Welcome back! Stacy and Sarah are now recording the show bi-coastal
Stacy is in Seattle and well caffeinated for this week's recording
Matt and Stacy are on day 6 of their summer travel adventure
Matt left Virginia and drove across the country to meet Stacy in Seattle, visiting a number of National Monuments with Cole along the way
Finn and Stacy went to New York, and Wesley was with Stacy's mom
It was nice to all meetup and come together on the West coast
Sarah hopes the rest of the trip is smooth sailing and filled with memorable adventures
Sarah is still trying to settle into summer with her family
It was off to a hectic start, and the kids are starting to settle into free time
They are planning to have a low key summer this year
The family is working on the next level of their citizenship, so that will be taking up a bit of time
Sarah wanted to take this podcast to discuss the recent updates she made to the Autoimmune Protocol
She wants to use every channel she has to communicate this latest science
In the grand scheme of things, these are relatively small changes, but they are important tweaks
The Paleo Approach was published in January 2014, so in those 5 1/2 years there has been a lot of science published that is very relevant to understanding how diet and lifestyle impact immune function
Sarah has been procrastinating finishing The Gut Microbiome book
She is in this last hard grind of that project and is happy to get distracted by any other project right now
The research form the last three to five years has been where Sarah has spent most of her time, which will also feed into the Gut Microbiome book as well
Since last fall Sarah has been spending time doing a really thorough review of this literature
Looking for new studies that she may have missed
Doing targeted searches for specific topics
Working to understand what is preliminary research
These new revisions to the autoimmune protocol reflect the new science that adds to our understanding of these gray area foods and ultimately shifts that category a little bit
(11:15) The Latest Findings
There are now two clinical trials published using the AIP where the participants are given The Paleo Approach and The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook
They are taken through Angie's SAD to AIP in 6 transition program and then they maintain AIP strictly for another 4 to 5 weeks depending on the study
We are measuring improvements
The first study was published in fall 2017
It was done on patients with active inflammatory bowel disease
They transitioned to the autoimmune protocol and over those 6 weeks with what was called a 5-week maintenance phase
73% of the patients were in full clinical remission by 6 weeks
So by the time they finished transitioning to the AIP they were in full clinical remission
100% of participants saw improvements in those markers of disease activity and they still all saw continuous improvements in those markers throughout the five-week maintenance phase
So a really compelling study right out of the gate
Just published last month in 2019 there was a very similarly designed study on women with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
They did the same gradual transition over 6-weeks, followed by a 4-week maintenance phase
This study was looking at a condition that is not as straightforward to measure how active the immune attack is
They were able to measure a very substantial decrease in the clinical symptom burden
The average at the beginning of the study was 92 points, and after four weeks on the full AIP was down to 29
Which is basically going from this is impacting my everyday life to this is a minor nuisance
The more medical studies that we have that come out of PubMed and clinical trials that show improvements in health as a result of Paleo/AIP diet and lifestyle changes, the more doctors will be willing to try it with their patients or advise them on these options on how to approach their conditions
This will only help others in all corners of the world gain access to the latest information on how to improve their quality of life and overall health and wellbeing
The more science and research there is on these topics, the more compelling it becomes for medical professionals
A study that shows 73% of participants in full clinical remission is astounding
Such powerful data is coming out of these studies as we are able to now start answering the common question - "how long"
(23:04) Updates to AIP
As a result of these new studies, Sarah has added a gut health superfoods focus
This is through all of this new research on the gut microbiome
Just in the last few years, we have learned that our gut bacteria control the structure of the tight junctions between our gut cells
For a long time now there have been studies showing that gut dysbiosis is potentially a precondition for every autoimmune disease
Adding in this extra piece of, "yo, you can't heal your gut barrier if you don't heal your gut microbiome"
They have to go hand in hand because your gut bacteria is controlling your gut barrier
It makes sense to really nurture our gut microbiome through AIP
AIP (the Autoimmune Protocol) is a nutrient-dense anti-inflammatory diet that eliminates all foods that are potential drivers of immune activity in autoimmune disease while focusing on flooding the body with nutrients and providing both the resources and opportunities for the body to heal itself
It's basically a more specific version of Paleo, it's a little bit stricter and a little bit more systematic
It involves more eliminations, but also more of a what to eat focus
There is a reintroduction protocol where you test your individual tolerance to the foods that are eliminated that have a gray area status
You find your individual maintenance version of AIP, while also dialing in lifestyle factors that are important inputs to how the immune system is functioning
Adding this focus on gut health superfoods really recognizes the importance of restoring the gut microbiome in healing
Most of the foods that are gut microbiome superfoods are also nutrient-dense foods
A wide variety of vegetables and some fruit
Organ meat
Different families of fruits and vegetables feed different species of bacteria and they are independently beneficial
It is really about trying to hit as many of those different groups of vegetables every single day
That is a different way of thinking about the high vegetable consumption on AIP
Some other foods that are also really important on the gut microbiome:
Green and black tea
Fish and shellfish
Extra virgin olive oil
Honey and bee products
Bone Broth
Fermented foods
Edible insects
Sarah shared feedback on how to slowly build up gut bacteria and how to slowly build up your fiber intake
With gut dysbiosis, a large shift in diet can trigger symptoms
The way we can get around that is by slowing down that part of the shift
(38:34) The Other Changes
The other changes to the Autoimmune Protocol are all in the orders of reintroduction
Coffee: Regular coffee consumption has been moved from Stage 3 to Stage 1 (occasional basis) and Stage 2 (daily basis)
Cocoa: Cocoa and dark chocolate (dairy-free, soy-free) has been moved from Stage 2 to Stage 1
Potatoes: These nightshade-family vegetables have been moved from Stage 4 to Stage 3 in peeled form, but remain in Stage 4 unpeeled
Cashews and Pistachios: These nuts used to be in Stage 3, separated from other tree nuts and but have now moved to Stage 2 and included with other nuts and seeds
Dairy: The highest-protein dairy products (like cheese, cottage cheese, milk, and isolates) have been moved from Stage 4 to Stage 3, with a clarification that these products be from grass-fed animals
Legume Sprouts: Legume sprouts were not previously addressed in the reintroduction stages. They are now included in Stage 1
Chia Seeds: Chia seeds from the other pseudo grains (which remain in Stage 4) and moved them to Stage 2 with tree nuts and seeds
Split Peas, Lentils, and Garbanzo Beans: These have been separated from other dried-bean legumes (which remain in Stage 4) and moved them to Stage 3
You can find all of these changes on Sarah's website here:
Sarah is working to make this information as widely available as possible, so she has created an eBookthat is the most up to date version of the Autoimmune Protocol
It has all of this information in it, but it is also a very comprehensive book
It is over 300 pages and it is very practical focused
The eBook also includes 4 weeks of meal plans and shopping lists, and all of the recipes that go with them
This gives Sarah a way to directly communicate with the AIP community because she can upload an update to that eBook and those who own the eBook will have instant access to that update
(44:29) Closing Thoughts
Stacy loves that there is now science to show what AIP does to overall health
It takes time for these results to come through, but we are seeing them now and are excited to share these details with listeners
Even if you are an old veteran at this, maybe it will give you a reason to reach out to that person that could feel better with their own life and health if they were to make those changes too
Thank you, listeners, for tuning in! Stacy and Sarah will be back again next week!
Stacy has events planned in a number of locations along their journey
Come meet Stacy and bring your cookbooks to get signed