The topic this week is wired bras, shapewear, and compression stockings
This has been a blog post topic bubbling in Stacy's head for two years
However, when Stacy started staying home and left her corporate job, she started wearing wired bras less often and made a statement regarding how she had lowered her risk of breast cancer - which wasn't a true statement, as addressed by her followers
Stacy thought it was a scientific fact because it is mentioned so often that wired bras increase your risk of breast cancer
Where Stacy thinks that Sarah and her will have some nuances on their discussion is on Shapewear because Stacy has personally worn body shapewear on almost a daily basis, which she found did have positive impacts
Sarah found that this was a challenging topic to research
To ease the research process, Sarah divided the topic of compression garments into three main areas
Compression stockings
From here Sarah tried to look into what research has been done on each one of these individually
Tangent - corset wear and corset training can cause a lot of health issues, which has been known for a long time now
This is a different thing because it is no longer a normal fashion anymore
Shapewear today doesn't compare even close to the same level of compression that corsets did/do
So for today's discussion, corsets are not a part of the discussion
Stacy just wants to take a moment to honor Sarah's soapbox about women's appearances
Stacy is living for that and is here for it
There is societal normalcy that you may want to participate in when it comes to wired bras and shapewear
Stacy lost a lot of weight and had a lot of sagging skin; her shapewear gave her comfort during a certain time in her journey
(14:05) Research on Compression Garments
There is a difference between low-pressure compression garments vs. medium compression garments
High pressure would be corset training
There is some science that separates out low pressure vs. medium pressure garments
There are some documented effects of shapewear, specifically with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
There have been studies comparing individuals wearing compression garments on the abdomen and those who experience rapid weight gain, as the symptoms are very similar
What has come out of this research is a substantial increase in acid reflux, to the point where one paper showed a higher risk of hernias in the top of the stomach
So with abdominal compression, there is a doubling of the amount of reflux and a slowing down of reflux clearing after meals
This particular study looked at people who already had GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)
They were then studying the occurrence of reflux after a meal and showing that when these individuals had abdominal compression garments on they had twice the amount of reflux events, compared to not wearing anything
There have been no studies looking at healthy people without a GERD diagnosis, looking to see if they wear a compression garment if they will develop acid reflux as well
It is important to say that the science does not support the statement that wearing abdominal compression garments causes reflux
If you do all of these diet and lifestyle things correct, it should mean that you don't have acid reflux
Would compression wear cause acid reflux?
There is no way to answer that question at this point
Stacy notes that while the science might not be there (yet) that if one is wearing compression wear and is experiencing digestive issues, there may be symptoms to take personal note of
Sarah noted that there are plenty of doctors who have been interviewed who have noted that they have seen increased IBS symptoms and urinary incontinence when patients wear compression garments
So while the science is not there, Sarah would definitely suggest experimenting with this if you wear tight compression garments and you experience these symptoms - try a week without them, and see what happens
There is another study that looked at the higher end of medium compression garments worn to control swelling and scar formation after having a tummy tuck
They weren't looking at women who have had an abdominoplasty, they were looking at this type of compression garment because of one of the risks associated with this surgery - deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
They were looking to see if the DVT was related not to the surgery itself but to the compression garment worn after surgery
They did see a more sluggish blood flow in the femoral vein when women were wearing that compression garment
It was made worse by certain body positions that slowed down blood flow
There are other benefits and studies showing that if you discontinue wearing the compression garment before the scar is completely matured, that the scar can get much worse
So there are other reasons for this compression garment
Sarah thought this was an interesting additional thing to look at
This is a much higher form of compression than what is normal for shapewear, but it does imply that there is an additional thing to think about for people with blood clotting disorders
There was another study that Sarah looked at that researched similar garments being worn for postpartum hemorrhage treatment
This measured blood flow in the legs and showed no change, but they were focused on arteries and not veins
There are 600 studies looking at different types of compression wear on exercise performance and muscle recovery
It is worth noting that there are other therapeutic uses of compression garments
After plastic surgery
Varicose vein management
Wound healing
Scar management
None of what Stacy and Sarah are discussing today is centered on these well established medical procedures that use compression garments
These are different situations
There are trends and styles that mimic compression garments and let's be honest, they aren't fun
(32:20) Bras and Cancer
Both Stacy and Sarah have heard claims, but never dove into the research to see if this statement was supported, that bra wearing (especially wired bras) was associated with an increased risk of breast cancer
It turns out that this urban legend originated from a paper from 1991 that was a fairly small study
There was a nonstatistically significant trend towards increased breast cancer incidents with wired bra wearing
This is where understanding what statistical significance means is really helpful
There was high variability in this study, so it is really hard to make average statements because your data is all over the place
This 1991 paper, with low-quality data, became an urban legend that caused people to throw out their bras based on this fear factor
There was a really well-done study out of the Seattle area that looked at women with cancer and match controls
It was a prospective study
They looked at bra wearing habits and separated out all the different aspects of bra wearing to determine if there was any link between these aspects and breast cancer incidents
They found absolutely zero links
This was a 2016 study that conclusively showed that bra wearing does not increase cancer risk
Sarah did find a case study of a woman who developed Mondor's disease from wearing too tight of a bra
This is something that was seen with a very high level of compression
There are no concerns in regards to breast health when women are wearing normal well-feeling bras
We as consumers have to learn to look a little deeper
(41:28) The Conclusive Science
Shapewear has this whole body image part of the conversation
Why are we feeling pressure to wear this stuff in the first place?
But as Sarah was getting into the research on compression garments, what stood out and is very well studied is the benefits of compression stalkings in particular on athletic performance
There has been a lot of studies showing a significant, although modest effect, in strength training athletes wearing compression stockings during and after working out can decrease delayed muscle soreness and improve muscle recovery
Any small impact that you can have on improving muscle recovery in strength training equals bigger gains, which is something strength training athletes are all about
There is also an effect on endurance athletes
A lot of studies have shown that endurance athletes will also have better muscle recovery after training
There is also a small improvement in performance in endurance athletes
Most of that research has been done on lower body compression
There is a couple of studies who have started to look at upper body compression and the results are mixed at this point, there isn't enough data
These studies essentially say that by applying some compression to the muscles you are allowing for things like lactic acid build up in the muscles to flush more efficiently and you are allowing the actual repair of muscle fibers to occur more efficiently
There have been a few studies that have branched out into those who are not athletes
One that stood out to Sarah was looking at patients who had at least two cardiovascular disease risk factors
When they were wearing compression garments they fatigued more quickly
This shows that studies done on athletes aren't always applicable to us "normal people"
If you are an active person with a sport, playing with compression wear is interesting
However, if you don't experience these results, it shouldn't come as a surprise as these studies show results in elite athletes
(47:48) Closing Thoughts
Stacy thanked Sarah for always digging into the science and for being our honest voice and for holding us all accountable to the scientific truth
Sarah has the rule for herself that she won't write about or recommend or create resources around something just because it worked for her
Evidence led has become her guiding point when creating resources
She really tries to understand the full body of scientific literature
Sarah is much more interested in understanding the why's behind contradictory information and trying to form a detailed picture
Instead of trying to simplify everything as right or wrong
Thank you, listeners, for being here and for hanging tough!
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