormones, insulin sensitivity, inflammation, body composition - these are all better predictors of chronic disease predictors and overall health We get in this cycle where we evaluate health based on a comparison between us and the cover of Sports Illustrated, which is not a picture of health Now we are sacrificing our health to try to achieve this misguided ideal It's far more important to focus on getting healthy to get thin instead of focusing on getting thin to get healthy The hardest thing that Sarah has had to learn in her own health journey is the words thin and healthy don't actually have the same definition Stacy brought up a great example of how this situation can go the other way when someone is sick and losing weight when they don't want to And this again does not mean that your body is not worthy of enjoying your summer experiences Stacy also noted that this year's Sports Illustrated bathing suit issue actually includes bodies of all sizes and is a huge stride in the right direction Over the last 50 to 60 years we have seen dietary guidelines focus on achieving low cardiovascular diseases factors and thinness, different than healthiness After these poor dietary guidelines have failed to achieve these goals, the conversation has gone so much more extreme, which is why these fad diets have had so much room to grow This is also why there is so much shame associated with struggling to maintain a lower body weight Step one of correcting this path that we are on as a society is redefining the conversation and the goals Defining health in terms of how we feel, our energy levels, the easy markers in our blood to measure, mood and how we handle stress, we would go a long ways towards fixing a lot of the bad information out there in terms of what the best diet practices are There are a lot of people who are not well and who wish they could put on lean muscle mass and focus on health If more of us could put ourselves in their shoes, and challenge our negative thoughts about our own weight, it would challenge what has become normal around striving for thinness This will also allow us to learn to focus on our health What am I doing and what can I be doing to focus on my health We have to learn to let go of this mentality of thinness being the ideal because the ideal is health and that looks different for everything Stacy would love to challenge everyone to really change their negative thoughts To not just turn those off, but to learn to shift those thoughts What is something positive and encouraging you can think about yourself? This will change so much about how you choose to live your life A mindset of negativity will snowball into disordered eating for most people, which feeds right into the yo-yo cycle The other thing that Stacy wants to mention is this idea of 'all bodies are swimsuit/bikini bodies' can cause some confusion and be taken too far There are so many people who then feel pressured to wear a bikini Stacy wants to encourage people to ultimately do what they feel comfortable doing, and wear what you feel comfortable wearing There is a difference between getting outside your comfort zone and loving yourself, and pushing yourself to feel uncomfortable This won't help it feel any better The 'fake it until you make it' mentality doesn't work for Sarah when it comes to body image She feels much better wearing something more flattering and modest since that is something she personally gravitates towards These are the style of clothes that make her feel pretty Find the clothing choices that make you feel beautiful (41:04) Closing Thoughts Sarah notes that these are hard concepts to challenge Even when you feel like you are doing all of the healthy things right, it is really hard to see all the diet propaganda and not second guess yourself Find a way to shut those influences off and to create a new bubble for yourself Learn to focus on the most important thing, which is honoring yourself and respecting yourself enough to make the healthy choice, not the societal pressure choice Before this week's show is wrapped up, Stacy wants Sarah to share a bit on the new Joov Go(the good entry model), what are the best uses for this? Sarah thinks that this depends on what your goals are Most of the Joovmodels have two different wavelengths that are clinically proven to benefit different systems, but the wavelengths work independently of each other The JoovGo only has the red light This wavelength is responsible for the skin health benefits (wrinkle reduction, scar reduction, skin tightening, increase in collagen) Sarah brings her JoovGo when she travels and she notices that it has a calming effect on her and help with her sleep quality while on the road She will typically do two or three 10-minute sessions, moving it around If you are looking to reduce inflammation or to manage pain, Sarah would suggest investing in the JoovMini You can build off the JoovMini, but you can't build off the JoovGo The JoovMini allows you to experience the benefits of both wavelengths Stacy notes that Joov offers a 60-day trial and free-return policy So if you want to test the JoovGo and see how it works for you, you can give it a try Sarah has a blog post on the science of Joovthat you can check out here To check it out, visit Thank you so much for listening this week! We hope that this information inspires you to have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and let go of all the stuff and just enjoy spending time with family and friends! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
May 16, 2019 • 1h 2min

Episode 352: Sustainability & Mother Earth

(0:41) Welcome Welcome back to The Paleo View listeners! And boy do we have a show for you today! This week Sarah and Stacy will be talking about sustainability While this is a topic that Sarah and Stacy talk about often as it pertains to diet and lifestyle, today's episode will focus on two specific pieces to the puzzle Why is sustainability so important What can we all do in general This episode was inspired by Earth Day and the new show Our Planet Stacy's son Finn came home from school recently with a lot of information on what resources will soon be gone, and Stacy is excited to see that this is a conversation even happening at that level So for this week's episode, we are going to get you listeners fired up so that you can walk away with some action items and feel inspired to talk to others about this as well There is no motive behind this episode, other than we want this planet to be here for our children We are going to mention a lot of different things you can do or places you can support and its because Stacy and Sarah are so very passionate about protecting the planet One of the things that Sarah did at her workshop in February was to end the entire event with a discussion on how our dietary priorities can translate into looking after the planet For this week's episode, Sarah looks forward to taking that conversation one step further and talking about our impact as human beings on the planet There are a lot of small adjustments that we can make that can have a really big impact Stacy wrote a blog post on Earth Daysharing ways in which you can not avoid damaging the environment, and ways in which you can reverse the damage as well What can you do to give back to the Earth? What can you do to help offset your carbon footprint? Sarah wants to note that Stacy and Sarah will be referring to net-zero carbon emissions, which means that ways in which we offset the carbon that we are putting out into the atmosphere This carbon is put into the atmosphere through the consumption of fossil fuels in various forms The by-product of consuming fossil fuels is the release of carbon dioxide into the air which is a greenhouse gas, which is increasing the average global temperature This has a lot of impact on things like the ice sheets, sea levels, major weather events This is creating a system where there is more energy in the atmosphere Heat is energy - so if you have more heat because of the rise in the average global temperature, you have more energy to put into something like a storm This is why we are seeing more extreme weather events Many catastrophic events can be traced back to manmade global climate change When preparing for this show, Sarah debated getting into some climate science However, she decided that it is so unequivocal - there is a consensus among climatologists that the increase in the average global temperature is driven by the greenhouse gases that humans are putting into the atmosphere It is a direct link There are multiple lines of evidence point to an explanation So we are just going to jump right into things we can do to achieve net zero carbon emissions That we both reduce our carbon footprint and also look at ways that we can remove carbon from the atmosphere We are going to hone in on real-world solutions and skip over the controversy thing because it is not a controversy (11:12) Reducing the Carbon Foot Print Sarah remembers that when she was in school they had the three R's - reduce, reuse and recycle and there are a ton of different strategies that fall under this banner that still apply today A real obvious place to start is being careful about what you throw in the trash and recycling anything that is recyclable Put a sheet on the fridge with information on what can go in your local recycle bin versus what needs to go in the trash bin If you have access to compost services or a yard where you can have a compost bin or a compost pile, these are simple steps that can help reduce how much waste you are producing that is going into landfills Know your recycling center policies - do you have to separate the items, or can they all go into one big bin? With a bit of research, you can also find local recycling centers where you can bring items that aren't picked up (ex: batteries, old electronics) When you can't hand items down (like old toys or clothes), you can drop these items off at a donation center or to a charity Be intentional and aware of what you consume that doesn't need to go into landfill or into an incinerator There is a lot of plastic waste in America that there isn't room for, which is then loaded on a barge and shipped overseas where other countries will take it and this is how plastic most often gets into the ocean Do what you can to limit your consumption of goods that requires fossil fuels to create If you set aside an area of your home, get a bucket with a lid that you put in the garage or closet, and put the items that need to go to the dump in that bucket Once it is full, simply load it in your car and next time you are driving by the dump just make a drop-off Sarah's kids love nature shows and they did watch all of the Planet Earths, all of the Blue Planets and all of the Our Planet episodes These are great educational resources to help train your family on why habit changes matter Watching Our Planet did inspire Sarah to up her recycling approach If you don't have solar power, are electric cars really helping the environment? Sarah discussed the various sources of power and the ways in which electricity are generated If you are not living in an area where coal is the main source of electricity than you are probably living in an area where an electric car will have a lower carbon footprint than a gasoline car Stacy encourages everyone to look up your recycling center's standards to make sure that you aren't adding items to your recycling bin that are going right into the dump Know your local resources, do the research and make the best choices for you Support brands that reuse plastic One of the brands that Stacy loves is Rothys- these are shoes made entirely of reused plastic Check out Certified B Corporation's websiteto see which brands are making investments in their business to offset their carbon footprint When you support these brands, you are supporting a brand that puts back into the earth Some other brands that Stacy and Sarah recommend are: Alter Eco Chocolate Seventh Generation Method G Diapers Earthbound Farms Peeled Snacks Patagonia Athleta Lunapads Klean Kanteen Beauty Counter King Arthur Flour Tropical Traditions Check out this blog postfor a full list of brands that Stacy recommends Sarah notes the flip side of this piece and encourages people to be aware of the companies that are not taking steps to support the environment, and are instead making the choice to do things at the environment's expense Sarah shared details on what is happening in the Amazon rainforest and Madagascar and how these ecosystems are being impacted by business practices in those areas What we lose when we lose species As carbon dioxide goes into the atmosphere, plants take in carbon dioxide and put out oxygen So plants are the main way to sequester carbon dioxide at this time Don't let perfection be the enemy of the good, but also don't walk around with blinders on when selecting what brands you support through your dollars Give yourself permission to educate yourself on harmful practices and harmful companies, and give yourself permission to not support them and find alternatives This is where the local food movement is so critical Empower yourself to be motivated and do good, without guilt around not being perfect Allow your land to be planted and let part of your land be unmanicured There are many easy ways to locally increase the green space Even plants in your home or plants on your balcony can have an impact on the environment If everyone made a choice to do a couple of little things it would elongate how long our great great grandchildren have on this Earth and instill in them habits to take even more steps to heal the environment Stacy recommends checking out Crystal's site, Wholefed Homesteadfor ideas on how to use your land With a little bit of homework and commitment, you can make a difference Make changes that are sustainable and that set you up for success so that you don't give up (45:45) More Changes You Can Make Sarah notes that a simple place to start with change is to get reusable grocery bags and keep them in the car Purchase a reusable water bottle Keep a reusable coffee cup with you Set your thermostat a couple of degrees higher in the summer, and a couple of degrees lower in the winter Evaluate your transportation Pick up some reusable silicone or cotton bags for your produce - or skip the produce bags all together Remember don't let perfect be the enemy of good, make the best choices that you can at the time Matt and Stacy have also reduced the number of deliveries they are receiving Look for ways you can reduce packaging and frequency of deliveries There is a site where you can calculate your usageand how much you need to offset There are other things you can do to support initiatives outside of your house or your land If you are able to, you can donate trees, or water, or money towards sustainable sources of energy Check out BEF (Bonneville Environmental Foundation) And Climate Action Reserve– they review, certify and catalog offset programs It is very important to both Stacy and Sarah to instill this sustainability mindset in their children Here’s a list of resources we think are fantastic for sharing this with children of all ages: Matt and Stacy's post onArcadia Farm Campand theirwebsite UNESCO’slist of programsdevoted to teaching kids about the environment Children And The Environment: Why It’s Important To Teach Them Young There are also organizations doing great work sharing information on environmental protectionism that you can support: World Wild Life Fund Natural Resources Defense Council Friends of the Earth Environmental Defense Fund Sarah recommends doing your research and if an organization is consistent with how you want to support the planet, donate to a foundation if you can (53:56) Closing Thoughts Stacy thanked Sarah for tackling this topic with her This is something that Sarah is very passionate about and she is happy to bring this discussion to the podcast We need to live in harmony with the Earth, so it is a matter of figuring out how that harmony will work best with you Stacy hopes that today's show gave you some ideas on how you can make a difference Remember that you don't need to walk away from this show feeling guilty and like you need to do so many things Things happen over time Take time and make small steps towards big changes Feel good about every little thing you do When this podcast goes live, for just this weekend only, there is a special offer for Sarah's Essential Autoimmune Protocol Ebook Librarybeing made available It includes 32 AIP E-books including 6 of Sarah's It is the ONLY place where you can get Sarah's BRAND-NEW e-book, The Autoimmune Protocol: everything you need to jump-start your healing with the AIP today! The library is only $28 and 10% of all sales will be donated to charities working to expand and support the AIP community For more information, go here: This resource is available for four days only - first thing Friday morning, through midnight Monday evening Thank you again, listeners, for tuning in! We will be back next week! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
May 9, 2019 • 1h 5min

Episode 351: Stress on Health

Welcome back, listeners! Sarah and Stacy are back to a regular recording schedule This morning America's royal baby was born This prince is half-American and that is pretty cool This week's episode is sponsored by Butcher Box Stacy loves Butcher Boxand she loves the convenience that they offer via their delivery service She also loves the variability they add to her well-stocked pork supply Stacy and Matt receive a custom box where you get a certain number of cuts based on the size of the box you select and then they can mix and match what they receive They know that the quality is good and that they are going to get what they need They haven't had to buy any meat from a grocery store since signing up for Butcher Box This has been a huge time and money saver A very substantial amount of the meat that Sarah's family eats comes from Butcher Box, but she loves their Surprise Box She has a few specific add ons that she gets with each delivery, but the main part is the surprise variety Sarah feels like her cooking is more inspired when someone else is choosing for her When Sarah makes her own meal choices, she often feels like the family is eating a lot of the same things Butcher Boxoffers a lot of flexibility and is a simple way to reduce stress by having high-quality meat delivered right to your doorstep from a trusted meat source On this week's episode, Stacy and Sarah are talking about stress and how they have reduced stress in their lives Stacy didn't at first utilize Butcher Boxand then when she did, she realized what a no-brainer resource it is You can put your subscription on hold at any time, which Matt and Stacy did when they went to Europe - you are not forced into anything Yes, it is convenient, but more importantly, the meat is so good The Paleo View listeners can give Butcher Boxa try and get $15 off your first box, plus receive free bacon No code is needed, but you have to sign up using this link to receive the perks mentioned above: (9:10) Let's Talk About Stress Baby This podcast theme was received via a social media request Years ago Stacy and Sarah did a joint presentation on this topic at AHS Stacy hit her one-month anniversary of working for herself and she has seen so many positives from a health perspective She has been getting more sleep, doing water aerobics and water therapy, she had time to connect with people in more meaningful ways All of this led to Stacy losing 10 pounds without changing anything else This was an obvious sign to Stacy that she was too stressed before and hormones were getting back into a place where they were healthier and happier As Stacy shared on this in social media people asked for Sarah and Stacy to cover the science behind how stress impacts our health Stacy hopes that listeners can walk away from this episode and implement any of these tips that feel right for you Don't listen to this episode and let your stress, stress you out more Sarah was surprised that they haven't yet done a deep dive on this topic Personally, Sarah has chronically struggled with stress It is her biggest challenge when implementing diet and lifestyle The place to start with this topic is the HPA Axis This is our flight or fight response; how our bodies detect danger and prepare to respond to it It is made up of the complex communication among three organs: The hypothalamus: The part of the brain located just above the brain stem that is responsible for a variety of activities of the autonomic nervous system, such as regulating body temperature, hunger, thirst, fatigue, sleep, and circadian rhythms The pituitary gland: A pea-shaped gland located below the hypothalamus that secretes a variety of important hormones, such as thyroid-stimulating hormone, human growth hormone, and adrenocorticotropic hormone The adrenal glands: Small, conical organs on top of the kidneys that secrete a variety of hormones, such as cortisol, epinephrine (also known as adrenaline), norepinephrine, and androgens How the HPA Axis works: The hypothalamus receives signals from the hippocampus Releases corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) Signals to the pituitary gland to release adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) Signals to the adrenal glands to secrete cortisol and catecholamines (like adrenaline) Cortisol provides negative feedback to the pituitary and the hypothalamus What is true for these feedback systems, is that when they are always on, we become resistant to the signal If our adrenal glands can't keep up with the demand (i.e. HPA axis dysfunction - what use to be called adrenal fatigue) and can't produce cortisol you lose that negative feedback Some of the effects of stress are mediated by cortisol, but some of them are mediated by higher level signaling hormones So it isn't all about cortisol When this axis is turned on all the time and we are pumping out all of these hormones into our bloodstream chronically, it is the collective action of all of these hormones that cause so many problems With acute stress, essential functions for survival are prioritized - things like perception, decision making, energy, preparation for wound healing So what happens is functions that are not essential for immediate survival in that situation are not prioritized - things like digestion, reproductive function, growth, collagen and bone formation, etc. When that signal is never turned off, those nonessential functions are never prioritized The hormones that are part of the HPA axis end up controlling every function in our body Cortisol has a huge range of effects in the body, including: Controlling metabolism (thyroid function) Digestion Gut microbiome Insulin sensitivity Sex hormones Growth hormone Bone remodeling Kidney function Immune system Blood flow Center nervous system (impacting things like mood, depression, and anxiety) Chronic stress (via cortisol, cortisol resistance, CRH) causes:  Increases inflammation while reducing immune function Causes leaky gut and gut dysbiosis Reduces sleep quality, dysregulates circadian rhythms Changes to mood, depression, anxiety  Increases hunger, cravings, addiction Hinders productivity, problem-solving, and memory Causes insulin resistance and sex hormone imbalances Sarah often talks about the importance of managing stress from a productivity standpoint because stress highly impacts your ability to actually get stuff done This is the piece that hits Sarah personally The impact of chronic stress on CNS/mental health: High stress (acute or chronic) reduces performance and productivity Impairs memory retrieval Impairs memory and our ability to learn new information Induces a shift from a flexible, ‘cognitive’ form of learning towards rigid, ‘habit’-like behavior Hinders the transfer of knowledge and reduces cognitive flexibility in problem-solving Reduces collaborative capacity Deterioration in attention Reduces productivity Decreases risk aversion in men and increases it in women The immune system effect is also very problematic Chronic stress has been unequivocally shown to increase susceptibility to a variety of conditions, including autoimmune disease, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis, depression, infection, and cancer (31:11) Managing Stress If you can carve out some time in your day for resilience activities, you will become so much more efficient You will more than make up that time that you dedicate to resilience activities Managing stress makes you better at everything and makes you healthier too Stacy wants to take a moment to note that if you need more motivation to change your lifestyle and whatever aspect is affecting it, to dig deeper into the science and all of the many side effects of chronic stress mentioned above Take a look at any of Sarah's books and her blog for additional information There are things in your life that you can consider that you may not associate with stress that certainly impact your body's hormonal response (certain tv shows is a great example) Stress isn't just work or family dynamics It is easy for us to recognize psychological stress (deadlines, traffic, bill), but stressors often compound and physical stresses (a workout, sitting at a desk for a long time, not getting enough sleep, an injury) add to the impacts of stress When the psychological stresses feel beyond our control they are additive So if you are dealing with a deadline at work that is not a good time to be pushing it at the gym The physical stress of the workout is going to magnify the psychological stress There is a happy medium where a workout can help reduce stress, but heavy lifting or endurance training can increase your stress levels Not getting enough sleep is the most common physical stressor and this feeds into everything else Not getting enough sleep reduces our resilience to stress We are more easily stressed out over the littlest of stressors And then we have an issue actually falling asleep It is really important to recognize physical stressors on top of psychological stressors There are also chemical stressors to consider, like smoking, alcohol, drugs, allergen Sensory stressors, like loud noises or overcrowding and bright lights, also impact our stress levels It is important to recognize that all of these small things build up Where we can reduce stress if often in these small things Examples include: Be smarter about exercise Incorporate movement throughout your day Prioritize a bedtime Think about what we are putting into our bodies It is really important to think about stress in a more comprehensive way so that we can not just recognize how stress is impacting our bodies negatively, but also recognize what stress we as individuals are facing Stacy shared her personal experience with these "background stressors" and how these elements run in the background You don't think the one little straw will break the camel's back, but this is what basically happened to Stacy that created a cascade of challenges We have a hard time getting lost in the busy of life to slow down and recognize where the many sources of stress are hidden, or how important it is to prioritize a bedtime Stacy also spoke to new moms and how important it is to follow the age-old advice you are given as a sleep-deprived mother Sleep when the baby sleeps Say yes to help when it is offered Delegate the things that nag at you in the back of your mind (ex: folding the laundry) The best way that Sarah personally manages stress is to actually get stuff done She incorporates resilience activities daily, but working through her to-do list brings her a significant reduction in stress Stress impacts us all differently and how we can each best handle stress is an individual challenge to problem solves Sarah wants to note that a lot of the stress that we deal with is closely tied to how isolated we feel in our communities and how social media reduces our ability to truly connect and relationship build This has essentially removed a tool that we use to have for stress management Culturally families use to live multi-generationally within the home and help each other out, which isn't something you see these days Stacy notes how beneficial it can be to take a week and audit your stressors On a sheet of paper, take note of any time you feel that blah thing where you don't want to do something or deal with something Take a look at what can be removed, what can be delegated, what you can avoid, how you work through difficult things Stacy shared her personal example of how she handles the stress she feels around emails Sarah now creates a schedule for herself for the day, where she takes her to-do list and identifies when she is going to handle her various responsibilities Her time is batched and she is working on one task at a time She is much more efficient following this approach This has also been huge for managing work stress Sarah has also incorporated movement into her work in the form of her treadmill desk, which helps with her stress levels as well When it comes to managing stress there are two sides to the equation, reducing stress wherever we can and the other piece is increasing our resilience to stress When we build our resilience, the stressful thing doesn't have as big of a physiological response on our body There are many character traits that dictate our individual resilience to stress, but there are also things we can do to build that resilience There are three things that Sarah thinks are the most important things to do to build resilience to stress Prioritize sleep Incorporating movement and activity throughout the day, essentially living an active lifestyle Mindfulness practice, like meditation, which can look very different from one person to the next Sarah shared examples on how we can disconnect and be in our thoughts as a form of meditative practice (1:02:11) Closing Thoughts Sarah's other tip for destressing - Butcher Box Don't forget if you are interested in getting$15 off your first box, plus receive free bacon, be sure to take advantage of that offer Stacy and Sarah want to thank listeners for supporting them when they do have sponsors on this show Whenever a sponsor is featured, please know that these are brands that Stacy and Sarah love and personally use If you have any questions, please always feel free to reach out via social media or email Butcher Boxis a service that Stacy and Sarah personally love and have a feeling listeners will love too Thank you again to Butcher Boxand thank you to the listeners for tuning in Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
May 2, 2019 • 51min

Episode 350: Travel Tales

The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 350: Travel Tales (0:41) A Look Into Stacy's Europe Travels Sarah just got back from PaleoFx and hasn't even finished unpacking - her trip is really fresh in her mind Stacy has been back from her trip for a week and is mostly unpacked and caught up on laundry As Stacy mentioned last week, she had quite an adventure in Europe They were in Rome for three days, then took a cruise from Rome around to London, and then were in London for a full three days It was a lot, and Stacy was more stressed than she wanted to admit Taking your mother-in-law, your mother, and your three children on a trip has the potential to be amazing and memorable, but also kind of a nightmare Stacy worried if they planned enough, but luckily between her and Matt they were able to do a lot of prep work They also used Google and the Google Translate app to help fill in the missing pieces along their trip Stacy found no issues navigating tomato-less and gluten-free eating abroad Their adventures were quite wild, from Stacy's phone getting pick-pocketed to Finn losing his backpack to international tragedies like Notre Dame and their taxi driver in London suffering a stroke while driving them When Stacy came back last week she didn't feel ready to talk about her trip She had so much overwhelming empathy to what was happening to other people and she didn't feel comfortable about the great things they experienced when just hours before she was in a car with a man having a stroke Stacy reflected on the experience of watching their taxi driver suffer from a stroke, and how this impacted her feelings towards their trip, especially as they were coming home Matt and Stacy ended up feeling like the Griswolds by the end of the trip Even the flight home was incredibly bumpy, to the point where Stacy thought the turbulence was going to be the end of their trip When they landed Stacy felt such relief that they made it and then her town was hit by a tornado within the hour they landed This week has been very uneventful for Stacy Her back is feeling so much better, she has been Jooving, heading to water aerobics, resting and getting lots of sleep Now with a bit of distance from the trip, Stacy has a little bit more wonder about Europe and appreciation for all that she experienced with her family However, Stacy is seeing that her kids have lost a bit of touch with reality, as a recent viewing of Street Food on Netflix had Wesley asking if they could go to Thailand next  Sarah reflected on how amazing she thinks it will be for Stacy's kids to go from their Europe traveling experience to their summer camping trips, and to be able to compare and appreciate the differences between the two Stacy has shared a bit already on the blog and will continue to share about the trip and how they managed it with food intolerances specifically She wants to remind people that most people in these countries speak English and the internet is an insanely resourceful tool to help you figure things out as you go Just don't get your phone stolen Another helpful tip, when you book a cruise ship or a flight, make sure you tell them what your food restrictions are and they will accommodate you They had a suitcase dedicated to snacks, which allowed them to save a ton of money and fill in the missing meal pieces as they needed As they were recording this show, Sarah was enjoying Coronation Tea from a care package that Stacy had sent her (20:40) A Look Into Sarah's PaleoFx Trip Sarah thinks that the single best part of PaleoFx was seeing Tom again, a listener whom she met a year ago She always loves the opportunity that these events provide to meet and connect with listeners Tom and Sarah had this amazing conversation last year and developed a real connection, and he came to her book signing at this year's event and was so excited to see him again This was the best PaleoFx yet Sarah made a lot of business connections and met some really neat new companies, while also reconnecting with businesses that they already have great relationships with On Friday Sarah did a talk on the gut microbiome, and while it wasn't recorded she did bring four of her team members who helped with a recording of her presentation Sarah is editing that now and will let people know how they can watch it once it is available She was also on the State of the Paleo Union panel, which is the highest profile panel at PaleoFx and always includes Mark Sisson, Robb Wolf, Chris Kresser, Sarah and one or other two keynote people who are in attendance that year By the time this panel took place, Sarah had been talking for twelve-hours straight and lost her voice This was embarrassing for Sarah, but she was able to still deliver her feedback, even with a froggy voice This was a particularly interesting discussion this year and Robb Wolf had a funny comment that put Sarah on edge that made her ready for a debate The comment didn't end up sparking controversy, but it was a very funny moment A year ago the panel wasn't necessary heated, but there was a lot of discordances This year there was a lot more unity, which was nice for Sarah to experience On Saturday Sarah was on a gut microbiome panel with all the biggest names in this particular field of science From all the latest research Sarah has been doing in preparation for her next book on this very topic, it was cool to be on a panel that provided different angles that expanded on where her mind has been The little tangents that Sarah experienced with a fellow panel member made it an especially fun experience There were a few speaker cancellations and Sarah was asked to fill a spot, which she was easily able to tackle by using content from her recent workshop She ended up talking about the different designs of scientific studies and what their weight is Sarah also presented on what a body of scientific literature is, a little bit about statistics, what a p-value is, and got to have a bit of a conversation around these pieces This helps shed light on how scientific research is performed and what Sarah looks for as she is going through the scientific literature Sarah has been toying with the idea of how to turn this into training for people It has been really helpful for people to understand science in general because it gives people knowledge to be able to filter This was such a fun bonus talk Sarah got to give This year's PaleoFx was by far one of the most exhausting events Sarah has participated in Her voice is even still hoarse from all the talking Sarah loves this event in particular because she loves to use it to take a pulse on the community and what people are hoping to learn more about She keeps herself very accessible throughout this conference At this year's conference, it felt like there are a lot of people who entered this community through personal journies and are taking their passion for diet and lifestyle and turning it into entrepreneurial opportunities to pay it forward Sarah had a lot of conversations with people who were there for personal reasons, but are working to build something that serves the community in a way that uses their skillsets from before It was exciting to see this entrepreneurial spirit permeate everything at this year's conference Overall the event was phenomenal; Sarah came home inspired on so many levels The energy was so positive and cohesive this year It really felt like everyone understands that we are all there to serve the community, but also grow the community All of our voices are important in that Like Stacy mentioned a few episodes ago, we are not fighting over the same piece of the pie We are making a bigger pie That was very much the energy of this year's PaleoFx We are all here to help people regain their health and improve their lives, and the more we work together the more we expand that message and the more people we reach in different ways To see that energy was really phenomenal Now Sarah plans on tapping out and sleeping a lot (38:37) Listener Induced Feels Becca says, "I just finished listening to The Paleo View on botox, an amazingly informative conversation as always, even for someone like me who has never had it and wouldn't have considered it anyway. I just want to let you know how grateful I am for the work you do and to wish you all the luck in the world on your amazing poop rocket adventure. Your perspective on self-love, owning our choices, and shooting for your best life really is inspirational. Having your voice in my life has helped me work out what I really want and how I want to go about making it happen. It has provided a jumping off point for so many conversations with the people I love. I want to thank you and send you a virtual, even if it is uncomfortable, hug. P.S. I hope you had a fantastic time on the cruise and that my hometown London received you well." Stacy is bright red from reading that, and this comment gave her a super case of the feels This so perfectly highlights what Sarah about collaboration, sharing a perspective, and entrepreneurial spirit, and sharing this all with the world so that we can be our best selves Stacy wanted to acknowledge and thank Becca for sending this incredibly kind note Expanding the pie and learning to love yourself and not talking badly about yourself are things that Stacy has genuinely been working on the past few years The fact that these aspects are resonating with the listeners is so wonderful, as these are lessons that we all need Not only do we need to love our bodies from the perspective of taking care of them through all the different aspects we talk about on this show, but how we treat ourselves with kindness is also a huge piece of how we feel How we feel is how we function Thank you, Becca, for sharing this feedback and for letting Stacy know that her work is making a difference Sarah notes that these messages are empowering We don't only need to hear them, we need to be reminded of them frequently because they are so easy to forget Thank you to Becca and Tom for being our MVLs this week (42:13) Final Thoughts Stacy is so glad that Sarah had such a great time at PaleoFx and got to share the information she did Sarah workshop is now available as a virtual experience, which you can find here She will be hosting this again in 2020, February 14 through the 17 Half of the material will be switched out with new deep dives, and the foundational content will remain Next year Sarah will dig into genetics and how to use our genetic data to tinker with diet and lifestyle, and will also get into micronutrients Sarah works to give you a full education to really give attendees/listeners the full knowledge base to be able to make the best choices for you and your particular situation This kind of deep education is such a phenomenal way for Sarah to communicate Please check out the workshop; if you love this show you will love the material, even if it does lack Stacy Stacy is going through mid-life reevaluation and has no clue where she will be when Sarah's next workshop takes place Sarah noted that you can already register for the 2020 workshop here Stacy wants to thank everyone for their support between her announcement from her job change (and her sale last month) and the emotional turmoil of her trip Sarah and Stacy will be back next week with a new and exciting topic There are some really good topics in the works Learn more about your ad choices. 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Apr 25, 2019 • 1h 9min

Episode 349: Must-Know Botox Info.

In this episode, Sarah and Stacy breakdown Botox - what is it, what are the side effects, what are the adverse reactions, and what does the science tell us about the impact of this procedure. Our hosts bring this thorough scientific discussion full circle and share their personal feelings towards this procedure and how they personally handle skin health. Click here to listen in iTunes If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 349: Must-Know Botox Info (0:41) Intro It feels like an eternity to Sarah since she last had the chance to talk to Stacy, which it basically has been since they prerecorded the latest episodes while Stacy was traveling Stacy will share about her travels on next week's episode, but she is still processing it all The trip was wonderful, and she has shared some updates via social media, but it was a family trip with many experiences and she is determining what all she wants to share and all the feels One of the things that happened while Stacy was traveling; she got a massage and it put her back in a flair Stacy did really well up until that point, which was 10 days into the trip. And she is excited to share that the first thing she did when she got home was put her Joovv to use and has been doing red light therapy on her back since returning and feeling the benefits of her Joovv (this week's episode sponsor!) While we will cover Joovv in greater detail later in the show, if you are ready to get all the details on them now, head over to, and learn all about our favorite biohack Sarah is gearing up for Paleo Fx, she leaves tomorrow - so by the show airs she will be on a stage sticking it to the man, which is what she typically does there She often finds herself in the myth-busting role at these events, but doesn't actually like confrontation and wishes she could simply have everyone read the same scientific studies she is referring to It is way easier to be on a soapbox on Skype with Stacy than it is to be in front of a few hundred or a thousand people During Sarah's workshop in February talking about different types of scientific studies became really thematic, and how do you evaluate science and what do you look for and how do you detect pseudo-science - are topics that people would love to know more about Sarah is trying to figure out how to condense these topics for the average person, as she recognizes the need for those in the health field to have access to this information Stacy notes the importance of learning not just how to read these scientific studies, but how to use and apply the information in life without bias To be able to look at the science and let that drive justification or not as to why something is improving your health or not, which is where the topic for this week's episode came from What has been interesting for Stacy as a member of this non-toxic living community is the questions she receives around the use of Botox, among many other things, and where these injections fall in the healthy living spectrum Stacy strives to help people find healthy solutions and Botox is off her list - through even just her preliminary research she has found that it is not for her So on this week's episode, she wants to answer this question from a scientific perspective Whether or not Botox is right for someone is ultimately a personal decision, but Stacy and Sarah's aim for this episode is to talk about the science and why both Stacy and Sarah would or would not make such a decision This is not a judgment show; we want to make everyone feel comfortable when they listen to the show Today's discussion is information driven and we are letting the science speak for itself that is how Stacy and Sarah are driving their decisions If Botox was safe Stacy would go out and have it done in a heartbeat Sarah wants to note that there is a lot of pressure for social influencers to look a certain way, to appear young, healthy and vibrant is a part of the credentials Botox is a fast solution and Sarah understands the allure of it and why many are driven to use it it seems like an effective way to get the results we are looking for What Stacy has personally done, in addition to more natural solutions (infrared - Joovv), is changed who is influencing her life so that she is no longer seeing only seeing a barrage of perfection, but is instead seeing people who inspire her to be herself and be real and be natural If a listener is feeling the pressure of something, Stacy suggests looking into where that pressure is coming from and how you can reduce that pressure You may not even realize where all the pressure is coming from - but ask what can you do to control it and empower yourself to value who you are and how you look Find someone who tells you that your flaws are beautiful (20:59) And Now the Science Botulinum toxin is what Botox is Botox was a carefully considered shortening of the name of a neurotoxic protein The way that it causes botulism is by preventing the release of a neurotransmitter It causes what is called flaccid paralysis, which is paralysis by muscle relaxation It is the most lethal toxin known to man A lethal dose of botulinum toxin is as low as one or two nanograms per kilogram body weight when injected into your muscle or into your bloodstream, which is an incredibly small amount of the toxin It was studied originally in research because of this interest in the ability for it to block nerves that control muscles to cause muscle relaxation There are of course medical uses where botox does have therapeutic benefit, but that is a different evaluation all together However, it is worth noting as we talk about the undesirable side effects that the therapeutic doses tend to be even higher than the cosmetic doses and so the risk of an adverse effect is much higher in the therapeutic applications So if you are dealing with one of these situations where botox may have therapeutic benefits Sarah highly recommend having a very thorough conversation with your medical provider and really understanding what all your options are and what to look for with adverse effects There are very few scientific studies that look at the effects of Botox beyond two years and very few look at the effects of multiple injections What Stacy finds interesting is all of the rebrandings of Botox, and these products aren't different they are just marketed differently So be aware of the Botox, look at the warning labels, and do the research (27:59) Side Effects and Adverse Reactions A side effect is a minor complaint that happens on the side that basically resolves on its own Whereas an adverser effect is a major problem, potentially life-threatening that requires medical intervention Both are known to happen with Botox use These are a list of the side effects: drooping eyelids uneven eyebrows a crooked smile, which can lead to drooling asymmetry swelling bruising, discomfort and inflammation in the injection area systemic effects include: fatigue headache neck pain double vision dry eyes or excessive tearing fever and chills allergic reactions (hives, rashes, asthma, etc.) Adverse reactions include: difficulty speaking difficulty swallowing severe muscle weakness loss of bladder control vision problems Then there is a gray area of in between where some studies qualify certain reactions as adverse whereas other studies define the same reactions as side effects Like vomiting, heart function, lung function, etc.; based on how severe they are they get put on either end of the spectrum What Sarah finds kind of scary is that very few studies have looked at repeated treatments and long-term effects, especially beyond two years It is estimated that there are 5 million Botox treatments a year globally and that it is a 2 billion dollars a year business right now - and this is just looking at the cosmetic use There was one study published in 2005 that looked at participants over the course of 12 years who were using Botox for both therapeutic and cosmetic reasons The study found that during the study period there were 20 cases of adverse effects in 16 of the participants, about a 1/3 of the participants This included: difficulty swallowing, droopy eyelids, neck weakness, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, general or marked weakness, difficulty chewing, hoarseness, swelling, difficulty speaking and heart palpitations A 2015 review of the research found that there have been very few long-term studies and the risk of adverse effects seems to really increase after the 10th or 11th injection For most people this is three to four years out of doing this regularly This hasn't been studied rigorously, despite the wide use of Botox Around 2015/2016 there was a spike in studies showing problematic effects and it started to hit the news that Botox might be as safe as we think it is There have only been a handful of studies in the past few years that build on that In the grand scheme of things though, it takes three to four years to build on these ideas and complete the research, so we are essentially waiting on these research labs to come out with their follow up papers (30:30) The Latest Findings In this timeframe, 2015/2016, there were a couple of papers that showed Botox actually travels through neurons So up until 2015, it was believed that Botox could defuse a short way through the cells Now it is known that it migrates, which explains how you could get full body weakness from a Botox injections This is the explanation for these systemic adverse effects These studies haven't hit the general body of knowledge around Botox The studies Sarah referenced: Long-term botulinum toxin efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity The 2015 findings Serious and long-term adverse events associated with the therapeutic and cosmetic use of botulinum toxin Botulinum neurotoxin type A induces TLR2-mediated inflammatory responses in macrophages A 2009 study titled, “The link between facial feedback and neural activity within central circuitries of emotion--new insights from botulinum toxin-induced denervation of frown muscles” A 2010 study titled, “Cosmetic use of botulinum toxin-A affects processing of emotional language" A 2011 study titled, “Embodied Emotion Perception” 2014 study titled, “Botulinum toxin-induced facial muscle paralysis affects amygdala responses to the perception of emotional expressions: preliminary findings from an A-B-A design" A 2014 study titled, “Altered cortical activation from the hand after facial botulinum toxin treatment” 2016 study titled, “Deeper than skin deep – The effect of botulinum toxin-A on emotion processing” In addition to the impact that Botox has on the nervous system, there is also direct immune effects, which also has some concerning implications There are only a couple of studies that look at this, but Botox is basically causing an incredibly intense inflammatory response As Sarah was researching this and feeling frustrated at the lack of long-term studies, she thought that this would have been a component that would have been needed for FDA approval Sarah hit on this entire other field of research that looks at the impact of Botox of mental and emotional health An important piece to note from the latest research is that Botox is only 80% effective, so 20% of people who get Botox (whether used for therapeutic or cosmetic use) and don't actually get the benefits of Botox There is a collection of studies showing that Botox blunts emotional responses and emotional experiences Stacy's mind has been completely blown by these findings The idea of not being able to pick up on emotional queues would devastate Stacy There are 8 to 10 studies that have looked at these emotional and mental effects, so it has been fairly thoroughly looked at and it is showing the impact that Botox has on the brain stem (47:59) Closing Thoughts on Botox On a side, Sarah highly recommends the book Brainstorm There is also the potential for side effects on memory and feeling emotions in general The idea of giving up something for the benefit of another thing, in this case, the aesthetics, and does that really make the person happy In Stacy's experience, she has never known anyone who had a cosmetic procedure that said, and now I am complete and fulfilled and everything is great Stacy often hears from people that on the other side of that change you make, that it doesn't actually solve the problem, it just highlights another for you There are so many articles out there about people who become addicted to cosmetic procedures Society has come to a point where we have lost the ability to step back and look at more than just the wrinkle, and this case, all the many other things impacted by one procedure The health consequences are very problematic for Stacy, but the inflammatory response and the mental and emotional issues that come along with it make it all the more horrifying to her Sarah thinks that its this collection of facts that make Joovv such a serendipitous sponsor for this show because when Sarah thinks about the things that would bring someone to Botox her first reaction is - well, what about all the effective, safe things you can do instead Diet and hydration, exercise all have a huge impact on skin health If you are going to invest in something to improve your appearance cosmetically, Joovv red light therapy would be a route that is highly recommended There are a ton of studies showing that the two wavelengths in Joovv help to reduce inflammation and stimulate collagen production in the skin The two wavelengths used in Joovv actually make the skin physically younger, as opposed to just making it appear younger, which is what Botox does (53:34) Infrared Sauna vs. Joovv Therapy An infrared sauna is a higher wavelength that works by increasing your core temperature and forcing you to sweat, which is a detoxification pathway Joovv actually combines two different wavelengths, an infrared wavelength and a red wavelength It can still increase your core temperature if you sit in front of it for long enough, but the addition of the red light to the infrared light is what gives it the magical formula A red light goes deeper into your skin and is the main wavelength that is increasing cellular health Sarah finds Joovv to be the best of both worlds, and has actually found that their product is the only one actually delivering therapeutic doses If you want to shop Joovv, you can go to There are different sizes and different price points, and all offer the health benefits that Stacy and Sarah discussed (59:14) Final Thoughts There are also, of course, topical treatments that people can do to treat wrinkles, but a lot of the antiaging products that are on the market actually intentionally disrupt your hormones For those of us working really hard on lifestyle factors to regulate hormones, what you don't want to be doing is slathering yourself in some sort of cream that is just going to disrupt them Be careful about the products you are using Aging is not the most fun thing in the world There is not one magical thing that fixes everything, it is the little bit of benefit that we get from each choice (diet, lifestyle, the use of biohacks like Joovv) that compounds The goal for Sarah isn't to have her skin look younger, the goal is for her skin to be younger, and that is where the diet, lifestyle, and the smart use of biohacks that have scientific validity all comes together for magic (science) awesome Stacy wants to remind everyone that they are wonderful and beautiful just as you are Accepting yourself where you are and wanting to change is so important, so if there is something you want to change, Stacy suggests finding acceptance with yourself before you go on to find that next great thing because you might find that those laugh lines aren't something you actually want to change If this is something you have done already, this is not meant to be a dig on you Stacy and Sarah's goal is to simply help you be informed and make the best decisions for your health Thank you for tuning in and having patience on this deeply scientific show Thank you Sarah for pulling together all of this research and information Don't forget that you can submit follow up questions through both Stacy and Sarah's websites or on social media We will try to compile any questions received and if Stacy and Sarah need to do a follow-up show, we will as soon as we are able Stacy wished Sarah a wonderful trip to PaleoFx When Sarah returns, Stacy looks forward to discussing both of their wonderful trips Learn more about your ad choices. 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Apr 11, 2019 • 1h 22min

Episode 347: How to eat Nose to Tail

In this week's episode, Stacy and Sarah.............................................. Listen to find out! Click here to listen in iTunes If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 347: How to eat Nose to Tail (0:00) Intro Go watch Wayne’s World!!! Stacy currently on vacation and can’t keep up with where she Loving not have to plan and not have to think We hope Stacy is having a great time and that the boys are learning a lot, enjoying the culture and the great food!! (4:15) What Sarah has been working on While Stacy is gone Sarah has been busy pulling together videos, photographs and stories from a conference she conducted, and all the program sessions are now available online for all those who missed it or couldn’t attend!! Chris Wilson was the amazing videographer and is based out of the San Francisco Bay area and is AMAZING! and was able to capture 15hrs of seminars Sarah did, testimonials, etc that Sarah did while she was there. Sessions talk abut nutritional science, easy and sustainable weight loss, data and study reviews and what it all means! Science is often dismissed because it doesn’t fit into their message, but Sarah doesn’t agree that’s the way to go Sarah working on a blogpost diving into a recent scientific study stay that eggs cause cardiovascular disease Diets are often described as “healthy” but what you CAN’T eat but this is fundamentally flawed Diets should be defined by the actual food on your plate Sarah has already agreed to do another workshop in 2020 and it’s already LIVE for registration now! Next year Sarah will talk about genetics and phytochemicals and how they can be optimal for your lifestyle and goals (29:38) Eating nose to tail Stacy was a vegetarian for 7 years and it was based off the idea of not wanting to kill or hurt animals Stacy’s youngest son is now dealing with these questions about being a vegetarian and the family is talking to him about how to respect animals in a different way and participate in the circle of consuming them that is respectful Treating animals with respect has been a passion of Stacy’s since she went Paleo Stacy feels better about consuming animals knowing that she is participating in a healthy circle of life that gives back in the earth rather that takes away from it   (34:00) Listener Question from Katherine I need more offal recipes! I am eating paleo AIP and my extended family is slaughtering some pigs. I want to use the whole pig, but I don't know how to fix the feet, ears or eyes. And I don't have recipes that I like for the melt, head meat or tail. I find plenty of recipes for liver and eat it regularly. I have also made fried pig rinds, cracklins and of course lard. I love Stacy book Beyond Bacon but want to find more recipes that I can eat as AIP with few reintroductions. I currently have pig feet and ears in my freezer from last season, and we are about to butcher again. No one else wants to fix these parts, but I would end up extra and free offal if I only knew how to prepare it. And I might also convince extended family members to eat it too. I love your show and have been listening weekly for a few years now. It’s ok if you have certain parts that the family doesn’t like Stacy loves to use pig feet for pork broth! Lots a variety in liver and kidneys Make a simple Shepard’s pie and mix in the organ meats! Sarah’s go to ways to prepare things that you don’t want to eat straight Sautéed kidney Pig Feet/Ear broth!! SOOO YUMMY! Pig ears could be cracklings Hocks can go in soup Instant Pot for 45mins and add greens Spleen/Heart meat/Liver, Kidney meat Stew (steak and kidney) Can sub another organ meat and chop up small so you don’t taste it as much Grind up in food processor and add to ground beef or pork Ground hamburger pattys add organ meat chopped up! Heart Meat can be used to dilute liver or kidneys Also good as jerky!! Add orange or teriyaki marinade Kabobs!! Cut into 1in pieces, throw on skewer, and marinade overnight (47:52) Different pig parts and how to eat them Different states process meat differently so you may not see them at your farmers market Pig Snout is very collagen rich and is like eating skin Best roasted or fried Jowl (also called head bacon or jowl bacon) Muscle meat like pork belly Roasting is great start Smoking the jowl is DELICIOUS!!! Whole Head Best to take to the butcher or farmer who can help process it for you Head cheese Turns into more meaty texture instead of organ meat texture Brains Scrambled brain and eggs Precook brains (boil) in acidified water (vinegar and salt) and mix with eggs Same texture as eggs so you don’t even know it’s there! Neck Roast Collagen rich part of the pig Can be used in broth/pot roast and it is delicious! Play with the flavors and find what works for you Family won’t even know because it’s muscle meat Tongue Boil or slow roast and treat like carnitas/tacos and kids LOVE IT! Organ Meats Parts you can combine with other things to taste better Spleen Sweetbreads (organ meat from the thymus gland and pancreas) Boiled, cut and deep fried Liver Like eating with granny smith apples when you make like a mousse Gravy!! Subtle texture that can be blended into leftover soups and broths Burgers 2lbs ground beef mixed with 1lb liver Take from frozen, let it thaw for an hour and then box grate 425 degrees for 15 minutes in the oven Alpaca liver is the best Sarah has ever had and would eat it straight out the frying pan!! These foods are extremely nutrient dense and soooo good for you If you have a deficiency in one of your organs eating more liver (or kidney) may help because it has the nutrients your body needs for improved function Stick with it because you may start to feel really good eating these foods and you just might LOVE IT Tripe, Stomach, and food processing organs Chinese preparation is the best for Sarah Ex: Dim Sum If you can buy already prepared that might be the best way to start (78:50) Closing New record for longest episode!! Stacy is having a great time traveling in Europe Stacy’s son is looking forward to trying snail but doesn’t want to know that’s what it is before he has it! Hope this show has inspired you to try something new Doing it for your health, respecting the animals, and the earth! Resources                   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Apr 4, 2019 • 1h 1min

Episode 346: Can you have a healthy gut if you don't eat paleo?

In this week's episode, Stacy and Sarah.............................................. Listen to find out!     If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 346: April 5th Sponsored by Just Thrive - Can you have a healthy gut if you don't eat paleo? (0:00) Intro Sarah LOVES to keep track of our episodes by simply adding a “1” to the last episode number! How awesome is that?!? A big thank you to all our listeners last week, thank you for hanging in there with me and being supportive because I know I went a little deep Not sure why sharing personal information gives such a fear of judgement Realizing people’s opinion of you doesn’t matter Are you happy with the choices in your life? Super excited for our upcoming trip when the kids are out of school Been finding some really eco-friendly and sustainable RV’s! Will keep you update to date on all the fun things we are doing while on the road! THE PODCASTS WILL STILL CONTINUE WEEKLY! Excited to move forward with new freedom in the fall We’ve developed a really interesting relationship with our listeners and followers who have been with us for years but at the same time we are regular people who have regular lives Same challenges of rushing from one place to another, trying to find work-life balance It’s unusual for us to still share our vulnerability and window into our real lives and it is scary when the internet can be a hostile place But we love our listeners and readers who come back week after week and make being real a priority Really brave for Stacy to show her vulnerabilities and it helps our readers and listeners become part of our community rather than our “fans” or “tribe” We want to inspire and be inspired by those that are sharing and overcoming in their daily lives Last week was reminder that we still struggle with the idea of being accepted and not judged but worked through it and it’s all good!   (9:30) Special Show Sponsor Thrive Probiotic Sarah uses and loves Thrive Probiotics! Special Deal: 15% off with code PALEOVIEW15 You can purchase bundles and still use our code! Such a powerful took and doesn’t have to be refrigerated WE LOVE SCIENCE and this product has lots of it Stacy was hesitant to use because it’s not refrigerated after being told it’s not “alive” if not Thrive uses soil-based probiotics and research confirms it can have up to 1,000 times more survival than other probiotics Genuinely feel a difference when take this product…less sugar cravings and only ONE PILL A DAY!!! Sarah’s 12-year-old daughter with hormonal acne takes Thrive Probiotics and it has helped. We can tell the next morning if she forgot to take the probiotic GUT HEALTH MATTERS Thrive has scientific measures and is leading the way with clinical trials validating strains 15 different ongoing trials right now and some have been published! First probiotic shown to reduce leaky gut!   (14:12) Listener Question from Teressa I've been eating flour, dairy, and sugar my whole life. I now take a probiotic and eat fermented foods when I can but my gut is still not good. I can feel it, smell it and see it in my bowels. They are mushy and not formed (sorry for the tmi!) what can I do to heal my gut? I'm not sure simply adopting the paleo approach will heal me...? We know that digestion/gut health shows when you go to the bathroom. Shout out to Teressa for recognizing that something is a little off Check out Bristol Tool Form Scale in Paleo Principle and The Paleo Approach This is important because while you may think you are healthy you may still have all kinds of nutritional deficiencies and hormonal imbalances Taking a probiotic and eating fermented foods is a great place to start! If you have an overgrowth of bad bacteria from years of not so great food choices, probiotics and fermented food will have a hard time fighting the bad bacteria on its own Important to understand core of the problem and what you are trying to solve Ultimately you have to give your gut bacteria the food it needs to feed healthy bacteria and starve the bad ones Unfortunately, bad bacteria like delicious and refined foods You have to figure out how to still eat the foods you love that doesn’t contribute to upset tummy Teressa YOU GOT THIS!!! Nothing bad can come from these changes of eating more veggies   (20:24) Sarah Shares Some Science Behind It All 60% of composition of gut bacteria is determined my food we eat Remaining 40% determined by everything else! Sleep Stress Management Activity Probiotic exposure Medications/Vitamin D Toxin/Pesticide exposure Taking a probiotic alone helps but what we eat has a larger impact to correct and balance gut bacteria Autoimmue Protocol is designed for those treating severe chronic autoimmue disease Starts ridged and then becomes flexible because it’s designed to maximize healing   (23:53) Paleo Community Dogma You don’t need to go to the super ridged models to treat issues like Teressa’s and everybody else eating a Western Diet If you ate a big of rice you didn’t fall off the wagon! We need to stop the rule based way of approaching diet when it comes to healthy habits Do some reading, understand the why and understand the themes Nutrient Density: Eating nutrient dense foods and getting all not needing to supplement because we get them from foods. Seafood is really really important High Vegetable Content: Every science study says the more veggies we eat the better Lifestyle choices: Sleep, activity, stress, etc No scientific study that says everybody needs to be gluten free forever to be healthy This doesn’t mean that gluten is a health promoting food Most are devoid of nutrients, high in bad fats and simple carbs For those that gluten is toxic to you shouldn’t include it Fair amount of society could tolerate some gluten here and there is other aspects of healthy living were dialed in a little better We need to take a step back from the “you’re not paleo if you eat this” If lifelong health is the goal, we need to make our choices sustainable and something we can keep up with Be realistic in goals and keep eye on the prize. Stay dedicated and take baby steps if needed Sometimes you have to take out foods in combination to feel relief Sarah had to take out gluten AND dairy together and got MAGICAL RELIEF!!   (27:17) Be Successful If lifelong health is the goal, we need to make our choices sustainable and something we can keep up with Be realistic in goals and keep eye on the prize. Stay dedicated and take baby steps if needed Sometimes you must take out foods in combination to feel relief Sarah had to take out gluten AND dairy together and got MAGICAL RELIEF!! Give it time You may have to take out something for 30-90 days until you feel relief because your body has built up such an amount of inflammation. Be patient There’s no harm in giving something up Yes, we smell the goodies in the mall, but we know it’s just not a good choice for your personal health When you feel good who needs the other stuff?!?! These foods are engineered to be addictive Food manufactures have no incentive to make food healthy AND delicious Manufactures are beginning to use healthier ingredients that are satisfying, delicious and not addicting Find a buddy to work with, stay accountable and create a safe space to help you focus on your health Find your WHY Know you are doing this for yourself not anybody else Yes, it may be tough, but YOU CAN DO THIS!   (39:24) What Teressa (AND YOU) can do to improve Gut Health with the Gut Health Menu Animal form of Vitamin A Red meats, Organ meats (highest source), seafood Vitamin D Get tested, use at home testing kit, and talk to your doctor to determine current levels and see where you are now Retest in 3 months Above 100 is dangerous and below 30 is extremely low Zinc Beneficial for gut barrier and gut microbiome Fiber Main food for gut bacteria Love fruit and vegetable fiber not so much grain 8 or more servings a day is ideal Thousands of different type of fiber Eat from whole foods and not supplements Walnuts and mushrooms are really good for the gut! Fats Body loves Omega 3 (seafood) and high quality Olive Oil Look for high quality olive oil in a dark container Protein FISH FISH FISH…the gut loves fish!! Chicken/Pork Red meat Casein (dairy, cheese) and soy protein are terrible for the gut Pea protein is good for the gut! Phytochemicals Fresh fruits, veggies, herbs Green and black tea Dark chocolate Coffee Can have negative response in some people Honey B Vitamins Probiotic foods Kumbucha, water kefir, sauerkraut, Just Thrive Probiotic 8+ hours of sleep Better stress management Meditating, spending time outside, going for a walk, playing with dog, etc Being active but not overtraining Don’t train to exhaustion and give yourself rest days   (52:00) In closing Different things can impact gut health and if you have continued issues you should work with a medical professional to help call out specific areas you might need to work on Stacy did it and it was extremely helpful and healing! Huge shout out to our podcast sponsor Just Thrive Probiotics Stable enough to cook with!! You can open the capsule and hide in muffins or smoothie! Make sure you head on over to and get your 15% off with the code PALEOVIEW15 Get a bundle and receive a discount on top of the 15% off Teressa YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!! Resources           Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mar 29, 2019 • 39min

Episode 345: Stacy's BIG News

In this week's episode, Stacy and Sarah.............................................. Listen to find out! Click here to listen in iTunes   If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 345: Stacy's BIG News (0:00) Intro Super excited about the news to share today! Stacy doesn't mind if we jump ahead to this exciting news Sarah is worked up about (2:30) Beauty Counter Anniversary March March 4, 2018 Stacy marched forth in support of Beauty Counter's annual anniversary on Capital Hill in DC to support better personal care products Health Protective Safety Laws for everybody! Got together with different local people and met with local legislators to talk about personal care product safety act that we talked about last year but it died in Committee (3:53) FDA, Claire's, Justice and asbestos FDA recently put out notice that they would like more support after 3rd party testing on some beauty products at Claire's and Justice Results showed that some products contained asbestos, a known carcinogen – marketed to and targeting children!!! FDA statement:The law governing the FDA’s oversight of cosmetic products — have not been updated since it was first enacted in 1938. The current law does not require cosmetics to be reviewed and approved by the FDA prior to being sold to American consumers. There are reasons why the FD&C Act doesn’t require prior approval of cosmetics before marketing… This means that ultimately a cosmetic manufacturer can decide if they’d like to test their product for safety and register it with the FDA. To be clear, there are currently no legal requirements for any cosmetic manufacturer marketing products to American consumers to test their products for safety.Tests confirmed the presence of asbestos in three of the product samples collected from Claire’s and one sample collected from Justice. All suspect Justice products, including the one testing positive for asbestos, were previously recalled from the market in 2017. The FDA issued a Safety Alert today warning consumers to not use three of Claire’s products: Claire’s Eye Shadows – Batch No/Lot No: 08/17; Claire’s Compact Powder – Batch No/Lot No: 07/15; and, Claire’s Contour Palette – Batch No/Lot No: 04/17 because they tested positive for asbestos.The FDA requested that Claire’s recall the products because they should not be used by consumers. Claire’s has refused to comply with the FDA’s request, and the agency does not have authority to mandate a recall. The FDA is therefore warning consumers not to use these products and will continue to communicate our safety concerns about them. Read the full statement from the FDA here. Kudos to Justice for recalling those products when 3rd party results were released! Claire's didn't recall all of their products. FDA warning consumers not to buy makeup from Claire's FDA needs us to take action because they know this is wrong. We need to tell representatives that we in America deserve better. Products are banned in Europe, Canada, and other countries but not in America. The FDA does not have the ability to recall products, they must ask a brand to voluntarily recall items. Children are putting asbestos powder on their faces! Problematic because it's absorbed through the lungs Have you asked your representatives to support the Personal Care Product Safety Act (S.1113) yet? This bill is currently in committees for review – it’s SO IMPORTANT to tell your legislators to support this bill! Text Better Beauty to______________ and it will give you a short form to fill out that will go to your representatives asking them to support the Personal Care Product Safety Act Will be able to enforce recalls if they act does what it's supposed to do! Health and Wellness coincides with Legislation Relationship between corporations and consumers would be adequate to have products be high quality and not potentially carcinogenic. We need to empower the FDA with the ability to test cosmetics, personal care products, cleaning products and enforce basic safety requirements! We should not be exposed to these toxins! It should be easy to see that this is a problem that needs to be fixed and it's frustrating that it isn't Recent case where Johnson & Johnson had to pay millions of dollars for knowing that asbestos was in their powder and continuing to sell it Caused Ovarian Cancer because people were using it daily per the instructions FDA wouldn't have known to recall if a MOM hadn't done her own 3rd party testing and then informed the FDA Most consumers have no idea what to check for and are assuming that the government is protecting them even though the law hasn't been updated since 1938. 81 YEARS AGO (14:35) Stacy's transition from Food Blogger to Beauty Blogger After a lifting injury Stacy trained 3hrs a day, 3 times a week and found a new passion. It was a community, it was important, and connected to a different side of the health community that was really special and had not thought of. Learning to love and accept yourself for who you are and still want to make changes and be your best self Stacy had a void after a death in the family and connected to a new community with Safer Skincare and Clean Cosmetics Thinks of this as another arm of this health movement So many things affect our health not just food and lifestyle choices Positive outcome after such a traumatic injury and helped take Stacy out of a dark place Become a part of incredible community with Beauty Counter Family Part of the leadership team that works with 300 women who advocate for safer skincare and cleaner cosmetics including products they sell but also products for those that don't have the means to buy certain products Become more passionate about this business than anticipated!! Amazing community, family, and successful business Wrote 3 cookbooks when she was Paleo but never had the stability to make that a career (19:00) The Big Announcement!! This week was last week for Stacy working at her corporate job! Really big deal and really nervous Thanks to listeners who supported Stacy and Sarah in these endeavors from purchasing cookbooks to shopping Beauty Counter to supporting podcast sponsors Became stretched to the max and had to make a decision to either pull back on a new passion and new family or run with it and see where it will take me This summer focused on outside of corporate America and making this summer the summer of Stacy Will be able to travel because you can travel and do this work!! Taking Penny and the boys all over the country in an RV!!!! Spending time bonding as a family Telling the listeners first and thankful for your support over the year This was not an easy decision, vulnerability in sharing that this thing that started as a hobby and became a passion going to be able to support my family and wondering will it be fulling enough when you leave your corporate job Impressive, brave, and inspirational to watch Stacy go through this journey and make this difficult choice that would have scared most people! Able to focus on better work life balance, better self-care , more family time and things that are important but have been a struggle Sarah and the team wish Stacy the best and by the end of this summer Stacy will know if this choice will work for her and her family! The future may be a hybrid of the two worlds but taking this summer to figure it out Listeners thanks so much for your support. Sarah will be asking about traveling recommendations on social media and will be taking name suggestions on the summer RV and how to be successful on the road when traveling!! (29:15) Upcoming Travel Going to Europe next week for 3 weeks, back at the end of April, then leave on RV in middle of June Excited for what the future holds and the opportunity to do it If the listeners have a bucket list item don't be afraid to go after it, you have to step outside of your comfort zone and follow your passion to make things happen It is nerve-wracking, it is scary but we have to go after them (31:33) What really matters What really matters are the memories we want to create Won't regret spending the summer traveling in an RV with the family Will regret the things not done or sticking with something because it feels like the appropriate professional mature decision to make As nerve-wracking as it may be this is something that has to be done Thanks to Sarah for being a supportive role model and showing Stacy that this could be done We are so excited to watch Stacy's journey over the next few months Excited for more rants and epiphanies that our listeners love!! Water Aerobics and Sleep are priorities! (35:22) In closing Follow the FDA's warning suggesting consumers not use the products that contain asbestos Be thoughtful and mindful in all areas of your life Not bringing cloth napkins on the RV! How can listeners make sure their children aren't exposed to these harmful products Stacy recommends you check out the EWG app. Free app to scan products in house and will tell you the safety level Replace most problematic items first Don't let perfection be the enemy of the good Each change that you make is progress towards living a healthier life Visit has all information about Beauty Counter, Ebooks, Skincare Consultations, etc. Have a wonderful week and thanks for listening!!! We love your questions and we want to hear from you! There's no end to questions we can answer and topics we can address! Engage on social media! That's how we get feedback! Thank you for listening. Resources EWG’s Healthy Living App Read the full statement from the FDA here. FDA Safety Alert   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mar 22, 2019 • 59min

Episode 344: Nutrients and Personal Care for Pre-teens and Acne-prone Skin

In this week's episode, Stacy and Sarah answer a listener question about how to treat acne naturally, especially in kids going through puberty. What should they be eating? What skincare products are the best? And what nutrients are best for acne? Listen to find out! Click here to listen in iTunes   If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 344: Nutrients and Personal Care for Pre-teens and Acne-prone Skin (0:00) Intro After all the crazy schedules and travel, The Paleo View Podcast is back to the norm, doing weekly episodes using an outline and everything! A huge thanks to our amazing episode sponsor, Joovv! Their red light therapy lights are at-home devices that deliver the same amount of energy at the same wavelengths that used to be only available at medi-spas. To learn more about the incredible benefits of red light therapy, check out our past episode TPV Podcast, Episode 315: The Scoop on Red Light and Infrared Therapy Sarah has been using hers for almost 2 years and she notices when she goes without for more than a couple days. Joovv is the perfect combo of science plus an incredible personal experience! Stacy has also had positive results with her Joovv red light! Joovv's red light therapy units are Bluetooth enabled, they work with Alexa, and they're modular! To check them out, head on over to! (9:00) Listener question Hi Sarah, I wonder if you might have some advice on diet and possible supplements for girls going through puberty? My 11yr old is suddenly experiencing lots of pimples on her face. We stick to a mainly paleo/Keto based diet. No wheat or grains and minimal sugar. I am trying to get her to cleanse her face twice a day - this is a slow process.If you have any health info or products specific to puberty please let me know. Stacy says the best thing you can do for acne is to treat it from the inside. Acne isn't just a puberty problem - it can be a problem all through life. There are different triggers for different people, ranging from different foods to simply not washing. Acne is inflammation so we have to treat it that way. Parents, this can be a lot to take on for a kid so don't let perfect be the enemy of the good. (14:48) Eating for acne-free skin The food that is beneficial for acne is what we talk about the show all the time. Get your nutrients in adequate quantities from food! Eat seafood, organ meats, and a lot of vegetables. Avoid foods that feed bad gut bacteria and compromise gut health. Dial in your vitamin D level (Vitamin D deficiencies can drive a lot of small health problems) Eat plenty of plants for phytochemicals and antioxidants. Because keto doesn't incorporate many plants, it's best to avoid that for acne Root vegetables, like sweet potato, are fantastic for the gut microbiome Every vegetable family feeds a different group of beneficial bacteria. This includes eating both the raw and cooked forms. Probiotic supplements can be very helpful. Acne is caused by normal shifts, which is normal! Hormonal shifts can increase inflammation in the skin They increase oil production in the pores (sebum), which increases the likelihood of pores getting clogged by skin cells This creates the perfect environment for the production of acne-causing bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes Yes, diet and gut health are important, but for most kids it won't be everything. It will likely improve it, but won't make it go away entirely. (29:16) How to treat acne with a skincare routine The conventional treatments are really harsh, chemical treatments which dry out the skin and drive inflammation. General vitamins for skin health: Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E Selenium Zinc DHA &EPA Flavonoids Glycine These are found in foods like seafood, avocadoes, olives, fresh fruits and vegetables, green tea, broth or collagen, and organ meat. Stacy has dealt with skin issues and acne her entire life. Stacy notices when she manages her inflammation it makes a huge difference in her acne. For Stacy's son Cole, using a toner has been very beneficial. A toner is what you use after washing your face because it protects the skin. The two toner pads that have worked really well for him are the Beautycounter Anti-aging toner pads and the new men's line, Counterman toner pads. It's important to determine what type of acne your pre-teen has: oily skin, dry skin, or hormonal acne. If you use a skincare line that's not right for your type of acne it could cause more problems. Stacy's other son, Finn, finds that using a cleansing balm works really well for him. It's a type of moisturizer that you can either wash off or leave on. Stacy uses a product called Dew Skin, which contains zinc, a mineral that helps fight acne. Charcoal-based products can also be very beneficial for acne. (42:40) 4 nutrients that specifically reduce acne Deficiency of these four vitamins (A, D, E, and Zinc) has been linked to acne. Vitamin A Retinoids are the most effective treatment for acne because of their ability to regenerate and heal the skin rapidly so that you quickly have fresh skin. Anything that's animal fat-based (like a tallow balm) will have vitamin A. A great whole food source of Vitamin A is beef liver capsules. Be careful of supplementing with vitamin A because it can cause Vitamin A toxicity and weaken your skin's ability to protect itself. Vitamin D Deficiency is linked with acne. There's no evidence that topical vitamin D is particularly helpful. Topical creams like an animal fat-based balm or a cream with mushroom extract. Get your vitamin D levels tested, supplement appropriately, and then retest. Vitamin E Studies show both topical and supplementation is effective. In all studies, it was used in conjunction with other acne-preventing ingredients. Zinc Studies show addressing zinc deficiency is very important. Zinc is important for gut barrier and microbiome health, immune health, and skin health. Topical zinc can help reduce inflammation in the skin, specifically zinc oxide or non-nano zinc. Stacy says to encourage your teen to do something. The approach she takes is asking "would you like help with that?" Stacy specializes in safer skincare so if you would like help determining your skin type and finding the best products, get in touch with her! She'd be happy to help you out. There are also a lot of studies that show red light therapy is very effective at treating the root of acne. It helps normalize sebum production, improve the cellular health of the skin, and reduces inflammation in the skin. The studies that show the greatest effects use the same wavelengths and energy deposition as Joovv. Sarah used to gets a couple zits at the same time every month, but since using her Joovv regularly, she now only gets a few a year (mainly when stressed or eating sugar). It can be challenging to get your kid to stand still in front of red light for 10-20 minutes, but it's so worth it! Get your questions in! We want to hear from you! And there's no end to questions we can answer and topics we can address! Engage on social media! That's how we get feedback! Thank you for listening. Resources TPV Podcast, Episode 140: The Danger of Ketogenic Diets TPV Podcast, Episode 326: The Olive Oil-cast! TPV Podcast, Episode 328: The Amazing Health Benefits of Drinking Tea TPV Podcast, Episode 302: Is Blue Light Harmful and What Should I Do? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mar 15, 2019 • 42min

Episode 343: Nutritional Therapy Association Conference Check-In Show

 Click here to listen in iTunesIf you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 343: Nutritional Therapy Association Conference Check-In Show (0:00) Intro Stacy is wet (because she just did water aerobics) and Sarah can't stop laughing. Stacy just lathered herself in Vitamin C cream (hopefully to combat the effects of pool water chlorine) and she's wondering if that's actually effective. Sarah isn't sure! And she's more than happy to admit that she doesn't know the answer! Stacy is making a list of topics like this for future podcast episodes (4:57) Sarah dishes on her keynote (and more!) at the NTA Conference This is Sarah's third presentation at an NTA (Nutritional Therapy Association) conference, but this was by far the biggest audience with 800 or so attendees These conferences are for NTPs (Nutritional Therapy Practitioners) and NTCs (Nutritional Therapy Consultants) who have graduated from the NTA program and have a solid foundation in nutrition and health. Sarah's keynote was on the gut microbiome and she had a blast sharing it with practitioners because she totally got to nerd out! When Sarah references a year, take it with a grain of salt because she's not great with time One thing that stood out this year was the number of exhibitors. Sarah loves seeing her favorite brands, but also discovering new brands and meeting their owners so she can bring you more awesome products that will benefit you! Stacy often gets asked if she recommends attending wellness conferences like this. She says there are a couple of things to consider: Is it the right conference for you? For example, if you're not an NTP, NTC, or health practitioner, there might be a better fit for you than the NTA conference What do you want to get out of the conference experience? Education? Business connections? Unfortunately, Sarah's NTA keynote will not be available online, however, she will do a similar presentation at this year's PaleoFX! (23:27) The NTA Panel on Sunday This panel was moderated by Mickey Trescott (on the podcast two weeks ago) and featured Angie Alt, Dr. Rob Abbott, Dr. Gauree Konijeti, and Sarah. These two clinicians have really led the research on using the Autoimmune Protocols to treat Autoimmune disease. The panel discussed scientific evidence, how we approach therapies that are supported by science vs disproven by science. Sarah enjoyed talking about the need to stay rooted in scientific evidence in order to effectively educate people. When we start to let pseudo-science creep in, we undermine the validity of the much more important messaging we're doing. However, it's important to acknowledge that we don't know everything and there are a lot of unanswered questions. When we're faced with evidence that disproves theories, we need to be open to that evidence. We need to be cautious of our tribalism and not dismissing things because they don't agree with our beliefs. 8 people told Sarah it was the best NTA panel they'd ever seen! Sarah wants to give a shout out to Mickey and Angie for a very well thought out panel! There were great discussions about how functional medicine and nutritional therapy interface. (36:05) Check out Sarah's special issue of Paleo Magazine, The Autoimmune Protocol Guide! The only way to get this special issue is to buy it in stores like Whole Foods, Barnes & Nobles, or other local health food stores (this issue is not included as part of your Paleo Mag subscription). Here the magazine-finder Sarah mentioned: This issue includes everything you need to know to get started on the Autoimmune Protocol in one place! Only available while supplies last so don't wait to get your copy! Get your questions in! We want to hear from you! And there's no end to questions we can answer and topics we can address! Engage on social media! That's how we get feedback! Thank you for listening.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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