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The Whole View with Stacy Toth

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Mar 7, 2019 • 56min

Episode 342: Travel, School Lunches, and Portable Snacks

In this episode, Sarah and Stacy are answering not one, but two listener questions, tackling healthy travel, school lunches, and portable snacks. They're sharing their tried and true tips for how to keep their families feeling good while traveling internationally, the paleo-friendly snacks they pack in their kids lunches, and you'll learn if European bread really is safe! Click here to listen in iTunes If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 342: Travel, School Lunches, and Portable Snacks (0:00) Intro Sarah is headed to the Nutritional Therapy Association annual conference where she will be a keynote speaker, so they're recording this episode a little earlier than usual. This week we're talking about something Sarah and Stacy have been doing a lot of recently: staying AIP while traveling. A big shout out to this week's episode sponsor and Stacy's favorite food, Chomps! Both Stacy and her boys love them! In fact, Stacy's boys did a quick PSA for Chomps! Chomps is a 100% clean, on the go meat stick that has 9-10g of protein per stick and real food ingredients. Amazing news: Chomps is launching two AIP-friendly flavors in March: Italian Style Beef and Sea Salt Beef! Sarah was involved with the creation of these flavors so you can be sure they're 100% AIP-approved. If you're not ordering them by the case (like Stacy), you can pick them up at Trader Joe's! Go to and use code THEPALEOVIEW for 20% off and free shipping! (8:36) Two listener questions Hannah says:"My family and I are planning our first international trip since the boys were born. We are planning a trip to Europe (Lisbon, Portugal specifically) and would love your advice on a paleo approach to international travel. What are your recommendations on sleep schedules, exercise, and eating (of course!) while traveling internationally. I have heard that grains in Europe (including wheat) are not modified in the same way they are in the U.S., and am wondering if we could break our paleo "template" to try some local specialties, without risking a health crisis. I love your show and faithfully listen every week while shuttling the boys to various commitments. I think I will be officially starstruck if my question makes it on your show." Susan says:"Hi ladies! We’re pretty new to Paleo and I’ve found your podcast to be an awesome resource. I’m sorry if you’ve covered this topic before. My son is currently in a half-day preschool, so he eats lunch at home. But, he’ll be starting kindergarten in the fall. I know that there won’t be much he can eat at the school cafeteria so I’m wondering what to pack for his lunches and classroom snacks so that he doesn’t feel different from the other kids." (10:33) Portable healthy foods For Stacy, it's protein first. Protein is very satiating and it's something that will sustain her and her kids in a healthy way. Portable protein like Chomps is something her family always carries. When traveling, Stacy plans on two meals a day: breakfast and either lunch or dinner. In addition to protein snacks, Stacy also packs convenient snacks like Larabars. She looks for snacks that are lightweight, non-bulky. She tries to stay in an Airbnb or somewhere that has a kitchen so they have to option to cook meals. Sarah agrees. She keeps Chomps in her purse or when traveling, in her suitcase, so she has a protein snack handy. Fruits and nuts, are easy to find when you're out and about. Pre-packaged snacks are better for international travel. For school lunches, Sarah always starts with a protein and builds the lunch from there. (20:58) Kid-friendly healthy school snacks and lunches If you have a kid who's having a tough time transitioning and is worried about what other kids will think about their food, there are "real food" packaged foods you can use to transition them. Start by swapping out the packaged foods for healthy packaged foods then slowly start to swap out one healthy packaged food at a time for real foods. Stacy's boys really enjoy Chomps, Larabars (not safe for nut-free classrooms), and fruit snacks. Read the ingredients, avoid added sugar. Sarah and her kids love Veggie Go's fruit/veggie strips. You can find these healthy snacks at,, and Empower your kids by letting them choose the snacks they want! Give them a $20 budget, pull up one of those online shops, and let them choose the healthy snacks. Sarah focuses on protein snacks for her kids. They noticed that Larabars on their own was too much sugar so these days, she'll pack a Chomps with sliced apple. Hard apples like Fuji apples or grapes, strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries keep really well in a lunchbox. Communication is key! Communicate with your kids and be willing to troubleshoot and adapt. (31:25) Scheduling wellness into your travel Stacy has a big cruise coming up, but she's been strategic about it. She tries to do direct flights (versus layovers) to avoid extra security checkpoints and added stress. Unfortunately, it is a red eye, but she's bringing melatonin to help everyone sleep. When flying internationally, meals are often included and these days you can choose allergen-friendly meals. If you don't have the option to choose, call the airline after booking to ask for a gluten-free meal. Sarah says bring entertainment (books, colored pencils, devices, etc) and anything that will help you or your kids sleep. Do your best to anticipate problems and plan for it. This doesn't always work so just do your best! (43:34) Eating wheat in Europe Some people do really well with European bread. Europeans use an older variety of grain that hasn't been modified as much. It contains about the same amount of gluten, but the difference is in the trypsin amylase inhibitors. Our modern varieties of wheat have about 100x more than the heirloom varieties in Europe. Sourdough has been fermented longer which makes it a better option. This is a very individual choice. If you do get sick that's going to put a damper on your trip. When traveling, your body is less stressed which means you'll be digesting food better! Europeans are very accommodating of gluten-free diets. Stock up on allergen cards in every language so you can clearly articulate your needs. Thanks again to our episode sponsor, Chomps! Stock up at and use code THEPALEOVIEW for 20% off and free shipping! Get your questions in! We want to hear from you! And there's no end to questions we can answer and topics we can address! Engage on social media! That's how we get feedback! Thank you for listening. Resources Paleo To Go Ebook Travel Ideas: Paleo snacks and fun car games! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mar 1, 2019 • 37min

Episode 341: Mickey Trescott of Autoimmune Wellness

In this episode, Sarah and Stacy welcome special guest, Mickey Trescott of Autoimmune Wellness, for a conversation about how far the Autoimmune Protocol has come, the new AIP-specific clinical trials, and where the movement is today. Click here to listen in iTunes   If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 341: Mickey Trescott of Autoimmune Wellness (0:00) Intro Please welcome special guest, Mickey Trescott of Autoimmune Wellness! Mickey has a new book coming out titled The Nutrient Dense Kitchen. With the explosion of the Autoimmune community in the past couple years, Mickey has noticed there's been a loss of focus on nutrient density. Mickey wrote this book to be approachable with a lot of nutrient dense recipes so you don't have to be afraid of food. You can change your health by what you put on your plate! Sarah is super excited about Mickey's new cookbook! It's gorgeous and she and her children are already bookmarking recipes they want to try. (5:11) AIP Then Mickey and Sarah were two of the first handful of people to do the autoimmune diet. Sarah first gave it a try in 2011, just 4 months after discovering the Paleo Diet. Mickey first found the Autoimmune Diet after seeing Dr. Terry Wahls' TEDx presentation on how she manages MS with diet and lifestyle. At that time there were just a few mentions of the autoimmune protocol - one page in Robb Wolf's book The Paleo Solution and half a page in Loren Cordain's The Paleo Diet. Funny thing is, the food recommendations on each of these lists didn't even match up, it was such a new idea. Stacy remembers back in the day people didn't even know what nightshades are! (15:15) AIP Clinical Trials There are now clinical trials which are beginning to bring medical awareness to the autoimmune protocol. Mickey and her partner at Autoimmune Wellness, Angie Alt, are working with researchers on AIP clinical trials. Mickey, Angie, and Sarah have co-created and co-teach the AIP Certified Coach Practitioner Training Program, an advanced training for practitioners across the spectrum of both natural and conventional healthcare. Up til now, evidence that AIP works has just been anecdotal. The study Mickey and Angie are involved with showed a 73% improvement in remission in just 6 weeks! It was an 11 week study. The first 6 weeks, patients did Angie's SAD to AIP in 6 program (which transitions people into the AIP diet). Then they stayed on the AIP diet for the next 5 weeks. They were given copies of The Paleo Approach and The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook as their two main resources. 73% of patients were in full clinical remission by the time they finished transitioning to the autoimmune protocol in week 6 and maintained it. Mickey says the most powerful takeaway was that these people were not newly diagnosed. They'd been living with an autoimmune disease for an average of 19 years and many of them had failed biologic treatment. The 27% of people who didn't achieve remission still had quantifiable improvement, but didn't achieve remission. More studies on quality of life and gut microbiome health are coming. They've also partnered with Dr. Rob Abbott for a study on Hashimoto's. They crowd-funded this study thanks to the AIP community! AIP has always been more than a fad diet because it's based on science and logic. (23:50) AIP today This movement has grown thanks to the people who've done it! There are over 100 AIP bloggers today. Thousands have told their doctors about their results on AIP. It has a powerful snowball effect! Sarah guesses there are at least a million people out there who have a connection to AIP. It's thanks to everyone who has done AIP that there are now more options on the grocery and in restaurants. One of the most special things about AIP is the community - and they're all over the world! Get online and find an AIP group today! Pick up a copy of Mickey's new AIP-friendly book, The Nutrient Dense Kitchen, online or in stores today! Sarah says a big thank you to Mickey and Angie for all their incredible work in the AIP community. Connect with Mickey at! Get your questions in! We want to hear from you! And there's no end to questions we can answer and topics we can address! Engage on social media! That's how we get feedback! Thank you for listening. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Feb 22, 2019 • 34min

Episode 340: The Paleo Mom Workshop

In this episode, Sarah shares her incredible experience at the first ever Paleo Mom Workshop! She shares her highlights,Click here to listen in iTunesor download and listen by clicking the PodBean Player belowIf you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 340: The Paleo Mom Workshop (0:00) Intro Sarah still has a voice after her epic Workshop and Retreat at 1440 Multiversity! Sarah says it was an incredible experience. The location, 1440 Multiversity, was amazing. They were steps from a redwood forest! The food was incredible - tons of vegetables, delicious coffee, plenty to eat. The presentation stage was gorgeous. Good news! Sarah will be doing another retreat next year so if you missed out, stay tuned for more on that. Participants were able to take advantage of free classes like yoga and tai chi between Sarah's lectures. And Sarah says the people were the best part. It's so special to connect with her community and see them connecting with each other. Attendees had 3 major highlights: 1. The new info Sarah presented (a lot of which isn't even on her blog) 2. Being able to go somewhere and eat 100% AIP food 3. The community and connections that were made Sarah can sum it up in one word: "Profound" (14:50) Sarah's top 3 picks for information nuggets If you wished you were there, Sarah had a film crew record all the sessions which means a virtual version of the workshop will be available for purchase on her website! Keep an eye out for that in the next couple weeks. 1. Sarah did a deep dive into gut microbiome health. Most of this info hasn't been shared anywhere yet. The one that got the cheers was dark chocolate! The polyphenols in cacao support the growth of good bacteria and inhibit the bad. 2. Sarah did a presentation on healthy weight loss and maintenance. Here are the major takeaways: Eat at a modest caloric deficit Get 30% of calories from protein, 30-40% carbs, and 30-40% healthy fats Lots of vegetables and fiber Lots of sleep Hydration Dial in Vitamin D status Exercise - even just get a getting a walk is one of the best appetite regulators Distracted eating: if you eat while in front of a screen, you'll eat more and you'll eat more later in the day. Family meals or eating socially don't qualify as distracted eating. 3. The overall arch of the presentations: History of nutrition science Impact of scientific studies and how to understand them Foundations of health (diet and lifestyle) Modifying the foundations for different chronic diseases Microbiome Healthy weight loss The problem with fad diets and how to troubleshoot How our health choices translate to the environment and global sustainability (25:20) Wrap up Stacy reunited with her local paleo community this weekend! Russ Crandall, from The Domestic Man, has a new book coming out which Stacy is very excited for! Keep an eye out for that! Regarding chocolate, the benefits are in the cacao so the higher the chocolate percentage the better. Get your questions in! We want to hear from you! And there's no end to questions we can answer and topics we can address! Engage on social media! That's how we get feedback! Thank you for listening. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Feb 15, 2019 • 1h 5min

Episode 339: Healthiest Houseplants that Detoxify and Purify Our Air

In this episode, Stacy and Sarah share why you need houseplants, the health-harming toxins they protect against, the best houseplants for air purification and detoxification (especially if you have pets and a black thumb), and tips for keeping them alive. Click here to listen in iTunes If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 339: Healthiest Houseplants that Detoxify and Purify Our Air (0:00) Intro Stacy prepared a record number of notes for today's podcast topic - 24 pages! Sarah is putting the finishing touches on the slides for her event this weekend, ThePaleoMom Workshop and Retreat at 1440 Multiversity! Today's topic: houseplants! FYI, "houseplants" is one word! That's something Stacy learned preparing for this show. Houseplants can act as air purification systems in your home. However, they can be toxic to pets. Stacy A special thanks to this episode's sponsor, Joovv! Joov makes amazing red and near infrared light therapy devices! It's a great tool for detoxifying the body. Red light therapy is great for autoimmune disease, pain management, depression, improved energy, reduced pain, improved skin, and enhanced weight loss. Sarah loves her Joovv red light therapy products! She's been using them for 2 years. She has a Legacy, a Quad, and the brand new JoovvGo. The new JoovvGo is an on-the-go, battery-operated, hand-held red light therapy device perfect for travel and spot treating. Check out their amazing collection of products, along with the new and very affordable JoovvGo, at (14:20) What's in our air that plants could help purify? In 1989, NASA did a study to figure out how to purify the air for astronauts in space. They screened for the toxins, benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. Since then there have been a number of other studies identifying other air toxins including xyelene and ammonia. Benzene is a toxic, volatile, flammable liquid hydrocarbon which is a byproduct of coal. It's an industrial solvent found in most things to do with furniture: paints, varnishes, lacquer thinners. Benzene causes central nervous system damage, bone marrow damage, and is carcinogenic. Stacy notes that there are companies out there who do not use these chemicals. One that Stacy found is Pottery Barn (not an endorsement). Formaldehyde Environmentally, it can be found in the atmosphere, fire smoke, and cigarette smoke (to name a few). Really dangerous when ingested. Vapor can be toxic. Can be managed in small loads. Trichloroethylene A synthetic, volatile, light-sensitive, colorless, liquid that is miscible with organic solvents. Associated with metal because it can be used as a degreaser. In the process of combustion, it can produce irritants and toxic gases, which can lead to liver cancer, kidney cancer, and lymphoma. Considered a human carcinogen. (21:42) Why are plants good detoxifiers and which are best? Photosynthesis! They take in the air for photosynthesis to use carbon dioxide. They trap the toxic chemicals and filter them through their root process. It's largely leafy plants (that don't have a lot of flowers) with a strong root system that are the best purifiers. Stacy and her family started with a Money Tree because it was strong, sturdy, has a good root system, and is hard to kill (Stacy doesn't exactly have a green thumb). Every couple of months they add a new plant. These leafy plants alleviate "sick building" syndrome. Sarah notes that in addition to purifying air, plants also have a calming effect. Check out their podcast episode TPV Podcast, Episode 267: The Benefits of Nature for more on that! Ivy plants make great office plants because they're air purifiers, but they're toxic to pets if eaten. Snake plants are also great air purifiers. They, too, are toxic to pets. Stacy has come up with a workaround to this by putting it on a pedestal in her home, out of reach from pets. What happens to the toxins plants take in? Plants, like us, have microbiomes. The soil also has a microbiome. Bacteria are amazing detoxifiers, so they metabolize the toxic compounds into harmless compounds. In the 1989 NASA study discovered that houseplants made a significant difference in removing VOCs from the air. They tested a number of different factors like leaves, flowers, roots, and that's how they determined the plants with root systems are the best for purification. Sarah notes that in this study, some of these plants could remove up to 90% of benzene in the air in 24 hours. That's incredibly efficient! English Ivy is one such plants that remove up to 90% but beware as it is toxic when ingested. This database on the ASPCA identifies plants that are toxic to pets. (39:55) Purifying houseplants good for pets and a black thumb Stacy has created a list of houseplants that are hard to kill, good for pets, purify, are non-toxic, are more hearty, and do not require full sun. Areca Palm Shown to purify against formaldehyde, xylene and toluene Requires partial shade non-toxic Spider Plant Shown to purify against formaldehyde, xylene and toluene Requires partial to full shade non-toxic Flamingo Lily Shown to purify against formaldehyde, ammonia, xylene and toluene Requires full sun to partial shade Toxic to cats Peace Lily / Aspidistra Shown to purify against benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, ammonia, xylene and toluene Requires partial to dappled shade Toxic to cats Variegated Snake Plant Shown to purify against benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene and toluene Requires partial to full shade Toxic to cats and dogs Aloe Vera Shown to purify against benzene and formaldehyde Requires full sun to partial shade Healing properties Toxic to cats and dogs Banana Tree Shown to purify against formaldehyde Requires full sun to partial shade Non-toxic Pachina Money Tree (Scindapsus aureus) Shown to purify against benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene and toluene Requires partial to full shade Non-toxic Cactus No known purification benefits, but it has a good root system Requires partial to dappled shade Non-toxic Really hard to kill Plants make great gifts! Stacy chooses to include the Snake Plant, ZZ, and Aloe in her home, despite their toxicity for animals, because of their health benefits. All are out of reach of pets and do not "shed" leaves, making them less of a risk for her home - but be mindful about placement for these 3 plants if you have pets. Tips for keeping your plants alive Get plants that have the same watering needs Get plants that do well with having both wet and dry soil Use a plant watering bulb Set a reminder to water the plants Pay attention to sunlight needs and put them in the appropriate place Don't buy plants that are half dead If your plant dies, you're not a failure! The soil is still purifying the air! Get your questions in! We want to hear from you! And there's no end to questions we can answer and topics we can address! Engage on social media! That's how we get feedback! Thank you for listening. Resources TPV Podcast, Episode 267: The Benefits of Nature Plant Watering Bulb   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Feb 7, 2019 • 59min

Episode 338: Integrative, Functional or Naturopathic?

In this episode, Sarah and Stacy are clearing the confusion surrounding a common question: what's the difference between integrative, functional, and naturopathic medicine? They're breaking down what makes each of these areas of medicine unique as well as giving their recommendations for how to find the best doctor for you. Click here to listen in iTunes If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 338: Integrative, Functional or Naturopathic? (0:00) Intro Last week's episode TPV Podcast, Episode 337: What’s the Deal With Celery Juice? is going viral! If you missed it, be sure to check it out! Stacy is recovering from an allergic reaction to accidental gluten consumption. Despite checking with the server to confirm the cracker was gluten-free, it turned out the cracker was not, so Stacy has been suffering through 3 days of achy joints and inflammation. Stacy is preparing for her upcoming event, ThePaleoMom Workshop and Retreat at 1440 Multiversity! It runs February 15 - 17 (over President's Day weekend) Chef-cooked AIP menu with bone broth at every meal (with other options for spouses or plus ones) Sarah will be giving 14.5 hours of seminar over 3 days Free meditation, yoga, qi gong, tai chi classes This retreat is for both newbies and experienced AIP'ers alike (8:30) Listener email from Jessica "Hi Stacy!I am binge listening to yours and Sarah‘s podcast, which I know, you’re sorry, ha ha, and I’m at the episode where you introduce, and you just gave your email address out, and so that prompted me to just send you an email, which is a long time coming. I just want to say thank you so much for the podcast! It has changed my life in so many ways. I’ve been on and off Paleo for probably about like eight years now, but as I start to learn more of the science, I just find that I am making better decisions and really allowing this to be a lifestyle and not just something I half heartedly do some of the time. I know Sarah would be really happy to hear that :-)Anyway, I could say so much but I really just wanted to say thank you and to let you know that what you guys do really does make a huge difference in peoples lives and in their health, and therefore in living a longer and more for filling life, and so I can’t thank you enough. Literally, in all my spare time I’m listening to the podcast because I just want to absorb as much information as possible and you guys are so thoroughly entertaining that I can think of no better way to spend my free time :-) I wish you and your family the best of luck in everything you do! Jessica" Stacy and Sarah are touched by the kind words! Thank you, Jessica! Stacy says it's easy to get caught up in any negative feedback about the podcast (or so many other things!) so it's really heartwarming to receive listener feedback like this. It's a great reminder to be positive on the internet and in communications, not just negative. Do your best to be a good person! (16:05) Today's topic: the difference between integrative, functional, and naturopathic medicine? Megan asks: "What is the difference between Integrative medicine, Functional Medicine, and Naturopathic medicine? And this is somewhat rhetorical, but why are none of them covered by conventional medical insurance? I am researching alternative medical providers in my area and since none are covered by insurance, I would like to get as much bang for the buck as possible. Any clarification would be appreciated.Also In my search for alternative care, I found several providers offering a "Zyto Advanced Scan" using zyto technology. To put it in a term I have heard Stacy use - is this woo woo?" Side note... go watch James Corden's updated version of Alanis Morissette's "Isn't it Ironic?". Stacy says there is a type of insurance called the Flex Plan which allows you to put money toward certain medical products and services. Sarah notes there's a new health insurance called Knew Health whose mission is to make alternative medicine something that is covered. (21:52) Integrative Medicine This refers to an additional certification through the American Board of Physician Specialities. Integrative medicine is a more holistic approach to medicine. Affirms the importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient Focuses on the whole person Includes diet and lifestyle Emphasizes not just healing, but well-being Additional practices integrated into a doctor's medical practice have high-quality scientific evidence of safety and efficacy Might include alternative therapies like acupuncture, yoga, and massage Integrative medical specifical are MDs who have taken an additional certification. The term is starting to be misused by health care providers so do your research. Look for an "Integrative Medicine Specialist" or "Integrative Medicine Doctor." Make sure they have an MD at the end of their name. (25:45) Functional Medicine Functional medicine is an additional training but is not limited to just medical doctors. Chiropractors, naturopathic doctors, physical therapists, nutritionists, acupuncturists, etc, can all take this additional certification. They can apply functional medicine practices within their scope of practice. Functional medicine itself is very similar to integrative medicine. Integrative medicine is treating the whole person whereas functional medicine is treating the root cause. Functional medicine looks at the different biological systems in the body to identify what the underlying cause is. Instead of giving you a drug to mask symptoms, a functional medicine doctor wants to figure out what's causing this in the first place. A functional medicine practitioner can be an MD but doesn't have to be. Some things are covered by insurance (blood work, for example) but others, like appointments, are not. This model is common with both functional and integrative models. (30:32) Naturopathic doctors Conventionally trained doctors or allopathic doctors go to medical school, then do an internship and residency to specialize. Naturopathic doctors, on the other hand, do a similar training but in a different program. This program has a different philosophy that's centered on using the power of nature in supporting the body's inherent ability to heal. A naturopathic is more limited in the types of drugs they can prescribe. They can order the same tests but may do other tests. They will likely do a wide range of alternative therapies, even the ones that aren't strongly backed by science. (34:31) The Zyto Advanced Scan Sarah and Stacy are calling this one a little "woo woo." The idea is that it measures the electrical resistance in your skin to different stimuli. The computer can interpret the stimuli to determine what medications and supplements are good for you. This machine is marketed to alternative health providers who can plug in the specific products they can carry, which will then be recommended to the customer. There is no scientific evidence to back this machine. (38:40) The Bottom Line Sarah says there are advantages to seeing an MD because they can prescribe pharmaceuticals in addition to supplements and botanicals. If you want to go the naturopathic route, look for naturopathic doctors with functional medicine training. Go to an initial consult and ask your practitioner questions: What's your philosophy? (are they talking about "root cause" or "whole person") Do they have experience treating your condition? How much do they charge? Is any part of what you do covered by insurance? Can you get tests ordered by your regular doctor so you can save money? What are your first line treatments? Do you tackle diet and lifestyle first or herbals and botanicals first? Do they do other alternative therapies? What types of laboratory studies do you use? Ideally, they're doing saliva, stools, and urine tests. Muscle tests don't have much scientific validity. Do you have a good repour with this doctor? Stacy says to trust your gut. You are paying for a service the same way you're paying for a service in any other capacity. Just because someone has a recommendation, it doesn't mean it's the right recommendation for you. A good health care provider will: engage in your conversation be interested in the research you've done before your appointment appreciate you having an open mind and deferring to them as the expert, but will have a conversation with you make you feel like you're respected give you personalized care Stacy asks Sarah to clarify what a nurse practitioner is. Sarah says a nurse practitioner is a step in between being a registered nurse and a family physician. They can do some diagnostics and prescriptions. It's common to have NPs in practices doing the simpler cases. They go through a rigorous training program. Stacy notes that NPs seem to have more practical experience and can provide better guidance on lifestyle choices. Whichever way you go, it’s that relationship that actually is the thing that makes the biggest difference. Stacy encourages listeners to look for local holistic health groups for practitioner recommendations. Sarah is happy to give you her recommendation for a functional medicine doctor if you live in the Atlanta area. Please message her on Instagram and she will share that information. Please do not ask Stacy for a recommendation. Get your questions in! We want to hear from you! And there's no end to questions we can answer and topics we can address! Engage on social media! That's how we get feedback! Thank you for listening. Resources   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Feb 1, 2019 • 52min

Episode 337: What’s the Deal With Celery Juice?

Is celery juice really the miracle food that will solve all your ailments?! In this week's episode, Stacy and Sarah are separating the celery juice fad facts from fiction to determine if the claims are really all they're cracked up to be. Click here to listen in iTunes   If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 337: What’s the Deal With Celery Juice? (0:00) Intro Stacy is a bit exhausted after traveling twice this month and tackling a huge project at work, which has her wondering... would celery juice help?! (2:00) What is the celery juice fad? Celery juice is a new fad that's taking over the internet! Influencers are promoting this fad diet left and right, claiming it is the secret to amazing health and will cure all these things. You're supposed to drink 16oz of straight celery juice on an empty stomach every morning. And in JUST ONE WEEK, you'll allegedly restore gut health, improve digestion, reduce inflammation, improve autoimmune diseases, starve out all the bad bacteria, balance your body's pH, clean your blood, hydrate on a deep cellular level, reverse depression, etc, etc, etc. Sarah is very worked up about this (not in a good way)! And she's here to get to dispell the myth, look at the science, and get to the bottom of it! Let's take a step back... (8:17) What is celery? Celery is a member of the parsley family. It's a very nutrient-dense food. A 100g gram serving (approximately 2 stalks) has only 16 calories, but 1.6g fiber, 37% of the recommended daily vitamin K, ~9% of vitamins A, C, folate, potassium, and manganese, and ~3-4% of the B vitamins. Plus a few others. Despite being thought of as a "filler food," celery has a lot of nutritional value. Does it really burn more calories to eat celery than celery contains? Sarah does agree that the energy you get from celery (in terms of calories) is basically nonexistent. Celery is very rich in polyphenols, which are important anti-oxidants. They're anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, can reduce cancer risk, regulate blood sugar, be a neuroprotective, etc. (18:04) Phytochemicals in celery Apigenin Studies suggest apigenin can reduce inflammation, prevent cancer, prevent diabetes, improve brain health, reduce pain, and may have a calming effect both via the GABA neurotransmitter system and the HPA (fight-or-flight) axis. Caffeic acid Studies suggest caffeic acid can reduce inflammation, prevent cancer, prevent toxicity associated with chemotherapy and radiation, prevent diabetes, prevent premature aging, prevent neurodegenerative diseases (like Parkinson’s disease), and reduce exercise-related fatigue. Chlorogenic acid Studies suggest chlorogenic acid can reduce blood sugar, prevent diabetes, aid in weight loss, reduce blood pressure, aid in homocysteine detoxification, and enhance mood. Chrysoeriol Studies suggest chrysoeriol can reduce inflammation, regulate the immune system, prevent cancer, and prevent diabetes. P-coumaric acid Studies suggest p-coumaric acid can reduce inflammation, reduce intestinal inflammation, regulate the immune system, improve bone density, act as an antidepressant, prevent cancer, protect against kidney damage, and protect against tissue damage caused by drugs and alcohol. Coumaroylquinic acid Studies suggest coumaroylquinic acid can increase activity of superoxide dismutase, one of the body’s most important endogenous antioxidant enzymes. Ferulic acid Studies suggest ferulic acid is a particularly potent antioxidant that can reduce inflammation, prevent cancer, prevent toxicity associated with chemotherapy and radiation, prevent diabetes, prevent premature aging, protects the liver and lungs, prevent neurodegenerative diseases (like Alzheimer’s disease), and lowers cardiovascular disease risk factors. Kaempferol Studies suggest kaempferol can reduce inflammation, regulate the immune system, prevent cancer, act as an antimicrobial, prevent diabetes, reduce cardiovascular disease risk factors, prevent neurodegenerative diseases (like Alzheimer’s disease), improve bone health, and aid weight loss. Luteolin Studies suggest luteolin can reduce inflammation, reduce vascular inflammation, regulate the immune system, reduce allergic responses, protect the brain, prevent cancer, prevent toxicity associated with chemotherapy and radiation, prevent neurodegenerative diseases (like Alzheimer’s disease), reduce pain, and may have a calming effect via the GABA neurotransmitter system. Tannin Studies suggest tannins can reduce inflammation, regulate the immune system, prevent cancer, are antimicrobial, improve blood clotting, reduce cardiovascular disease risk factors, produce liver necrosis, and prevent cavities. (25:04) Celery extract vs celery juice It's true, celery has all these amazing things. But most studies look at celery extract (a concentration of all these good things in celery), but not celery juice. Mostly attributed to the polyphenol content, studies have shown celery extract can prevent: cardiovascular diseases liver diseases urinary tract obstruction gastric ulcers gout rheumatic disorders cancer (at least in cell culture) increases spermatogenesis, and improves male fertility diabetes (these effects are verified in humans) neurodegenerative disease Studies on celery juice have looked at chemotherapy use in animals and have discovered celery juice helps preserve the body's antioxidant capacity. This can helps reduce the side effects and improve the efficacy of chemotherapy. Sarah notes these are compelling reasons to consume celery. Stacy chimes in with a clarifying question: does the science say celery juice or extract is better than consuming the whole vegetable? Celery extract comes from blending the whole plant (celeriac, stems, and leaves) with alcohol (methanol or ethanol), strain it to remove the solids, freeze-dry it to evaporate the alcohol, reconstitute it, and add saline to turn it back into a liquid. Celery juice comes from juicing celery stalks (with leaves attached). Studies show that celery juice is comparable to other vegetable juices. It yields about 79% juice and the other 21% of the juice is thrown out with the fiber. When you juice celery, you only get about 56% of the flavones, the main class of polyphenols, in the juice. The other 44% are trapped in the fiber (or pumice) that's discarded. Stacy highlights this point, that the science says when you juice, you're throwing away 44% of the beneficial qualities of that vegetable when you're juicing it versus consuming it whole. You cannot buy celery extract. Celery seed extract is not the same thing as celery extract. People are juicing celery to try to replicate the benefits seen in the animal and cells. But it's not the same thing. However, Sarah notes, the half of phytochemicals that do make it into the juice are interesting. The ones that do make it in are more easily absorbed than in the whole food version. But this doesn't take into account the activities of gut microbiome. Most polyphenols are poorly absorbed. We only absorb 5% of the polyphenols because they're locked in large molecules. Juicing helps make these polyphenols more available. (40:36) The bottom line: eat more vegetables Bottom line: eat more vegetables. Celery isn't particularly unique when it comes to polyphenol content. Whole celery is more beneficial than celery juice. If you want to take advantage of all the polyphenols celery has to offer, start eating more celery. Add celery to soups or blend it into smoothies. For example, comparing celery juice to parsley juice, parsley juice had 10x more flavones (polyphenols). Eating vegetables (and consequently phytochemicals) is only beneficial! Sarah has yet to see a research paper that says otherwise. Celery juice is not going to cure all your ailments as claimed by influencers. There's no science to support that. Don't waste your money on an expensive juicer. Stacy and Sarah note that sometimes people feel so much better on juice fasts because they're getting nutrients that their body is deficient in. If someone eats a standard American diet, devoid of vegetables, and suddenly start drinking vegetables, it's not surprising that they'll feel better. When something sounds too good to be true, it probably is! Get your questions in! We want to hear from you! And there's no end to questions we can answer and topics we can address! Engage on social media! That's how we get feedback! Thank you for listening. Resources TPV Podcast, Episode 281: How Many Vegetables?! TPV Podcast, Episode 286: How Many Vegetables Part 2: Lectins & Oxalates TPV Podcast, Episode 335: How Many Vegetables Part 3: Souping vs Smoothies   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jan 24, 2019 • 48min

Episode 336: Cassy Joy Garcia of Fed and Fit

In this episode, Stacy and Sarah welcome special guest, Cassy Joy Garcia of Fed and Fit to talk ditching the diet mentality, tips for staying on track without following a strict program, and how to turn your diet mentality into a sustainable, long term lifestyle! Click here to listen in iTunes If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 336: Cassy Joy Garcia of Fed and Fit (0:00) Intro (0:40) News and views Stacy and Sarah are excited to welcome today's special guest! May the snort-laughing begin! Dear listeners, we need a favor from you! Please nominate the podcast for the Paleo Magazine's 2019 Best Of Awards! (And all of your favorite paleo companies!) Nominate us here >> (6:17) Today's special guest: Cassy Joy Garcia of Fed and Fit Cassy runs the blog Stacy and Cassy have been friends for years! Cassy has a guest recipe on a paleo gingerbread house! Fun fact: Cassy initially went to school to become an entymologist (someone who studies bugs). Cassy demonstrates her "dog voice." (11:03) Ditching the diet mentality The podcast has kicked off the New Year focused on making healthy nutrition and lifestyle changes with the mentality of making it a sustainable, longterm solution. If you missed the first couple episodes, check them out here: TPV Podcast, Episode 333: 2019 Resolutions Check-In Show TPV Podcast, Episode 334: The Secret to Dietary Success: Meal Planning TPV Podcast, Episode 335: How Many Vegetables Part 3: Souping vs Smoothies Cassy notes we give diets so much power. It can be easy to get sucked up into the negative mentality that eating off plan makes you "bad" or "a failure." But that's not true! You're creating a lifestyle so it's important to be kind to yourself, move on, and keep going instead of beating yourself up and falling off the wagon. Stacy wonders how we can find the balance between living a healthy, sustainable life and the stress of yoyo-dieting. Cassy says the object of the game is not to eat as few foods as possible. The goal is to heal and eat a variety of foods to get maximize nutrient density. Are you choosing foods for health? Or are you choosing foods based on arbitrary rules and restrictions. Sarah jumps in highlighting the difference between dieting and lifestyle. Dieting: following rules and restrictions to acheive a short term goal Lifestyle: a long term goal where you're finding balance and sustainability so you can continue this diet and lifestyle for the rest of your life. Sarah notices that in the AIP community, because it's such a restrictive protocol (even though it's a healing protocol), it can create the "diet mentality" that causes person to be afraid to reintroduce foods. (23:51) How do you stay on track after ditching the 'diet mentality'? Cassy says it's about being very strategic with your reintroductions, being thoughtful and careful. When you're following a plan, it can take some of the scariness out of these transitions. But it's important to trust the process and trust your coach. Instead of feeling like you failed on a diet, what if the diet failed you? It might not have been the right program for you. Cassy recommends sticking to the principles of good nutrition, sleep, exercise, and when you choose to indulge, enjoy it and move on the next day instead of beating yourself up. Indulgences don't have to be a "cheat" they can be part of your plan! Stacy notes when you call something a cheat, you're assigning a negative emotion to that food. (33:56) Strategies for creating sustainable habits Cassy says once your program is over, don't feel like you have to abandon all the healthy principles you learned! Pick your favorite healthy practices, tendencies, foods, etc, that you learned from the program and continue them. Meal planning and prep are essential to get your nutrition on track. (43:19) Keep up with Cassy from Fed and Fit Check out Cassy's project, Fed and Fit. Get her first cookbook, Fed and Fit. Pre-order her upcoming cookbook, Cook Once, Eat All Week: 26 Weeks of Gluten-Free, Affordable Meal Prep to Preserve Your Time & Sanity, which will be out April 23rd! Check out her podcast, Fed and Fit! Get your questions in! We want to hear from you! And there's no end to questions we can answer and topics we can address! Engage on social media! That's how we get feedback! Thank you for listening. Resources TPV Podcast, Episode 333: 2019 Resolutions Check-In Show TPV Podcast, Episode 334: The Secret to Dietary Success: Meal Planning TPV Podcast, Episode 335: How Many Vegetables Part 3: Souping vs Smoothies Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jan 18, 2019 • 53min

Episode 335: How Many Vegetables Part 3: Souping vs Smoothies

  Click here to listen in iTunes If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 335: How Many Vegetables Part 3: Souping vs Smoothies (0:00) Intro (0:40) News and views Sarah and Stacy are back with part 3 of their 'How Many Vegetables' series! They received so many great questions about the first part and even second, that they're back to answer your questions! Today specifically, they're covering souping and smoothies Stacy and Sarah apologize to Christie for holding on to her great question for a year... but they're here now to answer it! (6:03) Christie's question "Thank you both for your podcast, I look forward to it every week, and it has become a huge inspiration to try to eat a more nutrient-dense diet, exercise and move more, and in general take better care of myself. I have been drinking smoothies in the new year as a way to up my vegetable content. I know they are not typically recommended, but mine tend to be about 90% leafy greens (spinach, kale, or a blend), a small handful of frozen mango, a pinch of salt, and water. I recognize that foods that you drink tend not to be as satisfying as ones that are chewed, and, although I don't always succeed, I try to have a combination of protein and fat on the side to make it a complete meal.I was curious about what your thoughts were about this type of smoothie (much more vegetable than fruit) as a way to increase my vegetable intake.I was curious about this especially in the context of Sarah's post about soup. If blended soups tend to help keep one satiated longer, would a smoothie and a combination of fat/protein, or adding protein powder and/or fat to my smoothies make them a healthier option for me? How would this differ from a traditional soup? If I replaced the salt and water with a broth to make it more nutrient dense and soup like (maybe without the mango), would that have an impact? Any recommendations or thoughts you have would be greatly appreciated.Thank you both for all you do!" Stacy says that Christie is definitely on the right track! (7:32) The truth about juicing According to Sarah, when you juice, you remove all the fiber which turns the vegetables into rapidly absorbing carbohydrates. Essentially, you're making vegetable-flavored sugar water and you're losing out on a lot of the nutrients that are bound to the fiber matrix. There are two main things in veggies that are really important: Anti-oxidant phytochemicals. Fiber. The fiber from vegetables and fruit feeds a healthier microbiome. This means vegetables need to be eaten in their whole form that includes the fiber. Stacy recommends trying the Bone Broth Smoothie recipe on her blog. It's a great way to add some nutrient density to your smoothie. You don't have to choose between 'souping' or smoothies - you can combine both! (12:34) Souping Per calorie, any liquid calorie is less satiating. They don't fill us up as much and we're hungrier sooner. It doesn't matter what the macro breakdown is. If you do a smoothie, it is not as filling as if you ate all the ingredients that went into that smoothie independently. This could be beneficial for someone who is trying to gain weight. Soup appears to be an exception to this. Studies show even pureed soup help us feel fuller, longer than if we ate all the components separately. Fully pureed keeps us fullest the longest. A chunky soup of broth, meat, and veggies keeps us fullest 2nd longest. And a meal of the separate ingredients is least satisfying compared to the above. The benefits of soup: It digests slower It helps us feel fuller longer Though it absorbs quickly, it causes a release of satiety hormones, which has an appetite suppressing effect. Faster nutrient absorption Though there isn't a study for this, Sarah suspects that eating the hot liquid calories has something to do with it. If you're looking to reduce calories and lose weight, soups are more satisfying, so they could be a great way to go. Stacy notes that some people prefer juicing because eating a full meal while sitting at an office job for 8 hours a day makes them feel sluggish. She says it's important to match your food to your energy output. Sarah jumps into to say that this could have something to do with cortisol release after a meal, especially depending on how stressed you are during the day. Sarah thinks soup would be a good option in Stacy's sister's circumstance because they're easily digestible. Fatigue could also be a sign of a food allergy. (24:35) Raw vs cooked fiber When you make soup, you're cooking the ingredients, versus a smoothie, which contains raw ingredients. This changes how easy the nutrients are to absorb and how they affect the gut microbiome. Cooked foods are more easily digestible, which provides more energy. We also absorb more nutrients from cooked food. Depending on whether a food is raw or cooked, it will support the growth of different gut bacteria. However, raw ingredients can have beneficial effects on our prebiotic bacteria. So it's important to eat both raw and cooked foods because it supports a diverse gut microbiome! Sarah suggests cycling between raw, slightly cooked, and very cooked vegetables. (29:24) Particle size matters When you put soup or smoothie into a blender, you're breaking those foods up into a size that's even smaller than we can chew, which changes how this food behaves in our digestive tract. People with gut issues do really well with soups and smoothies because it's much easier to digest. This also makes the fibers more easily fermentable in your gut. It's important to note, this isn't always a good thing. Because it's so easily fermentable, there might not be enough of that food left to ferment in the large intestine. This is an argument for complete meals and mixing it up! Include a mix of smoothies, pureed soups, chunky soups in your diet. Sarah goes on a tangent about scientific studies and butter. (42:16) The wrap-up Stacy concludes she's going to continue eating soup. Though if you love green juice, you don't have to cut them out entirely! Drinking in moderation and drinking it alongside healthy fat and protein will help slow down the absorption. Stacy and Sarah do not recommend going on a month-long juice fast. Stacy remembers when her mom when on a diet that involved juicing and eating hot dogs and she thinks that's when her mother's health began to decline. Every study Sarah and Stacy have ever found confirms that vegetables improve our health. So why mess with a good thing? Thank you for tolerating all of our tangents today. Stacy and Sarah hope you're having a great January full of feel-good, healthy habits! Get your questions in! We want to hear from you! And there's no end to questions we can answer and topics we can address! Engage on social media! That's how we get feedback! Thank you for listening. Resources TPV Podcast, Episode 281: How Many Vegetables?! TPV Podcast, Episode 282: Joint Health, Arthritis, and Why We Eat All the Soup, Broth, and Collagen TPV Podcast, Episode 286: How Many Vegetables Part 2: Lectins & Oxalates Broth Smoothie Recipe + Real Life Meal Planning: What We Ate Wednesday January 20 Sarah's Souping Post Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jan 10, 2019 • 50min

Episode 334: The Secret to Dietary Success: Meal Planning

Whether you're starting a new diet as part of your New Year's Resolutions or getting back into the groove after the holidays, the key to dietary success is meal planning! On this week's episode, Stacy and Sarah are here to give you their best meal planning tips to help you keep your 2019 going strong. They share their family strategies for meal planning, as well as their favorite resources and tools to save time, money, and stress and ultimately make eating healthy easy! Click here to listen in iTunes If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 334: The Secret to Dietary Success: Meal Planning (0:00) Intro (0:40) News and views Happy new year! This podcast is officially coming to you from 2019! We've got a whole bunch of New Year's themed topics coming up this January so if you're starting a new diet or wellness practice or getting back into the groove of your routine, this month of the podcast is perfect for you! (2:38) Today's topic: meal planning One of Stacy's most frequently asked questions on social media is about her family's meal planning board. There are many different ways to approach meal planning from extremely structured like you'll find in Stacy's cookbooks and Sarah's cookbooks or more informal and go-with-the-flow. Meal planing is highly customizable so it's important to tailor it to what works for you, your schedule, and your preferences. That is what will set you up for success. Start by thinking ahead: What will my challenges be this week? Do I have a free night to cook? What do I want to eat this week? What meals can I make that will give me leftovers? Is there a night or morning that I won't have time to cook and will need leftovers? (10:06) How Sarah's family meal plans Sarah personally does a more informal style of meal planning because she has so much experience cooking and planning. She buys the same staples every week - foods that her family enjoys and are easy to make - so she can throw meal together when needed. When she first started cooking paleo, however, she preferred the more structured version of meal planning! (12:15) How Stacy's family meal plans Stacy's family, on the other hand, holds a weekly family meal planning meeting. One method that's made meal planning successful is having food delivered directly to their house. Stacy is a huge fan of Hungry Harvest because they help cut down on food waste by purchasing the foods, especially produce, that is perfectly good, but isn't "up to par" for grocery stores. Find out where Hungry Harvest delivers here. Stacy's family cleans out the fridge on Friday, receives their box of produce on Saturday, and based on what's in the box (because it's often a surprise!), the family creates a meal plan. By taking the time to meal plan, Stacy's family has saved time, money, food waste, and stress! During the family meal planning meeting, each person picks a meal they want to make that week. The boys love this! It gets them engaged in food preparation and makes them excited when their meal comes during the week. Stacy's family made a meal planning board at an AR Workshop, but there are many different ways to make a meal plan! Stacy has found that visually displaying it has made a big difference. (23:30) Meal planning resources and tools This is not a sponsored podcast, but if you plan on using any of these products or services, please support Sarah and Stacy by clicking their links here in the show notes! Thank you :) One of Sarah's favorite meal planning resources is Real Plans. It's subscription meal planning service that will generate meal plans based on your diet preference. There are over 12,000 recipes and meal plans for Paleo, AIP, keto, etc. Subscriptions start at just $6. You can get incredibly specific requesting recipes with specific equipment, recipe prep time, servings, budget, etc. You can also specify ingredients you don't want. Based on the meal plan, the app will generate a shopping list and you can take off items you already have in your pantry. Many bloggers, Sarah included, have their recipes on this app for an extra dollar a month! Yes, all The Paleo Mom recipes (over 300 recipes) are already loaded into Real Plans! It turns meal planning into a 10 minute (or less) process! Stacy loves ButcherBox, which delivers grass-fed meat to her home each month. This has helped streamline the grocery shopping process! ButcherBox is now doing salmon! If you're interested in trying ButcherBox, for the month of January, you'll get 2lbs of Free Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon with your first order! Click here to claim that offer! One tool that will simplify meal prep is an Instant Pot! This magical pressure cooker is perfect for making soups and stews! It pressure cooks, slow cookers, sautés, can make yogurt, rice, etc. Sarah is a big fan of batch cooking. She likes to cook double or triple of a recipe the night before and then serves it as leftovers at another meal. Often, while she's cooking one meal, she likes to have an extra thing cooking at the same time. Get your questions in! We want to hear from you! And there's no end to questions we can answer and topics we can address! Engage on social media! That's how we get feedback! Thank you for listening. Resources Meal Planning: Whole 30 and Affordable Paleo Guest Blog: Meal Planning with The Foodie and The Family Our favorite cookies and cookbooks for meal planning! Month of Meals: Our Family Meal Plan January 2018 Sarah's Plantain Waffles Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jan 4, 2019 • 38min

Episode 333: 2019 Resolutions Check-In Show

Stacy and Sarah are kicking off 2o19 sharing their takes on what makes a healthy New Year's Resolution, their personal resolutions, and the secret sauce that will help you increase your motivation to make this year's resolution a life long habit.Click here to listen in iTunesIf you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 333: 2019 Resolutions Check-In Show (0:00) Intro (0:40) News and views Happy New Year from Stacy and Sarah! Stacy reminds listeners not to use the new year to shame yourself. Instead, focus on the positive: joy, self love, and being your best self. Instead of guilt and shame, look forward and frame your resolution as "I want to be healthy for my family, so I can live my best life, etc..." Sarah jumps in saying New Year's Resolutions are often things that we want to do but we haven't accomplished yet. Not to mention, it comes on the heels of a month or more of indulgence, being sedentary, etc, which can make the goal that much more difficult. There's a fine line between acknowledging less than optimal choices and learning from them. If you're too dismissive of the bad choices, it makes it that much easier to fall down the rabbit hole of bad choices once more. (10:17) Stacy and Sarah's 2019 Resolutions Sarah considers herself a "resolution-y" person, meaning, she's very goal oriented! She likes to start the new year with resolutions, both big and small. Though she admits, she's been so focused on finishing up her book this fall that the new year has crept up on her and she doesn't have concrete resolutions formed. One resolution on her mind is maintaining the level of clean she got her house to after the deep clean she did before the holidays. Stacy's resolutions include consuming more broth and soup. But her big one is to make resolutions that have nothing to do with her body. Stacy says she's spent the last 9 years completely focused on her body (what she eats, exercise, digestion, healing autoimmune conditions, etc), which leads to guilt or shame about opportunities she missed and what she could have done better. This year, she wants to free herself from that and focus on the important things in life like her family, raising Penny to be a great family dog, traveling, etc. Though her body and mind cohabitate, they need to be nurtured separately. Ultimately, her resolution is to reframe. Sarah expands on that point, stating that it's important to focus on the "why" just as much as the "what." For example, Sarah's former resolution to go to bed at 10pm every night is more important than just getting sleep because it's good for you. Getting quality sleep makes her a better mom, makes her funnier, makes her more calm and collected and increases her quality of life overall. Stacy shares that she's realized mental health is just as important as physical health. (27:45) Major takeaways New Years is a time of renewals and fresh starts! It's a time to set goals that are manageable and have greater context because that's where the motivation comes from. New Years is a socially acceptable time to make changes in your life. People tend to be more understanding and supportive of your choices to live healthier. Check out Stacy and Sarah's resolutions from New Years past in the last 7 years of their New Years Resolutions podcasts! Episode 20: New Year's Resolutions Episode 176: New Years Habits Episode 228: New Year's Resolutions Stacy and Sarah would love to hear your resolutions! Leave a comment here or on this podcast post on Instagram! Get your questions in! We want to hear from you! And there's no end to questions we can answer and topics we can address! Engage on social media! That's how we get feedback! Thank you for listening. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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