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The Whole View with Stacy Toth

Latest episodes

Apr 23, 2021 • 1h 17min

Episode 453: Should We Eat Breakfast Before 8:30am?

This week, Stacy and Sarah look back at an old show and dive into the updated science behind eating breakfast at 8:30am. You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.Stacy reminds listeners that science is an evolutionary process and, like life, things are constantly changing and growing. The Whole View has years of shows that may contain outdated science. Both Stacy and Sarah feel it's important to bring some of these episodes back to the forefront and re-examine how science has changed. So in honor of revisiting some of our favorite shows with the updated science, Sarah decided to start with re-examining the science behind eating (or not eating) breakfast before 8:30am.See Episode 381: Is Breakfast the Most Important Meal of the Day? for more notes from the last episode!Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Apr 15, 2021 • 52min

Episode 452: New Science on Soaking or Activating Nuts

This week, Stacy and Sarah look back at soaking or activating nuts and reflect on how data has impacted previous science. You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.Facts are facts; science is science, and no matter how we felt about it before might change if we are open to hearing new information. Sarah adds that there was science available in previous shows that allowed us to infer some of these things. As more data has become available in the past year, we see that it's actually not the case. Episode 188, Paleo-Friendly Bread:  Episode 413: The Gut Health Benefits of Nuts Stacy reminds listeners that this isn't a one-size-fits-all concept. To make sure the science on this show, which is specific to soaking or activating nuts, isn't extrapolated into different areas.Listener question:I'm interested in getting nuts and seeds back into my diet but am wary due to my autoimmunity. I've read all the articles I can find on the subject on your website (even your dehydrator article) and ran a search. Still, there is no mention of soaking (and dehydrating) nuts and seeds to break down the enzyme inhibitors that cause digestive issues. Some nuts give me a stomach ache and bloating (I've experimented here and there with low Fodmap nuts), and I have also purchased activated nuts (that have already been soaked and dehydrated). I seem to get on fine with the activated nuts, but if you don't mention this process in your articles, is this not something you advocate? Thanks - VanessaDon’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Apr 9, 2021 • 1h 41min

Episode 451: ConspiraSEA: Is Sustainable Seafood Impossible?

This week, Stacy and Sarah address the health benefits, the question of sustainable seafood and Seaspiracy as a whole.  You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.Instead of a listener question this week, Dr. Sarah and Stacy tackle a trending topic in health-conscious communities.Stacy and Sarah have received many questions on Netflix new documentary, Seaspiracy. Stacy took almost eight pages of notes, while Sarah has also prepared many sea-related puns for you. First off, the name ConspiraSEA was right there, and she totally feels they missed the boat (ha!) on that one. Stacy could tell within minutes that the filmmakers had an agenda. She and Sarah plan to review the science-based facts from the claims made in the film. The goal is to help listeners navigate safe, sustainable seafood because despite what the film attempts to present, seaweed and plant-based options do not compare to the health benefits.So Stacy and Sarah want to dive right in. (Get it?)   Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Apr 1, 2021 • 1h 19min

Episode 450: Spices on the AIP? What’s In, What's Out, and Why.

This week, Stacy and Sarah do a deep dive into what herbs and spices on the AIP are awesome, considered early reintroductions, and which ones are best avoided until the very end.You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.Listener Question:Hello, I'm a chef of 20 years and as most of us in the hospitality industry have experienced, things are not good. During my temporary retirement I've decided to help out a family who has started an AIP diet. I haven't cooked specifically for a person who has said they are specifically AIP, but I have had plenty of experience with similar dietary needs. It will no doubt be a challenge, but it will be a fantastic learning experience and chance to change a persons experience while on their path to recovery. In my journey I'm looking for ways to infuse the flavors which I like to use in ways that will be in line with the protocol. My inquiry has to do mainly with flavor infusion. Take for example a brine for pork. I use products like whole black peppercorn, whole coriander seed, mustard seed, etc. to add layers of flavor to the brine. Is the main issue with these spices the pieces of the seeds? Are the extracted oils also off limits? My main concern is around spices. I would venture to believe that nightshade oils are the problem (i.e. dried chilies, capsicum, etc). - JeffDon’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mar 25, 2021 • 55min

Episode 449: Navigating Shift Work in a Healthy Way

This week, Stacy and Sarah discuss circadian rhythm and navigating shift work in a healthy way. They look at the science behind circadian rhythms to see how they work and even offer techniques you can use to help adjust to a constantly fluctuating schedule.You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.Listener Question:I have been dialing in my nutrition, activities and sleep and feel so much better for it. But due to my work schedule everytime I come off a rotation of night shifts it takes me 3 days to recover back to my new normal again. I started working 12 hour shifts (7am to 7pm for 4 days then 2 days off. Then 7pm to 7am for 4 nights, then 6 days off to rest).  It's like having jetlag every 16 days! Is there anything I can do to help and support my body through this? Many thanks, SophieDon’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mar 18, 2021 • 1h 1min

Episode 448: Marijuana and Gut Health

This week, Stacy and Sarah break down the science behind Marijuana and gut health and look at the potential causes of CHS. You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.Listener Question:I love focusing on gut health. I've read your books plus Dr. Terry Wahls books. I rely on cannabis to help me manage some of the residual MS symptoms I have while I work on healing my body. I am greatly aware of the risk of developing CHS as it has been on the rise in the Medical marijuana community here in Portland. It's terrifying to know that something that helps us so much, can harm us too.My question: How does THC affect the gut and gut motility? How can we prevent CHS medical users who use regularly and sometimes heavily to help manage our diseases? There isn't a lot of research I've found surrounding the effects of thc on the gut. I know it can slow down gut motility, but how much is too much and is there a way to counteract this effect? Does CBD have the same effect as thc on the gut or is it different? Can they work together in the gut to create a safer gut effect versus using a higher thc ratio?Ratios are big in the medical world. We rely heavily on the science we are presented in regards to the best ratios for our specific disease. There needs to be more talk on the potential risks of cannabis and how to lower our chances of developing something like CHS since so many of us meet the criteria of being at high risk of developing it. Would love to hear your thoughts on this. Seriously. Thank you, DanaDon’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mar 12, 2021 • 1h 11min

Episode 447: Basic Needs Don’t Count as Self-Care

This week, Stacy and Dr. Sarah dive into caring for yourself, with a focus on how meeting basic needs and personal hygiene don’t count as self-care. Stacy breaks down the different types of self-care and Dr. Sarah looks into the science of how self-care works.You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.Instead of a listener question this week, Dr. Sarah and Stacy tackle a trending topic in health-conscious communities.Stacy kicks off this show by speaking about this article about women’s tendencies (especially moms) to put others’ needs above their own. This often takes the form of attributing "self-care" status to activities that fill a bare-minimum, basic need. Taking a hot shower or going on a quiet trip to the store without the kids isn't going to fill your cup and allow you to pour more into others. Sarah laughs that a part of her wants to clap her hands over her ears and not listen. If any listeners feel similar ways, like if you don't call the bare minimum stuff self-care, then can't call anything you do self-care, Sarah wants you to know you are not alone.Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mar 5, 2021 • 1h 13min

Episode 446: Nutrient Deficiencies Caused by Stress

This week, Stacy and Sarah break down nutrient deficiencies caused by stress and its effects on the body. They go through the most common nutrient deficiencies in adults and offer helpful insight into what you can do to help.You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.This show is a direct follow-up to last week, where Stacy and Sarah talked about supplementing while on AIP and the philosophies that couple different strategies together. In that episode, Sarah mentioned certain nutrients, such as Magnesium and Vitamin C, which depleted during times of chronic stress. Studies have shown that supplementing with Vitamin C can support a healthy stress response, which in turn can help improve sleep, regulate appetite, improve immune function, lower cardiovascular disease risk, improve depressive and anxiety symptoms, and even reduce migraine headaches! Nearly half of Americans aren’t getting enough daily! Plus, infection, inflammation, and stress all increase our vitamin C needs.Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Feb 26, 2021 • 1h 6min

Episode 445: What Supplements to Take on the AIP?

This week, Stacy and Sarah take a deeper look into autoimmune protocol and what taking supplements while on AIP could look like. They offer recommendations into their favorite supplements and brands as well as offer insight into why these supplements might help!You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.Listener Question: A follow-up question from a previous show on Vitamin D inspired the topic of today's show. I am wondering what vitamin D supplement you recommend? When starting aip I was still taking my regular one but realized it had soy in it. I just listened to the vitamin D episode and realize how important it is for skin health. I need to get a new one and wanted to see what you recommend. I'm already doing Vital Proteins collagen, zinc, and fermented cod liver oil supplements. Anything else you recommend? I'm 3 weeks in and feel a lot better!! But I do miss eggs, chocolate, and rice cooked with homemade broth the most!! I love your podcast so much and get to listen to podcasts while I sew for my job all day!! You girls really made the day go by fast with your puns and science! Thanks for all the knowledge! - SarahDon’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Feb 18, 2021 • 1h 11min

Episode 444: Covid-19 Vaccine Myths and FAQ Part 4

This week, Stacy and Sarah finish up answering questions regarding Covid-19 Vaccine Myths in hopes of clarifying any unclear areas and provide the information needed to make an informed decision for yourself.You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.Previous Covid-19 ShowsIn episode #440, Sarah and Stacy examined the history of vaccines and the very real statistics on vaccine-induced injury. They also looked at the advances that led to mRNA vaccine technology and the inherent advantages of this platform.In episode #441 explored the safety and efficacy data from the phase 2/3 clinical trials for both the Pfizer/BioNTech and the Moderna covid-19 vaccines.Stacy reminds listeners that she and Sarah are not medical professionals and consult your primary care doctor before making any decisions.You haven’t yet listened to can find the first part of the show here. Myths Surrounding Enhanced Infection Corporate Myths And Theories Covid-19 Vaccine Myths: For-Profit Argument Covid-19 Vaccine Myths: mRNA vs. DNA Covid-19 Vaccine Myths: Traces of Controversial Tissue Cells Covid-19 Vaccine Myths: Hidden Foreign Bodies Covid-19 Vaccine Myths: Bribing Dr. Sarah's Roll-Out Priorities & Challenges Who Should Wait to Get a Vaccine? Vaccine Aftercare Further Citations & Scientific Literature  Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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